

单词 民粹



the Narodniks, Russian populist group in the 19th century

民粹化 n

populist n

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

6)全民投票會削弱代議政府和民選的政治機關,令政策質素下降,更甚者,全民投票鼓 民粹 主 義 並帶來「大眾暴政」的危險。
(6) Referendums can weaken the representative government and directly elected political bodies, and in turn lower the quality of policies.
[...] 們擔憂稅務增加及沒有安居之所;富裕的一羣則深怕政府弱勢,難以 抵民粹訴求
The elderly and the underprivileged see a rich but miserly government; the middle class suffers from
rising taxes and worries about a place to live; and the rich fear that the Government is
[...] weak and vulnerable to populism.
有學者或評論員不斷說我們這種做法 民粹 精 神 存在,即無論怎樣也是 想減少加租,目的是要爭取選票,諸如此類。
Some academics or commentators have kept
saying that our proposal is indicative of
[...] the spirit of populism, which means that [...]
we would champion for a rent reduction
in any case with the objective of canvassing votes, and so on and so forth.
[...] 关键性作用,并要求他们回应极端主义政党、运动和团体 民粹 化 和 过于简单化 的言论,重新确立移民、不安全和失业等问题的相关事实,通过合理的论证驳斥 [...]
He therefore emphasizes the key role that political leaders and political parties have
to play, and calls upon them to provide
[...] answers to the populist and oversimplified [...]
statements of extremist political parties,
movements and groups by re-establishing the facts associated with the issues posed by, inter alia, immigration, insecurity and unemployment, and by refuting illogical claims through reasoned argument.
国际社会主义青年联盟支持在社会各阶层以及在生活的各个方面实现自由和人 权、社会公正和平等,反对任何形式的歧视;主张民主,反对任何形式的极权主 义、权力主义民粹主义 和独裁;拥护人人享有自决权、自由权和言论自由权, 团结一致和政治解决问题。
IUSY stands for freedom and human rights, social justice and equality at all levels in society and in all aspects of life and against any form of discrimination, for democracy and against any form of totalitarianism, authoritarianism, populism and dictatorship, and for the right to self-determination, liberty and freedom of expression for all peoples, universal solidarity and political solutions to problems.
要再 上 綱 上 線 , 甚 至可以扣 上 更 大 的 罪 名 ,例如 破 壞
[...] 香港行之 有 效 的 合 約精神 、民 粹 主 義 表現的 極 致 等。
If raised to a higher plane, the accusation may be
even graver, such as damaging Hong Kong's proven spirit of
[...] contract, practising populism to the extreme [...]
end, and so on.
我也曾在我所發表的文章中 指出,一方面,立法會全盤民主化有助整個立法會更有問責性,另一方
[...] 面,我們亦有需要研究一些制度,以達致均衡參與及制衡,令立法會不 會像外國的一些議會般粹是民粹, 而能確保各行各業的聲音及不同階 層的聲音,均可讓政府聽到。
I have once pointed out in one of my articles that on the one hand, the democratization of the entire Legislative Council will help render the whole Council more accountable and on the other, there is a need to study certain systems to achieve balanced participation as well as checks and
balances, so that the Legislative Council will
[...] not become purely populist, as in the case [...]
of some overseas legislatures, and the
voices of various trades and industries and various strata can be heard by the Government.
由於務實的作風(而 非歐洲式民粹主義 )㆒直是推動本港蓬勃發展的動力,我認為這份最新的施政報告應恢 [...]
Since pragmatism, and not
[...] European-style populism, has been the [...]
driving force behind the dynamic growth of Hong Kong, I
would suggest that the latest address restores a tone more conducive to achieving sound progress in our economy, and an improving quality of lives for our people.
我們經常被指責民粹主義 ,是以“派錢”來爭取 選票。
We are often
[...] criticized as being populist and advocating [...]
the handing out of money to secure votes.
事實上,大部份對於全民投票的批評,例 民粹 主 義 、大眾暴政、引致政治不穩等,都不是全民投票機制的固有缺陷,與全民投票的發展亦無必然關係,絕大部份問題都可以藉著調節和管理機制解決或舒緩。
In actual fact, most criticisms on
[...] referendum, such as populism, majority tyranny [...]
and politically destabilising etc., are
not its built-in deficiencies and not necessarily linked to its development.
种族主义 和仇外心理有时受民粹政治 的煽动,导致对难民的不容忍、暴力、仇恨犯罪和 [...]
Racism and xenophobia,
[...] fuelled at times by populist politics, have [...]
led to a resurgence of intolerance, violence, hate crimes
and related tensions against refugees in host communities in many countries around the world.
然而,我們認 同的是羣眾運動,而不是謾罵式 民粹 運 動
However, we approve of mass
[...] movements but not populist movements in [...]
the form of hurling abuses.
即 使大家不同意,都能以語言來據理力爭,不會個別因為要做show或爭民粹的支 持而太過份或硬來,這類人在比例上仍然屬於少數。
Even if Members may disagree with each other, they can present their arguments in words and will not resort to taking an excessive step or be bent on having their own way like certain Members who have to stage a show or solicit populist support.
如果高官只懂 得 罵 人,不 能 自 我 反 省 ,檢討一下政府現時的 制 度 是 否 製 造了太 多 悲 劇 ,
[...] 那麼, 我 便覺 得這個政 府 只 懂 得民 粹 主 義 罵 人,這並非 一個我們想要的政府。
If senior government officials should only know how to condemn others but not reflecting on or reviewing the existing government institutions to see whether they have created too many tragedies, I would
consider this Government, which does nothing more than
[...] condemning people from a populist angle, not the [...]
government we want.
我以前也有一點擔心,由“一人一 票”選舉行政長官民粹派,只懂派福利,把錢派盡後會是怎樣呢?
In the past, I was slightly worried if a Chief
Executive returned by a "one person, one vote"
[...] election is a populist who knows nothing [...]
but spending lavishly on social welfare.
商界人士經常說政制太民主會民粹 主 義抬頭,也是不信任香港人的政 治智慧的表現,我便絕對不相信由全民普選產生的行政長官只懂得派福利而 [...]
This is a show of distrust in the political
[...] wisdom of the people of Hong Kong. [...]
I do not believe at all that a Chief Executive
elected by universal suffrage will only pay out the dole and neglect the needs of the business sector as well as the overall interest of Hong Kong.
所以,如果過快地廢除功能界別,就等於將一大批熟悉經濟專業的 事務的議員摒除於議會門外,變相令立法會失去很多寶貴的專業及財經 事務的經驗,而令立法會變成一個一面倒傾 民粹 思 想的地方,失去了 應有的平衡。
For this reason, should FCs be abolished in a rush, it is like shutting a large number of Members well-versed in economic affairs out of the Legislative Council, in a way making the Council lose a lot of valuable experiences in the professional and financial areas.
(A/HRC/15/45,第30段) 内所强调的那样,政治领袖和政党应该
[...] 通过合理的辩论对极端主义政党、运动和团体有关移民、不安全和失业构成的问 题民粹主义 和部分简单化的声明予以答复。
As emphasized by the Special Rapporteur in his previous report (A/HRC/15/45, para. 30), political leaders and parties should provide answers to the populist and oversimplified statements of extremist political parties,
movements and groups through reasoned argument, especially on the
[...] issues posed by immigration, insecurity and unemployment.
當然,任何英明領袖都不會被民調數字牽著鼻子,而曾蔭權對民本政策 民粹 主 義 的論述似乎亦恰到好處,輕易化解了「蜜月期」的討論。
If the CE is not dealing with each alarm with serious attitude, the final
victim would still be
[...] the people. Of course, all smart leaders will not be bounded by public opinion figures, and Donald Tsang has done a good job in promoting people-based governance [...]
and populism, and
dismissed the discussion on 'honeymoon period' in a simple way.
自由主义民粹主义角力是 一个古老的辩论,和政治学教授William [...]
Harrison Riker(1920- 93 )以至现今香港政治都有关连的议题。
Liberalism versus populism is an old intellectual [...]
debate with modern links to William Harrison Riker (1920-1993, professor
of political science and intellectual founder of positive political theory) and also relevant to present-day Hong Kong politics.
[...] 富的去規管化(deregulation)、減利得稅、打擊或限制工會的訴求,以訴 諸情緒民粹操作,反對最低工資立法、削減綜援金額和全民退休保 [...]
Mr HUI Po-keung has recently made this comment in an article: Neo-liberalism emphasizes deregulation which robs the poor to help the rich; reducing profits tax; suppressing the
demands of trade unions or restricting the same;
[...] appealing to populist sentiments; [...]
opposing legislation on a minimum wage; reducing
CSSA amounts and universal retirement protection; and restricting wage increases.
最後,我想說的是,全民退休保障已經被塑造為一 民粹 或 福利 主義。
Finally, I would like to mention that universal retirement protection has already been portrayed
[...] as a kind of populism or welfarism.
做了补充是一个世界的体育专业应该非 民粹 什 么 补品您使用在您的培训,有何目的?
Did Supplementation is a world and in professional sport
[...] should be very purist what supplements do you use in your training and with what aim?
在這個政改方案中,有關立法會2012年的產生方法,很多人基本上 是支持的,但他們也憂慮如果將來取消功能界別的話 民粹 主 義 會否擡 頭,以致我們成為一個純粹的福利社會呢?
Many people basically support the method for the formation of the Legislative Council in 2012 as proposed in the constitutional reform
package. However, they are
[...] worried that populism will rise, should the FCs be abolished in the future, such that Hong Kong will become a purely welfarist [...]
民粹派对 投票的阐释其实借用了积极自由的出发点,与自由派崇尚的消极自由基本上是相反的。
The populist interpretation [...]
of voting rests on notions of positive liberty that are fundamentally opposed to negative liberty.
最後一點是,有些人說我們向一 民粹 主 義 式的 ─ 不民粹,而 是 近乎暴力或不負責任的 ─ 社會行動低頭,甚至像該報章的社論所說般, 某些政客為了曝光、為了取得選票,所以今天便要支持這項議案。
Some people say that we have chosen to yield to populist social movements (or to be exact, not populist social movements, but irresponsible movements that verges on violence). Others, like the newspaper editorial, even criticize that some politicians have chosen to support the motion today in order to stay in the limelight and curry favour from electors.
相反,爭取民主的黨派和人士 卻提醒政府及提醒當權者對社會應該有長遠的承擔和責任感,不要爭 取一時民粹支持 ,不要爭取一時的掌聲,不要以為“派錢”便是清涼 劑,以期短暫解決社會上很多熾熱的不滿和情緒。
Of course, this sum of money can be used to have many free luncheons. On the contrary, it was the political parties and groupings campaigning for democracy that keep reminding the Government and those in power that they should have long-term
commitment and
[...] responsibility for society, that they should not try to win temporary popular support and that [...]
they must not try
to win momentary applause and think that handing out money can serve to reduce the heat, with a view to resolving the flaring discontents and sentiments in society momentarily.
代理主席,在這個議事廳,在這個所謂代表民意的立法會,當中的政治 生態是被人為扭曲的,無民意基礎可言的功能界別,與獲廣泛民意支持的直 選議員,竟然可以擁有同等的權力,由於功能界別最關心的是既得利益,他 們的行業、界別或專業是否得到保障,很多時候對民意甚至有同仇敵愾之 念,又指民意等民粹主義 ,因此造成立法會有一個先天矛盾和分化的局 面。
Deputy President, in this Chamber, in this Legislative Council where the public opinion is represented, so to speak, the political ecology is distorted, with FCs, which have virtually no opinion support, and directly-elected Members with extensive public support sharing equal powers.
主席,民建聯 不 會民 粹 式 ” 反 對 政 府 的 收費, [...]
但我們認 為 ,政府 的 收 費須合理 、 公平,更 須 考慮市民的 負 擔能力, 尤 其是當經濟環境對市民收 入 和開支造成 很 大 影 響 時。
However, we do think that government [...]
fees and charges should be reasonable and fair, and the affordability of the public
should also be taken into account, especially at a time when the financial circumstances of the public are greatly affected by the current economic conditions.




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