

单词 水含量

See also:


quantity contained

含水 adj

aqueous adj



External sources (not reviewed)

不要从大容器中将制冷剂通过若干个大小不同的容器填充到填料瓶中,原因是每次倾倒后,制冷剂中水 含量都会显著增加。
Do not fill refrigerant from a large container into a filling bottle
through several container sizes, as with
[...] every drawing-off the water content in the refrigerant is increased considerably.
因此对SF6高压电气设备气体密度和 水含量 的 监 测一直是相关行业对设备监测的一个重要的组成部分。
So, for SF6 high-voltage electrical
[...] equipments gas density and water content monitoring [...]
are always important for equipment monitoring in related industries.
油液水含量的要求并不适用于 HFA, HFB, HFC 油液。
The water content requirements do [...]
not apply for HFA, HFB, HFC fluids.
空气水含量的过 高可能造成的调节器结冰,会导致潜水危险系数大增。
If the water content in the air is [...]
too high, the risk of diving accidents due to the threat of icing of regulator valves is dangerously increased.
此系统已获得专利权,能经受液塞以及高于 常规水含量,因 此该工艺特别受到天然气处理厂的青睐。
The ability of this patented system
to withstand liquid slugs and higher-thannormal
[...] concentrations of water makes this process [...]
popular with gas processors.
不经过 实验室分析是无法可靠地估计 水含量 的 , 但含 量通常在 50%–75%。
A reliable estimate of the water content is not possible [...]
without laboratory analysis, but figures of 50–75% are typical.
水含量为1%的HLP液压油进行实验,发现过滤器压力有明显的上升,这种压力的 上升将会导致过滤器的损坏。
[...] with a HLP-oil with a water content of 1% led to a significant [...]
pressure rise at the filter, which had as a consequence
the destruction of the filter due to swelling and therefore an increase of the differential pressure.
雖然熒光燈水銀含量極低 ,但仍要提醒屋苑職員及清潔員工必須時常提高警 覺,小心處理。
Although the mercury content is small, estate staff and cleaning workers should be reminded to handle the lamps carefully at all times.
可以回顾一点,在海水分含量高的 情况下,缔约方决定,对没有非 ODS 替代 品的国家,不认定它们在消耗臭氧层物质消费方面处于不履约状态。
It may be recalled that in
[...] the case of high moisture palm dates, the [...]
Parties have decided not to find countries in non-compliance
with ODS consumption for which there is no non-ODS alternative.
其空间科学任务的主要目标是,通过微波辐射 测量在 23.8 和 37 GHz 获取地球的亮度温度数据,经过后续数据处理后,这将 提供物理参数,例如云中液水含量 和 水 蒸 气 含量。
The main aim of its space science missions is to acquire brightness temperature data of the Earth at 23.8 and 37 gigahertz by microwave
radiometry, which will provide physical parameters such as
[...] cloud liquid water and water vapour content after post data processing.
帶 CCFL 背光的顯示屏內水銀含量已大 大降低,而帶 LED 背光的顯示屏更完全不含水銀。
Mercury content in monitors with CCFL backlight has been reduced significantly, while eliminated in monitors with LED backlight completely.
另 一方面,早前有調查發現,部分在康文署轄下的公園及運動場設置的飲水機 流出的水含菌量超出 世界衞生組織及美國的安全飲用水標準。
On the other hand, earlier on an investigation has found
that the bacteria levels in the
[...] drinking water from the water dispensers at the [...]
parks and sports grounds under LCSD are
higher than the standard set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United States for safe drinking water.
其工作气压和水含量的高低对设备的安全可靠工作具有直接的影响,如果SF6气体泄漏导致密度下降或气体中 水含量 超 标 ,高压电气设备就会存在安全隐患甚至导致事故发生。
The work
[...] pressure and the level of water content have a direct impact on the equipment safety and reliability. If the density of SF6 was decreased because of the gas leakage or excessive water content in the gas, [...]
high-voltage electrical
equipment will have security risk and even lead to accidents.
原始设备 (OE)
[...] 燃料过滤器水盛接杯通常有一个排泄阀或泄水塞,并可使用燃 含水量 传 感器 (WIF)、加热器探头或两者兼备。
The OE bowl typically includes a drain valve or plug and may
[...] accommodate the use of a water-in-fuel (WIF) sensor, [...]
a heater probe or both.
在评估过程中,可测定空量和 含水量 、 温 度水平、压力水平和换热器前后的热能含量。
In the process, air and water quantity, temperature [...]
level, pressure level, and energy content before and after the heat exchangers are determined.
MHG能源的主要功能包括,预测仓库生物 含水量 , 能 源 含量 和 价 值,具体存储的体积,面识,兆瓦时之间的成本监测并可在其间自动转换,同时还有报警和提醒功能,该功能可以确保没有库存留在野外工作场地。
Essential features of MHG Power are estimation of storage’s moisture, energy-content and value, cost-monitoring
[...] of specific storage, automatic conversion between cubic, [...]
loose-cubic, and
megawatt hours, and alarm- and reminder-features which makes sure that no storages are left in the field.
(f) 评估生产和服务部门的科学技水平 和 含量 , 并 衡量这些部门在实现科 学和技术知识本地化方面的业绩指标。
(f) Assessing the scientific and technological level and content of production and service sectors and measuring performance indicators of those sectors in the localization of scientific and technological knowledge.
[...] 世界其他社区,食物垃圾处理器的使用提高了废水处理系统中的生物 含量 , 而 废 水 处 理 系统 采用沼气捕捉技术,能够实现生物能发电。
In Milwaukee, USA and other communities around the world, the use
of food waste disposers helps raise
[...] the biomass content in wastewater systems that [...]
are equipped with methane gas capture
technology that can be used for power generation.
由于其它谷物的无机砷含量一般较米饭为低,个别人士若想 减少摄入无机砷,可考虑多选择其它谷物作为膳食的一部分;此外,亦 可采纳以下建议:煮饭前先彻底洗米,但不要过度清洗以免部分营养素 流失,并倒去洗水,以减低米的 含量 , 尤 其是无机 含量。
Those individuals, who wish to reduce the exposure to inorganic arsenic, can consider choosing more other cereals, which generally contain lower levels of inorganic arsenic than rice, as part of their diet, and observe the following advices: wash rice thoroughly but without excessive washing as some
nutrients may be lost, and
[...] discard the washed water before cooking so as to reduce the arsenic levels, especially the inorganic form.
美国 – 美国标准检测评估委员会2006年6月批准FOSS Infratec
[...] 1241谷物分析仪用于官方测定长粒糙米、中粒糙米、大豆、高粱、硬质小麦、硬白麦、软白麦、软红冬麦、硬红春麦、硬红冬麦、燕麦、玉米、大麦 水 分 、 蛋白质和脂 含量 分 析
USA - NTEP In June 2006 the U.S. National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) has approved the FOSS Infratec 1241 Grain Analyser, for official determination of moisture, protein & oil content in Long Grain Rough Rice, Medium Grain Rough Rice, Soy beans, Grain Sorghum or Milo, Durum Wheat, Hard White Wheat, Soft White
Wheat, Soft Red Winter Wheat, Hard Red Spring Wheat, Hard Red
[...] Winter Wheat, Oats, Corn, Two-Row Barley, Six-Row Barley.
2001-2007 年计划采取的 80 项措施中,有 61 项已得到全面实施(实施率达 76%),其中最重要的措施包括:加强国家立法和规范框架;批准一系列与欧洲
[...] 织、欧洲联盟、世界银行等国际组织的合作;开展有关受环境条件影响的居民健 康状况的科学研究;加强对饮水水 质 、 食品安全、化学物 含量 的 监测能力; 大力开展卫生监督活动;建立在卫生部管理下的社会卫生监测体系;组织健康和 [...]
The most important of these actions are: strengthening of the national legislative and normative framework with the approval of a group of harmonised documents to the European Union Directives, enlargement of the international cooperation with the World Health Organisation, European Union, World Bank, with the implementation of the certain specific environment sanitation projects, performance of the scientific research on the population’s health influenced by environment conditions,
strengthening of the
[...] monitoring capacities of the drinkable water quality and food products, the contents [...]
of the chemical substances
and extension of the activities of hygienic supervision, creation of the socially hygienic monitoring system under the control of the Ministry of Health, organisation of training seminars in the field of health and environment.
详细考察了醛的种类及用量、羧酸溶剂的种类、反应体系 含水量 对 消 旋化的影响,结果表明L-谷氨酸在含20%(体积分数)水的乙酸溶剂中,以水杨醛作为催化剂(水杨醛与L-谷氨酸的物质的量比为0.2)的优化条件下可以快速地被消旋化。
The influences of
[...] the type and dosage of the aldehyde, organic acids, as well as the water content in the [...]
reaction system on the
racemization were examined in detail, and L-Glu was racemized quickly in the presence of 0.2 molar ratio of L-Glu to salicylaldehyde (as the catalyzer) in acetic acid containing 20%(v/v) water.
推算了冬小麦各生长阶段及各土层可行的调亏指标,例如,入冬前 050 厘米土层的土含水量不应 低于田间持水量的 60%,而在抽穗至灌浆期,0-100 厘米土层 的土含水量应高于田间持水量的 60%,不会造成明显减产。
He derived that the feasible regulation deficit indicator of winter
wheat for each crop stage
[...] and soil horizon: for example, the soil moisture content should not be below 60% of field capacity in 0-50 cm soil layer before winter, but should be higher than 60% of field capacity in 0-100 cm soil layer in tassel [...]
to milking phase.
为这一水管理解决方案提供支撑的 SmartMesh 产品可提供用于优化传感器布局的长电池寿命、智能网络功能和详细的网络统计数据,从而使 CITRIS 能够采用遍布于一个偏远、多山和环境恶劣之区域的几百个传感器高效地从积雪状况中搜集实 含水量 数 据
The SmartMesh products underpinning this water management solution provide long battery life, intelligent networking features and detailed network statistics for optimizing sensor placement that allow CITRIS to efficiently gather real-time water content data from the snow pack, using hundreds of sensors distributed throughout a remote, mountainous and environmentally harsh region.
在大陸昆山一廠導入風冷機乾燥機改水冷乾燥機,即風冷乾燥機夏 天降溫除濕效果不佳,導致壓縮空 含水量 偏 高,威脅SMT設備安 全運行,改用大型水冷機可有效降溫除濕,同時可提升散熱效率, 降低能耗約當 113 公噸二氧化碳當量。
For example, the entire office area is equipped with energy saving LED lights in an effort to conserve energy and reduce GHG emissions.
乾燥、脫水或濃縮形式 食物主要是考含水量的變 化而作出相應的計算;至於合成食物,則就某一食 品配料在一個多成分產品中的比例,而計算其最高殘餘限量∕再殘餘限量。
When the MOE was high and the dietary exposure was far below the value that was considered by JECFA as likely to cause adverse effects on animals, it was conclusive that the effect on human body was minimal even if there was under-estimation of the situation.
阿尔及利亚代表团还着重指出,重要的是,精确 了解共享水资源的程度,其流量和质量;保护共享水 资源国家拥有该国发展所需之足 水量 ; 通 过适当保 护和善意合作,将环境层面纳入有关国家的可持续发 展;加强本国管制措施和双边或分区域合作机制,以 确保有效保含水层不 受各种形式的污染。
His delegation also stressed the importance of having precise knowledge about the extent of shared water resources, their volume and quality;
protecting the rights of
[...] countries sharing aquifers to have sufficient quantities for their development needs; integrating the environmental dimension of sustainable development in the countries concerned, through appropriate protection and good-faith cooperation; and strengthening national regulatory measures and bilateral or subregional cooperation mechanisms in order to ensure the effective protection of aquifer water resources from all [...]
forms of pollution.
阿尔及利亚强调:(a) 必须准确了解水资源的共有程度、水量和质量;(b) 必 须通过妥善保护和真诚合作,将有关国家可持续发展的环境层面纳入考虑,以公
平和合理地使用含水层;(c) 需要强化国家条例措施以及双边或次区域合作机
[...] 制,以确保有效保护含水层的水资源,使之不受各种形式的污染;(d) 必须保护 共含水层国家获得其发展所需的足 水量 的 权 利;(e) 必须引进机制,以交流 关于共有水资源及其综合管理条件的信息和知识。
Algeria emphasized: (a) the importance of precise knowledge about the extent of shared water resources, their volume and their quality; (b) the importance of integrating the environmental dimension of sustainable development in the countries concerned, through appropriate protection and good-faith cooperation, for the equitable and reasonable utilization of aquifers; (c) the need to strengthen national regulatory measures and bilateral or subregional cooperation mechanisms in order to ensure the effective protection of aquifer water resources from all forms of pollution; (d) the importance of
protecting the right of
[...] countries sharing aquifers to have access to sufficient quantities for their development [...]
needs; and (e) the
importance of introducing mechanisms for exchanging information and knowledge about shared water resources and the conditions for their integrated management.
含水层国应采取一切适当措施,保护和保全跨界含水层或含水层系统内的生 态系统或依赖这些含水层或含水层系统生存的生态系统,包括采取措施确 含水 层或含水层系 统所保留的水以及经排泄区排出 水 的 质 量 和 数 量 足 以 保护和保 全这些生态系统。
Aquifer States shall take all appropriate measures to protect and preserve ecosystems within, or dependent upon, their transboundary aquifers or aquifer systems, including
measures to ensure
[...] that the quality and quantity of water retained in an aquifer or aquifer system, as well as that released through its discharge [...]
zones, are sufficient
to protect and preserve such ecosystems.




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