单词 | 气鸣乐器 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 气鸣乐器—aerophone (music)See also:乐器pl—musical instrumentspl 乐器—musical instrument 器乐adj—instrumentaladj
临界值」这种展演即与嘉年华会类似,藉由玩乐气氛打破一般道路秩序,鼓励完全不同的事物。 thisbigcity.net | Critical Mass is a type of play similar to the latter, wherein playfulness produces a breakdown of the normal order of the road and encourages something else entirely. thisbigcity.net |
威尼斯人剧场正诚邀澳门居民及旅客出席由澳门乐团呈献的浪漫爱情电影音乐之夜,为观众带来不朽於荷里活大银幕荡气回肠的动人乐曲。 yp.mo | The Venetian Theatre is inviting Macao locals and visitors to a romantic [...] evening of live music by the Macao Orchestra, featuring some of [...] the mosttouching musicever written for [...]the silver screen. yp.mo |
由大众积极参予我们举办之无障碍公众教育活动、「金德共创光明接力游2007」及「音乐无障碍共融共鸣音乐会」等活动中可见一斑。 hksb.org.hk | The encouraging number of public attendance in our Barrier-free Access Public Education Campaign in a number of shopping plazas, the active participation of people from [...] different walks of life in our Kingdom Swimathon for [...] Brightness 2007 and the MusicInclusion Concert [...]were good evidence. hksb.org.hk |
备份过程中下方 LED 会亮起;备份完成时,蜂鸣器会鸣响一次。 support2.imation.com | During backup, the LED below illuminates; when the [...] backup is complete, a buzzersounds once. support2.imation.com |
由於当时为仪器天气情况(IMC),故两机并未目视对 方。 tacare.org.tw | Note: As the incident took place in IMC conditions, there was no visual contact between the two aircraft. tacare.org.tw |
香港领导潮流的Fusion组合SIU2,以历史悠久的中国乐器笙为首,与三弦、古筝、钢琴、低音结他与爵士鼓等中西乐器争鸣发声,演奏风格游走古今却又跳出三界的自家创作,在欧洲、亚洲其他地区已广泛建立声名。 hifitrack.com | IU2 the Hong Kong fusion band is back with their third album“Sonic Traveler”! The theme of the album is about world travel, featuring the musical elements of various cultures. SIU2 weaving thetunes bythe Chinese sheng, sanxian, zheng, the western piano, bass guitar and drum set, The seven ... hifitrack.com |
获资助机构必须在所有与项目有关的机器设备、设施、宣传或 传媒活动或为项目而出版的刊物上加上经由工贸署署长书面核 准的字眼,以鸣谢基金提供赞助。 smefund.tid.gov.hk | Acknowledgement of the SDF support as approved in writing by DGTI must appear on all equipment, facilities, publicity or media events related to a project funded by the SDF or in publications arising from the project. smefund.tid.gov.hk |
虽然残响及其他音效保持 最小,但其提高了钢琴踏板的效果 (声乐共鸣),适合表现音乐的细节。 casio.com.tw | Though reverb and other effects are kept to a minimum, doing so enhances the impact of operating the piano pedals (acoustic resonance), for musically delicate expressions. support.casio.com |
备注:客户必须先致电人气电器店,确定所兑换之礼品有足够存货,并凭有效换领信前往换领礼品。 jvc.com.hk | Remarks: Customer must call NinkiDenki iSquare to ensure there is stock available before redeem the gift with valid redemption letter. jvc.com.hk |
増空气容器的危险部份,例如飞轮断续旋转部件或传动带滑轮组的转入夹口, [...] 须加以有效防护。 asiaworld-expo.com | The dangerous [...] parts ofan air receiver, suchas discontinuous [...]rotating part of flywheel or in-running nips of belt and pulley, [...]should be effectively guarded. asiaworld-expo.com |
就冶金而言,冶炼厂第三阶段项目正在进行中,包括安装3个新的转换器、气体净化设备及第二个制酸厂,将二氧化硫排放捕集率改善至97%以 上。 glencore.com | In metallurgy, Smelter Phase III project is [...] currently under way, which includes the [...] installationof 3 new converters, gas cleaningequipment [...]and a second acid plant, which [...]will improve sulphur dioxide emissions capture to above 97%. glencore.com |
煞车系统亦经过其他多次改良,包括透过前排扰流器,以定向空气冷却系统增强煞车器通风的效能,而主动安全系统和稳定安全控制系统亦经过重新编程,两者都增强了AMG汽车的煞车能量和操控效率。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Further changes to the braking system include higher capacity brake ventilation augmented by directional air cooling via the AMG front spoiler. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
受训的七位视障唱片骑师,很荣幸获邀在香港电台及商业电台的四个节目中包括:「晨光第一线」、「活在有情天」、「有谁共鸣」及「宜乐无穷」等担任嘉宾,介绍中心及本会的服务和活动,包括了网上电台及马拉松慈善音乐会活动,可以实践在训练课堂上所学的知识,学以致用。 hksb.org.hk | As part of their training, seven junior Disc Jockey(DJ) trainees were interviewed by professional DJs of the Radio and Television HK and Commercial Radio HK in four different radio programmes to publicize the services of the Hong Kong Society for the Blind and projects of the Centre, namely; the Internet Radio Project and the Marathon Charity Concert. hksb.org.hk |
冷凝器风扇将空气从盘管的底部吸入并通过冷凝器风 扇网罩水平地排出。 container.carrier.com | The condenser fan pulls air through the [...] bottom of the coil and discharges it horizontally through the condenser fan grille. container.carrier.com |
精致的灯笼MP-系列提供的蜂鸣器功能PATLITE 最近在可选的安装角的形式。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Thebuzzer functionfor delicate lanterns [...] MP-Series offers Patlite more recently in the form of optional installable horn on. en.developmentscout.com |
音乐无障碍共融共鸣音乐会」於2007年12月在浸会大学大学会堂举行,目的是让残障人士与社会上不同界别之友好,建立和谐关系并共同发挥他们在艺术方面之才华。 hksb.org.hk | AMusic Inclusion Concert was held in December 2007 at the Baptist University to promote a harmonious relationship among friends and clients of different sectors of the community and to enable the disabled to demonstrate their artistic talents. hksb.org.hk |
(1) 在现场监视模态下,按下 键,此时蜂鸣器哔一声, 键灯亮起,同时前面板的 Disk 灯号闪 烁,此时即进入錄影狀态。 approtech.com | (1) In live display, press the button to record video into a hard-disk drive with the corresponding programmed recording settings. approtech.com |
接着的〈Lost in Wonderland〉是旋律优美的Post-Rock音乐,如落幕的奏鸣曲,缠绕着如白雪公主那样,倒卧在公路尽头、冒着白烟的车子里的Barði。 think-silly.com | The post-rock ‘Lost in Wonderland’ is a closing sonata, lingering on Jóhannsson’s body lying in a crashed car at the end of the highway. think-silly.com |
論,并以口述或书写方式简报出來 y [...] 检视实验报告,并以口述或书写方式简报批评性的論点 y [...] 讨論真诚地记錄和报告數据的重要性 y 设计并制作手携式酒精呼气测试器,然後测试其准确度 y 搜寻和简报仪器分析的原理及其应用的资料,如以气相色层法求出血液 [...]内的酒精含量 y 利用碘昇华法监定指纹 [...]y 搜寻和简报在科学监证上应用化学方法的资料 y 观看在化学分析中应用现代化学技术的影片 334.edb.hkedcity.net | y discussing the importance of integrity in recording and reporting data. y designing and making a portable alcohol breathalyser and testing its accuracy. y searching for and presenting [...] information on the principle and [...] applicationof instrumental analysis suchas gas chromatography [...]for blood alcohol content. y [...]identifying fingerprints by iodine sublimation. y searching for and presenting information related to the use of chemical methods in forensic science. y viewing video on the use of modern chemical techniques in chemical analysis. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
以下是一些可行的探究题目: y 漂白水的有效成分在贮存时的量变 y 分析柑橘類水果或蔬菜中的丙种维生素含量 y 萃取天然的化学物质并测试其用途(如源自柑橘類果皮的天然驱虫药) y 合成光降解的皂性清洁剂,并探究其特性 y 制作并测试化学电池 y 制作并测试自制的酒精呼气测试器为促进学习,教师和学生应商讨及同意以下的评核准则,并因应个别学校 环境,考虑有利或妨碍实行探究研习的因素。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Listed below are some possible topics for investigation. y Variation in the amount of active ingredient in a bleach solution upon storage. y Analysis of the vitamin C content in citrus fruits or vegetables. y Extraction of naturally occurring chemicals and testing their uses, e.g. natural pest repellent from citrus fruit peelings. y Synthesis of a photodegradable soapy detergent and investigating its characteristics. y Construction and testing of a chemical cell. y Construction and testing of a home-made alcohol breathalyser. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
配置方面包括三点式安全带及安全带张紧器、安全带束力限制器和八个安全气袋(供驾驶者及乘客使用的适应性前座气袋及膝部气袋、两个内置於座位的侧部气袋、两个从鸥翼车门腰线张开的车窗气袋),令安全获得最大的保障。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The extensive safety features include the fixed roll-over protection system, [...] three-point seat belts [...] with belt tensioners and belt force limiters, and eight [...]airbags: adaptive front airbags and kneebags, [...]two seat-integrated sidebags and two windowbags deploying from the door beltlines. mercedes-benz.com.hk |