

单词 民权主义

民权主义 noun ()

democracy n

民主主义 noun ()

democracy n

See also:

民权 n

civil right n


civil liberties

主义 n

socialist n
nationalism n
imperialism n
militarism n



External sources (not reviewed)

体现这种主体思想的法律制度规定 民主权 利 和 义 务 以及实现这种权利 和义务的保障、方法和方式。
The legal system that has embodied the Juche
[...] idea stipulates democratic rights and duties, as [...]
well as guarantees, ways and means for their realization.
国际社会主义青年联盟支持在社会各阶层以及在生活的各个方面实现自由和人 权、社会公正和平等,反对任何形式的歧视;主张民主,反对任何形式的 权主 义、权力主义、民粹主 义和独裁;拥护人人享有自决权、自由权和言论自由权, 团结一致和政治解决问题。
IUSY stands for freedom and human rights, social justice and equality at all levels in society and in all aspects of life and against
any form of
[...] discrimination, for democracy and against any form of totalitarianism, authoritarianism, populism and dictatorship, and for the right to self-determination, [...]
liberty and
freedom of expression for all peoples, universal solidarity and political solutions to problems.
在这方面,我想提请你们注意占领国以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯 坦被占领土上进行的以下非法行动,并重申巴勒斯坦人民及其领导人呼吁包括安全 理事会在内的国际社会维护他们的法 义 务 和 责任、立即采取行动制止这种非法和 危险的局势和抓住实现公正、全面和持久和平解决的有利时机,特别是通过和平解 决巴勒斯坦人民可在 1967 年前边界的基础上建立以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立主 权、民主、毗 邻和能独立发展的巴勒斯坦国,实现自己的自决和自由权利。
In this regard, I wish to draw your attention to the following illegal actions perpetrated by Israel, the occupying Power, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and to reiterate the appeal of the Palestinian people and their leadership to the international community, including the
Security Council, to
[...] uphold its legal obligations and responsibilities and to act forthwith to bring an end to this unlawful and dangerous situation and to salvage the prospects of realizing a just, comprehensive and lasting peace settlement by which, inter alia, the Palestinian people will realize their right to self-determination and freedom in their independent, sovereign, democratic, [...]
contiguous and viable State of
Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, on the basis of the pre-1967 borders.
会员国应出台、发展或审查电子民主政策、惯例和立法,并与地方、 地区、国家和国际各级有关伙伴合作采取措施,形成电子民主理念并制定电 子民主标准,这些理念与标准应支持 权 、 民主 和 法 治,提高民主政治、民 主机构和民主工作的实效,拓宽公众参与政治进程的选择范围,使公众有机 会进行有义和卓 有成效的讨论并参与民主进程的各个阶段,适应人们的需 求与优先事项。
Member States should introduce, develop or review e-democracy policies and practices and legislation and take steps, in cooperation with the appropriate local, regional, national and international partners and stakeholders, to develop concepts of, and standards
for, edemocracy that
[...] uphold human rights, democracy and the rule of law, enhance the effectiveness of democracy, democratic institutions and democratic processes and widen the choices available to the public for taking part in political processes, providing opportunities for meaningful and effective [...]
public deliberation
and participation in all stages of the democratic process, responsive to people’s needs and priorities.
联合声明中对伊朗伊斯兰共和国提出的指控是其篡改事实真相的又一事例, 为某些政治和经济权力集团的利益,在中东地区扩大其 权主义 政 策 ,并转移美 国民对国 内和外交层面许多无效和失败政策的注意力而采取的又一骗术。
Those accusatory allegations raised against the Islamic Republic of Iran in the joint statement are yet another example of misrepresentation of the realities on the ground in
the interest of certain circles of political and economic power to further
[...] their hegemonic policies in the Middle East region, and also a deception tactic to avert the attention of United States citizens from many unfruitful [...]
and failed policies
at the domestic and foreign levels.
教育组织法》确定了如下教育目标:(a) 开发每个人的创造潜能,使其充 分行使他或她的个性和民权;(b) 制定基于主动积极的参与和行动的新的政治 文化,以增强人民的权力;(c) 依据地史学的方法培养个人,使他们具备国籍主权的意识;(d) 促进尊重人的尊严和了解以下内容的培训:容忍、 义 、 团 结、 和平、尊重人权和不歧视的道德价值观;(e) 鼓励提高生态意识,以保护生物多 样性和社会多样性;(f) 从整体的角度,借助和通过解放性的社会工作并在这一 工作中教育学生。
The Organic Law on Education defines the aims of
education as follows: (a)
[...] to develop each human being’s creative potential for the full exercise of his or her personality and citizenship; (b) to develop a new political culture grounded in proactive participation and action to strengthen the power of the people; (c) to develop individuals on the basis of a geohistorical approach aimed at instilling awareness of their nationality and sovereignty; (d) to promote respect for human dignity and training informed by the ethical values of tolerance, justice, solidarity, [...]
peace, respect for human
rights and non-discrimination; (e) to encourage the growth of ecological awareness with a view to preserving biodiversity and social diversity; and (f) to educate pupils in, by and through liberating social work from an integral standpoint.
权、民主、社会正义和 和平都必须得到维护。
Human rights, democracy, social justice and [...]
peace must be preserved.
联合国在刚民主共和 国的目标是:协助政府按照国际 权义 务 , 促进和 保护人权;帮助在该国建立可持续的和平与稳定;协助该国政府建设能够保护国家 和全体人民并向人民提供服务的国家机构;帮助捍卫 2006 年举行的自独立以来的 第一次民主选举赋予国家机制的合法性;并支助政府努力建设一个与邻国和平共处 并能实现自身经济潜力的民主国家。
The objectives of the United
[...] Nations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are to assist the Government in promoting and protecting human rights according to international human rights obligations; to help to establish [...]
sustainable peace
and stability in the country; to assist the Government in building national institutions that can protect the State and the population, and deliver services to the people; to help to safeguard the legitimacy of the national institutions that was attained with the holding, in 2006, of the first democratic elections since independence; and to support the Government’s efforts to build a democratic country that is at peace with its neighbours and can realize its economic potential.
中心对人权保护的各方面进行调查,无论是在国家层面,还是国际层面;就 履行国际人义务的 情况编写向联合国公约机关提交的国家报告;组织制定教学 计划、组织进修班、讲义课程和教学旅行;制定和落实人权教学计划;总结推广 人权信息;发展同国际人权中心或组织的技术合作和信息交流;协调 民主 化、 管理及权保护 问题上提供技术援助的国际机构在地方的工作;接受并审理居民 就侵犯人权提起的申诉。
It studies various aspects of the realization and protection of human rights at both the national and the international levels; prepares country reports on Uzbekistan’s
fulfilment of its
[...] international human rights obligations for submission to the United Nations treaty bodies; organizes seminars, lecture series and study trips; provides assistance in developing and implementing human rights study programmes; compiles and disseminates information on human rights; develops technical cooperation and information links with international human rights centres and organizations; coordinates locally the activities of international agencies that render technical assistance in matters of democratization, governance and human rights protection; [...]
and receives and reviews
complaints from the public about human rights violations.
格鲁吉亚的请求书附有关于指明临时措施的请求,目的是维护它根据《消 除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》“防止其公民遭受俄罗斯武装部队协同分 主义 民兵和 外国雇佣军采取的歧视性暴力行为所害” 权 利 (见 2008/09 年及其后的 年度报告)。
The application of Georgia was accompanied by a request for the indication of provisional measures, in order to preserve its rights under the
International Convention “to
[...] protect its citizens against violent discriminatory acts by Russian armed forces, acting in concert with separatist militia [...]
and foreign mercenaries” (see
annual reports 2008/09 et seq.).
一个国际级的多边的利益相关群体论坛有助于增强协调援助政策、 权义 务 和 国际 间达成的发展目标,并在发展过程中尊 民主 和 当 地 权 益。
A multilateral and multi-stakeholder forum at the international level can help enhance
harmonization in aid policies
[...] in line with human rights obligations and internationally agreed development goals while respecting democratic and local ownership of the development [...]
我也要感谢西格大使提请各位成员注意“蒙特勒 宣言”和有关若干关切领域问题的各项决议的重要性 和义,其中包括十年前通过的关于法语国家共同民主、权利和 自由做法的《巴马科宣言》;法语国家 共同体中的危机、危机后和建设和平局势;各国间加 强合作打击假药或伪药;加强国际合作打击跨国有组 织犯罪;打击海盗活动和恐怖义; 以 及积极利用创 新融资和可持续旅游业等机会。
I also wish to thank Ambassador Seger for drawing members’ attention to the importance and relevance of the Montreux Declaration and the various resolutions on several areas of concern, including the
Bamako Declaration on the Practices of Democracy, Rights and Freedoms in the French-speaking Community, which was adopted 10 years ago; crisis, post-crisis and peacebuilding situations in the Francophone community; the strengthening of cooperation between States in order to combat bogus and counterfeit medicines; bolstering international cooperation to fight transnational organized crime; combating piracy and terrorism; and taking advantage of such opportunities as innovative financing and sustainable tourism.
今天,在拙劣的政变及其后发生的苏联 权主义 枯朽的大厦倒塌后 20 年,我们再次在空气中闻到了 自由民主的希望气息。
Today, 20 years after the bumbling coup and ensuing
crumbling of that rusty
[...] edifice of totalitarianism, the Soviet Union, we again smell in the air the hope of liberty and democracy — this time in the [...]
Middle East and North Africa.
[...] 和尊严,掌控自己的未来,拥有自决权,因此不惧 怕一些国家和区域政治集团以保护 权 、 民主 、正 义和善 治为借口,对其进行威吓,这些年来这些国 家和区域政治集团一直对其强加各种措施,违反了 [...]
Zimbabwe cherished its independence, sovereignty, dignity, future and right to self-determination and rejected attempts at intimidation on the part of certain countries and regional
blocs which, on the pretext of
[...] defending human rights, democracy, the rule of law and good governance, [...]
had for several years
imposed measures that were completely contrary to the principles governing international cooperation.
非洲联盟承认利比亚全国过渡委员会反 权主 义斗争 的胜利,并建议它的政府执行一项过渡计划, 以期进行自由和透明的选举,同时通过利比亚 民大 家 庭的所有群体的参加,确保其合法性。
The African Union recognizes the victory of the National Transitional Council
of Libya in its
[...] fight against totalitarianism and recommends that its Government undertake a programme of transition aimed at the holding of free and transparent elections, ensuring their legitimacy through the participation of all of the groups that constitute the community of Libyan people.
欧盟还认为打击恐怖主义这一灾难,实现对人 权、国际人主义权利以及难民权利 的尊重也很重 要,并支持反恐执行工作队采取的行动,以促进《联 合国全球反恐战略》的实行。
The European Union also considered it important to combat another scourge, that of
international terrorism, by
[...] respecting human rights, international humanitarian law and refugee law, and supported [...]
the work of the
Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force in promoting the implementation of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.
两性公平:民权、就业与家庭”是墨西哥的一个非政府组织,成立于 1996 年,由一批主要的政治、学术和社会 权主义 者 创 办。
Equidad de Género: Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia is a non-governmental organization of Mexico founded in 1996 by leading political, academic and social feminists.
在教学中应特别强调以下 几个方面的教育:权、民主、和 平以及诸如公 民权利与义务、 宽容、非暴力及文化和文明间 的对话等普遍认同的价值观。
In particular, activities should stress
[...] education on human rights, democracy, peace and universally shared values such as citizenship, tolerance, [...]
non-violence and dialogue
among cultures and civilizations.
塞舌尔政府宣布2008 年为《宪法》反思年,该年的全国 主 题 为 “我们 的《宪法》,国家的声音”,这代表在提高公众对 权 和 公 民义 务 的 认识、知识 和了解上迈进了一大步。
The declaration of year 2008 as the year of
reflection on the
[...] Constitution under the national theme “Our Constitution, the Voice of our Nation” represented a significant step towards the building-up of public awareness, knowledge and understanding of human rights and citizens’ duties.
两年前,正是从这个讲台上,我表示有两种方法 可以摆脱共产主义并翻开历史的新篇章——瓦奇拉
[...] 夫·哈韦尔的方法和斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇的方法, 一种是开明的民主和容忍的方法,而另一种是 权主 义和族裔民族主义的方法。
Two years ago, from this very podium, I suggested that there were two ways to leave communism behind and to re-enter history — the way of Vaclav Havel
and the way of Slobodan
[...] Milošević, the way of liberal democracy and tolerance, on one [...]
side, and the way of authoritarianism
and ethnic nationalism, on the other.
实际上,制裁的主要特征结果是在 促进国际和平与安全的幌子下将某些大国的 权主 义意图强加给其他国家民众。
Indeed, the main feature of sanctions turns
out to be a tool to impose the hegemonic intentions of some big Powers on other
[...] nations and populations, under the pretext of spurring international peace and security.
工作组建议的一些具体措施,包括通过关于不歧视的具体立法;开展全国促 进多文化和尊重非裔厄瓜多尔人尊严的运动;采取各项措施缩小非裔厄瓜多尔人 与更广泛民众之间的现行教育差距;开展对非洲人后裔的民族教育;增强非裔厄 瓜多尔人民间社 会;采取措施消除传媒中的种 主义 和 种族歧视现象;进一步 鼓励非裔人参与公共行政事务;建立一个非裔厄瓜多尔人研究中心;深入开展免 费法律援助服务;在监察专员署内设立一个主管与非洲人后裔相关问题的分支单 位,并建立一个促进非裔妇女教育的专门方案。
The concrete measures recommended by the Working Group include the adoption of specific legislation on non-discrimination; the development of a national campaign to promote multiculturalism and respect for the dignity of the Afro-Ecuadorian people; the adoption of measures to reduce the educational gap that exists between Afro-Ecuadorians and the wider population; the introduction of ethno-education for people of African descent; the strengthening of Afro-Ecuadorian civil society; measures to eliminate racism and discrimination in the media; further efforts to encourage participation of persons of African descent in public administration; the establishment of a centre for Afro-Ecuadorian studies; the further development of free legal aid services; the creation within the office of the Ombudsman of a sub-unit dedicated to issues related to people of African descent and the creation of special programmes to promote the education of women of African descent.
无论是在西班 牙国内战争与洛尔迦一起,还是在阿叶德的智利,他都与独裁统治和压迫作斗争,他反对社 会排斥、种族排斥、社会不公和经济剥削,以及昔日和今日的 权主义 破 坏 文化遗产和具有 特性的遗产,不论其是十五世纪欧洲征服时的种族屠杀还是二十世纪开采和 民主义 留 下的 痛苦痕迹。
Both in Civil War Spain, alongside Federico García Lorca, and in Salvador Allende’s Chile, he fought dictatorship and oppression, social and racial exclusion, injustice and economic exploitation, and the destruction of the heritage
of civilizations and
[...] identity by the hegemonic imperialists of yesterday and today, notably the bitter legacy of the genocides perpetrated during the European conquest in the fifteenth century, and exploitation and colonialism in the twentieth [...]
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索、刚果、朝民主主义人民共和 国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织在气候变化问题上的专业能力。
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.
大会第 2065(XX)号决议和后来多项决议,以及非殖民化特别委员会的决议, 都把马尔维纳斯群岛问题称为一种特别的 民 地 情 况,尤其是因为它涉及阿根廷 与大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国之间 主权 争 端,规定结束这种情况的方式是通 过谈判和平解主权之争 ,并敦促两国政府不再迟延,立即依照大会和特别委员 会的建议进行双边谈判。
The United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution 2065 (XX) and in subsequent
resolutions, and the
[...] Special Committee on Decolonization, have described the question of the Malvinas Islands as a special and particular colonial situation involving a sovereignty dispute between Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, have established that the way to put an end to that situation is the peaceful and negotiated solution of the sovereignty dispute, and have [...]
requested both Governments
to continue without delay the bilateral negotiations recommended by the General Assembly and the Special Committee.
很多会员国都提到了在下述方面进一步加强部门间合作的机遇:多种语言;信息传播 技术为教育特别是为培养师资服务;传媒教育;制作多样化和具有文化多样性的地方内容;
[...] 文化遗产,其中特别是要加强“世界记忆”计划和重大计划 IV 中的其它文化遗产活动的联 系;信息伦理;信息传播技术为权 和 民主 教 育 服务。
Many Member States identified opportunities for furthering intersectoral cooperation in the following areas: multilingualism; ICTs for education, especially for teacher training; media education; production of diversified and culturally diversified local content; cultural heritage, in particular by strengthening the links between the Memory of the World Programme and the other
cultural heritage activities under Major Programme IV; infoethics; and the
[...] use of ICTs in human rights and democracy education.
虽然刚果(金)武装部队情报官员告诉专家组说,Mitondeke 先生在协助筹 备在戈马举行一次义,但 促进刚果自由 主权 爱 国 联盟代表辩称,该议员因在 2011 年选举前退出卡比拉总统的政党并加入了反对党而成为报复的对象。
While FARDC intelligence officers told the
[...] Group that Mr. Mitondeke was supporting preparations for an uprising in Goma, APCLS representatives defended the position that the Deputy was targeted [...]
in retaliation for leaving President Kabila’s party and joining the
opposition prior to elections in 2011.
此共同核心文件与根据 《民及政 治权利国际公约》提交的具体条约报告一起概述了马尔代夫在履行国 家权义务上采取的立法、司法、行政及其他措施。
Together, the Common Core Document and the ICCPR treaty specific report
[...] outline the legislative, judicial, administrative and other measures in the Maldives, which give effect to the country’s human rights obligations.




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