

单词 民心

民心 ()

popular sentiment



be popular among the masses
win the hearts of the people


Information center for human rights and democracy, Hong Kong

External sources (not reviewed)

這足以反映出巴士服務長久以來並未達到 民心 目㆗ 應有的水準。
This can well reflect that the bus services have all along failed to attain
[...] the standard expected by citizens.
[...] 由于强调将军事、政治、发展和人道主义干预融为一体的战略以赢得 民心 ”, 人道主义行为者的独立性可能受损。
Even where access exists, the independence of humanitarian actors may be jeopardized as a result of integrated strategies that combine
military, political, development and humanitarian interventions in
[...] order to win the “hearts and minds” of the [...]
越是能够保持势头和取得更多成果,和 平的敌人就越是不容易有机可乘,利用它们在 民心 中制造的恐怖情绪。
The more the momentum is sustained and additional gains are made, the
fewer the chances the enemies of peace will have to benefit from the fear they have
[...] instilled in the minds of citizens.
23條立法牽涉到法律的專業知識,法律界,以至其他專業界別,自然成為 民心 目 中權威的詮釋者。
In the debate surrounding Article 23, professionals from the legal expert system provided alternative interpretations of the Basic Law, legal procedures in general, and the draft of Article 23.
在極端民族主義者的宣傳及影響之下,政黨政府的和平經濟擴張的外交政策在日本民 心目中 顯得份外懦弱,日本政黨管治的聲譽因而大受打擊。
Under ultra-nationalist propaganda [...]
and influence, the party government’s foreign policy of peaceful economic expansion appeared
weak in the eyes of the Japanese.
當局可在這基礎上,設計更具體及更深民心的宣 傳方案,令消費者更瞭解本身的權益,妥善選擇最切合本身需要 的電訊服務。
The authorities may act on this basis and design publicity initiatives which are specific and can create a lasting impression on consumers so that they can understand better their rights and make a good choice of the telecommunications services that best meet their needs.
尽管参选的席位不多,但民 盟党在选举中的胜利使它成为议会中代表 民心声 的有力声音。
Despite the small number of seats that were
contested, the extent of the party’s victory gives it a powerful mandate as the
[...] voice of the people in the legislature.
发起的发音和马珂蛤的发音相同)东日本大地震后,为了激发大洗 民心 , 在 震灾一年后发售的。
Proceeds from sales of the “Hokki-gai” have gone to
[...] support places and people effected by the [...]
Great East Japan Earthquake.
这些伤害被占领土的经济、社会 和民心理的行为旨在使巴勒斯坦人民挨饿并迫使 他们放弃自己的权利,包括回返的权利。
The purpose of those actions, which caused
[...] economic, social and psychological damage in the occupied [...]
territories, was to starve the
Palestinian people and to force them to relinquish their rights, including the right of return.
必须通过加强文化间对话和 不同文明与宗教之间的相互了解,以及坚决遏制从各 个方面煽动恐怖主义,来赢民心。
The struggle for the hearts and minds of people must be carried out through strengthened intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding among civilizations and religions and by firmly curbing incitement to terrorism in all its aspects.
他们都一致认为已经受够 了,突尼斯人应当得到更好的治理:一个倾听 民心 声并 且通过完全透明和负责任方式为人民谋求福祉 和繁荣的政府。
They all agreed that enough was enough and that Tunisians deserved better governance — a Government that listens to people and works for their welfare and prosperity in full transparency and accountability.
启动该项权力的立法——信息公开促进法(信息权法)于 2001 年 3 月生效244 这是世界上一部更
[...] 进步的信息权法律规范,无疑它反映了种族隔离时代积累在 民心 中 的深刻的不信任感。
The enabling legislation, the Promotion of Access to Information Act (RTI Law), came into effect in March 2001.244 This is one of the more progressive right to
information laws in the world, no doubt a reflection of the profound mistrust of government the
[...] apartheid era instilled in people.
[...] Style如同間接的革命行為,騎馬舞模仿上流社會最具特權的休閒活動,卻進入了公園、廣場與鴨子船上,全球民眾對富人又羨又妒,看到騎馬舞都相當興奮,在每位中產階級 民心 裡 , 都想跨越所在城市富裕區域樹立的隔閡,而最簡易的方式,莫過於模仿這支帶有諷刺意味的騎馬舞。
Deep down inside every middle class city dweller,
[...] there’s a desire to rail against the divisions [...]
built into the Gangnam district of his
or her own city, and what better way to do so than with a stingingly satirical horse dance?
Florinsky 等 歷 史 學 家 認 為 ﹐ 「 新 的 徵 兵 方 法 是 邁 向 社 會 平 等 的 一 大 步 」 「 減 少 強 調 紀 律 ﹑ 重 視 教 育 活 動 ﹐ 令 軍
[...] 隊 有 機 會 在 開 化民 心 智 方 面 有 所 貢 獻 」 。
Historians such as Florinsky maintains that “the new method of conscription was a step towards social equality” and the “softening of discipline
and emphasis on educational activities gave the army an opportunity of contributing
[...] to the enlightenment of the masses.
2008年5月16日 发起“远洋山水与灾区民心连心” 社 区募捐活动,筹集到款项13570元和衣物若干。
May 16 – Ocean Landscape (Beijing)
[...] collected RMB13,570 in cash donations and clothing for people struck [...]
by disasters.
106 68. 圣母玛丽亚国际研究所建议提供双语教育;采用开设土著学的学校课程, 以将承认土著文化是一项国家遗产的理念灌输进 民心 中 ; 改善土著儿童以及居 住在农村地区的儿童获得学校教育的途径。
IMMA recommended to provide bilingual education; to implement school curricula with Aboriginal Studies in order to instil into the population the recognition of the indigenous culture as a national heritage; to ameliorate the access to school for indigenous children and children living in rural areas.107 9.
品牌是我們跟Peanuts Worldwide LLC共同決定的 ─ 有趣的是,我們亦曾經聯絡過一些美國品牌,可是他們都回覆說,《Peanuts》漫畫對美國人來說實在太深 民心 了 ,發揮上有難度,於是最終便沒有美國品牌參與。
We contacted some American labels but interestingly, they all replied saying ‘Peanuts’ is such a household name that they consider it too difficult a project to tackle.
埃及目前的混乱持续得越久,它的政治精英就越有可能失 民心 , 这些人民的基本诉求可以总结为:面包、尊严、社会公正和民主。
The longer Egypt’s current disarray persists, the more
its political elites will lose
[...] the battle for the hearts and minds of a population whose [...]
basic aspirations are summed up
by four well-founded demands: bread, dignity, social justice, and democracy.
连串的宣传及培训项目,将会配合大量的街道及媒体宣传广告,希望双管齐下,使“澳门旅游认知运动”能够深 民心 , 达到最理想效果。
Apart from the above-mentioned competitions and training programmes, a large-scale street and media promotion will be carried out to invite the whole community to know more about the Macau Tourism Awareness Campaign, to achieve the best results.
Calvin Klein Jeans一直在推動著時裝發展,並配合其與眾不同又深 民心 的 廣 告和創新的牛仔服裝設計蜚聲國際。
Calvin Klein Jeans has always been a driving force in teh fashion industry and is famous for its memorable advertising and innovative denim designs.
虽然这一概念框架由来已 久,源远流长,但是可持续发展这个词,以及将其定义为既满足今世需要、又不 损害后世满足其需要的能力的发展,是 1987 年的布伦特兰报告将其固定成公共 政策对话内容并使之深民心的。
While the conceptual framework has a longer history and pedigree, the term sustainable development — and its definition as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs — was fixed in public policy discourse and the popular imagination by the Brundtland report in 1987.1 That report laid the groundwork for the promise of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development2 adopted at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 to provide for healthy and fulfilling lives for the current generation, while entrusting to future generations the means to do the same.
要求与会者正确、辩证地看待当前行业由于茧价低于 民心 理 预期而出现的周期性低迷现象,要看到全国由于蚕种发放减少将造成原料茧短缺而引发新一轮茧价理性回升的趋势,树立信心,抓住机遇,牢牢把握人无我有、人有我优的科学发展观,使我市的蚕桑生产在激烈地市场竞争中始终立于不败之地。
Participants are asked to correct a dialectical view of the
current trade price is
[...] lower than the farmers because of the psychological cocoon anticipated [...]
the emergence of the phenomenon
of cyclical downturn, we should see a reduction in the national distribution because of silkworm cocoons will result in a shortage of raw materials lead to a new round of cocoon price rational recovery trends, establish confidence, seize the opportunity to firmly grasp the others do not have, people have my excellent scientific concept of development, so that the city³'s sericulture production in the fiercely competitive market is always invincible.
在东日本大震灾将要度过2年之际,东北大学大学院经济学研究科的吉田浩等人的研究小组对震灾前后政府关于受灾地的医疗或保健、福祉方面的官方统计进行了集中比较,表明了现在所得的官方统计与受灾地对于医疗福祉服务的需求及 民心 理 健康实情极有可能没有直接联系。
Prior to the end of two year period after the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster, the research group led by Professor Hiroshi Yoshida, Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University, compiled and compared the government's official integrated healthcare and welfare statistics before and after the disaster.
三里屯太古里、即深民心的北 京朝陽區三里屯VILLAGE,充分體現了太古地產為國內市場量身訂造的創新品牌策略。
Swire Properties' Taikoo Li Sanlitun, formerly known as Sanlitun Village in Chaoyang District, Beijing, showcases the Company's innovative brand strategy formulated specifically for the Mainland China market.
近期内在激进分子活动圈 内最有效的反暴力的论证来自《亚齐圣战反思》,该
[...] 文承认圣战的合法性,但论证说暴力袭击将丧民 心,这就意味着印尼圣战战士在失去另一场更重要的 [...]
The most effective recent example of an argument against violence from within the radical community was “Reflections on the Aceh Jihad” that acknowledged the legitimacy of jihad but argued that the loss of
support as a result of attacks meant that
[...] Indonesian mujahidin were losing the more important [...]
battle to establish an Islamic state.93
Getting clerics with in-depth knowledge of Islamic texts to engage in extremist chat forums is a technique the Saudi government has used to good effect; it might be worth undertaking more systematically here.
中国政 府加强了辐射监测,及时发布权威信息,安 民心, 还 对中国的所有核设施进行全面安全检查,加强在 运核设施的安全监管,用最先进的标准对所有在建 核电站进行安全评估,在核安全计划批准前暂停审 批新的核电项目。
Stepping up radiation monitoring and publicizing authoritative information to allay public anxiety, his Government had also organized a comprehensive safety inspection of all nuclear facilities in China, reinforced safety regulations at all nuclear facilities in operation, conducted advanced safety assessments of all nuclear power plants under construction and had suspended the review and approval of new nuclear power plant projects until a revised nuclear safety plan could be adopted.
大力實施項目拉動、工業突破、產​​業富民、城鎮帶動、科教興縣五大戰略,加快推進產業化、工業化、城鎮化“三化”進程,奮力推進“一主一軸兩帶兩區”城市發展工程和平安創建、健康惠民等十 民心 工 程 ,把招商引資作為發展的生命工程和第一要務,經濟發展勢頭強勁:大唐集團、中鋁集團、窯煤集團等10多家國內大型企業入駐**,投資興業。
Pulling vigorously implement the project, five industrial breakthrough, industry wealthy towns, driven, science and education county strategy to accelerate the process of industrialization, industrialization and urbanization, struggling to promote the "main axis, two with two areas" urban development project and peace and security, health Huimin Ten popular works, as the investment in engineering and the most important task of the development of life, the strong momentum of economic development: Datang Group, Chinalco Group, kiln Coal Group, more than 10 large domestic enterprises into in **, invest.
國家華語測驗推動工作委員會(簡稱華測會,Steering Committee for the Test Of
[...] Proficiency-Huayu, SC-TOP)係由中華民國教育部專案經費所成立的組織,於民國94年11月正式成立(原名華語測驗 心 , 民 國 96年1月正式更名),為研發與推廣「華語文能力測驗」的專責單位,旨在研發及推廣台灣對外華語文相關測驗,以因應世界各地華語學習之熱潮。
The Steering Committee for the Test Of Proficiency-Huayu (SC-TOP) was established in November 2005 under the direction of the Ministry of Education of R.O.C.
Originally “Chinese
[...] Language Testing Center” and renamed in January, 2007, the Committee aims to develop and promote an effective Chinese assessment [...]
system, mainly
the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL), for Chinese learners worldwide to assess their Chinese proficiency.
工作组建议的一些具体措施,包括通过关于不歧视的具体立法;开展全国促 进多文化和尊重非裔厄瓜多尔人尊严的运动;采取各项措施缩小非裔厄瓜多尔人 与更广民众之 间的现行教育差距;开展对非洲人后裔 民 族 教育;增强非裔厄 瓜多尔人民间社 会;采取措施消除传媒中的种族主义和种族歧视现象;进一步 鼓励非裔人参与公共行政事务;建立一个非裔厄瓜多尔人研究 心 ; 深 入开展免 费法律援助服务;在监察专员署内设立一个主管与非洲人后裔相关问题的分支单 位,并建立一个促进非裔妇女教育的专门方案。
The concrete measures recommended by the Working Group include the adoption of specific legislation on non-discrimination; the development of a national campaign to promote multiculturalism and respect for the dignity of the Afro-Ecuadorian people; the adoption of measures to reduce the educational gap that exists between
Afro-Ecuadorians and the wider
[...] population; the introduction of ethno-education for people of African descent; the strengthening of Afro-Ecuadorian civil society; measures to eliminate racism and discrimination in the media; further efforts to encourage participation of persons of African descent in public administration; the establishment of a centre for Afro-Ecuadorian [...]
studies; the further
development of free legal aid services; the creation within the office of the Ombudsman of a sub-unit dedicated to issues related to people of African descent and the creation of special programmes to promote the education of women of African descent.




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