

单词 水力鼓风

See also:

水力 n

hydroelectric n
hydro n
hydropower n

水力 adj

hydraulic adj
hydronic adj


water power
irrigation works
water conservancy

External sources (not reviewed)

电弧炉用废铁制钢所 需能源,约鼓风炉用铁矿制钢所需能源的三分之一,空气污染减少 85%,水 量减少 40%。
Steel production from scrap in the electric arc furnace requires about one third of the
energy required for
[...] steel production from iron ore in a blast furnace, reduces air pollution by 85 per cent and water use by 40 per cent.
另一方面,斐济的电 力结构组合为矿物燃料发电 33%,水力发电 62%,生物物质发电 4%,风力和其他 可再生资源发电 0.6%。
On the other hand, in Fiji, the electricity mix consists of 33 per
cent fossil fuels, 62 per
[...] cent hydroelectric, 4 per cent biomass and 0.6 per cent wind power and other [...]
renewable resources.
鼓风机停 机了,则LO真空开关信号会 让控制面板及时关掉水泵, 防止未处理 水 进 入 系统。
In the event of a blower shutdown, the LO
[...] switch signals the control panel to shut off the feed pump, thereby preventing untreated water from passing through the system.
阿尔及利亚感鼓舞的是,马耳 他已经采取措施并作出力,增 进弱势群体,尤其是儿童和妇女的权利,同时还 在推动妇女进入劳动力市场。
Algeria was encouraged by the measures and efforts already under way to promote the rights [...]
of vulnerable groups, especially
children and women, and by the increased participation of women in the labour market.
目前的情况是, 最后剩下的萨米人驯鹿放牧土地正在一块一块地被林业 风力 发 电 园区、采矿项 目水电发展分割。
As the situation currently stands, the last remaining Sami reindeer herding
lands are being fragmented, piece by piece,
[...] by forestry, wind-power parks, mining projects and hydropower developments.
随后办事处在一系列教科文组织的灾后重建项目中扮演了重要角 色,比如在教育领域(针对受灾地区的少数民族灾后重建和发展的援助计划);在文化领域 (世界自然遗产地);社会科学领域(关于灾后阶段妇女受 力风 险 的 项目)以及自然科学 领域水资源风险管理)。
UNESCO contributed $50,000 in emergency aid to the Chinese National Commission and it then played an important part in finalizing UNESCO’s overall programmes in response to the disaster in the fields of education (a project in support of community reconstruction and development efforts by ethnic minorities in the affected areas), culture (Natural World Heritage sites), social
science (a project on
[...] post-disaster risks of violence to women) and the natural sciences (management of water-related hazards).
(d) 扩建电力基础设施,提高能源(特别是可再生能源)生产能力,包 水力 发电、地热能、潮汐能、太阳能风 能 及生物物质能源。
(d) Expand power infrastructure and
[...] increase capacity for energy generation, especially renewable energy which includes, inter alia, hydro power, geothermal, tidal, solar, wind and biomass energy.
如果国内法律设定的 入网费 (或补贴) 太低,如阿根风力案例研究中所 描述的那样 (见附件2,第2.2节),那么,对鼓励 风轮机 的安装来讲将是无效的手段措施。
Also, if the feed-in tariff (or subsidy) is set too low by a national
law as described in the
[...] case study of wind power in Argentina (See Annex 2, Section 2.2), it will be ineffective instrument for encouraging the installation of wind turbines.
该构成部分也将 继续:(a) 宣传和支持 《达尔富尔和平协议》的签署方、其他政治行为体和利
[...] 益攸关方努力执行该《协议》和随后的附属协议,实现政治解决达尔富尔冲突; (b) 与各种运动发展和维持水平的 联系, 鼓 励 它 们参与政治进程;(c) 支持 联合首席调解人力促进谈判和协议;(d) 支持和加强努力确保在解决苏丹的国 家问题,特别是有关全国选举、权力和财富分享以及公民投票等问题时,将达尔 [...]
The component will also continue to: (a) sensitize and support the signatory parties to the Darfur Peace Agreement and other political actors and stakeholders in their efforts to implement the Agreement and subsequent subsidiary agreements and bring about a political solution to the conflict
[...] Darfur; (b) develop and sustain high-level contacts with the movements and encourage their participation and involvement [...]
in the political process; (c) support the Joint Chief Mediator in his efforts to facilitate negotiations and agreement;
and (d) support and enhance efforts to ensure that the interests and concerns of Darfur are taken into account in addressing national issues in the Sudan, particularly those relating to national elections, power and wealth-sharing and referendums.
例如,假设LO真空开关(可选)检测 鼓风 机 故 障,控制面板会自动 关闭水泵, 防止未经处理的水流经设备。
For example, if the optional LO Vacuum
Switch detects a blower failure, the panel
[...] will shut off the feed pump before untreated water can pass through the system.
陳榮聲先生多年來 領導友邦香港全力擴展業務方面取得卓越佳績,更 力 提 升保險業的優質服 水 平 , 並 鼓 勵 員 工 及業務代表參與社會服務,是次得獎是對其成就的肯定和認同。
Mr. Jacky Chan has achieved remarkable results in leading AIA’s business expansion, enhancing the
service standards of
[...] the insurance industry as well as encouraging its staff and agency force to get [...]
actively involved in community activities.
无论是石油输送管、ICE和TGV 高速铁轨,还是梅赛德斯 S 车型 的变速箱零件、阿丽亚娜火箭的 外壳或者巨风力发电机壳体, SMS Meer 制造的量体裁衣的机 器设备为制造最水平的各种机 械部件提供保证。
Whether tubes for pipelines, rails for the high-speed ICE and TGV trains, transmission components for the Mercedes S Class, the outer
skin of the
[...] Ariane rocket or gigantic wind power generators: The machines and plants tailored by SMS Meer ensure the flawless production [...]
of the necessary parts
of the highest possible standard.
(g) 鼓励消 除阻碍妇女诉诸司法的一切障碍,并确保向所有暴力行为的女 性受害人提供有效的法律援助,以便她们对尤其是法律诉讼程序和与家庭法有关 的问题能作出知情的决定,并确保,包括必要时通过国家立法,使受害人能就其 所受伤害获得公正和有效补救; (h) 采取措施提高妇女,特别是处于人所共知的基于性别的 力风 险 中 的 妇女,对其权利、法律以及国家提供的保护和法律补救措施的了解,包括宣传对 遭受暴力侵害的妇女及其家庭有哪些援助手段,并确保在司法制度的所有阶段向 受到暴力侵害的妇女提供及时和适当的信息
(g) To encourage the removal of all barriers to women’s access to justice and ensure access to effective legal assistance for all female victims of violence so that they can make informed decisions regarding, inter alia, legal proceedings and issues relating to family law, and also ensure that victims have access to just and effective remedies for the harm that they have suffered, including through the adoption of national legislation, where necessary
教科文组织继续力鼓励行 业自律、调查性报道以及高道德标准,以便为广大公众提供公平准 确的信息,促进国家当局及其他机构的透明度和问责制。
UNESCO continued its efforts to encourage professional self-regulation, [...]
investigative journalism, as well as high ethical
standards to provide the general public with fair and accurate information, thereby promoting transparency and accountability of national authorities and other institutions.
这些国家的活动主要集中风力和太阳能发电,在可 行情况下还水力发电
Activities in such States have
[...] focused mainly on wind and solar power, as well as hydroelectricity, where feasible.
同样,针对 2011
[...] 年东南亚发生的大范围的水灾,亚太经社会组织了一次区域论坛,使 相关政府能够交流相关信息和吸取经验教训,并促进管理 水风 险能 力建设
Similarly, in response to the extensive 2011 South-East Asian floods, ESCAP organized a regional
forum to share information and lessons learned among
[...] Governments, and support capacity-building in flood risk management.
除了促进各成员国参与的活动之外,食典委将继续通过进一步 力鼓 励 消 费者和公 共利益团体在国水平上 参与其过程,并鼓励政府在国 水 平 上采取行动,来提高 法典程序的包容性和透明度。
In addition to actions to promote participation of member countries, the CAC will continue to enhance inclusiveness and transparency of the
Codex process by
[...] furthering its efforts to encourage the participation of consumers and public interest groups in its processes at the international level and encourage [...]
governments to take action at the national level.
2006 年,该区域的水利部长启动了亚太水论坛,将此作为一种有效机制鼓 励在水资源管理方面做出更多的协作 力 并 且加速将这种管理纳入亚太区域的 社会经济发展进程。
In 2006, the Asia-Pacific Water Forum was launched by the region’s
water ministers as an
[...] effective mechanism to encourage more collaborative efforts on water resources management [...]
and to accelerate the
integration of such management into the socio-economic development process of the Asia-Pacific region.
咨询委员会回顾,其关于 2006-2007 两年期方案预算的第一次报鼓励继力在切 合实际和切实可行的情况下,例如在各区域委员会、联合国内罗毕办事 [...]
处和联合国各新闻中心等机构吸引并聘用本国专业干事(见 A/60/7,第 70 和 71 段)。
The Advisory Committee recalls that in its first report on the
programme budget for the
[...] biennium 2006-2007, it encouraged a sustained effort to attract [...]
and employ National Professional
Officers wherever practical and feasible, such as in the regional commissions, the United Nations Office at Nairobi and in the United Nations information centres (see A/60/7, paras. 70 and 71).
一位代表在谈到教科文组织参与联合国国家一级的改革问题时,建议作出 力 , 鼓 励 将 信息和传播问题 纳入国家发展政策和进程当中,包括拟定战略方法,支持政府在这一领域的工作。
One delegate referring to the engagement of UNESCO in United Nations
reform at the country level, suggested that
[...] efforts be made to encourage the integration [...]
of information and communication
components into national development policies and processes, including the development of strategic approaches to support governments’ efforts in this regard.
经济激励的 合理性包括应该力使其 价格接近按照经济理论应该达到 水 平 ,从 而 鼓 励 更 多的先进技 术发展。
The rationale for economic incentives includes the attempt to
bring prices down to the level that economic
[...] theory suggests they should be at, which will encourage more experience with advanced technologies.
此外,我们还为柴油共轨技术、汽油直喷 技术风力涡轮机传动技术、电水 源 热 泵和太阳能热力系统 的进一步扩产进行了较大的投资。
We are also investing heavily in
[...] further expanding capacities for common-rail diesel technology, gasoline direct injection, drive technology for wind turbines, [...]
electrical heat pumps, and solar thermal systems.
例如,某一水处理厂,选用上述计算例题中的罗 鼓风 机 , 根据环境温度变化,计算 鼓风 机 的 实际供氧量,其一年的变化规律在实际运行过程中,由于进水量、水质、水温、MLSS等参数的变化,系统需氧量(SOR)也会发生变化在夏季 水 温 较 高,曝气池需氧量(SOR)增大, 鼓风 机 的供氧量(FOR)在减少,这是设计时考虑需氧量的最不利工况点,此时,供氧量、需氧量基本相当;在冬季 水 温 降 低,曝气池需氧量(SOR)减少, 鼓风 机 的 供氧量(FOR)增大,此时,供氧量较需氧量大出许多。
For example, a sewage treatment plant, choose the calculation above the ROM watts sample blower, according to the environment temperature change,Calculate the actual blower FOR oxygen amount, the change rule of one year in actual operation process, because of water, water quality, water temperature into, MLSS parameters of the change, the system oxygen demand (SOR) will also be changing in the summer, high water temperature, aeration pool oxygen demand (SOR) increase, but of the blast blower (FOR) in oxygen FOR reduced, it is designed FOR oxygen demand the most unfavorable conditions point, at this time, FOR oxygen amount, oxygen demand basic quite; In winter, the water temperature is reduced, aeration pool oxygen demand (SOR) reduce,But of the blast blower [...]
(FOR) increase oxygen
FOR, at this time, to be measured FOR oxygen is much oxygen demand.
我们可为您提供水冷负荷箱等解决方案供测试设备使用,以及用于较大功率 水 冷 变 频器的完整 EMV 解决方案,风力、太阳能和工 业设备使用。
Here, we can offer you solutions such as water-cooled load banks for test facility use, as well as complete
[...] EMV solutions for water-cooled inverters with increased power for wind, solar, and industrial [...]
与干旱、水、风暴潮和山体滑坡等极端事件频率和强度变化相关的涉 水 的 风 险 增多将进一步加大水的管理的力,并 进一步加大供水的质和量的不确定性。
Increased water-related risks associated with the changes in frequency and intensity of extreme events, such as droughts, floods, storm surges and landslides, will put further stresses on water resources [...]
management and increase
uncertainty about quantity and quality of water supplies.
军事工程公司每天运作,进行修路、排污和下水道项目及钻井等公共基础设施建设,并支持政 府及国际伙伴为重建和发展以及减轻 水风 险 所 进行的
Daily operations by military engineer companies to conduct public infrastructure activities for road repair, sewage and drainage projects and well-drilling, and
to support reconstruction and
[...] development, and flood risk mitigation efforts by the Government [...]
and international partners
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的力建设 (培训班、各种项目),包括促 风 险 分 析和加强基层力,以 确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 [...]
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism
targeted at food products
[...] included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national [...]
ability to monitor,
diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
由於該區的地勢關係,我們建議建造兩座污水 泵房,並敷設相關的污水泵喉,把收集所得的污水抽送到擬敷設的污 水幹渠,再 由幹渠引往新圍污水處理廠處理,然後才排 入鼓水 道 水 域 。
Due to the topography of the Area, we propose to construct two sewage pumping stations and the associated rising mains to
uplift the sewage to the
[...] proposed trunk sewers for treatment in San Wai STW before being discharged into Urmston Road waters.
主席团还注意到下列人士的发言:(a)水教育研究所所长,他强调必须将科学 与政策联系起来;(b)国水文科 学协会代表, 鼓 励 国 际 水 文 计划适应联合国系统 内外与水有关的计划的不断变化;(c)国际水文地质学家协会代表,他强调有必要以 [...]
42 段);(e)国际水文计划非洲地区水 文学家,他向主席团介绍了在最近举行的国际水文计划全国委员会地区会议上讨论的 非洲地区的优先事项。
The Bureau also took note of the interventions of; (a) the Rector of UNESCO-IHE, who emphasized the need to link science and
policy, (b) the
[...] representative of IAHS, who encouraged IHP to adapt to the changing panorama of water-related programmes [...]
within and outside
the UN, (c) the representative of IAH, who highlighted the need to address the challenges discussed by the Bureau (see paragraph 42) in an integrated manner, and (e) the IHP Regional Hydrologist for Africa, who presented to the Bureau the regional priorities of Africa as discussed in the recently-held regional meeting of IHP National Committees.
而且这些援助必须与以往不同,,要致力于提高缅甸国民的收入、教育和卫 水 平 , 鼓 励 民 间 力 量 发 展、改善经济政策和执政方式、促进少数民族的平等地位,以及提高防御灾害的能力。
Equally importantly, it means different aid, aimed at raising income and education as well as health levels, fostering civil society, improving economic policy and governance, promoting the equality of ethnic minorities and improving disaster prevention and preparedness.




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