单词 | 水平面 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 水平面noun—planenless common: horizontal planen level surfacen See also:水平n—leveln levelspl raten standardn 水平adj—horizontaladj verticaladj 平面n—planen graphicn flatn printn planarn flatnessn 平面—print media plane (flat surface)
经社会指出,一些成员国要达到实现高效的区域互联互通所需的投资水平,面临着相当大的财政困难。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Commission noted that member States faced considerable financial constraints in meeting the level of investment that was needed to achieve efficient connectivity throughout the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
选择 »Rainbow Stars 彩虹跳泉«的最大安装深度,使水平面低于喷泉喷嘴。 oase-livingwater.com | Select the maximum insert depth of the »Rainbow [...] Stars« so that thewatersurface is below the water jet nozzles. oase-livingwater.com |
然而,由于政府供资水 平通常取决于国民收入水平,面临许多相互竞争的发展优先事项的最不发达国家 政府往往无力对人口活动作出必要的投资。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, since [...] the level of Government funding usually depends on the level of national income, Governments in least developed countries,faced withmany competing [...]development priorities, [...]often cannot afford to make the necessary investments in daccess-ods.un.org |
平面:通过点击此图标,能显示或屏蔽零点水平面以及允许误差的范 围平面。 statuspro.cn | Guidelines: Through toggling the guides, the zero plane, then the max/min planes will be displayed, pressing again will remove all guides. statuspro.com |
传动轴(1)都在外部同一个水平面上,输出轴(4)在轴承座中心。 schaeffler.cn | The drive shafts (1) are at the same level on the outside and the output shafts (4) are stacked in the housing centre. schaeffler.us |
随着我们珊瑚的死亡、海岸遭到侵蚀和水平 面上升,人民感到无助和无望。 daccess-ods.un.org | As our corals die, [...] shores erode and watersrise,people feel [...]helpless and hopeless. daccess-ods.un.org |
水平面上升、暴风雨更剧烈、全球和 本地粮食短缺以及淡水短缺给我们的许多岛屿带来 [...] 威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Rising waters, more intense storms, [...] global and local food shortages and freshwater scarcity endanger many of our islands. daccess-ods.un.org |
从种植体与基台的连接面到牙龈水平面(即穿龈高度)呈一圆锥状,其上为修复体连接的功能区域。 sic-invent.com | The abutment has a tapered gingival emergence from the implant level to the gingival margin (gingival height, GH) followed by a functional section for fitting the crown. sic-invent.com |
第三章也讨论了与之前一章相同的问题,前提是当两个平面相交但不与水平面垂直的情况。 wdl.org | Chapter 3 considers the same problem as the previous chapter in the case when [...] intersecting planesare not perpendicular tothehorizon. wdl.org | 根据7.13节相关标准,拥有可调节椅背座位,且座椅靠背与水平面之间的最大角度大于50度的产品应标明以下字句 tuv-sud.cn | Products having an adjustable seat recline with a maximum seatback angle greater than 50 degrees from horizontal measured in accordance with 7.13 shalladdress the following tuv-sud.cn |
预期存在矿产之水平面已钻探横截面,但并无发现任何重大矿化 之矿床,故并无计划进行进一步钻探。 mmg.com | While the prospective horizon wasintersected, no significant mineralisation was encountered [...] and no further work is planned. mmg.com |
第一章介绍的是向与水平面平行的平面投射圆投影的步骤 (fadl al-dā’ir),这些平面中的每一个平面都被称为是一个简单平面(basīta)。 wdl.org | Chapter 1 covers the procedure for projecting the circle of projection (fadl al-dā’ir) onto planes that run parallel to the horizon, each one of which is known as a simple plane (basīta). wdl.org |
它使用两个旋转轴,一个安装在垂直面,另外一个安装在水平面,实现无级分度的旋转和定位。 renishaw.com.cn | It uses two rotary axes, one in the vertical plane andone in the horizontal, for infinite rotation and positioning. renishaw.com |
122 消除对妇女歧视委员会注意到,巴布亚新几内亚极易受气候变化带来的环 [...] 境的威胁,包括沿海地带遭侵蚀和海水平面的上升以及全国性的自然灾害,而且 [...]尤其注意到地貌情况对流动和通信造成的限制。 daccess-ods.un.org | CEDAW took note of the fact that Papua New Guinea was very vulnerable to [...] environmental threats, including coastal erosion [...] and risingsea levels asaresult of [...]climate change, as well as national disasters, [...]and noted its particular geographical situation, which poses restrictions on movement and communication.123 daccess-ods.un.org |
使用徒手平移模式的技巧 要在徒手平移模式中获得优质图片,拍摄时请在水平面内移动相机。 en.leica-camera.com | To obtain good pictures in Panning Mode, turn the camera in a horizontal plane as you take the pictures. us.leica-camera.com |
静态防滑性能指一个在水平面上处於静止状态的物体被移动时所体现出来的防滑能力。 luenyickhong.com.hk | Place the specimen levelly ontothe friction board and apply the specified load, and pull it at a certain speed to get its maximum force and its friction coefficient. luenyickhong.com.hk |
基台从种植体连接面到肩台水平面(即穿龈高度)呈锥状,其上为锥状修复体连接功能区,牙龈水平面有一圈牙龈边缘平面,适合于修复体边缘坐落在上面。 sic-invent.com | The abutment hasatapered gingival emergence from the implant level to the gingival height (GH) and a short conical head coronally with a wide marginal shoulder for fitting bar abutments or crown bases. sic-invent.com |
农业局需要加强能力建设,以便能够连续地收集粮食库存的数 据,并查明在海洋水平面急速上涨的情况下或在发生热浪的情况下可能遭受灾难 的脆弱地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Bureau of Agriculture needs to build its capacity to collect data on food stock on a continual basis, as well as identifying vulnerable areas in case of extreme sea levelrise or heat waves. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此方案中,主干道将於主水平基准面以下 7 米的路面水平横跨地铁隧道,将主干道 隧道的高度(包括通风管道)计算在内,隧道顶部水平将 於主水平基准面以上约 2.5 米。 devb.gov.hk | For this scheme, the Trunk Road will cross over the MTR tunnel at a road level of around –7mPD and, taking into account the height of the Trunk Road tunnel, including ventilation ducts, the top of tunnel structure would be at a level of around +2.5mPD. devb.gov.hk |
与风暴潮模式截然不同,海流模式通常是斜压模式,并需要计算所有流体动力学状 态参数的全部三维分布结构,包括水平流、海平面、水温和盐度。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The “coastal zone” refers to the land margin within 100 km of the coastline or less than 100 m above mean low tide, which ever comes first (Small et al., 2000; Nicholls and Small, 2002). unesdoc.unesco.org |
这种情况下, 还需要一个液面水平控制器来维持浴槽液面的 恒定,同时还可以保证泵的两级液面都得到了 控制,液面高度相等。 huber-online.com | In any case a so-called constant Ievel device is required to maintain a constant level in the bath and this ensures that the flows of both pump stages are controlled so that they are equal. huber-online.com |
这种模式被评价为民主论坛的特点很强,在建立问责制方面 水平一般,而政治平衡和战略思想方面则较弱。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This model rates strongly as a [...] democratic forum, average in establishing accountability and weak in terms of political counterweightand strategic [...]thinking. unesdoc.unesco.org |
叶具非常短的叶柄的到近无梗;叶片狭卵形到长圆形, 4-12 * 2-5 [...] 厘米,革质,变浅色在干燥时,正面绿色有黄色在干燥时,次脉许多,紧密的,相隔2-3毫米,与表面水平,两面明显,边脉距边缘约1毫米,基部通常稍心形,先端渐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves very shortly petiolate to nearly sessile; leaf blade narrowly ovate to oblong, 4-12 × 2-5 cm, leathery, abaxially pale colored when dry, adaxially green with yellow when dry, secondary [...] veins numerous, dense, [...] 2-3 mm apart, level with surface, andconspicuous on both surfaces, intramarginal [...]veins ca. 1 mm from [...]margin, base usually slightly cordate, apex acuminate. flora.ac.cn |
总楼面面积"指在每层楼面水平(包括地面水平以下的任 何楼面) 量度所得的建筑物外墙以内面积,但不包括有以下情 况的任何楼面空间:建筑事务监督如信纳该楼面空间是纯粹 为下述用途而建或拟纯粹用於下述用途的,即停泊汽车、汽 车上落客货;或该楼面空间是纯粹由任何升降机、空调或暖 气系统或任何相类设施的机械或设备所占用的。 bd.gov.hk | Gross floorarea”means the area contained within the external walls of the building measured at each floor level, including any floor below the level of the ground, excludes any floor space that the Building Authority is satisfied is constructed or intended to be used solely for parking motor vehicles, loading or unloading of motor vehicles or occupied solely by machinery or equipment for any lift, air-conditioning or heating system or any similar service. bd.gov.hk |
但 实际上,国际货币和金融体系未能减少全球失衡,避免资本动向的不稳定,也未 能制定一种汇率制度来确保以反映经济基本面水平的合理稳定,此外,国际金融 机构在财政援助方面的条件常常使受到危机冲击的国家的经济收缩更加严重。 daccess-ods.un.org | In reality, the IMFS has not succeeded in reducing global imbalances, avoiding destabilizing capital movements, and designingan exchange rate system that would ensure reasonably stable exchange rates at levelsreflecting economic fundamentals. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,根据具体开支项目的开支率衡量计划的执行情况可能并不妥当,因为,在 这样具体层面的开支水平在整个双年度期间并不总是呈现线性运行态势的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In addition, measuring the programme implementation by expenditure rates of specific object-of-expenditure items may not be appropriate as expenditures at that level of detail are not always incurred in a linear manner during the biennium. unesdoc.unesco.org |