单词 | 毫秒数 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 毫秒数 noun, plural —milliseconds plSee also:毫秒 n—millisecond n 毫秒—millisecond, ms 秒 n—seconds pl 秒 adj—second adj
动画的启动时间,从现在开始的 毫秒数 , 一 旦设置,所有动画类型的启动时间都被修改。 rexsee.com | If set, start time of all animations will be modified. rexsee.com |
这十三位数字代表了从时间基准 1970 年 1 月 1 日以来毫秒数之和。 blogs.msdn.com | This thirteen digit number represents the number of milliseconds from the origin [...] of this time base, 01 January, 1970. blogs.msdn.com |
旋转动画的启动时间,从现在开始的 毫秒数。 rexsee.com | The start time of the rotate [...] animation since now, in milliseconds. rexsee.com |
使用世界上最快的WPF数据图表能在几 毫秒 内 对 数 百 万 的数据点进行渲染。 evget.com | Render millions of [...] data points within milliseconds with the world's [...]fastest WPF Data Chart. evget.com |
直接使用HBase API、协同处理器与自定义过滤器,对于简单查询来说,其性能量级 是 毫秒 , 对于百万级别的 行 数 来 说 ,其性能量级是秒。 infoq.com | Direct use of the HBase API, along with coprocessors and custom [...] filters, results in performance on [...] the order of milliseconds for small queries, or seconds for tens of millions of rows. infoq.com |
可在几毫秒内更新的数以百 万计的数据点呈现出Silverlight的图表,竭力达到闪电般的速度,提高大容量数据中重负荷数据的可视化及分析性能。 evget.com | Render Silverlight charts with [...] millions of data points that are capable of millisecond updates, sparing [...]nothing to achieve blazing speed. evget.com |
根据项目所述,Phoenix被Salesforce.com内部使用,对于简单的低延迟查询,其量级 为 毫秒 ; 对于百万级别的 行 数 来 说,其量级为秒。 infoq.com | Phoenix is used internally by Salesforce.com for [...] low latency queries [...] in the order of milliseconds for simple queries or seconds when tens of millions [...]of rows are processed, according [...]to the project’s description. infoq.com |
在 VM 重启或主机重启的情况下,缓存元数 据 将在 几 毫秒 内 迅速储存,从而及时保存缓存内容。 sandisk.cn | Cache content is preserved in event of VM restart or host [...] reboot, cache metadata is restored in milliseconds. sandisk.com |
例如,在执行套利战略时,从市场上“套利”的机会可能如白驹过隙,稍纵即逝,只持 续 数毫秒。 emulex.com | For example, when executing arbitrage [...] strategies, the opportunity to “arb” the market may only present [...] itself for a few milliseconds before parity [...]is achieved. emulex.com |
快照记录”保存单一的 JPEG 图像,其中不含音频数据,快照时间间隔的设置范围是 0 毫秒到每十分钟一幅图像。 stall.goip.de | Snap Shot Recording saves single JPEG images [...] without audio data while the Snap Shot Interval can be set between 0 milliseconds and one image [...]every ten minutes. stall.goip.de |
由于FastSMP(TM)使用数字传输层,因此与基于分组的解决方案相比,FastSMP(TM)提供了更好的网络经济性,能 在 5 0 毫秒 内 在 有 数 千 个 节点的网络上从本地故障和远程故障中恢复,在许多情况下可比多协议标签交换快速重路由(MPLS Fast Re-Route)提供更好的保护。 tipschina.gov.cn | Since it utilizes the digital transport layer it [...] provides better network [...] economics than packet-based solutions and recovers from local as well as remote failures across thousands of nodes within 50ms offering [...]better protection [...]than MPLS Fast Re-Route in many scenarios. tipschina.gov.cn |
当TIMESTAMP值以8字节整数(这是一个编译时的选项)的形式存储的时候,对于所有级别的时间值来说 , 毫秒 级 的精度都是有效的。 enterprisedb.com | When TIMESTAMP values are stored as eight-byte integers (a compile-time option), microsecond precision is available over the full range of values. enterprisedb.com |
带蓝牙功能和集成 USB 线缆,即插即用解决方案允许您在 数秒 内 将 它与您的电脑、平板电脑或智能手机连接,将任何地方变成理想的会议室。 jabra.cn | Enhanced with Bluetooth® and an integrated USB cable, [...] you can connect it to your PC, tablet or [...] smartphone within seconds thanks to the plug-and-play [...]solution and turn any location [...]into the perfect conference room. jabra.com |
如果该加 热器被打湿或发生短路,其将在8.3 毫秒 之 内 调整输出,以保护加热 器、电缆和控制器。 synventive.com | If the heater is wet or shorted, the output is [...] adjusted within 8.3 milliseconds to protect the [...]heater, cables and controller. synventive.com |
由此打造的 Avance III 光谱仪具有极快的速度,事件计时达 25 毫微秒(12.5 毫微秒锁定),包括同步相数、频 率和脉幅交换、无可超越的 RF 性能,即使是最严格的新型固态 NMR 试验,它都能不辱使命。 bruker.com | The result is the extremely fast Avance III spectrometer with 25 ns event timing (12.5 ns clock), including simultaneous phase, frequency and amplitude switching, and unsurpassed RF performance, enabling even the most demanding new solid-state NMR experiments. bruker.com |
上方显示的秒数表示延迟时间 T1 的剩余时间。 highvolt.de | The seconds display above this indicates [...] the remaining delay time T1. highvolt.de |
通过在广告交易所、DSP、数据整合者及广告投标流程中涉及的所有其他方之间提供直接互联,平均时延可以降低至个 位 数毫秒 水 平,流出更多时间用于数据分析。 equinix.cn | By offering a direct interconnection between ad exchanges, DSPs, data aggregators and all other parties involved in ad bidding [...] process, the average latency can be decreased [...] to single digit millisecond levels, allowing more time for data analysis. equinix.nl |
所有氣袋可於意外發生後數毫秒間彈出,包括司機及前排乘客的安全氣袋、前後側氣袋及車窗氣袋。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | All airbags [...] can deploy in milliseconds in the event of [...]an accident, include front airbags for the driver and front passenger, [...]front and rear sidebags, windowbags for the driver, front passenger and rear passengers. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
电子交易所在我们的 IBX® [...] 数据中心内的服务器之间运行着数以百计的交叉连接,以尽可能地增加每秒钟处理的交 易 数 量 , 消除低 至 毫秒 的 时延,因为时延可对交易者招至数以百万美元损失。 equinix.cn | Electronic trading exchanges run hundreds of cross connects between servers inside our IBX® data centers to [...] maximize the number of trades [...] processed per second and eliminate milliseconds of latency [...]that can cost traders millions of dollars. equinix.nl |
接收到查询字符后,打印机将在等待查询响应时间( 以 毫秒 为 单 位)后发 送响应信号。 printronix.com | After receiving a poll character, the printer will wait the poll [...] response time in milliseconds before sending [...]the response. printronix.cn |
连续发送「要求信息」时,请在接收到本产品发送的「响应信息」 1 00 毫秒后 再次发送。 smc.com.cn | To send request messages in [...] series, wait for 100 msec. or longer after [...]receiving a response message from the product before sending the next message. smc.eu |
爆破時,產生震盪歷時數秒,震盪所產生的爆峰波速(Peak [...] Particle Velocity),在敏感受體處量度應不會超越 每 秒 25 毫 米 (或 25個震盪單位)的 標準。 legco.gov.hk | The vibration then generated from blasting will last for a few seconds. The resulting peak [...] particle velocity measured at sensitive receivers should not exceed the [...] standard of 25 mm per second, or 25 vibration units. legco.gov.hk |
让您的电话会议设置不费吹灰之力,您只需简单地将 USB 线缆插到任何电脑上,便可在数秒内 开 始工作。 jabra.cn | Setting up your conference calls is effortless, since you can simply plug in the USB cable to any PC [...] and be up and running in seconds. jabra.com |
但是,如果你使用不同的风扇场景创建了一个 序列,只需数秒即可 获得表现极佳的演示程序。 dmx512.ch | However, if you create a Sequence with different Fan-Scenes, you will get a great looking [...] Show prepared in just some seconds. dmx512.ch |
新型 Interroll 无传感器同步电动滚筒可在数毫秒内 从零加速到全速,装有伺服驱动和 [...] 反馈系统时,根据电机类型和负载,加速度最大可达 151 m/s2 ,大幅缩短了启/停操作 的定时工艺流程。 interroll.com | The new Interroll sensor-less synchronous [...] Drum Motor can accelerate from zero to [...] 100 percent in milliseconds and when fitted [...]with a servo drive and feedback system, [...]acceleration of up to 151 m/s2 can be achieved depending on the motor type and load. interroll.com |
用实际分配的容量数 (毫升)除以显示在 DataTrak 批量累加器上的转数。 graco.com | Divide the actual volume dispensed (cc) by the number of cycles indicated on the DataTrak batch totalizer display. graco.com |
千伏级隔离和数百安培至数毫安的 电流,要求加强通信与保护,提高仪器仪表在汽车使用寿命内的质量和精度。 automotive.analog.com | Kilovolt isolation and multi hundred Ampere to milliamp currents, require enhance communications and protection, along with instrumentation quality accuracy over the life of the vehicles. automotive.analog.com |
正如以往任务期间一样,专家组也对联刚特派团复员遣返方案在戈马收缴的 [...] 武器弹药以及和平与和解组织收集的武器弹药进行抽查,后者是刚果的一个非政 [...] 府组织,在平民中发起收集运动并收集了若干小口径武器弹药 和 数 十枚 82 毫米 迫击炮炮弹(主要是 1999 年和 2000 [...]年期间在保加利亚制造的)、RPG-7 型和 107 毫米火箭弹。 daccess-ods.un.org | As during previous mandates, the Group has conducted spot checks on weapons and ammunition collected by the MONUC disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and resettlement or repatriation programme in Goma, and by Paix et reconciliation (PAREC), a Congolese non-governmental organization that has launched a collection campaign among civilians, [...] gathering small calibre arms and [...] ammunition, and several dozen 82-mm mortar bombs (mainly [...]manufactured in Bulgaria in 1999 [...]and 2000), RPG-7 and 107-mm rockets. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过FastSMP(TM),英飞朗将交付基于FastSMP(TM)处理器的业界唯一基于硬件的共享网状网保护(SMP)解决方案,FastSMP(TM)处理器是一款硬件加速芯片,能让网络 在 5 0 毫秒 ( ms )内从多重故障中恢复过来。 tipschina.gov.cn | With FastSMP(TM), Infinera is delivering the industry's only hardware-based Shared Mesh Protection (SMP) solution based on the FastSMP(TM) [...] processor, a hardware acceleration chip that enables recovery from multiple-failures [...] in less than 50 milliseconds (ms). tipschina.gov.cn |
做不到这一点, [...] 就会使有关促进人权的讨论——它几乎完全侧重于 前一种权利——对于世界各地的绝大 多 数 人 而 言毫 无意义;他们中许多人日益把人权理解为迅速改善其 [...]生计。 daccess-ods.un.org | Failure to do so would render the discussion of human-rights promotion — which [...] focused almost entirely on the former [...] category — meaningless to the vast majority of people [...]around the world, many of whom increasingly [...]understood their human rights as the rapid improvement of their livelihood. daccess-ods.un.org |