单词 | 民怨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 民怨 —popular grievanceless common: complaints of the people Examples:民怨鼎沸—seething discontent (idiom); popular grievances boil over 民怨沸腾—seething discontent (idiom); popular grievances boil over See also:怨 v—blame v 怨 pl—resentments pl
事件如果一再拖延的話,只會引起更 大的社會民怨,對特區政府的管治將造成更大打擊。 legco.gov.hk | If this incident drags on any further, it will only arouse even greater public discontent and deal an even heavier blow to the governance of the SAR Government. legco.gov.hk |
否則, 多條隧道及三號幹線流量不均的問題,確實會 令 民怨 越 來 越沸騰。 legco.gov.hk | Otherwise, the problem of uneven traffic flow at various tunnels and Route 3 will certainly [...] cause more and more public grievances. legco.gov.hk |
第四,协调亚太区域各国为应对共同脆弱性采取的行动——这 些脆弱性包括社会不平等、社会包容性不足和社 会 民怨 等 发 展挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Fourth, to coordinate a regional response to shared [...] vulnerabilities, including development challenges, such as social inequalities, [...] social inclusion and social grievances. daccess-ods.un.org |
於此, 我 再三重申,如果政 府 仍 然以這種 態 度處理 香港整 個 充 滿 民 怨 的局面 , 我很擔 心 香港會 有 更 多 事 情 發生。 legco.gov.hk | So, I wish to reiterate here that if the Government still tries to handle this situation where the community is simmering with resentment in this manner, I am very worried that more things will happen in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
況且,在尚未實行全面民主之前,遊行集會將會繼續成 為 民怨民 憤 的 安全氣口。 hkupop.hku.hk | Moreover, before full democracy can be realized, rallies and mass gatherings will become a [...] safe way out for grumbles and anger of the people. hkupop.hku.hk |
如果㆒個對民情民怨高度 敏感的政府,就應該在這個問題㆖小心處理,勿讓自己親手去點燃炸彈,而拆去這個 炸彈的唯㆒辦法,就是政府對㆝台屋的居民採取「先安置,後清拆」的政策。 legco.gov.hk | The only viable means to dispose of the bomb is to adopt the policy of "rehousing before clearance" as regards the occupants of rooftop structures. legco.gov.hk |
事實上,不止我要求政府正視,很多調 查、很多民意、很多學者亦告訴政府,近期 的 民怨 , 以及關於特首不應 該擔任特首此職的意見數據,在在顯示出其中一個原因便是由於樓價高 [...] 企,而引致這個結果產生。 legco.gov.hk | Actually, I am not the only one demanding that the Government face it squarely, many surveys, opinions and [...] academics have also told the Government [...] that the recent grievances of the people coupled with [...]the poll findings that the Chief [...]Executive should not stay on the job indicate that one of the reasons for the problem is the rising property prices, which has led to such a result. legco.gov.hk |
特區政府似乎須要啟動危機心態應付現時 的 民怨民 憤。 hkupop.hku.hk | It seems time for the government to switch on its crisis mentality to [...] face the mounting public anger. hkupop.hku.hk |
如果政府繼續投鼠忌器,不敢觸 [...] 動社會㆖盤根錯節的既得利益者,在政策㆖只作溫和的建議,稍為平 息 民怨 的 話, 我們的社會只能在㆒個不健康的經濟結構㆖繼續發展。 legco.gov.hk | If the Government goes on to spare its efforts in a way not to harm the beneficiaries of a deep-rooted institution, and to [...] make mild policy proposals which serve only [...] to soothe the people’s indignation [...]to a small extent, our society would only [...]develop on the basis of an unhealthy economic structure. legco.gov.hk |
因此,首要目 的應該是要紓解民怨,而非製造出另一個政治炸彈。 legco.gov.hk | Hence, its primary objective should [...] be to alleviate people's grievances rather than manufacturing [...]one more political bomb. legco.gov.hk |
政府堅決奉行的“大市場,小政府”的原則已 不合時宜,我不希望在民怨爆發 之時,政府才急急想辦法來解決問題, 因為屆時社會各階層必定會承受更大痛苦。 legco.gov.hk | The principle of "big market, small government" adamantly upheld by the Government has already become outdated. I do not wish to see the Government [...] hastily think up solutions to these [...] problems when public grievances finally erupt, because [...]various strata of society will [...]definitely suffer greater pains by then. legco.gov.hk |
問:如何解讀現時民怨沸騰的狀況? hkupop.hku.hk | Q: How to interpret the [...] current situation of 'boiling grievance'? hkupop.hku.hk |
相對於2003年七一遊行巿民給予特首董建華13.8分,2004年遊行巿民給他25.9分、特區政府32.8分、中央政府43.6分,和2005年七一遊行巿民給予特區政府44.0分,和中央政府35.8分,今年參與七一遊行的 巿 民 , 怨 氣 明 顯減少。 hkupop.hku.hk | Compared to CE Tung Chee-hwa's 13.8 marks in 2003, 25.9 marks in 2004, 32.8 for the SAR Government and 43.6 for the Central Government also in 2004, and SAR Government's 44.0 and Central Government's 35.8 in 2005, the anger of this year's protestors has obviously subsided. hkupop.hku.hk |
當政府民望低迷、缺乏認受而又進退失據時,任何民生議題都可以因 為 民怨 積 累而牽一髮動全身。 hkupop.hku.hk | When the government's popularity is so low, while [...] lacking legitimacy and consistency, any livelihood issue may blow up simply due to the [...] accumulation of public grievances. hkupop.hku.hk |
答:最新調查顯示,民怨正處高峰期,當中市民現時的「憤怒比率」(31%)、「憤怒程度評分」(52.2分)及「超越上街臨界點比率」(16%)等,皆為有關調查系列之新高,值得注意。 hkupop.hku.hk | The level (31%) and rating (52.2 marks) of anger, as well as the [...] percentage of angry people beyond"critical [...]point" (16%) have all reached their highest [...]level since the beginning of this survey series. hkupop.hku.hk |
答:最新調查顯示,各項民怨數字 在八月底創出高峰後,似乎漸次向下回落。 hkupop.hku.hk | Answer: The latest survey seems to show [...] that public grievance is subsiding [...]after reaching its peak in late August. hkupop.hku.hk |
我們明白到,今天香港特別行政區(“特區")政府備受種種批評,除 [...] 了是董建華政府只得到北京及大財團的支持,以及要維護他們的既得利益 外,更重要的是,特區政府缺乏了民意授權,而且施政方針又經常與巿民背 道而馳所致,才會出現今天民怨沸騰 的局面。 legco.gov.hk | Insofar as we understand it, that the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) is facing much criticism today not only because the TUNG Chee-hwa Administration, supported only by Beijing and major consortia, is minded to protect their vested interests, but more importantly, the SAR Government lacks a popular mandate [...] and its policy objectives have always run [...] counter to the people, resulting in today's scenario of boiling public anger. legco.gov.hk |
非常有可能的是,在未來我們會有最先進的機場、最妥善的海港,最新而最大的貨 櫃碼頭,但是其餘的交通㆒團糟,各區域之間的交通打結,經濟受損 , 民怨 沸 騰。 legco.gov.hk | Very probably, what will happen is that we will have the most sophisticated airport, the best harbour and the most modern and largest container terminal but the rest of the transport picture will be a mess: There will be traffic jams between communities. legco.gov.hk |
你們的所作所為是招惹民怨的, 增加煙草稅50%,便是 招惹民怨的最好例子。 legco.gov.hk | To increase the duty on tobacco by 50% is the best illustration of this. legco.gov.hk |
問:各項民怨數字的最新走勢如何? hkupop.hku.hk | Question: What is the latest trend [...] of the public grievance figures? hkupop.hku.hk |
與此同時,其他追蹤調查數字亦顯示整 體 民怨 水 平大致回到二月底財政預算案公佈後不久的水平。 hkupop.hku.hk | At the same time, other tracking [...] survey results showed that the overall [...] level of public grievances has gone back [...]to the time when the Budget was just released. hkupop.hku.hk |
迄今为止, [...] 过去一年的暴动造成的经济后果,表现为实体经济受到多种沉重打击,官方没有 及时认识到存在极大的民怨,以 及对以往教训乃至失败进行认真检讨已初显萌 芽。 daccess-ods.un.org | So far, the economic outcomes of the past year’s uprisings represent a mixed bag of sharp blows to the real [...] economy, belated official recognition of [...] profound social grievances and the first green [...]shoots of a critical stock-taking [...]of the lessons, and failures, of the past. daccess-ods.un.org |
綜 觀 第 五份施 政 報 告,政府 的 眼 點 是 [...] 希望在短時間內紓 解 民 困 ,消除 民 怨 , 所 採取的是短期的 措 施 。 legco.gov.hk | Looking at the fifth policy address as a whole, we can see that the Government has hoped to [...] alleviate the difficulties of the people [...] and dispel their grievances in a short time, [...]and the measures adopted are only short-term. legco.gov.hk |
自2002年市區重建局(“市建局”)開始 [...] 收購重建以來,每次在各區進行一項重建收購工程,便有多一 股 民怨, 又有多一羣市民跟着局長,希望她能解決安置問題和改善收購的過程。 legco.gov.hk | Since the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) commenced acquisition for development in 2002, whenever an acquisition for redevelopment [...] was carried out in the districts, [...] people would have grievances, and a group of [...]people would chase after the Secretary in [...]the hope that she could solve their rehousing problem and improve the acquisition process. legco.gov.hk |
這種行為,有 助民怨的宣 泄,亦有助社羣矛盾對立壓力的減少。 legco.gov.hk | These actions [...] help to vent people's grievances and reduce the [...]confrontational pressures. legco.gov.hk |
修改預算案似乎疏導了部分民怨,但 情況仍然未許樂觀,特區政府仍要小心應付。 hkupop.hku.hk | It seems that people's anger has somewhat [...] subsided after the Budget is revised, but the situation is still grave, and the [...]government should remain cautious. hkupop.hku.hk |
第五個,也是最後一個期望,就是希望公務員事務局關注現時 16 000 個合約員工的處境,既然政府已公開招聘 4 004 個職位,便應該讓原有的員 工優先獲聘用,不要製造失業;至於其餘一萬二千多個合約員工,希望政府 不要說工作要外判,要實施“大市場、小政府”來威脅他們,否則,只會令 民怨沸騰,令他們既沒有加薪,更甚至會失去飯碗。 legco.gov.hk | As for the remaining 12 000-odd contract employees, I hope that the Government will not threaten them by saying that their work will be outsourced or the "big market, small government" principle will be upheld, or else public discontent would only escalate as these employees could not enjoy a pay rise and might even lose their jobs. legco.gov.hk |
答:「民情指數調查」的主要目標,在於建立一項可以反映香港民意民情的指標,定期測試香港社會的和諧程度,和 與 民怨 爆 發臨界點的距離。 hkupop.hku.hk | A: The main objective of"Public Sentiment Index Survey" is to develop an index which can indicate the public sentiment of Hong Kong, but regularly mapping society's degree of harmony and its distance from social eruption. hkupop.hku.hk |
第一,是已經過海的隧道巴士仍然向非過海乘客收取較高昂的過 海隧道收費;第二,是港鐵公司雖然已經與九廣鐵路公司合併,但至 今卻不設劃一的月票優惠(居於東涌的居民便向我們提出,港鐵公司 [...] 這種做法對他們非常不公平);及第三,港鐵公司往羅湖或落馬洲的 過境線收費一直偏高,令市民怨聲四 起。 legco.gov.hk | First, passengers not crossing the harbour are also charged the fares of cross-harbour routes, which are higher, even though the buses of such routes have already passed through the harbour crossings; second, although the MTRCL has already merged with the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, no standard monthly-ticket concession is offered, and residents in Tung Chung told us that this arrangement made by the MTRCL was very unfair to them; and third, all along, the fares [...] for cross-boundary railway lines to Lo Wu or Lok Ma Chau have been quite high, thus [...] arousing general public discontent. legco.gov.hk |
政 府在未增加收 入 之 前 , 便 先 要 增加人 手、增加設 備、增加額外的 行 政 開 支 以 徵 稅 , 與 此同時 又引起廣 泛 的 民 怨 , 難 道 這 便 是 “ 用 者自付 ” 應有的 效果嗎 ? legco.gov.hk | Before there is an increase in revenue, the Government, in order to levy the tax, has to arrange for additional manpower and facilities, and shoulder additional administrative expenses while at the same time arousing widespread public discontent. legco.gov.hk |