

单词 民族主义情绪

See also:

民主主义 n

democracy n

情绪 n

emo n
feeling n
spirit n


state of mind

External sources (not reviewed)

泰国亲建制运 动利用这个问题掀起了反柬埔寨 民族主义情绪并 试图推翻他信支持的政府。
Thai pro-establishment movements used this issue
[...] to whip up nationalist sentiments against Cambodia [...]
as they tried to topple the Thaksin-backed government.
虽然迄今为止当中国政府采取具体行动时都还 能够约民族主义情绪,但 群情激愤的国内环境仍 然制约了政府政策抉择及其应付问题的能力。
While Beijing has been able
[...] to rein in nationalist sentiment over the South [...]
China Sea when it adopts a specific policy,
this heated environment still limits its policy options and its ability to manage the issue.
在另一篇报告里,我们将集中讨论有关的地区 动态,如军备升级、资源竞争和在其它声索国内日 益上涨民族主义情绪。
Regional dynamics, including arms
build-ups, competition for resources and
[...] increasing nationalist sentiment in other claimant [...]
countries are the subject of a separate report.
缅甸军政民族主义情绪泛滥 、不可以常理推断, 对外界的批评强烈抵触,外界的施压因此常常收效 [...]
The military
[...] government is intensely nationalistic, unpredictable and [...]
resistant to external criticism, making it often impervious to outside influence.
中国海军利用海域紧张局势来推行 部队现代化,而领土争端又煽起 民族主义情绪, 这些因素使得问题更加错综复杂。
The Chinese navy’s use of maritime tensions to justify its
[...] modernisation, and nationalist sentiment around territorial [...]
claims, further compound the problem.
[...] 徒之间的紧张关系正愈演愈烈,也说明不同宗教之 间的不信任会轻易地被高涨的极 民族主义情绪操 控
It was a worrying development as it cast the tensions as Muslim versus
Buddhist and showed how easily the distrust between religions could be
[...] manipulated by rising ultra-nationalist sentiments.
如果西方着迷于此并胆敢用高人一等的语气跟这个有5000年历史的圣贤之国对话,那么就可能成为中民族主义情绪 的 另 一个目标。
If it gets carried away and presumes to talk
down to the 5,000-year-old culture of the Sages, the West could become the
[...] next object of China’s nationalist resentment.
中国政府一贯强调南海诸岛历史上为中国所有,从 而刻意为该地区的领土争端渲 民族主义情绪。
Beijing has deliberately imbued the South China Sea
[...] disputes with nationalist sentiment by perpetually [...]
highlighting China’s historical claims.
由于韩国的民族主义者热衷于鼓吹延边曾是古国 高句丽(Koguryo)( 公
[...] 元 前 57 年~公元后 668 年)的一部分,中 国当局对境内的朝民族主义情绪非 常 警惕。
Given that South Korean nationalists love to stress that the Yanbian was once a part of the ancient Korean
kingdom of Koguryo (57 BC to AD 668), Chinese authorities remain
[...] vigilant about Korean nationalism within China’s borders.
葡萄牙指出经济危机有可能引发种族间紧张局势,使有害 民族主义情绪 抬头
Portugal observed that economic crisis had a potential
[...] to stoke racial tension and harmful nationalistic tendencies.
177 为了减少有关海事问题报道的 民族主义情绪渲 染,一群外交家和学者在 2011 年底组织了一个研 讨会。
The seminar, entitled “China’s diplomatic review and outlook in 2011”, was jointly organised on 18 December 2011 by the foreign ministry and China Foreign Affairs University.
作为亲建制派颠覆民选政府运动的策略之一,人民 民主联盟与皇宫内的同情者、其他保皇派、非政府 组织、媒体和学术机构一起,围绕柏威夏问题加紧 进行民族主义恐吓运动,利用根深蒂固 民族主义 情绪来反对亲他信的政府以及柬埔寨。
As part of the establishment’s efforts to subvert an elected government, the PAD, in collaboration with sympathisers in the palace, other royalists, NGOs, media and academia, stepped up a nationalist scare campaign around Preah Vihear that exploited deep-rooted nationalism against the pro-Thaksin government and Cambodia.
This kind of anti-foreign sentiment occurs from time to time in China, often when Beijing is unhappy about something a foreign government has done
and uses the state-controlled media to voice its displeasure by
[...] whipping up nationalistic sentiment among average Chinese.
但人民民主联盟(即黄衫军)在曼谷故意 煽民族主义情绪,称 联合公报会导致泰国丧失领 土。
Their agreement also spelled out that listing would not prejudice any future border demarcation.25 In June, the two countries finally signed the communiqué
formalising the May
[...] agreement, but the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD), also known as the Yellow Shirts, deliberately stoked nationalist outrage in Bangkok, [...]
claiming that Thailand
risked losing its territory as a result of it.
对内,中国已经采取了措施平 民族主义情绪 ,并力图劝阻地方部门采取过激行动,但中国目前的行 [...]
事特征仍然是数个部级机构和执法部门争相插手, 同时既无有效协调机制,也无高层制定的长远政 策。
Internally, China has taken
[...] measures to calm nationalist sentiment and discourage [...]
aggressive actions by local agencies.
她在财阀问题上的民粹主义立场表明,当选后她可能会迎民族主义情绪 , 对日本采取强硬立场,特别是要淡化其父在日本殖民统治时期为日军卖命的历史。
Her populist stance on the chaebol suggests
that, if elected, she might similarly
[...] pander to nationalist sentiment by taking a tough [...]
stance against Japan, especially to
play down her father’s service in Japan’s military while Korea was under Japanese colonial rule.
若开邦持续不断 的族群骚乱令人深感担忧,在缅甸其他地区也可能 爆发类似冲突民族主义情绪和族群 民 族 主 义正在 抬头,历史成见也再度显现。
The ongoing intercommunal strife in Rakhine State is of grave concern, and there is the potential for similar violence elsewhere, as nationalism and ethno-nationalism rise and old prejudices resurface.
1911年的革命正是受到了日本明治维新的鼓舞;而由于20世纪初的日民族主义情绪 极 高,在日本的影子中诞生的新中国也构筑在了民族主义的理念之上。
The Revolution of 1911 was inspired by the example of Japan’s Meiji Restoration; and, because early-twentieth-century Japan was stridently nationalistic, the new China [...]
that emerged from
its image was constructed on nationalist principles as well.
54 2008 年民盟利用这一问 题煽民族主义情绪来反 对他信支持的政府。当时 的外交部长诺帕敦·巴塔玛表示支持柬埔寨将柏威夏 [...]
寺列为世界遗产所作出的努力,此后他被民盟指控 为“出卖国家”。
It accused then foreign minister Noppadon Patama [...]
of “selling out the country” after he expressed support for Phnom Penh’s
efforts to list the temple as a World Heritage site.55
刑法典》界定了下列方面的责任:实施恐 主义 犯 罪 ,挑 民族 、种 族、宗教或地区间敌情绪,获 取、保存、转交和邮寄极端主义材料以进行传 播、编制和散布,以及故意使用极端主义组织标志和工具。
The Criminal Code defines responsibility for crimes of a terrorist nature, the instigation of national, racial, religious or inter-confessional [...]
hatred, the acquisition,
possession, transport or dispatch of extremist materials with a view to disseminating or preparing to disseminate them, and the intentional use of symbols or attributes of extremist organizations.
在开展德班会议的后续活动方面,教科文组织还将加强与人权委员会负责 族主 义、种族歧视、仇情绪和相 关不宽容问题特别报告员、负责德班会议后续活动政 府间工作组、有关非洲后裔民问题 工作组,以及由联合国秘书长委任的监督《德 班宣言》和《行动纲领》落实情况的独立贤达人士团4 的合作。
As part of the follow-up to the Durban Conference, UNESCO will also reinforce its cooperation with the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights
on contemporary forms
[...] of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, the intergovernmental working group on the Durban follow-up, the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent [...]
and the group of independent
eminent experts4 appointed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to follow-up the implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action.
实现宪法第 3 条 规定的男女平等、在国内实施“适合儿童的德国 2005-2010 年行动计划”和德国 政府防止针对妇女的暴力行为行动计划、支持有 民 背 景 的人们争取机会均等和 社会参与,制定消除族主义、仇外 情绪 , 反 犹太主义和与之相关的不容忍行为 的国家行动计划——这些仅为政府在改善人权方面所做的持续努力的若干实例。
The realization of article 3 of the Constitution, which states that men and women have equal rights, the implementation of the National Action Plan for a Child-Friendly Germany 2005-2010 and the Action Plan of the Federal Government to Combat Violence against Women, efforts to ensure equal opportunities and participation for people with a migrant background, as well as the preparation of the National Action Plan to Fight Racism, Xenophobia, Anti-Semitism and Related Intolerance, are just a few examples of the Government’s ongoing commitment to improving the human rights situation.
还确认贩运活动受害人特别容易受到 族主义 、 种 族 歧 视 、仇 情绪 及 相 关 不容忍现象的侵害,受害妇女和女童往往受到多重形式的歧视和暴力侵害,包括 基于其性别、年龄、残疾、族裔、文化和宗教、以 民 族 和 社会出身的歧视和暴 力侵害,种种形式的歧视本身可能为人口贩运活动火上浇油
Recognizing that victims of trafficking are particularly exposed to racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and that women and girl victims are often subject to multiple forms of discrimination and violence, including on the grounds [...]
of gender, age, disability, ethnicity,
culture and religion, as well as national or social origin, and that these forms of discrimination may themselves fuel trafficking in persons
以色列违反国际法、人权法和国际人道主义法的 行为一直在增多,其很多做法就证明了这一点,例如 在没有任何合法理由情况下将 10 000 名巴勒斯坦 人拘押在以色列监狱和拘留所中;无视国际法院的咨 询意见,持续修建族主义隔离 墙;违反安全理事会 第 1860(2009)号决议和大会第 ES-10/18 号决议,对 加沙地带实行严密封锁;在西岸设置障碍和检查站; 以色列内阁规定犹太人作出效忠宣誓,以孤立以色列 境内的以色列籍阿拉伯人口;以色列议会最近的立法 对撤出已被以色列吞并的阿拉伯被占领土规定了新 的苛刻条件,但通过民投票 或经议会三分之二多数 通过则除外;以及由于时间关系,我们不能一一列举 的其他许多违法行为。
Israel’s violations of international law, human rights law and international humanitarian law have been increasing, as manifested by many practices, such as the detention of 10,000 Palestinians in Israeli jails and detention facilities without any legal
grounds; the continued
[...] construction of the racist separation wall, in defiance of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice; the tight siege of the Gaza Strip, contrary to Security Council resolution 1860 (2009) and General Assembly resolution ES-10/18; the barriers and checkpoints in the West Bank; the Jewish loyalty oath instituted by the Israeli Cabinet to isolate the Arab-Israel population in Israel; the recent Knesset legislation setting stringent new conditions on any withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories annexed to Israel except through a referendum or the approval [...]
of a two-third majority
of the Knesset; and many other violations that time will not permit us to list.
[...] 此严重的程度,以至于哥斯达黎加总统本人已向媒体 表示关切,并承认哥斯达黎加这一波针对尼加拉瓜民的仇外情绪和种族主义行为
The degree of racial discrimination and xenophobia has reached such a height that the President of Costa Rica herself has had to voice
her concern to the media and to acknowledge this wave of
[...] xenophobia and racism against Nicaraguan citizens in Costa Rica.
占领国仍在建造族主义隔离 墙,这侵犯 了西岸,特别是东耶路撒冷巴勒斯坦 民 的 所有权 利,而国际社会不愿采取行动,使得占领军更加胆 大妄为,无视世界各地穆斯林的情 , 在 耶路撒冷 地下进一步挖掘隧道。
The occupying Power was still
[...] building the racist separation wall which violated all the rights of the Palestinian people in the West Bank, particularly in East Jerusalem where the reluctance of the international community to take action had emboldened the forces of occupation to disregard the feelings of Muslims [...]
around the world by digging
further tunnels under Jerusalem.
德国解释说,其国家报告集中报告了五个领域的情况:(a) 在庇护和融合 政策方面,在 8,200 万的总人口中有 1,500
[...] 万人有移民背景的情况下,移民的融合 是一个严重挑战;政府采取的措施包括 2007 年通过的一项《国家融合计划》;(b) 虽然在部分 人口中存在的族主义和 仇 外情绪 仍 然 是一个令 人关切 的问题,但各 州政府民间社会都决心解决这问题。
Germany explained that its national report focuses on five areas: (a) Regarding asylum and
integration policy, and with 15 million persons
[...] with a migration background out of a total populations of 82 million, the integration of migrants is a major challenge.




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