

单词 水害

See also:

do harm to
cause trouble to

External sources (not reviewed)

这是因为水喷淋设施会在起火的早期阶段直接在着火区域启动,而且通常只使用其中一个喷淋头,以免扩 水害 范 围
This is because a sprinkler activates during the early stages of a fire
and only in the immediate area of the fire — usually with just one sprinkler operating to
[...] avoid widespread water damage.
请记住,冷热水管道部件缺陷有可能对您的住宅造 水害 , 或者把您的地下室变成室内泳池。
Remember, a plumbing part defect has the
[...] potential of causing water damage to your home [...]
or creating an indoor swimming pool in what once was your basement.
[...] 的努力表示极为赞赏,并说秘书处交流了此方面的知识,特别是关于 空间技术应用以建立抵御水灾害的 能 力。
One representative expressed profound appreciation for the secretariat’s efforts to
support his country by sharing knowledge, especially regarding space technology
[...] applications to build resilience to floods.
通过 这一合作处理的问题包括森林在气候变化、 水 、 自然 灾 害 以 及支持发展中国家 可持续森林管理举措中发挥的作用。
The issues addressed through such cooperation
include the role of forests
[...] in climate change, water supply, natural hazards, as well as support [...]
for sustainable forest
management initiatives in developing countries.
海产品业(捕捞和养殖)必须 监水体中有害海藻物种增加的数量和海产品中海藻毒素的增加量。
The seafood industry (capture and
farmed) must monitor for an
[...] increasing number of harmful algal species in the water column and for an [...]
increasing number of algal toxins in seafood products.
裂縫寬度常只有0.2釐米至0.4釐米,但水分就會滲入, 害水 泥 與 鋼筋結構,但兩人企圖化危機為轉機,將細菌孢子混入混凝土,做為滲水時癒合的媒介。
Using the
[...] potentially damaging water to their advantage, [...]
Jonkers and Schlangen added a healing agent into the concrete,
composed of bacterial spores and a feed.
粮食和营养安 全、后冲突和长期危机、艾滋病病毒/艾滋病以及本领域遭受的特定 害 ( 例如 跨水生病害和有害生物爆发)也 水 产 养 殖生产和渔业影响巨大。
Food and nutrition security, post-conflict and protracted
crises, HIV/AIDS and
[...] sector-specific hazards (e.g. transboundary aquatic animal diseases and pest outbreaks) can [...]
also have significant
impacts on aquaculture production and fisheries.
然而,我们可能会披露用户信息的政府部门和/或第三方时,我们有理由相信,披露这些信息是必要的,以查明或提起诉讼的人可能是谁违反了我们的条款和条件或以其他方式造成 害水 源 或 任何人谁是受害者,这样的活动,以及在其他法律规定或法律程序。
However, we may disclose user information to the government and/or third parties when we have reason to believe that disclosure of such information is necessary to identify or bring legal action against someone who may be violating our Terms
and Conditions or
[...] otherwise causing harm to Headwater or anyone who could be victimized by such activities, [...]
and where otherwise
required by law or by legal process.
溶 解 於廢水㆗的氨 氣 ( 非 離 子 化 氨 ),會害水 生生物,即 使 濃度低至百萬份之 0.08, 也 可 在 ㆕ ㆝內令某些 魚 類 50%被 毒殺。
As gas dissolved in wastewater (unionized ammonia), it is poisonous to aquatic life, in [...]
four days killing 50% of some fish
populations at concentrations as low as 0.08 parts in one million.
a) 就“除害劑”和其他相關詞彚採用與食品法典委員會一致的定義; b) 制定最高殘餘限量和再殘餘限量名單,以食品法典委員會建議的最高殘餘限量
/再殘餘限量為骨幹,並採納食品法典委員會的食物分類方法; c)
[...] 對於沒有訂明最高殘餘限量/再殘餘限量的除害劑,除非食環署署長信納檢測 到的害劑殘餘水平不會危害或損害 公 眾 健康,否則不容許輸入和售賣含有這 類除害劑的食物; [...]
d) 制定獲豁免物質名單; e) 接受增加/修訂最高殘餘限量和獲豁免物質的申請;
f) 讓擬議規例與《除害劑條例》(第133章)下用於糧食作物的除害劑註冊作出配 合;以及 g) 擬議規例會在兩年寬限期屆滿後生效。
a) To define “pesticide” and other related terms in a way consistent with Codex; b) To provide a list of maximum residue limits (MRLs) and extraneous maximum residue limits (EMRLs), to adopt MRLs/EMRLs recommended by Codex as the backbone as well as the Codex’s classification of foods; c) To prohibit the import and sale of the concerned food for which no MRL/EMRL had been specified, unless
DFEH was satisfied that
[...] the detected level would not be dangerous or prejudicial to health; d) [...]
To provide a list of exempted
substances; e) To accept applications for adding / revising MRLs and exempted substances; f) To dovetail the proposed Regulation with the registration of pesticides for use on food crops under the PO, Cap. 133; and g) To commence the proposed Regulation after a two-year grace period.
新指标扩大了自然灾害的覆盖范围,纳入了干旱和极端温度等天气和气候 害、 洪水和风暴等其他天气和气候灾害、以及地震或火山等地球物理灾害。
It improves coverage of natural disasters by including weather and climaterelated disasters such as drought and extreme
temperatures, other weather and
[...] climate-related disasters such as floods and storms, [...]
as well as geophysical disasters such as earthquakes or volcanoes.
[...] 变,陆地与海洋物种的中毒率上升,大气中氮及甲 烷浓度增加,大量臭氧层遭到破坏,气温异常上升, 重大水及自然灾害日益 频繁,热带雨林被严重破 坏。
Those changes led to dramatic coastal and marine habitat alteration, significant increases in rates of intoxication of terrestrial and marine species, increased nitrogen and methane concentration in the atmosphere, significant loss of the ozone layer, unusual
increase in temperature, greater
[...] frequency of major floods and natural disasters and significant [...]
loss of tropical forests.
收割後,通常經除害劑和液臘處理,以免在運輸和銷售過程 受到真菌害蟲的感染、水分的 流失而 水 果 腐 爛變壞。
Post-harvest treatments with pesticides and liquid waxes are often
carried out to avoid deterioration during transport
[...] and distribution due to fungal diseases, insect pests or loss of moisture.
本组织的学者继续分析关于污染控制、能源和交通政策、土地 水 的 使 用、害废物 、气候变化、生物多样性、生态系统管理、健康以及发展中国家面临的 [...]
Its scholars continue to analyse critical issues concerning pollution
control, energy and transportation
[...] policy, land and water use, hazardous waste, climate [...]
change, biodiversity, ecosystem
management, health and the environmental challenges of developing countries.
应政府要求, 世界粮食计划署将支持在四个领域执行《非洲农业发展综合方案》的安全网方案: (a) 提供生产型安全网,如工作换食物和现金计划;(b) 通过妇幼保健和学校供
[...] 餐方案提供社会安全网;(c) 加强应急能力,以应对水等局部灾 害 和 适 应气候 变化;(d) 能力建设、政策支助和促进社会保护。
The World Food Programme (WFP) will support, at the request of the Government, the implementation of Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme safety net programmes in four areas: (a) the provision of productive safety nets, such as food and cash-for-work schemes; (b) the provision of social safety nets through maternal and child health and school feeding programmes; (c) enhanced
emergency response capacity to respond
[...] to localized disasters, such as floods, and for climate [...]
change adaptation; and (d) capacity-building,
policy support and the promotion of social protection.
该计划包括:进行 作物育种以开发能够在严酷环境条件下生长的作物品种、支持可持续的土地管理和提 高农业水效率、防治害和牲畜疾病、保护自然资源、通过辐射和其他技术提高粮 食质量和安全。
It includes plant breeding to develop crop varieties able to grow under harsh environmental conditions,
support for sustainable
[...] land management and water use efficiency in agriculture, control of insect pests and animal diseases, [...]
conservation of natural
resources, and the promotion of food quality and safety through irradiation and other techniques.
缔约国之间,或教科文组织与缔约国之间分享的有关水下文化遗产的发现或其位置 的信息,只要泄露后可能害水下文 化遗产或危及水下文化遗产的保护工作,就应 [...]
Information shared between States Parties, or between UNESCO and
States Parties, regarding the discovery
[...] or location of underwater cultural heritage [...]
shall, to the extent compatible with
their national legislation, be kept confidential and reserved to competent authorities of States Parties as long as the disclosure of such information might endanger or otherwise put at risk the preservation of such underwater cultural heritage.
经社会 指出了建立一个平台以相互交流害 管 理 和综 水 资 源管理方面的良好经 验和最佳做法的重要性。
It noted the importance of establishing a
platform to share beneficial experiences and best practices
[...] on disaster management and integrated water resources management.
又鼓励各国批准或加入有关保护和养护海洋环境及其海洋生物资源, 防止引进害水生物 、病原体和各种来源(包括倾倒废物和其他物质)造成的海 [...]
洋污染及其他形式的实际退化的国际协定,以及对防备、应对和合作处理污染事 件并对海洋污染造成损害的责任和赔偿作出规定的协定,并采取符合《公约》的
Also encourages States to ratify or accede to international agreements addressing the protection and preservation of the marine environment and
its living marine resources against
[...] the introduction of harmful aquatic organisms and [...]
pathogens and marine pollution from
all sources, including the dumping of wastes and other matter, and other forms of physical degradation, as well as agreements that provide for preparedness for, response to and cooperation on pollution incidents and that include provisions on liability and compensation for damage resulting from marine pollution, and to adopt the necessary measures consistent with the Convention aimed at implementing and enforcing the rules contained in those agreements
因此, 到訪日本的旅客無需擔心受到害水 平 的輻射照射或污染 而影響健康。
In this connection, travellers visiting Japan need not worry about being exposed to radiation or
[...] radiological contamination at harmful levels.
一个代表团建议,秘书处应通过采取下列行动,继续向本区域各 相关国家提供支持:(a) 就可持续消费与生产、可持续农业、可再生
[...] 险废物管理等领域,建立相关区域和次区域技术合作、能力开发和知 识共享平台;(b) 就自然害管理、综水资源 管理和气候变化适应 方面的研发和技术合作以及数据联网领域,建立新的区域和次区域伙 [...]
One delegation proposed that the secretariat continue providing support to countries in the region by: (a) establishing regional and subregional platforms for technological cooperation, capacity development and knowledge sharing in the areas of sustainable consumption and production (SCP), sustainable agriculture, renewable energy and energy efficiency,
sustainable urban and
[...] transport planning, wastewater treatment, and municipal and hazardous waste management; [...]
and (b) forging new,
and strengthening existing regional and subregional partnerships in research and development and technical cooperation as well as data networking in the fields of natural disaster management, IWRM and climate change adaptation.
[...] 全面参与,若不采用协调一致、实际可行的战略,使地雷 害 者 生 活 水 平 实现有 意义、可测量或可持续提高的可能性将非常有限。
However, without the full involvement of the appropriate governmental actors and without the application of coherent and realistic
strategies, the potential for meaningful, measurable or sustainable difference in
[...] the lives of mine victims would be limited.
(iv) 加强会员国的能力,监测和预测因油轮运输造成的 害水 藻 物 种和其他带入 的非本地物种的传播问题
(iv) strengthen the capacities
of Member States to monitor and predict
[...] the transfer of harmful algal species [...]
and other introduced non-native species by oil tanker traffic
在这方面,有关提供治疗服务的数据显示大 麻害水平上 升,这一情况需要予以特别关注
In this context, the increasing harmful levels of cannabis [...]
indicated by the data on treatment delivery require particular attention
所举实例包 括特别在以下领域旨在促进社会经济发展和可持续发展的国家、双边、区域和 国际方案:农业和渔业;监测气候变化; 害 管 理 ; 水 文 学;管理生态系统和 自然资源;监测空气和水的质量;对生物多样性资源、沿海区、土地使用、荒 地和湿地进行测绘;海洋学;农村发展与城市规划;以及安全。
Examples were given of national, bilateral, regional and international programmes to further socio-economic and sustainable development, notably in the following areas: agriculture and
fishery; monitoring
[...] climate change; disaster management; hydrology; managing ecosystems and natural resources; monitoring air and water quality; mapping [...]
biodiversity resources,
coastal zones, land use, wasteland and wetlands; oceanography; rural development and urban planning; and safety.
[...] 甲基溴较困难,但所访问的埃及公司却报告说,使用化学替代品加上 害 综 合 防治水 培生产,结果良好。
Although MB replacement was found to be more difficult in this crop due to very high health
requirements, Egyptian companies visited reported good results with
[...] chemical alternatives + IPM and hydroponic production.
特别报告员回顾了报告的主要内容,强调了气 候变化和极端气候的害性及其对 水 电 的 棚户 区、人类流动性、小岛屿和沿海低洼地区的负面影 响,指出受害最大的是那些责任最小的人群,这些 人无力适应气候变化。
Recalling the main points of her report, she underlined the seriousness of climate change, its extreme manifestations and its impact on informal and unserviced settlements, on human mobility, and on small islands and low-lying coastal areas.
[...] 物多样性养护和生态系统管理、贫穷与环境、适应气候变化、化学品管理、减少害风险、水资源 管理和穷人获得能源等方面的主要国际举措中发挥重要作用。
Moreover, UNDP is an important actor in key international initiatives on forestry, desertification and land management, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management, poverty-environment; climate
change adaptation, chemicals
[...] management, disaster risk reduction, water resources management [...]
and energy access for the poor.
这个模式考虑到生物物理、社会经济、体制和政策因素等至关重要 的因素,这些都影响到水的数量和质量及需求、主要的 害 关 系 方以 水 务 脆弱 性的实质和程度。
The model takes into account critical factors such as the biophysical, socio-economic and institutional and policy factors that influence
the quantity and quality of, and demand
[...] for, water, the key stakeholders and the nature and extent of water vulnerability.
22 海洋科学家仍不能有把握地估计三个海洋生物领域 (古菌、细菌和真核)的物种总数。23 普查还指出,利用现有观察系统、时序站和
[...] 长期地质研究站制订监测战略,可以预测微生物数量因天然和人为的气候变化、害水华以 及人类对海洋生物多样性影响而产生的变化。
The Census database still had no records, for more than 20 per cent of the ocean’s volume, and very few for vast areas.22 Marine scientists remain unable to provide good estimates of the total number of species in any of the three domains of life in the oceans (Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya).23 The Census noted, inter alia, that developing monitoring strategies through existing observing systems, timeseries stations and long-term ecological research sites may enable the prediction of changes in microbial populations as a
consequence of natural and
[...] anthropogenic climate change, harmful algal blooms and, ultimately, [...]
human impact on biodiversity
in the oceans.24 In its summary of the results for decision-makers, the Census summarized the discoveries, tools and technologies that are most relevant to policymakers, resource managers and Government officials.




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