

单词 气钻

See also:

get into
an auger
dig into
curry favor for personal gain
thread one's way through
study intensively
make one's way into
enter (a hole)

External sources (not reviewed)

Vantage的主营业务是承包钻井机组、按天提供与石油和天 气钻 井 有 关的设备以及工作人员。
Vantage's primary
[...] business is to contract drilling units, related equipment and work crews primarily on a dayrate basis to drill oil and natural [...]
gas wells.
[...] 遥控潜水器进行有效的水面干预,以便为极深的深水石油和天 气钻 探 作 业提供 支助,建造了许多专门的工具作业系统。
Many specialized tooling systems have been created
to allow for efficacious surface intervention using ROVs in support of
[...] ultra-deepwater oil and gas drilling operations.
Mega Jack于2011年推出,主要是为满足近海产业的需要,主要用于提升石油天 气钻 井 平 台和其他大的框架结构。
Mega Jack was launched in 2011 to meet demand from the offshore industry, primarily for the jacking of oil and gas platform modules and other large structures.
冰山对设置石油和天气钻井平 台造成很大困难。
Icebergs make it
[...] difficult to set rigs for oil and gas.
在此之前,该矿场使用两台不同的钻机(每台需要两人操作):一台用于向 钻 进 的传 统 气 动 钻 机 ; 另一台是向下钻进的潜孔钻机(DTH)。
Previously, two separate rigs – each requiring two operators – were in use at the mine: a conventional pneumatic rig for upward drilling and a down-the-hole (DTH) rig to drill downwards.
1980-1981 年 Miller and Lents, Ltd. – 石油工程顾问
[...] 评价受诉讼、财务审计影响的公共公司、银行和私人投资商的天然气加工运营和供应 的石油和天然气储量和经济性,以及石油和天 气钻 探 投 资活动。
Evaluated oil and gas reserves and economics of gas processing operations and gas supplies for
public companies, bank, and private investors affected by lawsuits, financial
[...] audits, and oil and gas drilling ventures.
大多数设备位于俄克拉荷马州的Kingfisher,只有一个1100马力的适合寒 气 候 的 钻 探 平台位于科罗拉多州的Rifle。
Most of the equipment is located in Kingfisher, Oklahoma, with
[...] one 1100 HP Cold weather rig in Rifle, Colorado.
钻井泥浆或钻井液是一种矿物质(重晶石、碳酸钙)、盐及聚合物组成的有或水基混合物,在采油或 气 过 程中 对 钻 头 及 轴进行保护。
A drilling mud, or drilling fluid, is an oil or water-based mix of minerals
(barite, calcium carbonate), salts and polymers
[...] formulated to protect the drill and the shaft during [...]
oil or gas production.
目前的气取心钻井将提供适合尺寸的精矿样品以供后续的焙化测试和 冶金测试工作。
The current core drilling program will produce [...]
concentrate samples of sufficient size for continuous roasting tests and
further definitive downstream metallurgical test-work.
若需要气清洗手柄钻头 配件,请订购 248969 号配件包,见第 40 页。
Order kit
[...] 248969 for Air Purge Handle Drill Kit, see page 40.
石油部最近宣布,将于 2011 年 11 月
[...] 举行第四轮招标,此轮招标是为了勘探 12 个新气 区和钻探 1 0 口油井,以弥补石油生产和库存的不足。
The Oil Ministry recently announced the organization of a fourth bidding round, which will be held in the month of
November, for the exploration of 12 new
[...] gas areas and the drilling of 10 wells to meet [...]
the shortfall in oil production and inventory.
防止排出的水回流气泡石的钻孔中 ,从而优化总体水景格局。
Prevent escaping water from flowing back into the bore of bubbling stones, and thus optimise the total water pattern.
这些装置的入级以DNV海上设施服务规范DNV OSS-101“海上钻井和支持装置的入级规范”,原先是为 气 行 业 的 钻 井 和采油船舶的入级服务而制定的。
The classification of these units is based on DNV’s Offshore Service Specification DNV OSS-101 ‘Rules for
Classification of Offshore Drilling and Support Units’, which was originally developed for
[...] classifying drilling and production vessels used in the oil and gas industry.
钻石花朵的线条仿佛散发着经久不息的芬 气 息 , 而叶状 钻 石 项链展现着芳香植物的纤细柔美。
The curves of the diamond blossom seemly provoke a perfume of
[...] eternity, and the diamond necklace mimicking leaves accentuates the aromatic delicacy.
伯爵Possession系列腕表作为品牌代表作,彰显佩戴者的优 气 质 , 迷人的 钻 旋 转 表圈展现永恒律动之美,让人尽享与时间嬉戏的乐趣。
A genuine icon of the brand, the Possession watch enhances the elegance of the wearer and
plays with time which is driven by the bewitching
[...] revolving movement of its diamond-set bezel, a guarantee [...]
of eternity.
未来由于天气价格上涨钻井行 业也将回升,因此美国制造业市场需求有望相应提高。
Drilling in the future should rebound due to increased [...]
gas prices, and that demand will bring manufacturing back to the United States,” he said.
当06E喷嘴和圣万提整体式气缸如PNC3008配合使用在针阀式热流道系统上,此完整的热流道系统已预连接、预安装,无需多 气 / 油 管 , 气 路 已 钻 孔 于 模板上以实现“即插即用”的模具安装。
When Synventive 06E nozzles are used as a valve gate system and combined with the Synventive PNC3008 bolt-on actuator, the complete hot runner system is supplied
pre-wired and pre-assembled without the
[...] need for hoses, since lines are drilled in top clamp plate [...]
allowing for simple ‘Plug ‘n Play’™ mold installation.
钻探了两口气井 就 无功而返的埃克森美孚公司不同,其它企业在勘探 上已取得更多进展,他们发现了鼓舞人心的迹象。
Unlike ExxonMobil, which drilled two wells and came [...]
up empty, other firms have made greater headway in exploration, and
in many cases, found encouraging signs.
要将此灯放置钻孔的气泡石喷泉中,只要有直径约 13 mm 的小孔便已足够。
To place this light in drilled bubbling stone fountains, [...]
a small hole approx. 13 mm in diameter is all that is required.
尽管具有脆弱性,最不发达国家作为一个群体拥有世界上相当比例的战略性 矿产,包括石油、天气、煤 、金、银 钻 石 、铝土矿、钴、铀、钶钽铁矿石和 许多其他矿物。
Despite their vulnerability, least developed countries as a group account for a significant share of the
world’s strategic minerals,
[...] including oil, gas, coal, gold, silver, diamonds, bauxite, cobalt, [...]
uranium, coltan and many more.
粒度分布与粒形一致性,可以检测聚集体出现,防止损 钻 头 、 气 体 泄 露及堵塞孔。
Particle size distribution and shape consistency to prevent aggregates that might cause damage, prevent the escape of gas and block pores
这座3D雕塑展现钻油塔气转换 和管道系统,以及散在各处的纸人。
The 3D sculpture features a
[...] facility with oil derricks, electrical switches and [...]
piping systems, and paper people scattered throughout.
其可替钻探天然气和LN G,用于各种领域,包括发电、工业用气、民用和商业供热、以及化工产品的生产。
It is interchangeable with drilled natural gas and LNG [...]
for all applications, including power generation, industrial use,
residential and commercial heating, and the production of chemicals.
这一问题应明确促使政府恢复钻石开采的行政控制,确钻石可 以在当地、地区和全国的国家经济发展中发挥 积极作用。
This issue should give a clear impetus to the Government
to restore administrative
[...] control of diamond mining, ensuring that diamonds can play a positive [...]
role in the State’s economic
development at the local, regional and national levels.
此外, 南方共同市场缔约国和联系国的总统们在
2010 年 8 月 3 日《关于在阿根廷大陆
[...] 架勘探不可再生自然资源的特别宣言》中抵制联合王国在阿根廷大陆架勘探不可 再生自然资源的行为,认为这违反了大会第 31/49 号决议,并承诺不为意图支钻探油气活动 从而影响阿根廷共和国权利的船只作业提供便利(见 A/C.4/65/ SR.2,第 16 和 17 段)。
Furthermore, in the Special Declaration on Exploration of Non-renewable Natural Resources on the Argentine Continental Shelf of 3 August 2010, the Presidents of the States parties of MERCOSUR and associated States had rejected the exploration of non-renewable natural resources being carried out by the United Kingdom on the Argentine continental shelf, in violation of General Assembly resolution 31/49, and
undertook to refrain from
[...] facilitating the activities of ships intended to provide support to activities involving drilling for hydrocarbons that [...]
would affect the rights
of the Argentine Republic (see A/C.4/65/SR.2, paras. 16 and 17).
在能源领域执行的各项政策重点关注以下问题:(a) 向所有人,特别是农村
[...] 对能源设施进行经济管理,包 括审查当前的收费情况;(c) 鼓励钻井和生产石油和天气以及使用较清洁技 术领域进行投资;(d) 推动区域和区域间层面的电力和天然气网络项目;(e) [...]
鼓 励私营部门参与建立和管理能源设施;(f)
提高能源利用效率,同时更多使用较 清洁燃料和可再生能源技术;(g) 倡导使用公共交通和铁路,同时支持修建区域 和次区域公路网络,为贸易和运输提供便利。
In the area of energy, the policies that are pursued focus on the following: (a) providing modern energy services and supplies to the whole population and, in particular, in rural and remote regions; (b) economic management of energy facilities, including the review of
current tariffs; (c) encouraging
[...] investment in the fields of drilling for and producing oil and [...]
gas and the use of cleaner technology;
(d) promoting projects for electricity and natural gas networks at the regional and interregional levels; (e) encouraging the participation of the private sector in the establishment and management of energy facilities; (f) improving energy efficiency while expanding the use of cleaner fuel and renewable energy technology; (g) promoting the use of public transport and railways while supporting the construction of regional and subregional road networks in order to facilitate trade and transport.
在这方面,他处理过不同类型的商业、金融和工业谈判、项目筹资、公营企业重组与私有化、国际仲裁、基础设施建设的私人筹资、采矿协议、铁矿石、铁铝氧石、矾土 钻 石 、 黄金、天 气 和 石 油等矿产与原料销售协议。
In this capacity, he conducted different types of commercial, financial and industrial negotiations, projects financing, public enterprise restructuring and privatization, international arbitration (ICC), private finance of infrastructures, mineral
agreements, mineral and raw material sales agreements such as iron
[...] ore, bauxite, alumina, diamond, gold, gas and petroleum.
考虑到上钻石产区的地理位置和专家组的总体意见,即前新生力量的基 本经济结构,特 别是仍受区指挥官影响的那些地区的基本经济结构在某种程度上 依然未变,可以推断,就像未获许可开 钻 石 的 非科特迪瓦个人和实体一样,这 一“结构”或这一结构的构成部分将继续 钻 石 收 入中获益。
Taking into account the
[...] aforementioned geographical location of the diamond areas and the Group’s overall view that the basic economic structure of the former Forces nouvelles, in particular in those areas that continue to be under the influence of zone commanders, remains somewhat intact, it can be contemplated that this structure, or elements of this structure, continue to benefit from diamond revenues, as do non-Ivorian [...]
and entities who remain unlicensed.
[...] 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天气管道 ,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 [...]
国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度
洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of
Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and
[...] oil and natural gas pipelines that [...]
will create an energy and trade corridor to
China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.




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