

单词 水刑



water-boarding, interrogation technique used by CIA

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 未许可和列出的任何审讯方法或手段,该手册明确禁止威胁、胁迫、体罚水 刑。
Such individuals shall not be subjected to any interrogation technique or approach that is not authorized by
and listed in Army Field Manual 2-22.3, which explicitly prohibits threats, coercion,
[...] physical abuse, and water boarding.
过去这些保留意见有时受到广义的诠释,以便准许诸如 水刑” 的严酷的审讯手段,而多数专家都认为这是一种酷刑。
In the past these reservations were sometimes interpreted
broadly to permit such harsh
[...] interrogation techniques as “water boarding,” considered [...]
by most experts to be a form of torture.
各种消息来源都提到涉及身心强制手段的技术,包括强制体 位、极度气温变化、剥夺睡眠以及 水刑
Various sources have spoken of techniques involving physical and psychological means of coercion, including stress positions, extreme temperature
changes, sleep deprivation, and “waterboarding” (means by which an interrogated person is
[...] made to feel as if drowning).
个月,而且不让他见到律师;牢房只有10 平方米;没有电和自水;判刑之 前,他也几乎一直被隔离监禁。
The Committee also notes the author’s contention that after he was sentenced, he was held in an isolation cell normally reserved for detainees sentenced to death, with no access to his lawyer for 11 months; that the size of the room
was 10 square metres; that it had no
[...] electricity or running water; and that prior to that [...]
date, he was held in isolation almost throughout his detention.
的声明,他证实,承包商(在 政府的指示和控制) 下对中央情报局黑点的拘留犯施加 水刑 : 美国参议院特设情报委员会的听证 会,对全球威胁的年度评估,2008年2月5 日,第26页。
See also the statements of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director Michael Hayden, who has confirmed that contractors “under governmental direction and control” have waterboarded detainees at CIA black sites: Hearing of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Annual Worldwide Threat Assessment, 5 February 2008, p. 26.
警察机关不向被拘留人员提供食品和饮 水 , 国 家 刑 事 调 查局更是如此, 而那些被拘留人员往往会在那里待上好几个月。
No food or drinking water is provided to detainees [...]
in police detention centres or DNIC facilities, where they may be held for several months.
應王國興議員要求,政 府當局答允提供更詳細資料,說明所施加的罰則,包括最高、 平均及最低的罰水平及監禁刑期。
At the request of Mr WONG Kwok-hing, the Administration agreed to provide
more detailed
[...] information on the penalties imposed including the maximum, average and minimum fine levels and imprisonment terms.
按照負責審議條例草案的條例草案委員會的報告,丁 午壽議員的修正案擬暫停實施所有與輸入電腦軟件 水 貨 ” 有關刑事條文。
According to the report of the Bills Committee which
examined the Bill, Mr TING's amendments
[...] propose to suspend all criminal provisions relating [...]
to the importation of "parallelimported" copies of computer software.
52 段内讨论了案 件堆积的原因,公设辩护人和公诉人的薪 水 准 并非 是 刑 事 诉讼阶段中造成延误 的因素。
Causes of backlog of cases are discussed in paragraph
52 of the National
[...] report, and the levels of pay of Public Defenders and Public Prosecutors have not been found to be among the factors causing delays in any stage of the criminal proceedings.
  規例所訂刑罰水平自 ㆒九七八年起實施,㆖㆒次曾在㆒九八七年作出修訂,現 已不能反映有關罪行的嚴重程度,故此我們認為有需要提高刑罰。
They no longer reflect the severity of the offences and we therefore consider it necessary to increase them.
[...] 保护老年人人权非常适切的规定,如生命权、健康权、适当生 水 平 权 、免受刑权、 在法律面前具有法律能力和平等权利。
The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights include highly relevant provisions for protection of the human rights of older persons, such as the rights to life,
to health, to an adequate standard of
[...] living, to freedom from torture, and to legal capacity [...]
and equality before the law.
律師行的勝任能力、在適當的執業範疇所具備的經驗,以及收 水 平 , 均須 通刑事檢 察處處長或民事檢察專員的嚴格審查,才可獲律政署委託處理律師的工 作。
A firm will only be approached in respect of solicitors' work if its competence and experience in the relevant area of practice and its level of fees charged can withstand critical scrutiny by the Director of Public Prosecutions or the Crown Solicitor.
目前並 無證據顯示現刑罰水平不 能發揮足夠的阻嚇作用,但當局會密切監察有關 情況,並在有需要時檢討這些刑罰。
For the time being there is no evidence to suggest that
[...] the present level of penalties provides an [...]
insufficient deterrent, but the situation
is being monitored closely and the penalties will be reviewed if necessary.
若獲得通過,條例草案將㆒如㆖述規例所規定,進㆒步提高有關非法售賣藥物罪 行刑罰水平。
If enacted, the Bill will further
[...] increase the penalty levels for offences related [...]
to illegal sales of drugs, as provided in the Regulations.
在與兩個法律專業團體就有關費用架構 及處理刑事法律援助案件的外委律師收費達成協議後,當局決定修訂 《規則》第21條,就承辦刑事法律援助工作的大律師和律師所完成的 工作,新增若干薪酬項目和訂定收 水 平 , 以改 刑 事 法 律援助的費 用架構。
Having reached an agreement with the two legal professional bodies on the revised fee structure and the fees payable to assigned solicitors handling criminal legal aid cases, the Administration has decided to amend Rule 21 of the LACCR to introduce additional items of remuneration and set the fee level for work
done by counsel and
[...] solicitor in criminal legal aid work, with a view to improving the payment structure of the criminal legal aid fee system.
為了確保所有破壞環境罪行的刑罰能趨於㆒致,當局已答應負責全面檢討其他環保條 例刑罰水平, 並在有機會時提交適當的修訂。
In order to ensure that penalties for all environmental offences are consistent, the
Administration has agreed to undertake an overall
[...] review of the penalty levels in other environmental [...]
protection ordinances and to submit
appropriate amendments when the opportunity arises.
对于侵 犯 毒 品使用者人权的情 况 以及阻 碍艾滋病毒的预防、治疗
和护理工作 的 情 况 ,已提供了详细资料,其中包括不允 许 其接受减少伤 害 的 服 务,在提供抗逆转疗理医药方面的歧视,侵
[...] 权的执法 惯例, 超 越 正水 平 的 刑 事 惩 处,和迫 胁 性及侵 权性的毒品依赖 [...]
症 状 治疗。
Detailed information was provided on human rights abuses against people who use drugs, and which impede HIV prevention, treatment and care efforts, which include denial of harm reduction services, discrimination in accessing antiretroviral
therapy, abusive law enforcement practices,
[...] disproportionate criminal penalties, and coercive [...]
and abusive drug dependence treatment.
(c) 有需要顧及罪行不同的 嚴重程度,訂定適當刑 罰水平
(c) the need to set
[...] appropriate levels of penalty to take account [...]
of the severity of offences
那些不听指令的人会被受以各种刑 — — 开 水 、 柏 油、利箭、岩石还有一些早期的武器都会如雨点般落在这些人身上。
Uninvited guests were
[...] treated to boiling water, tar, arrows, rocks, [...]
and other early weapons of mass destruction rained down on them from overhead.
在執法工作及罰則 方面,他們認為,當局應訂定足夠高 刑 罰 水 平 , 以遏止僱主不遵守最低工 資規定的情況。
On the issue of enforcement and penalty, they considered that sufficient penalty level should be imposed to deter non-compliance with the requirements under the minimum wage.
(e) 因 應法團校董會的設立及其 在學校管 理 方面的 角色和 職能,檢討現有條文所訂明的罪行刑 罰 水平的理據 ,並研究應 否把沒有 遵從行政程 序或規定加以 刑 事化。
(e) review the justifications for the existing levels of penalties for the stipulated offences under the section in the light of the establishment of an IMC and its role and functions in the management of a school, and examine whether failure to comply with administrative procedures or requirements should be criminalized.
政府當局曾提供資料,闡明澳洲、加拿大及英國就針對聯合國人員和有 關人員作出的威脅罪行而訂定刑罰 水 平 , 通常會較其他威脅罪行 刑 罰水 平為高。
The Administration has provided information to illustrate that the level of penalties imposed by Australia, Canada and the Untied Kingdom for the offence of threat against United Nations and associated personnel are generally higher than those for other threat offences.
各地的檢控人員必須緊密合作,提 刑 事 檢 控 水 平 , 合力 打擊跨境罪行。
Prosecutors in different places must
work constructively together to promote
[...] high standards of criminal justice, and to contribute [...]
to the fight against transnational crime.
然而,鑒於 《公約》規定應就所禁止的罪行判處適當刑罰,加上香港須承擔確保聯合國 人員和有關人員的安全和保障的國際責任,並考慮到澳洲、加拿大和英國所 訂定刑罰水平,政府當局建議就第 9 條第 1(c)款所訂的威脅罪行,訂明可 被判處監禁 10 年的較高最高刑罰。
However, the Administration proposes to prescribe a higher maximum penalty of 10 years' imprisonment for the offence of threat under Article 9 para 1(c), having regard to the requirement under the Convention that the offences proscribed should be punishable for appropriate penalties, the international obligation to ensure the safety and security of United Nations and associated personnel, and the penalty level in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom.
即 使違法的個案只屬 少數,可能仍有需要 提刑罰水平,以阻 嚇違規行為。
[...] the level of penalties for deterrence [...]
against breaches might still be necessary even if the number of non-compliance cases was small.
同時,政府在 重整附例時亦已保留了現時刑罰水 平。
In this connection, the Administration has clarified that if a new offence is created by the new provision, an action or inaction will be an offence only if it takes place after the provision comes into
effect; besides, the Administration has also preserved the
[...] existing penalty levels in aligning the two versions of bylaws.
這項修訂條例草案旨在擴大香港機場(管制障礙)條例的適用範圍至包括赤 角
[...] 新機場,將前此賦予總督會同行政局的某些權力移交規劃環境㆞政司,以及修訂該條 例所規定刑罰水平。
The Amendment Bill seeks to extend the application of the Hong Kong Airport (Control of Obstructions) Ordinance to the new airport at Chek Lap Kok, to transfer certain powers vested in the Governor in Council to
the Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands, and
[...] to revise the level of penalties prescribed [...]
under the Ordinance.
最後,劉健儀議員讀出了一系列其他國家對酒後駕駛違例事項 刑 罰水 平, 唯一一點我支持劉健儀議員,而且大家在過去也有共識的是問,為甚麼 政府不考慮採用級別制度?
Lastly, Ms Miriam LAU has read out a list of penalties imposed on drink driving offences by other countries. This is the only point on which Ms Miriam LAU and I see eye to eye with each other, and we also have a consensus on this: Why did the Government not consider adopting a tiered system?
为了进行更加全面的保护,鼓励各国根据国际法采取各种适当的措施与其他有关国家进行合 作,以便确立有关的司法管辖权,并对那些犯有或下令犯有上述行为(VII.个人 刑 事 责任)并在 该国领土被发现的个人(不论其国籍如何以及该行为在何处发生)予以有效 刑 事 制 裁。
For the purposes of more comprehensive protection, each State is encouraged to take all appropriate measures, in accordance with international law, to cooperate with other States concerned with a view to establishing
jurisdiction over, and
[...] providing effective criminal sanctions against, those persons who have committed or have ordered to be committed acts referred to above (VII – Individual criminal responsibility) [...]
and who are found present on its territory, regardless of their nationality and the place where such act occurred.




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