单词 | 气势 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 气势 —grandeurless common: energetic looks • vigorAE • loftiness • imposing manner Examples:气势凌人—arrogant and overbearing 气势宏伟—imposing • majestic 气势汹汹—aggressive • truculent • overbearing See also:势—momentum • potential • gesture • tendency • conditions • influence • outward appearance • male genitals 势 n—trend n • situation n • power n
单单举行军事 学习并不会产生持久的安全与合作,不管这军演的规模 和气势有多么慑人”。 crisisgroup.org | Because merely holding an exercise, however large and impressive, does not in itself produce enduring security cooperation”. crisisgroup.org |
B & T(建筑与技术)公司利用瓦克的ETONIS®对清水混凝土构件进行改性处理,倾力打造由扎哈•哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)设计的气势恢宏 的乐家伦敦展厅。 wacker.com | Via modification of the exposed concrete elements with ETONIS® from WACKER, the company B & T (Bau & Technologie) was able to create the spectacular Roca Gallery designed by Zaha Hadid in London. wacker.com |
这里的一个必到之处就是气势恢弘 的穆森登教堂(Mussenden Temple)——它位于悬崖边,让人不由心生惊叹。 discoverireland.com | A must-see on any visit has to be the breathtaking Mussenden Temple, an awe-inspiring spot perched on the edge of a cliff edge. discoverireland.com |
他们的第一个穆斯林统治者成为一个伊斯兰文明和宗教的保护,而不是仅仅是一个阿拉伯贵族 的 气势 征 服的土地上的阿拉伯文明的领导人。 mb-soft.com | They were the first Muslim rulers to become leaders of an Islamic civilization and protectors of the religion rather than merely an Arab aristocracy imposing an Arab civilization on conquered lands. mb-soft.com |
但对父亲的上诉被永远最气势轨迹theologicus,因为他们不能很容易地组装起来,形成一个绝对决定性的考验。 mb-soft.com | But the appeal to the Fathers was never the most imposing locus theologicus, for they could not easily be assembled so as to form an absolutely conclusive test. mb-soft.com |
如果有任何旧的机器人抗议,他们被送到地下的刻印店,他们粉碎回炉棘 轮 气势 宏 伟 的母亲,夫人垫片(吉姆·布罗德本特)。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | If any older robots protest they are sent to the underground Chop Shop, where they are shredded and melted down by Ratchet’s imposing mother, Madame Gasket (Jim Broadbent). seekcartoon.com |
穿过天桥,游客来到玻璃大门,这里是建筑物的最高处,4层高的大 堂 气势 雄 伟 ,美丽的自然风光环绕四周。 nikken.jp | Visitors would cross a bridge for approaching the glass entrance at the highest level and witness the dramatic lobby of 4-floor high with the view of graceful nature underneath. nikken.jp |
在气势恢宏 的音效氛围中,精美的影像可以变得更加引人入胜。 bang-olufsen.com | Beautiful images become even more compelling when accompanied by overwhelming sound. bang-olufsen.com |
在作为新城起点的入口广场,有代表其面貌的叠水景观,还有由水 的 气势 而 派 生出代表龙的意象雕塑。 todafu.co.jp | In the entrance square, which is the starting point of the new town construction, we placed a monument inspired by a dragon and representing spouting water, which will be the face of the town. todafu.co.jp |
围绕本地区的首府,利摩日,有许多值得一游,如果你冒险进入城市本身 的 气势 圣 埃 蒂安大教堂等待着你的城堡和教堂。 leapfrog-properties.com | Around the region’s capital, Limoges, there are numerous chateaux and churches worth visiting and if you venture into the city itself the imposing Cathedrale St-Etienne awaits you. leapfrog-properties.com |
最近在摩加迪沙、俄罗斯的弗拉季高加索、伊朗 的扎黑丹和乌干达的坎帕拉等地发生的恐怖爆炸事 件,且不提在伊拉克和阿富汗发生的数十起袭击事 件,都刻骨铭心地提醒我们,恐怖主义挑战近在眼前, 气势汹汹。 daccess-ods.un.org | The most recent terrorist bombings in Mogadishu, in Vladikavkaz in Russia, in Zahedan in Iran and Kampala in Uganda, not to mention the scores of attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan, are stark reminders of the currency and enormity of the challenges of terrorism. daccess-ods.un.org |
气势恢宏 ,铺天盖地,宏伟的罗马斗兽场,梵蒂冈,圣彼得大教堂和西斯廷教堂(Sistine Chapel)而闻名,因为你不能错过在您的旅行。 eventsandtravel.it | Magnificent and overwhelming, famous for the imposing Colosseum, Vatican City, St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel, as you can not miss during your trip. eventsandtravel.it |
在库里欧湾(Curio Bay)参观石化林;观赏由海水冲刷形成的大教堂洞穴(Catheral Caves),感叹大自然鬼斧神工的神奇;欣赏隐藏在雨林 中 气势 磅 礴 的瀑布——普拉考努伊瀑布(Purakaunui Falls)和长达数千公里原始自然的海岸线。 cn.yha.co.nz | See a petrified forest at Curio Bay, impressive natural sea caverns at Catheral Caves, wonderful waterfalls in the rainforest like Purakaunui Falls and many, many kilometres of pristine coastline. yha.co.nz |
福音般的叙事风格加上编曲中独特的音调,使得整部圣乐作 品 气势 磅 礴 、自成一体。 wdl.org | The running narrative of the Gospel, as well as the keys in which the framing musical statements were composed, give the cantatas the character of a self-contained cycle. wdl.org |
然而,监察组认为,如果与塔利班的和平会谈形 成 气势 时 ,《综合名单》的 重要性就会更大。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nonetheless, the Team believes that the Consolidated List will grow in importance if and when peace talks with the Taliban gain strength. daccess-ods.un.org |
我爱《伦理学》的逻辑:他通过“命题”、“定义”、“注释”和“推论”组成的严密逻辑读 来 气势 磅 礴 ,引人入胜。 shanghaibiennale.org | I love “Ethics” for its logic: to follow his implacable logic through the “Proposition”, “Definition”, “Scholium” and “Corollary” – is a moment of absolute intensity and never ending beauty. shanghaibiennale.org |
从经典作品看起吧 - [...] 您绝不要错过欣赏这些名作的机会:National Gallery的梵高的《向日葵》、National Portrait Gallery的气势宏大 的亨利八世肖像、Tate Liverpool毕加索的《哭泣的女人》、位于Birmingham [...]Museum and Art [...] Gallery的世界最大规模的拉斐尔前派艺术品收藏以及Tate Britain沃特豪斯的《夏洛特夫人》。 visitbritain.com | Start with the classics - you can’t pass up a chance to see Van Gogh’s [...] Sunflowers at the National [...] Gallery in London; the imposing portraits of King Henry VIII at London's National Portrait [...]Gallery; Picasso’s [...]Weeping Woman at the Tate Liverpool; the largest collection of Pre-Raphaelites in the world at the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery or Waterhouse’s The Lady of Shalott at the Tate Britain in London. visitbritain.com |
与此同时,历代王朝创造的北京独特历史名胜古迹(中国长城、故宫、颐和园、天坛)以其特有 的 气势 和 魅 力吸引着人们的目光。 shangri-la.com | At the same time, the city's historical attractions are [...] reminders of its imperial past's breathtaking feats of [...]ingenuity and beauty - the Great [...]Wall of China, the Forbidden City, Summer Palace and Temple of Heaven. shangri-la.com |
19架神舆附和着气势磅礴「SOIYASOIYA」的吆喝声聚集在寒河江车站前广场时,会场的热气沸腾,霎时进入活动的最高潮。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | The festival reached its climax when 19 portable shrines gather with spirited shout of “Soiya Soiya”. en.tohokukanko.jp |
在这个具有文化性与自然性突出的位置,规划依场地 的 气势 而 起 ,顺山体河流的动线而建,将建筑群顺序安置在不同的层面之上,形成多层次多角度的空间环境,云雾环绕,流水潺潺,与中国国画中的叠嶂留白画法有相似之处,体现中国人含蓄内敛的文化风格。 chinese-architects.com | The project includes hotels, commercial districts and private housing. chinese-architects.com |
Ghibli的设计风格强调了更富动感的驾驶特性,并保持了与较之更大尺寸的Quattroporte总裁轿车之间显而易见的联系,同时呈现出更富进 取 气势 的 造 型风格。 maserati.com.cn | The Ghibli’s design ethos emphasizes its more dynamic driving characteristics by maintaining visible links with the larger Quattroporte while delivering a more aggressive visual personality. maserati.com.au |
引入“企业元气”势在必 行,相信会成为回报率最高的一项企业 投资。 sunislandclub.com | Sign up for a Corporate Flow program now and it will be one of the most valuable investments for your company. sunislandclub.com |
分析师认为,巴西国家石油公司和淡水河谷的股份价格的奖学金 - 返回气势论文 支队巴西股市在国际市场。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | Analysts see shares of Petrobras and Vale well priced in scholarship - Returned imposing the thesis detachment of Brazilian stock market in relation to international markets. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
作为世界上最令人心醉、最具声望的敞篷车,全新的雅骏T升腾着我们为其倾注的满腔热情,它秉承着宾利T车型的优秀传统,将精致工艺与恢 弘 气势 完 美 融合。 bentleymedia.com | The Final Series is a celebration of the Arnage era as Bentley prepares for the next generation of its flagship model. bentleymedia.com |
沿着阿贡火山斜坡往上900米左右,就能看见这座巴厘岛最神圣 和 气势 最 雄伟的 ... 在这里,可以游览驰名中外、世界最大的、号称东方五大古迹之一的婆罗浮图大佛塔,参观具有900年历史的精美的印度教普兰巴南神庙(Prambanan Temple)等。 glifr.com | The rest of the day will be ... Prambanan Temple on the other hand, is one of UNESCO's World Heritage Site in form of Hindu Temples Compound built in the ninth century and stands as the boundary between Yogyakarta and Central Java Province. glifr.com |
芝加哥是美国的第三大都市,您将有幸感受其作为全球文化与经济中心为您带来的兴奋与 优 势 。 气势 恢 宏的建筑、大联盟运动、华丽一英里购物天堂 - 芝加哥提供了世界一流城市的所有配套设施。 united.com | With magnificent architecture, major league sports and legendary shopping on the Magnificent Mile, Chicago offers all the amenities of a world-class city. united.com |
三座可随舞台演出排列组合的巨型金环配以数个悬挂的同心圆装置 , 气势 座 落 于舞台上,这些夸张的圆形和弧形设计,完整呼应Gouverneur的时尚设计美学。 piaget.com.cn | Escorting by several concentric golden circles [...] suspended in the air, three mobile gigantic [...]golden rings that moves accordingly [...]to the show stationed magnificently on the main stage, these magnified roundness and curves epitomized the aesthetics and modernity in Gouverneur. piaget.com |
凯里尼亚(Kyrenia)是北部地区的旅游热点:感受凯里尼亚(Kyrenia)海港的浪漫气氛;欣赏歌呢(Girne)山脉雄伟 的 气势 ; 呼 吸野生植物的清香;站在山顶城堡上一览无限美好的风光。 hihostels.com | On the north coast, you’ll find a warm welcome in Kyrenia. Enjoy the romance of Kyrenia harbour; stand dwarfed by the Girne mountains; breathe in the scent of wild fennel; admire stunning vistas from hill-top castles. hihostels.com |
新的一年是龙年,龙在12生肖里的形象是勇猛威武 、 气势 不 凡;在此,我热切期盼本地企业以龙的精神自我激励,勇敢面对未来的各种挑战。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | The dragon is a powerful Chinese zodiac sign that symbolises valour, tenacity and strength; I strongly urge local enterprises to emulate the exceptional characteristics of the dragon in girding themselves for a slew of challenges in this new year. english.sccci.org.sg |
金色大翅膀放于身后和臂膀两端,伸展开 来 气势 恢 弘 ,耀眼的金色显得更加夺目;响钹是置于手指间用于伴奏的两个金属乐器,虽然体积不大,但却能营造更美的舞蹈效果;手杖分为各种粗细的不同型号,以艳丽的色彩吸引众人的注意;而大烛台是顶于头部的道具,上面放置点燃的蜡烛,舞者同时起舞,让整个舞蹈拥有了更加的视觉冲击力与新鲜感。 dpw8.com | Gold put in behind the big wings and arm ends, [...] can extend to great momentum, dazzling gold is [...]even more eye-catching; ring finger cymbals [...]are placed between two metal instruments used for accompaniment, although the small size, it is able to create a more America's dance results; cane into a variety of thickness of different models to bright colors to attract everybody's attention; and large candlestick is the top on the head of the props, the top placed lighted candles, dancers dance at the same time, so that the whole dance have a greater visual impact and freshness. dpw8.com |