

单词 民法典

See also:


civil law


legal code

be in charge of
mortgage or pawn
standard work of scholarship
literary quotation or allusion

External sources (not reviewed)

(第6/94/M 号法律) 得以肯定,政府 同时透过此法律实践政府对于家庭政策的目标;家庭权利同时受民法典规 定调整。
These rights are reaffirmed by
the Legal Framework
[...] on FamilyPolicy (Law 6/94/M),which lays down government policy on family issues, and by the CC, which regulates familyrights.
卢森堡将遵循民法典 《刑法典》内的各项规定,其中将卢森堡的各种形 式的歧视定为犯罪并予以惩罚。
The country will follow various
[...] provisions of theCivil Code andthe Criminal [...]
Code which criminalised and punished various
forms of discrimination in Luxembourg.
作为第一步,过渡当局开始对基本法、选举法和诸民法典他立 法进行审查,这些法律将构成确保人权获得个人和集体尊重的《宪法》规章框 架。
As a first step, it began a review of basic laws, the electoral code and other
[...] legislation, suchas the civilcode, which will [...]
form the institutional
regulatory framework for ensuring that human rights are respected individually and collectively.
民法典保护公民的荣誉和尊严以及法人企业商誉的章节,以及《刑 法典》中关于诽谤和侮辱行为所应承担的责任章节引起了公众的特别关注。
The particular attention of the public is drawn to the article of the Code [...]
on the protection of the honour and dignity of
citizens and the commercial reputation of legal entities, as well as to the articles of the Criminal Code on responsibility for libel and defamation.
立陶宛民法典定,规范立陶宛境内家庭法律关系的工作应该以保护和 维护儿童的权利和利益的优先原则为依据。
Lithuanian CivilCode stipulates that regulation of family legal relations [...]
within Lithuania shall be based on priority principles
of protecting and defending the rights and interests of the child.
儿童权利的保护范围由《宪法》、《儿童法典》、《家 法典 、《民 法典其他法规进行调节。
The Constitution, the Children’s Code, the
[...] Family Code, the Civil Code and other normative legal provisions regulate the protection of children’srights.
委员会建议缔约国修改其民法典《行政违法法典》为种族歧视,包括由媒 体散布的仇恨性观点,确定民事和行政责任,并保障予以补救,包括向受害者提 [...]
The Committee recommends that the State
[...] party amend its Civil Code andCode of Administrative Offences to establish [...]
civil and administrative
liability for racial discrimination, including the hateful opinions spread by the media, as well as to guarantee remedies, including compensation to victims.
同时,根据《2009-2013 年机构战略计划》之规定,全国支助残疾人理事 会,作为妇女和社会发展部下辖的政府机构,与共和国国会下辖的残疾人事务特 别委员会共同直接参与了与残疾人切身利益密切相关问题的法律起草工作,并已 于 2009 年通过第 013-2009-MIMDES 号最高敕令批准通过了第 28530 号《促进 残疾人使用互联网并在公共场所为残疾人提供适当的实体空间法》的实施细则; 批准通过了关于修订民法典43 条、第 241 条和第 274 条中明显对残疾人 构成侮辱的表述方式的法律修改案;批准通过了关于替代第 129-95-EF 号最高敕 令中关于规定免除残疾人专用车辆及假体进口所应缴纳的关税和其他相关税费的 最高敕令提案。
Legislation of this type includes Supreme Decree No. 013-2009-MIMDES of 2009, which provides for the adoption of the implementing regulations for Act No. 28530 on the Promotion of Internet Access for Persons with Disabilities and the Adaptation of Public Internet Booths; a bill to amend articles 43, 241 and 274 of the Civil Code, which deal with the unequivocal expression by persons with disabilities of their wishes; and a draft supreme decree to replace Supreme Decree No. 129-95-EF, which deals with waivers of customs duties and other taxes on imports of special vehicles and prostheses for the exclusive use of persons with disabilities.
结社自由受2/99/M 号法律和民法典154 条及其后续条文规范,规 [...]
定澳门特区居民有权自由地毋需取得任何许可而结社,只要有关社团不推行暴 力,不违反刑法或侵害公共秩序。
MSAR residentsmay freelyassociate with [...]
one another without requiring any form of authorization, as long as such associations
are not intended to promote violence, do not infringe criminal law or are not contrary to public order.
一审法院和二审法院根据《古民法典 116(d) 条规定的一年时效期限宣告卖方的诉讼请求已经超过时效期限。
The courts in the first and second instance declared the request of the seller time-barred on the basis of the one-year prescription term set in article 116(d) of the Civil Code of Cuba.
根据残疾人的实际需要和生活环境做出相应的调整:按照第 1/2007 号《民 事诉讼法》第 760 条,并参考民法典267 条、第 289 条和第 290 条,在宣 布或申报某人无行为能力时,应同时明确他/她是否可以在不需要监护人干预的 情况下实施法律行为。
As regards proportionality and adaptation to the circumstances of a person with
disabilities, article
[...] 760 of the Civil Judgements Act No. 1/2007 (LEC), taken in conjunction with articles 267, 289 and 290 of the Civil Code,require [...]
the declaration of
incapacity to specify the extent and limits thereof, the acts which the person concerned can perform unaided and those requiring the intervention of a guardian or the assistance of a curator.
关于民法典对残疾人的公民身份进行自由界定的相关条款进行修订的 提案正处于评估阶段。
A draft amendment toarticles in the Civil Code dealing with [...]
the freedom of disabled persons to determine their civil status is being studied.
住所”这一概念,根据民法典83 条指人以常居所所在地为其住 所,而《刑法典》包含广泛的意义,泛指所有及任何人进行其私人生活的地方。
The concept of “home” under article 83 of the CC refers to the usual place of residence, whereas the concept of the CCM has a broader meaning, since it comprehends all and any places where a person’s private life is carried out.
格鲁吉亚还指出,《宪法》确认的全体公民法律面前一律平等的原则也体现 在民法典《刑及《刑事诉讼法》和《民事诉讼法》中。
Georgia also noted that the principle of equality of allcitizens before the law, recognized in its Constitution, is also embodied in the civil and criminal codes and the codes of criminal and civil procedure.
最后,民法典221 条规定,监护人不得代理被监护人参与的、与其本 人或相关第三方有利益冲突的诉讼。
[...] article 221 prohibitsanypersondischarging a guardianship function from representing the wardwhen by so [...]
doing he or she will
intervene in a personal capacity or on behalf of a third person and there is a conflict of interest.
为确保残疾人在生活的各个方面在与其他 人平等的基础上享有法律权利能力而采取 的措施,特别是为确保残疾人享有平等权 利,可以维持身心健全,作为公民充分参 与,拥有或继承财产,掌握自己的财务,
有平等机会获得银行贷款、抵押贷款和其 他形式的金融信贷,以及确保残疾人的财 产不被任意剥夺而采取的此类措施 为使聋人和盲聋人的基本权利能够不受任何限制地得到尊重和完全行使,全
[...] 国支助残疾人理事会提交了一份法律提案,提议修改民法典第 43 条、第 241 条和第 274 [...]
Measures taken by the State party to ensure that persons with disabilities enjoy legal capacity on an equal basis with others in all aspects of life, in particular such measures as to ensure the equal right of persons with disabilities to maintain their physical and mental integrity, full participation as citizens, own or inherit property, to control their own financial affairs and to have equal access to bank loans, mortgages and other forms of financial credit, and their right not to be arbitrarily deprived of their property In order to ensure respect for the fundamental rights of deaf and deaf-blind persons and the full and
unhindered exercise of those rights, CONADIS has submitted a bill that would amend articles 43, 241
[...] and 274of the CivilCode asthey relate [...]
to the ability of
persons with disabilities to express their will unequivocally.
In addition, without prejudice to its rights of withdrawal, cancellation and guarantee compliance
above, the Purchaser receives the proceeds of the implied warranty as provided in sections
[...] 1641 to 1649 of the CivilCode.
一些国家认为,向善意持有人支付补偿是归还方面的一个障碍,并且某民法典 文过 度保护所有人,即使物品是通过犯罪得到的(墨西哥和波兰)。
For several States, it is alleged that the payment of compensation to the possessor in good faith is an
obstacle to restitution and that the
[...] provisionsof certain civil codes areover protective [...]
of the owners, even if the object
was obtained by criminal means (Mexico and Poland).
Furthermore, the inclusion of land and
[...] property rights in the Civil Code hadbeen approved [...]
by the Council of Ministers and was
awaiting approval by the National Parliament.
[...] 行为能力者,可以由其监护人作为其法定代理人来继承遗产,并帮助其管理财产 (根据民法典271.4 条,监护人需要获得司法当局或机构的授权,方可无保 [...]
It therefore leaves the matter in the hands of the body which pronounced legal incapacity; unless that body states otherwise there is a presumption that it permits the person deprived of capacity to accept the inheritance with the assistance of the curator
or, if appropriate, the guardian in his
[...] capacity as legalrepresentativeof the [...]
person concerned and administrator of that
person's property (however, under article 271(4) that person is also required to obtain court authorization to accept the inheritance without benefit of inventory or refuse it).
行政当局的私法关 系或其非行政合同的民事责任,按民法典范,并按《民事诉讼行 诉讼;对于违反行政合同的责任,《行政诉讼法典》有针对性的特别规范。
Of further relevance to the protection and enforcement of human rights are the Administrative Law provisions granting the right to submit applications for reconsideration, petitions, representations and complaints to any administrative body or authority.
民法典 82 条确立儿童的姓名权、个人身分及人格,任何人均有权 [...]
拥有一姓名及有权使用该姓名之全名或简称,并有权反对他人不法使用其姓名或 作其他用途。
Every person isentitled [...]
to have a name, to use it and to defend against its illicit use by a third person for his/her identification or for other purposes.
西班牙民法典 一卷的第九和第十章均对这些机构做出了相应的规定,其中:第 199 至 201 条对 “无行为能力”做出了规定,第 215 [...]
至 285 条定义了监护关系,第 286 至 293 条定 义了监护人职责,第 299 至 302
条对辩护律师进行了规定,第 303 和 304 条对事 实监护进行了定义。
These institutions
[...] aregoverned byParts IX and X of BookIof the CivilCode, which govern [...]
deprivation of capacity (articles
199 to 201), guardianship (articles 215 to 285), curatorship (articles 286 to 293), the Legal Defender and the de facto custodian (articles 303 and 304).
民法典1538 条对姓名权有所规定,夫妻可以各自保留自己的姓 氏,亦可选择在其本身姓氏上冠以对方不超过两个之姓氏;保留前配偶姓氏之人 不得行使冠以配偶姓氏之权能。
Regardingthe issue of the family name, article 1538 of the CC establishes that husband and wife may keep their own surnames, and, if they so choose, may also add their spouse’s surnames up to a number of two.
此外,民法典665 条规定,如果不完全行为人具有立遗嘱的行为能力,那么当他/她需要立遗嘱 [...]
时,应到公证处、并在两名公证人员的公证下立遗嘱:这也是对不完全行为人的 负责。
Finally, article 665 states
[...] that where the judgementof incapacity [...]
makes no provision regarding the capacity to make a will,
and the incapacitated person wishes to make one, the assistance of a notary must be sought to designate two medical practitioners to guarantee the person's capacity and grant recognition and authorization as appropriate.
完整的所有权赋予不动产所有者最广范的权 利,只有民法典行政法有明确规定的 情况下,或按所有权人的自身意愿才可以对 [...]
Full ownership gives the widest scope of rights related to real estate and can be
restricted only under certain circumstances,
[...] defined by the Civil Code (neighbour [...]
or zoning regulations), administrative law or the owner’s will.
代表团在答复其它问题时指出,政府将很快最后审定有民法典刑法讼法和刑事诉讼法的法案草案,这些法案载有与实施各项人 权条约直接相关的条款。
In answering to other questions, the delegation noted that the Government will soon finalize the draft billson civil andpenal codes, sentencing act andcivil and criminal procedure codes, which contain provisions which are directly related to the implementation of various human rights treaties.
2002 年民法典101 条规定“所有者应有权自行拥有、使用、处置其所有 物,并保护其不受侵犯,不破坏另一方受法律或法律范围内协议保障的权利”。
Article101 of theCivil Code of 2002 reads [...]
“Owners shall be entitled to possess, use, dispose of their ownership subjects
at own discretion and protect them from any encroachment, without breaking the other parties’ rights guaranteed by law, or agreement and within the limits determined by law”.
(2008年) 等等。一些立法目前还是草案形式或者正在等待批准:《房产 拥有权界定特别制度》(
[...] 《土地法》) 、《儿童法典》、《领养法律制度》、《劳法典民法典《关于人口贩卖法》、《未成年人监护法》和《诉诸司 [...]
Some legislation are currently in draft form or awaiting approval: the Special Regime for the Definition of Real Estate Ownership (Land Law), the Children’s
Code, the Legal Regime for
[...] Adoption, the Labour Code, the CivilCode, theLaw on Human [...]
Trafficking, the Law on the Guardianship
of Minors and the Law on Access to the Courts, amongst others.
(c) 虽然注意到缔约国2002 年颁布了新的民法典规定非公民在民事 和法律事项上享有与公民相同的权利,但一些外国人可能遭受基于族裔的有组织 的暴力侵犯
(c) That, while taking
[...] note of the enactment in 2002 of the new CivilCode which stipulates that non-citizens have the [...]
same rights as citizens
in civil and legal matters, some foreigners may be subjected to organized violence based on ethnic origin (arts. 2 and 16).




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