

单词 民用核国家

See also:

民用 adj

civilian adj


(for) civilian use


nuclear nations

国家 n

national n
state n
our country n

External sources (not reviewed)

法国成立一个专家机构,即法国国际核机构(l'AgenceFranceNucl é aireInternational),负责协助希望获得核能源 国家 实 施 安全发 民用核 能所 需的基础设施。
France has set up a specialized entity, the French
International Nuclear
[...] Agency, to assist countries wishing to have access to nuclear energy in establishing the infrastructure necessary for the safe development of civil nuclear energy.
[...] 能机构合作,并在经济合作与发展组织的支持下, 法国于 2010 年 3 月在巴黎主办了通民用核能国际 大会,63 个家以及 各种国际组织和私营公司与会。
In cooperation with IAEA and with the support of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, it
had hosted an
[...] International Conference on Access to Civil Nuclear Energy in Paris in March 2010 [...]
that had been attended by
63 States, as well as various international organizations and private companies.
作为一个没有核武器但拥有完全符合不扩散义务 的实施中民用核计划的国家,大韩 民 国 可 为防止核 恐怖主义和加强核裁军与核不扩散的全球努力做出 大量贡献。
The 64-point action plan of the 2010 NPT Review Conference expresses deep concern over the
catastrophic humanitarian
[...] consequences of any use of nuclear weapons, and reaffirms the need for all States at all times [...]
to comply with applicable
international law, including international humanitarian law.
全球安保互动与合作 办公室还在制民用核能可信计划 国家 推 广 不扩散最佳做法,并协助它们为满 足核能向民用扩张的需要在核技术基础设施方面做好准备。
The GSEC Office also promotes non-proliferation
[...] best practices in countries that are developing credible plans for civilian nuclear energy and assists [...]
them in preparing their
nuclear technology infrastructures to accommodate the civil expansion of nuclear energy.
[...] 核武器国家有必要向无核武器国家提供安全保证, 阿尔及利亚关于《条约》第一条的提议应得到强化, 以确保核武器国家不与未成为《条约》缔约国国 家在民用核领域 进行合作,以及阿尔及利亚全力支 持原子能机构实施促进和平利用核能的任务。
Lastly, his delegation particularly wished to draw attention to the need for nuclear-weapon States to provide security assurances to non-nuclear-weapon States; the Algerian proposal for article I of the
Treaty to be reinforced to
[...] ensure that nuclear-weapon States refrained from cooperating in the civilian nuclear field with [...]
States not parties to
the Treaty; and Algeria’s full support for the IAEA mandate to promote the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
我愿重申尼日利亚遵守《不扩散核武器条约》 (《不扩散条约》)基本原则的承诺,并向大会保证我 们国家核动力方案仍将纯用于和平目的,旨在提 高尼日利亚民的生活水平,并且仍然在可核查的保 障监督框架内。
I would like to reaffirm Nigeria’s commitment to the basic tenets of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
(NPT), and to assure the
[...] Assembly that our national nuclear power programme will continue to be purely for peaceful purposes, geared to the enhancement of the living standards of the peoples of Nigeria, and [...]
will remain within the
framework of verifiable safeguards.
根据联合国发展援助框架(UNDAF)的规定,2005--2009 年期间,教科文组织危地马 拉办事处按照指导其在危地马拉工作的基本战略指导方针,在驻地协调员的指导下,与各联 合国机构、基金会和计划展开了联合行动:作为各计 核 心 的 国家发展计划;增强作为实现 国家对发展进程真正所有权核心 工具 的 国家 能 力 ;逐步 用国家 系 统 和能力。
In accordance with the provisions of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), for the period 2005-2009, the UNESCO Office in Guatemala has developed joint activities with the United Nations agencies, funds and programmes under the direction of the Resident Coordinator and in compliance with basic strategic orientations guiding its work in the
country: national
[...] development plans as the central element for programmes; strengthening of national capacities as a central tool for achieving true national ownership of the development process; and gradual use of national systems and capacities.
所幸的是,各国不需要投资昂贵而复杂的燃料循环 技术,因为市场能够确保提供足够 民用核 燃 料国际核 燃料库则可以为核燃料供应提供额外保 证。
Fortunately, States did not need to invest in costly and complex fuel cycle technologies, because the market
was capable of
[...] ensuring adequate nuclear fuel for civilian uses, and international nuclear fuel banks [...]
could provide added assurance of supply.
禁止直接或间接向朝鲜民主主义人民共和国提供、销售或转让 S/2006/814 号、S/2006/815 号和 S/2006/816 号文件清单载列的包括军 民用产品在内的材料、设备、货物和技术,或者安全理事会或委员会 认定的可能有助于朝鲜民主主义民 共 和 国核 相 关 、弹道导弹相关或其 他大规模毁灭性武器相关计划的其他材料、设备、产品和技术。
Prohibition of the direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea of materials,
equipment, goods and technology,
[...] including dual-use goods, as set out in the lists in the annexes to documents S/2006/814, S/2006/815 and S/2006/816 or of other materials, equipment, goods and technology, determined by the Security Council or by the Committee, which could contribute to the nuclear, ballistic missile-related [...]
or other weapons
of mass destruction-related programmes of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
至于项目提案,好几位成员赞扬项目设计新颖,但是要求澄清几个问题,包括如何 实现可持续性,各种成果的信息如何传播给中国的相关设施,试点项目下拟议的一些支助 活动是否符合供资条件,销毁成本高 核 准 的其 他 国家 的 类 似项目,还有试点示范项目的 销毁和废物管理办法如何扩大到用 制 冷 以外的行业。
Regarding the project proposal, several members praised the innovative design of the project, but sought clarification on a number of issues, including how sustainability would be achieved, how the information on the various outcomes would be disseminated to relevant facilities in China, the eligibility of some of the proposed supporting activities under a pilot project, the high costs
of destruction
[...] compared to similar projects approved for other countries, and how the destruction and waste management approaches used in the pilot demonstration [...]
projects would
be extended to sectors other than domestic refrigeration.
在过去数月里,全球抗击艾滋病、 核 病 和 疟疾基金和免疫联盟已开始补充 资金,以确保维持它们对改进保健系统的资助水平;各方已呼吁为 国 集团 2009 拉奎拉粮食安全倡议提供新的资金,并设立一个多方捐助者信托基金以帮助数百 万民家庭提 高粮食产量;此外也为框架公约减缓气候变化和适应基金等提供资 金。
In the past few months, the Global Fund to
[...] Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the GAVI Alliance have embarked on replenishments to ensure they can maintain their level of support to build better health systems; there have been calls for new financing of the Group of Eight 2009 L’Aquila Food Security Initiative and for a multi-donor trust fund that could support millions of farm families seeking to enhance [...]
food productivity; for
the Framework Convention climate change mitigation and adaptation funds and others.
[...] 年生产供出口的药用级氟氯化碳,并进行一次年度审查,以便符合缔约方在第 XXIII/2 号决定中为其国家核准的 2012 年关于计量吸入器的必用途豁 免, 但出口国须 已建立报告和核查制度,并且报告和核查制度收集并报告某些具体信息,还请世界银行作 [...] [...]
为中国氟氯化碳生产淘汰计划的执行机构提供服务,开展核查和审计,并代表中国向执行 委员会提交报告(第 66/54 号决定,(b)和(c)分段)。
The Executive Committee also adopted the recommendation to modify the production sector agreement with China to allow the production for export of pharmaceutical grade CFCs in 2012, with an annual review, for purposes of meeting the 2012 essential use exemption for metered-dose inhalers authorized by the Parties in
decision XXIII/2,
[...] provided the exporting country had reporting and verification systems in place and that the [...]
reporting and verification
systems collected and reported on some specific information and requested the World Bank, as the implementing agency, to provide its services in carrying out the verification/audit and to submit reports to the Executive Committee on behalf of China (decision 66/54, sub-paragraphs (b) and (c)).
联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署 秘书长在 2009 年和 2010 年提交安全理事会的关于武装冲突中保护平民的报 告指出在这些局势中确保更好地保护 民 的 五 项 核 心 挑 战:即加强冲突各方遵守 国际法;加强国家武装 团体遵守法律;维持和平特派团和其他有关特派团加强 保护平民;改善人道主义援助准入;加强对违法行为追究责任。
UN-Women United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women In his 2009 and 2010 reports to the Security Council on the protection of civilians in armed conflict,
the Secretary-General
[...] identified five core challenges to ensuring better protection for civilians in such situations: enhancing compliance by parties to the conflict with international law; enhancing compliance by non-State armed groups; enhancing [...]
protection by
United Nations peacekeeping and other relevant missions; enhancing humanitarian access; and enhancing accountability for violations.
在区域和国家两级有外派机构的一些组织设有重要的南南合作/三角合作组 成部分和专职工作人员:粮食署在拉丁美洲和加勒比区域设有监测和支持股;禁 毒办巴西和南锥体区域办事处设有专职协调南南合作事务的单位;人口基金巴西 国家办事处自 2004 年起一直将南南合作作为其国家方案的成果内容之一,并拨 出经费,与巴西政府分配给优先事项的经费一 用 于 推 广此种经验;开发署巴西 国家办事处和中国国家办事处均由东道国为其专职人员提供经费;在原子能机 构,由各方签署并获得理事会核准的区域协定(《非洲核科技协定》、《拉加核 科技协定》、《亚国家核科技 协定》、《亚太核科技协定》)为各自区域内的 南南合作开展了协调工作。
Some organizations with field presence at regional and country levels have major components of SSC/TC and dedicated staff: WFP Monitoring and Supporting Unit in Latin America and the Caribbean; UNODC regional office for Brazil and the Southern Cone, which has a unit dedicated to SSC coordination; UNFPA country office in Brazil, which has included SSC as one of its country programme outcomes since 2004 and has assigned funds to facilitate the experience along with
funds allocated by the Government of Brazil
[...] to its priority issues; UNDP country offices in Brazil and China, for which dedicated staff are funded by the host countries; and at IAEA, the regional agreements (AFRA, ARASIA, ARCAL, RCA), concluded among the parties and endorsed by the Board of Governors, provide coordination for SSC within their own regions.
除了该区国家用来阻 止过多资本流入的工具外,在中长期内还有必要增加民储蓄(特别是加强中期财政收支并将公债降至不对当地市场造成过大压力的 适当水平),并促进强化国内储蓄能力的金融系统以支持投资。
Beyond the tools that the countries of the region use to discourage excessive capital inflows, over the medium to long [...]
term it will be necessary
to increase national savings (by, among other things, enhancing the medium-term fiscal balance and bringing public debt down to moderate levels that do not put excessive pressure on the local markets) and to promote financial systems that increase the capacity to generate domestic savings to support investment.
六十多年来,大屠杀、房屋拆毁、粮食和药物禁 运、绑架和监禁;以各种方式威胁其邻邦,包括 使用 核武器 ;对巴勒斯坦和黎巴嫩发动无数次战争;暗杀 政治和宗教人士和精英;公开或隐蔽地干涉 国 的政 治、经济和文化事务;违国际法和 国 际 人 道主义法 以及肆意侵犯人权,包括杀害儿童和妇女——所有这 一切已构成充足的理由,要国际社会采取果断措施 来制止这些暴行,并给予巴勒斯坦 民 几 十 年来一直 被剥夺的合法权利。
More than six decades of massacre, home demolitions, food and medicine embargos, abduction and imprisonment; the threatening of its
neighbours in various
[...] ways, including with nuclear weapons; the waging of numerous wars against Palestine and Lebanon; the assassination of people, political and religious figures and elites; overt and covert interference in the political, economic and cultural affairs of other States; violations of international law and international humanitarian law and all-out violations of human rights, including the killing of children and women — all of this should be reason enough for the international community to take decisive measures to stop these brutalities and grant the people of Palestine the [...]
legitimate rights of
which they have been deprived for decades.
他表示,已从供一揽子核准的清单中删去了吉尔吉斯斯坦计量 吸入器过渡战略的编制,并在该清单中增加了两个项目供一揽 核 准 , 即:刚 民 主 共和 国溶剂 行业消耗臭氧层物质结束性淘汰的总体项目,以及关于印度尼西亚附件 A(第一类) 和附件 B(第二类)物质家淘汰 计划的拨款请求。
He indicated that the development of the MDI transition strategy for Kyrgyzstan
had been removed from
[...] the list for blanket approval, and that the umbrella project for terminal phase-out of ODS in the solvent sector for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the tranche request for the NPP for Annex A (Group I) and Annex B (Groups II and II) substances for Indonesia had been added [...]
to the list for blanket approval.
Verdonik 先生对调查结果进
[...] 应商提供的哈龙来填充它们飞机上的灭火器,并且一些国家未发现其国内有任 何公司为航空灭火器回收利用哈龙,因此根据初步的回复情况可得出的结论 是,很多国家并不是依赖自己国内的哈龙储备,而是依赖某几个向全球航空业 提供哈龙国家的哈龙供应来满 民用 航 空 的需求。
Mr. Verdonik summarized the survey results, noting that some States had indicated that their airlines, which serviced both domestic and international markets, said that foreign suppliers provided the halon to fill the fire extinguishers in their fleets and that some States were unaware of any company that recycled halon for aviation fire extinguishers within their country, and therefore, on the basis of those initial replies, it was likely that many States depended on
the availability of
[...] halon in the few countries that supplied the aviation industry as a whole, and not on stocks within their own States.
大韩国是无核武国家并拥有完全遵 守不扩散义务运转民用核项目 ,我国可以为全球防止核恐怖主义、提高核裁军 及不扩散水平的工作做出许多贡献。
As a non-nuclear-weapon State with an active civilian nuclear programme which is in full compliance with [...]
obligations, the Republic of Korea has much to contribute to the global efforts to prevent nuclear terrorism and enhance nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
随着民航运输业的迅猛发展及空管业务需求的不断增长, 国民用 航 空局空中交通管理局于2004年底建成了基于ATM信元交换 核 心 技 术的民航数据网,这张网是针对原有民航分组交换网(X.25网)和民航帧中继网在使用中存在不足的条件下建设的,网络建设从2002年启动,到2004年10月建设完成并开始试运行。
As China’s civil aviation industry and the air control demand grew rapidly, Air Traffic Management Bureau of Civil Aviation Administration of China (Hereinafter [...]
referred to as CAAC/ATMB)
established a data network based on ATM cell switching technology at the end of 2004 to complement the original packet switching network (X.25 network) and frame relay network.
在报告所涉时期,统计所根据各方在能力建设方面的不同需要,同时 考虑到学员的知识和技能水平差异、 家 统 计 体系提出的优先事项以及实施国 际统计标准方面的各项要求,修订了培训内容,并侧重了以下几个方面:(a) 经 济统计数据和 2008 年国民核算体系;(b) 人口统计数据和 2010 年的人口普 查;以及(c) 与政策相关的数据分析。
During the reporting period, the Institute revised its training contents to address the diverse capability-building needs, taking into account the levels of
participants’ knowledge and
[...] skills, priorities set by national statistical systems and requirements for implementing international statistical standards by emphasizing the following areas: (a) economic statistics and the 2008 SNA; (b) demographic statistics [...]
and the 2010 round
of the population census; and (c) policy-relevant data analysis.
我们 还认为,仅将国内生产总值作为家 进 步 和整体福利状况的指标是不够的,并敦 促国际社会,特别是政治领导人在 国民核 算 中 纳入真正可持续发展指标,包括 生态足迹、可持续经济福利指数、真实进步指标和快乐星球指数等作为实际可持 续发展的重要指标。
We also suggest that GDP is insufficient as a national indicator of progress and general welfare and urge the world community and political leaders, [...]
in particular to include indicators of
real sustainable development in their national accounting, including the Ecological Footprint, the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare, the Genuine Progress Indicator and the Happy Planet Index.
洪都拉斯还向《蒙特利尔议定书》多边基金执行委员会提交了关于在洪都 拉斯淘汰氯氟烃的国家方案,在此基础上 国家 将 为 那些大量 使 用 这 种 物质的行 业提供帮助,推民用制冷 设备使用碳氢化合物等替代产品,加强法律建设,进 一步履行《蒙特利尔议定书》规定的国家义务。
Honduras has presented to the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund of the Montreal Protocol a national proposal for the elimination of
CFC in Honduras,
[...] whereby support will be given to the sectors with the highest consumption of CFC and the conversion of domestic refrigerating equipment will be encouraged, or else the use of substitute [...]
substances such as hydrocarbons,
and the legal framework and national initiatives to comply with domestic obligations under the Montreal Protocol will be reinforced.
国在巴 勒斯坦被占领领土上应不折不扣地尊重人道主义法的准则,摒弃其封 锁政策;紧急批准所有重家园和 民用 基 础 设施所需的建筑材料输送进入加沙地 带,从而确保尊重巴勒斯坦人依据《公约》享有的住房、教育、保健、供水和卫 生设施权。
The State party should fully respect the norms of humanitarian law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, rescind its blockade
[...] policy and urgently allow all construction materials necessary for rebuilding homes and civilian infrastructures into the Gaza Strip so as to ensure respect for Palestinians’ [...]
right to housing, education, health, water and sanitation in compliance with the Convention.
我不想谈更多的细节,但我要高兴地指出,此次 审查证实,第 1540(2004)号决议的通过推动了在世界 各地采取重要步骤,来防止国家行 为者制造、获取、 拥有、发展、运输、转让或使用核武 器 、化学武器或 生物武器及其运载工具,并且还促进了收集各国在这 方面所采取措施的全面数据的工作。
Without going into greater detail, I am pleased to mention that the review confirmed that the adoption of resolution 1540 (2004) has prompted significant steps to be
taken around the world to
[...] prevent non-State actors from manufacturing, acquiring, possessing, developing, transporting, transferring or using nuclear, chemical or biological [...]
weapons or their
means of delivery, and has also facilitated the gathering of comprehensive data on the measures taken by States in this regard.
调查结果显 示:(a) 随着越来越多的国家认识到统计信息在制订和监督发展政策方面的核 心用,对 统计培训的需求日益高涨;(b) 统计所将其 2010 - 2014 学年战略计 划中的三个主要领域(千年发展目标 国家核 算 体 系以及信息和通信技术)确定 为重点优先领域;而且 (c) 培训方案应当在更大程度上侧重于包括高级别官员 在内的政府官员的技能(能力)开发。
The results showed that: (a) the demand for statistical training is increasing as more and more countries realize the critical
importance of statistical information in formulating and monitoring development policies; (b) the three focus areas
[...] (the Millennium Development Goals, SNA and information and communications technology) in the strategic plan of the Institute for the academic years 2010-2014 were identified as high [...]
priority areas; and (c) the training programme should have a greater emphasis on the skills (competency) development of government officials, including higher level officials.
条约》的目的是阻止无核武器国家发展或获取核武器,但有一项谅解,核国家将真正就消除其核武器进行谈判,并协助 核 武 器 国家 获 取用 于和平目的核技术,条件是这些国家将其活动置于国际原子能机构的保 障监督之下,并遵循不扩散规定。
The Treaty aims to dissuade non-nuclear States from developing or acquiring nuclear weapons on the understanding that nuclear States will engage in genuine negotiations over the elimination of their nuclear weapons and will assist non-nuclear States to acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, provided those States place their activities under International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards and meet non-proliferation requirements.
请执行局核准共计 117 982 062 美元的经常资源用于在 2011 和 2012 年资 助 25 个国家的核定国家方案 。这些国家的指示性经常资源计划数额是以修正划 拨系统和可用于方案的全球经常资源估计数计算的,高于为这 国家核 准 的数 额。
The Executive Board is requested to approve a total of
$117,982,062 in regular
[...] resources to fund the approved country programmes of 25 countries for 2011 and 2012, whose indicative regular resources planning levels, based on the modified allocation system and estimated global levels of programmable regular resources, are higher than the balance of approved funds for these countries.




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