

单词 民政

民政 noun, plural ()

home affairs pl


民主政治 n

democracy n

民主政治 adj

democratic adj


Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) of the PRC

External sources (not reviewed)

法案委員會主席黃定光議員匯報,該條 例草案的目的,是在《釋義及通則條例》第3條, 就 " 中央民政府在 香港特別行政區設立的機 構 " ,訂立單一的定義,並修訂《立法會行政管 理委員會條例》、《植物品種保護條例》、《專 利條例》及《註冊外觀設計條例》的適用條文, 使該4 項條例,除適用於特區政府外,亦適用於 中央民政府在 香港特別行政區設立的3 個機 構,即中央民政府駐香港特區聯絡辦公室、中 華人民共和國外交部駐香港特區特派員公署及 中國人民解放軍駐香港部隊。
Mr WONG Ting-kwong, Chairman of the Bills Committee, reported that the objectives of the Bill were to introduce a single
definition of "Offices set
[...] up by the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" in section 3 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance; and to amend the application provisions of The Legislative Council Commission Ordinance, the Plant Varieties Protection Ordinance, the Patents Ordinance and the Registered Designs Ordinance to make the provisions of these Ordinances, apart from being applicable to the Hong Kong Government, also applicable to the three Offices set up by the Central People's Government (CPG) in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), [...]
namely the Liaison Office of CPG in HKSAR, the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the People's Republic of China in HKSAR, and the Hong Kong Garrison of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.
事務委員會亦察悉,行政長官已承諾只會在非常特殊的情況下, 才提請中央民政府提供協助,而香港特別行政區政府會審慎考慮所 [...]
The panel also noted that the Chief
Executive had pledged that assistance
[...] from the Central People's Government would [...]
only be sought in exceptional circumstances,
and the HKSAR Government would carefully consider all suggestions and the issue of whether or not to set up such a mechanism.
为此,特别报告向政府提出了一些建议,包括必须解决持续存在种族歧视和 仇外心理、缺乏明文禁止这种行为的立法、移民在劳动部门受到剥削、司法部门 和警方不出面干预以保护移民权利、对身份不正常的移民采取严格的拘留和遣返政策、移民儿童难以在日本学校或外国学校取得教育、以及总体上缺乏尊重移 民人权、确保移民融入日本社会的全面的 民政 策。
In this context, the Special Rapporteur makes a number of recommendations to the Government, including the need to address the persistence of racial discrimination and xenophobia and the lack of legislation that manifestly prohibits these conducts, the exploitation of migrants in the labour sector, the lack of interventions by the judiciary and police to
protect migrants’ rights,
[...] the strict policy of detention and deportation of irregular migrants, the difficulties for migrant children to access education either in Japanese or foreign schools, and the overall lack of a comprehensive immigration policy that respects the human rights of migrants and ensures their [...]
integration into the Japanese society.
人道协调厅在 2011
[...] 年期间进行的调查中确定总 共 56 个这种水泉,其中绝大多数位于 C 区,在以色民政局记 录的巴勒斯坦人私人拥有的地块上。
A survey carried out by OCHA in the course of 2011 identified a total of 56 such springs, the large majority of which
are located in Area C, on land parcels
[...] recorded by the Israeli Civil Administration as privately owned [...]
by Palestinians.
极端贫困是以民、政治、 经济、社会和文化权利被多重违反并 且互相加重为特点的,不仅如此,生活贫困的人们一般都有尊严和平等经常被剥 [...]
Not only is extreme poverty characterized by multiple reinforcing
[...] violations of civil, political, economic, social [...]
and cultural rights, but persons
living in poverty generally experience regular denials of their dignity and equality.
[...] 应当在避免政治化、全体一致的基础上发展演变, 并且应当以促进和尊重民、政治、 经济和文化权 利为基础。
The right to development should evolve on a consensual basis
avoiding politicization and should be built on the promotion
[...] and respect for civil, political, economic and [...]
cultural rights.
由 1 个 D-1 组长领导的维和最佳做法科的现人员编制包括 18 个续设员额 (1 个 D-1、2 个 P-5、7 个
P-4、4 个 P-3、1 个 P-2 和 3 个一般事务(其他职等) 员额以及 3
[...] 个一般临时人员职位(1 个 P-4 和 2 个 P-3),这些员额由支助账户供 资,在性别平等民政和艾 滋病毒/艾滋病三个专门领域以及政策与规划、制定 指导和知识管理三个服务小组提供支助。
The current staffing establishment of the Peacekeeping Best Practices Section, led by a D-1 Team Leader, includes 18 continuing posts (1 D-1, 2 P-5, 7 P-4, 4 P-3, 1 P-2 and 3 General Service (Other level)) and 3 general temporary assistance positions (1 P-4 and 2 P-3), funded from the support account and providing support
in three specialized
[...] areas, gender, civil affairs and HIV/AIDS, and in three service teams, on policy and [...]
planning, guidance development and knowledge management.
[...] 将包括:在加强伙伴关系和外联的基础上逐步加强对难民署城市 民政 策 的 执 行;推动持久解决;加强解决无国籍问题的业务;努力解决指定的局势;按照难 [...]
Activities to achieve these will
include incremental implementation of
[...] UNHCR’s urban refugee policy, based on strengthened [...]
partnership and outreach; promotion
of durable solutions; strengthening of operations to address statelessness; pursuing the resolution of targeted situations; and addressing internal displacement as per the Office’s cluster responsibilities with focus on the entry into force of the African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa.
宣布澳门特区进入紧急状态的权限属于全国人民代表大会的常务委员会, 《基本法》第18条第4 款规定,在全国人民代表大会常务委员会决定宣布战争 状态或因澳门特区内发生澳门特区政府不能控制的危及国家统一或安全的动乱而 决定澳门特区进入紧急状态时,中央 民政 府 可发布命令将有关全国性法律在澳 门特区实施。
Article 18 (4) of the BL establishes that in the event that the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress decides to declare a state of war or, by reason of turmoil within the MSAR which endangers national unity or security and is beyond the control of the Government of the Region, decides that the Region is in a state of emergency, the CPG may issue an order applying the relevant national laws in the Region.
另一方面民政事務局亦可與廣 東省民政府文 化局合作,聯絡潮汕地區的劇團,安排每年 一次的香港盂蘭節盛會唱戲表演。
Furthermore, HAB should collaborate with
the Bureau of Culture
[...] under the Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government in liaising with the opera [...]
troupes in Chaozhou and
Shantau areas to arrange for singing and performing activities in the annual Yun Lan Festival.
为拟定和传播关于移民可持续融入的范本并通过政策建议在国家一级对 民政 策 产 生影响,在 中国的 3 个试点城市与当地政府、省政府及合作伙伴举行了关于初步政策建议的磋商活动,这三个 城市是赤峰、迪庆和上海。
To develop and disseminate a model for the sustainable integration of migrants and to have an impact on migration policies through policy recommendations at the national level, a consultation process on the first policy recommendations with the local and provincial government and partners was carried out in three pilot sites all over the country: Chifeng, Diqing and Shanghai.
終審法 院 又 認 為,倘若原居民擁 有在村代表選舉中投票和 參 選政治 權利,而把其他人士排除 在該等 權利之外 ,是為了確保原民根據《基 本法》第四十條的傳統權 益 獲 得充分 保護, 如 此安排並 不 合 理 。
The Court further took the view that
there is no
[...] justification that indigenous villagers should have the political rights to vote and to stand as candidates in VR elections to the exclusion of others, in order to ensure that the traditional rights and interests of indigenous inhabitants under Article [...]
40 of the Basic Law are adequately protected.
停車場 停車場 停車場,以免鼓勵民擁有車輛 ,以免鼓勵民擁有車輛 ,以免鼓勵民擁有車輛 ,以免鼓勵民擁有 車輛,但因為現時這概念已證實完全錯誤 ,但因為現時這概念已證實完全錯誤 ,但因為現時這概念已證實完全錯誤 ,但因為現時這概念已證實完全錯誤,所以會盡量設法 [...]
,所以會盡量設法 ,所以會盡量設法 ,所以會盡量設法 興建多層停車場?
But now this concept has proved to be totally wrong and so it will try its best to build more multi-storey car parks?
如果安理会作出这样的决定,根据订正任务规定,中乍特派团将继续执行安 全理事会第 1861(2009)号决议第 6 段(c)款至(i)款列举的法治、人权 民政 等领 域的任务,并协助乍得政府开展地雷行动,履行其在乍得东部提供保护的责任。
Should the Security Council so decide, under a revised mandate, MINURCAT will continue to perform the tasks outlined under paragraph 6 (c) to 6 (i) of Security Council resolution 1861 (2009) in the
areas of rule of law,
[...] human rights and civil affairs, and mine action assistance to the Government in fulfilling [...]
its responsibilities
for protection in eastern Chad.
以色民政局几 乎不为居住在C区的巴勒斯坦人提供教育、卫生或电力,所以学校的存在已经是一个小小的胜利。
As the Israeli Civil Administration rarely provides [...]
Palestinians living in Area ‘C’ with education, health or electricity,
this in and of itself is a small victory.
99 段中列出了进一步的需求:持续开展在2010 年追加预
算中所列出的各个项目;为确保能为索马里、苏丹和津巴布韦提供适当的紧急应 对措施提供资源;进一步提供并加强海地救援业务;为长期的难民业务提供综合
[...] 的持久解决办法拨出经费;维持或改善水、保健和营养水准的特别方案;使新的 都市地区民政策得 以实际开展;在维持和平任务已经结束的国家里持续作出保 [...]
Additional requirements outlined in paragraph 99 of the revised budget document are proposed for: the continuation of programmes covered under the 2010 supplementary budgets; provisions to ensure appropriate emergency response for Somalia, the Sudan and Zimbabwe; additional coverage and consolidation of the Haiti operation; provisions for comprehensive durable solutions for protracted refugee operations; special programmes to maintain or improve standards for water,
health and nutrition; operationalization of
[...] the new urban refugee policy; and continuation [...]
of security and logistics arrangements
in countries where peacekeeping missions have withdrawn.
本文是「立法會補選滾動調查文章系列」的第二篇,主要透過立法會補選滾動調查中,關於 民政 治 取 向的分析,討論滾動調查每日抽樣人數和滾動樣本日數之間的關係。
This is the second article in a series of articles on "Legislative Council By-election Rolling Survey". Based on findings obtained from the Legislative
Council by-election rolling survey,
[...] in relation to voters' political alignment, the [...]
article addresses the issues of daily
sample size and the length of rolling period.
正在制订一份关于青年劳务输出的会期文件,鼓励青年劳动力迁移,引导他 们到国外寻求就业;一项民政策和一项劳动力迁移政策,力求由侨民参与发展 议程的主流,为劳动力流动提供一个框架。
A sessional paper on youth labour export that will guide labour migration for youth seeking employment outside the country, a diaspora policy and a labour migration policy that seek to mainstream diaspora involvement in the development agenda and provide framework for movement of labour are in the process of development.
全国民政权代表大会国际关系委员呼吁世界各国议会着手采取具体步骤, 以彻底消除全世界的核武库,让子孙后代能够生活在没有核武器的和平世界中。
The International Relations Committee of the
[...] National Assembly of Peoples’ Power calls on all [...]
of the world’s parliaments to initiate
concrete steps towards the complete elimination of the world’s nuclear arsenal, so that future generations may live in a world of peace that is free from nuclear weapons.
由于“控制移民流动”成为民政策 的 首要目标,法国政府制 定了“强制人道主义回返”的办法,专门解决国家移民主管部长承认的“驱逐罗 马尼亚人和保加利亚人的困难”,这两个国家都已成为欧洲联盟(欧盟)成员。
As the “control of migratory
flows” had become the primary
[...] objective of immigration policies, the French Government came up with [...]
the solution of “forcible
humanitarian returns”, especially when faced with the “difficulty” — recognized by its Minister in charge of National Immigration — of having to “expel Romanians and Bulgarians”, whose countries are now members of the European Union (EU).
[...] 立在协商一致的基础上,避免政治化,而且首要前 提就是促进和尊重民、政治、 经济、社会和文化 权利。
The progressive fulfilment of the right to development should take place on a consensual basis, avoid
politicization and be based primarily on promotion of
[...] and respect for civil, political, economic, social [...]
and cultural rights.
根據民研計劃與泛民達成的研究協議,本系列政改調查每次都會包括巿民對 民政 改 方 案的支持程度,即一題針對 民 的 2012 行 政 長 官 普選方案,另一題針對泛民的2012立法會普選方案,其他題目則由民研計劃決定,而所有調查中所有問題的設計和分析,亦由民研計劃全權決定。
According to research agreement reached between POP and the pan-democrats, every
survey in this tracking
[...] series of political reform surveys would include two questions on people's support of the political reform proposals by the pan-democrats, one on their [...]
proposal for introducing
universal suffrage to the CE election in 2012, and the other on introducing universal suffrage to Legco election in 2012.
该委员会成员最多不 超过 25 人,其中包括以下机构的代表各一 名:联邦外交部、联邦内政部、联邦司法和警 察部、联邦国防、民防和体育局(DDPS)、联 邦财政部、瑞士州教育部长会议、州民用工 程、土地使用规划和环境保护部长会议、州军 事民政部长 会议,以及联邦历史古迹委员 会。
Its tasks correspond to those of the national advisory committee envisaged in Resolution II. The Committee consists of a maximum of 25 members, including a delegate from each of the following institutions: Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Federal Department of Home Affairs, Federal Department of Justice and Police, Federal Department for Military and Civil Defence and Sport (“DDPS”), Federal Department of Finance, Swiss Conference of Cantonal Directors of Education,
Swiss Conference of
[...] Directors of Civil Engineering, Land-use Planning and Environmental Protection, Conference of Heads of Cantonal Departments for Military and Civil Affairs and Federal [...]
Commission for Historic Monuments.
维持和平行 动部、联合国人口基金(人口基金)、开发署、政治事务部、联合国教育、科学 及文化组织(教科文组织)、粮食计划署和联合国训练研究所针对第 1325(2000) 号决议,民政、军 事和人道主义人员以及全国性和地方非政府组织举办了各种 对性别问题有敏感认识的讲习班和培训。
The Department of Peacekeeping Operations, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), UNDP, the Department of Political Affairs, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), WFP and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) conducted various gender-sensitive workshops and training on resolution 1325 (2000) for civilian, military and humanitarian personnel, and national and local NGOs.
在大学教育方面之所以取得这些成就,是因为制定并执行了一系列战略, 特别是设立了民政权大学教育部、大学教育市镇化和 Sucre [...]
计划和母校计 划。
These achievements in the field of university education are due to the design and implementation of a number of strategies,
including in particular the establishment of the
[...] Ministry of the People’s Power for University [...]
Education, the municipalization
of education at that level, and the Sucre and Alma Mater missions.
部门做好维护妇女儿童权益工作;协调和推动政府有关部门制定和实施妇女和儿 童发展纲要;协调和推动政府有关部门为开展妇女儿童工作和发展妇女儿童事业
[...] 提供必要的人力、财力、物力;指导、督促和检查各省、自治区、直辖市 民政 府妇女儿童工作委员会的工作。
Its basic functions include coordinating and promoting the efforts of relevant Government departments effectively to protect the rights and interests of women and children; draft and implement development programmes concerning women and children; and provide the personnel, financial and physical resources necessary for work concerning women and children and working for their cause, as well as leading, supervising and monitoring the work
of working committees on women and
[...] children in the people’s governments of each province, [...]
autonomous region and province-level municipality.
中华人民共和国的国家机构包括:全国人民代表大会;中华人民共和国主 席;中华人民共和国国务院;中华人民共和国中央军事委员会;地方各级人民代 表大会和地方各级民政府;民族自 治地方的自治机关;人民法院和人民检察 院。
The State organs of the People’s Republic of China include the National People’s Congress, the President of the People’s Republic of China, the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, the Central Military Commission of the
People’s Republic of
[...] China, local People’s Congresses and People’s Governments at all levels, the organs of self-government of the national [...]
autonomous areas, the
People’s Courts and the People’s Procuratorates.
在这方面认识到,必须尊重包括发展权在内的一切人权,必须要有一个除其 他外促进正义、两性平等、公平、 民 及 政 治 参 与以及 民 、 政 治 、 经济、社会、 文化权利和基本自由的国内和国际环境,以推动提高妇女地位和增强妇女力量
Recognizing, in this context, the importance of respect for all human rights, including the right to development, and of a national and international environment that promotes, inter
alia, justice, gender
[...] equality, equity, civil and political participation and civil, political, [...]
economic, social and cultural
rights and fundamental freedoms for the advancement and empowerment of women
深感遗憾的是缅甸政府未采取必要措施,以确保选举进程自由、公正、透明 和包容各方,在这方面尤其注意到政府制定和实施的选举法所施加的限制,包括 对民、政党及 候选人登记作出的限制,以及拘留政治活动家,限制自由报道和 集会自由,接触媒体、筹资和开展竞选活动的可能性有限,据报的官方恐吓事件, [...] [...]
在某些族裔地区取消选举,以及选举委员会缺乏独立性,并表示严重关切舞弊的 报道,包括通过事先投票安排进行舞弊的报道
Deeply regretting that the Government of Myanmar did not take the steps necessary to ensure a free, fair, transparent and inclusive electoral process, noting in particular, in this respect, the restrictions imposed by the electoral
laws as enacted and
[...] implemented by the Government, including those placed on the registration of voters, parties and candidates, [...]
as well as the
detention of political activists, the restrictions on free reporting and on freedom of assembl y, the limited access to media, funding and campaigning possibilities, the reported incidents of official intimidation, the cancellation of elections in certain ethnic areas and the lack of independence of the electoral commission, and expressing serious concern about reports of fraud, including through advance voting arrangements




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