

单词 毫无效果

See also:


not in the least
completely lack

无效 adj



not valid
in vain

效果 n

effect n
effects pl
result n
effectiveness n
quality n

External sources (not reviewed)

虽然跨学科活动的价值已得到广泛承认,但一些会员国对目前的跨部门平台表示保留 意见,认为这些平台在某些情况下对实现跨学科目 毫无效果。
While the value of multidisciplinarity had been widely recognized, some Member States expressed reservations about the
current intersectoral platforms, which were in some
[...] instances seen as ineffective for the achievement [...]
of interdisciplinarity.
此类提议耗资巨大毫无效果、适 得其反,以及从人 权角度看是倒行逆施,因为它们违反了《儿童权利公 [...]
Such proposals
[...] are expensive, ineffective, counterproductive [...]
and regressive from a human rights perspective, as they violate
the Convention on the Rights of the Child, for example.
[...] 萨拉·温克勒认为能源署要求成员国石油储备达 90 天 这一规则毫无道理毫无效果。
David G. Victor and Sarah Eskreis-Winkler argue that the 90-day rule
[...] is arbitrary and ineffective.
传统的方法,比如天窗、通风机和天鹅颈等, 对于限制有危害的潮湿气流进入船舱的效果 非常有限或毫无效果。
Traditional solutions, such as conventional louvers, ventilators and swan necks do little or nothing to restrict damaging moisture flows from being carried inboard.
如果居民根本不了解贩运人口的确切含义,那么开 展粗线条的“制止贩运人口”运动就无所助益, 毫无效果。
It is simply not useful or effective to
implement broad-brush campaigns to “stop human
[...] trafficking” if the populations [...]
do not even know what human trafficking really is.
基于这种情况,提交人声称,很显然国内补救措施既不可 得毫无效果,因 此他已没有义务继续在国内层面提起诉讼和程序,以确保他的 [...]
Under those circumstances, the author claims
that domestic remedies are, clearly,
[...] neither available nor effective, and asserts that [...]
he is thus no longer obligated to pursue
action or proceedings at the domestic level in order for his communication to be admissible before the Committee.
[...] 统以及联大都呼吁以色列取消封锁,开放过境点和结束影响到全体加沙地带人口 的这一集体惩罚制度,但迄今为 毫无效果。
Many world leaders, including Tony Blair, the envoy of the Quartet, and President Barack Obama, as well as the General Assembly, have called upon Israel to lift the blockade, open the crossings,
and end this regime of collective punishment afflicting the entire population of the Gaza
[...] Strip, but so far to no avail.
此外,伊斯兰宗教财产管理处还认为,原 Mughrabi Quarter
[...] 整个区域和坡路都是属于它 的财产,因为自 1967 年以来,曾请求归还 Mughrabi 门的钥匙,毫无效果。
Furthermore, the Waqf stated that the entire area of the former Mughrabi Quarter and the
pathway are its property and that, since 1967, it had requested
[...] the return of the keys of the Mughrabi Gate, to no avail.
果您对家庭影院要求严格,要实现非常重要的低音 效 , 毫无 疑 问 ,您需要一只低音炮。
If you’re serious about home theatre, you’ll certainly want a subwoofer for that all-important bass.
无论是否明确说明反对不妨碍条约对保留方生效,各国 毫 不 含糊 地认为无效保留不具任何法效果。
Whether or not they state explicitly that their objection will not preclude the entry into force of the treaty with the
author of the reservation, they
[...] nevertheless state unambiguously that an impermissible reservation has no legal effect.
最终以确定保无效果的方 式实现目标的不是反对,而是保留的无效性质, 但这一简单事实毫不改 变反对方想要达到的目标,即排 无 效 保 留的所有效 果。
The mere fact that ultimately, it is
not the
[...] objection that achieves the desired goal of depriving the reservation of effects, but rather the nullity of the reservation, does not change the goal sought by the objecting State or organization: [...]
to exclude all
effects of the invalid reservation.
果没有 可持续的筹资手段,执行支助股将不得不大幅度减少可提供的服务,毫无疑问 将会对执行进程产生不利影响。
Without a sustainable means of financing, the ISU will have to drastically reduce its service offerings, which no doubt would adversely affect the implementation process.
历届政府所采取的反叛乱战略将军事行动和社区恐吓与发展工作结合起来, 果毫无 成 效 并 常 常适得其反。
The counter-insurgency strategies used by successive governments have combined military
operations and intimidation of communities with development
[...] work, yielding few results and often proving counter-productive.
即使对于诸如保健和教育等公共服务设施的开支水平再高,只要并不伴随着提供 这些服务的效制度就可毫无意义
The high level of public expenditure on
public services like health and education might be
[...] meaningless unless accompanied by efficient systems for their [...]
大会第六十六届会议敦促所有国家配合并协助人权理事会特别报告员履行 其任务,及时提供一切资料,毫无 不 当 拖延地答复特别报告员递送的来文;吁 请各国认真考虑积极回应特别报告员提出的访问要求,并敦促各国就特别报告员 各项建议的执行情况和后续行动与其进行建设性对话,以便特别报告员能够更加效地履 行其任务;请特别报告员继续根据其任务规定,每年向大会和人权理事 会报告其活动(第 66/164 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly urged all States to cooperate with and assist the Special Rapporteur of the Human Rights Council on the situation of human rights defenders in the performance of her mandate and to provide all
information in a timely
[...] manner, as well as to respond without undue delay to communications transmitted to them by the Special Rapporteur; called upon States to give serious consideration to responding favourably to the requests of the Special Rapporteur to visit their countries, and urged them to enter into a constructive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur with respect to the follow-up to and implementation of her recommendations, so as to enable the Special Rapporteur to fulfil her mandate even more effectively; and requested the Special [...]
Rapporteur to continue
to report annually on her activities to the Assembly and to the Human Rights Council in accordance with her mandate (resolution 66/164).
果违背 未来配偶的意志,用欺诈或强迫手段取得婚姻同意,法院会应有 资格之人的请求,宣布婚无效。
If consent for marriage was obtained against the will of a prospective spouse by fraud or duress, the court will annual a marriage at the request of an entitled person.
而且,绝大多数国家对其认为无效的保留的反应也非常清楚地证明,无 效保留的效果而言 ,维也纳规则是不合用的。无论是否明确说明反对不妨碍条约 对保留方生效,各国毫不含 糊地认为,不允许的保留不具任何法律效果。
these reservations cannot alter or modify in any respect the obligations arising from the Convention for any State party thereto.
总之,在国家法院进行 的所有诉讼程序中,提交人得益于公开审理的抗式诉讼程序,由他们自己选定的 律师代理毫无阻碍 地向法院陈述了本身的论点,提出了权利要求并表示了异 议,提供了证据,驳斥了对方的论点,并广泛地享有对获得公正和 效 审 理 的所 有保障。
In any case, the authors, in all the procedures that took place before the national courts, had the benefit of adversarial proceedings conducted in public, were represented by a
lawyer of their choosing, put
[...] before the courts without obstruction all their arguments, claims and objections, presented evidence, refuted the arguments of the opposing party and generally enjoyed all guarantees of a fair and effective trial.
反对实际上可能有若干不同效果, 无 论 是 条约生效(如准则 4.3.1 至 4.3.4 所述)还是条约对保留方和反对方一旦生效对由此确立的(准则 4.3.5 至 4.3.7 所述的)条约关系内容的影响都有不同效果。
The objection may in fact have several different effects, both on the entry into force of the treaty (as described in guidelines 4.3.1 to 4.3.4) and, once the treaty has entered into force for the author of the reservation and the author of the objection, on the content of the treaty relations thus established (dealt with in guidelines 4.3.5 to 4.3.7).
因此, 倘若赌台管理员收到大量以奖金形式提供的金额,而这些款项并不是赠款而是属 于社会目的的捐款,因此果只因 这是奖金而减免赌台管理员的税务负担,但不 减免其他工作人员的税务负担, 毫无 意 义 的。
Therefore, although croupiers receive considerable amounts in the form of gratuities, these gratuities are not donations but customary gifts, and it makes no sense to relieve croupiers of taxes on such gratuities if the tax burden on other people at work is not alleviated.
果假定一项专利有 效,那么证明该专无效的负 担就落在了公共部门或受影响的竞争者身上。
Given the
[...] presumption of validity that such a patent might enjoy, the burden of proving a patent invalid falls on [...]
the public or affected competitors.
如果承租人、与其共同居住的家庭成员或其他人故意破坏或拆毁租住的房 屋,或改变其既定的用途或故意违反共同居住原则,使得其他 无 法 与 他们合 住,而且相应的预防措施和公共约束手段都未产生任 效果 , 应 出租人和其他利 益相关方的请求,可以迫使从事上述破坏或违规甚至犯罪行为的住户搬走,而且 不提供其他住所。
If the lessee, members of his/her family or other persons, who live together with them, systematically destroy or damage the living spaces, or do not use them according to its purpose, or if by systematically breaching the common living rules make it impossible for others to live with them in the same apartment or in the same house, and the preventive and public constraint measures have not showed any progress, the evacuation of the guilty ones at the request of the leaser or other interested parties is made without a subsequent offer of another living space.
然而,无法转移所有的藏匿武器,在 Nyamunyoni 剩下的弹药和武器,包括 75 毫米加农炮炮弹、12.7 毫米弹药和 107 毫米炮弹被果(金)武 装部队查封(见附件 37)。
However, as he could not transport all of his arms cache, the remaining ammunition and weapons in Nyamunyoni, including 75 mm cannon rounds, 12.7 mm ammunition and 107 mm rounds, had been [...]
seized by FARDC (see annex 37).
In that connection, the fruitless search for a peaceful [...]
resolution over such a lengthy period of time reflected poorly on the United Nations.
提交人强调对这一其驱逐的补救无 实 效 和 毫无 用 处 的。
The author stresses that the remedies for challenging his
[...] deportation are ineffective and of no avail.
[...] 的请求,将申诉人驱逐的行动使申诉人无法有效行使第 22 条赋予的权利,使委员会关于案情 的最后裁无效且毫无针对性。
The State party’s action in expelling the complainant in the face of the Committee’s request for interim measures nullified the effective exercise of the right to
complaint conferred by article 22, and has rendered the Committee’s final decision
[...] on the merits futile and devoid of object.
这些磋商会议取得了一些具体果, 其中包括:确定了部门间合作的新机制,特别是 评估项目和活动报告的参考框架;根据 34C/4 确定了暂定优先领域;确定了参与姊妹大学计 划的暂定标准;将充满活动的教科文组织教席和网络更加系统地纳入本组织的各个工作组; 教席更加系统地参与教科文组织的主要会议和活动;定期向有关教席和网络分发教科文组织 的出版物;确定了教席和网络可以向其寻求预算外资金的组织和基金会名单;创建了虚拟实 践社区;关闭近 30 个无效教席;拟定了一个教科文组织新教席的协议范本并绘制了一个具 体标识。
These consultation meetings have led to
[...] a number of concrete outcomes. They include, among others: the definition of new mechanisms for intersectoral cooperation, in particular frames of reference for evaluating projects and activity reports; a provisional list of priority areas based on document 34 C/4; a provisional list of criteria for participation in the UNITWIN Programme; more systematic integration of dynamic UNESCO Chairs and Networks in the Organization’s Working Groups; more systematic association of the Chairs in UNESCO’s principal meetings and activities; regular distribution of UNESCO publications to relevant Chairs and Networks; a list of organisms and foundations to whom Chairs and Networks may address requests for extrabudgetary funding; the launching of virtual communities of practice; the shutting down of approximately 30 inactive Chairs; and [...]
the development of a model
agreement for new UNESCO Chairs and a specific logo.
工作组注意:工作组似宜注意到,评注将解释:( a) 如 果 信 息 输入的栏目不 当(例如,把设保人身份识别特征输入有担保债权人一栏),所载其他信息准 确、充分的通知便可归无效;(b)颁布国的取名惯例将予以适用;(c)登记处系 统的设计应当能够确保,按照已登记通知所确定的某一设保人的身份识别特征 进行查询就能披露可确定所有其他设保人身份的已登记通知;及(d)为建议 21-25 和执行这些建议的条例的目的,设保人和有担保债权人的身份识别特征应当是 登记时的身份识别特征。
Note to the Working Group: The Working Group may wish to note that the
commentary will
[...] explain that: (a) if the information is entered in the inappropriate field (for example, the grantor identifier is entered in the secured creditor field), a notice that contains otherwise correct and sufficient information may be ineffective; (b) naming conventions [...]
of the enacting
State would apply; (c) the registry system should be designed so that a search against the identifier of one of the grantors identified in the registered notice would reveal the registered notice in which all of the other grantors would be identified; and (d) for the purposes of the recommendations 21-25 and the regulations that would implement them, the grantor and the secured creditor identifier should be the identifier at the time of the registration.
要消除饥饿和贫困,首要的任务是履行业已 做出的国际承诺;否则,我们必将陷入周而复始毫 无结果的怪圈。
Overcoming hunger and poverty primarily requires that we implement the international commitments we have already made, for otherwise we would be locking ourselves into an unproductive and repetitive cycle.
基于在这些冗长而往毫无结果的讨论方面的经验,2011 年工作组主席团认 为,需要在每个工作组举行会议的间隔期间设立一个工作组常设主席团,为准备 [...]
Based on the experience of these
[...] lengthy and often fruitless discussions, the [...]
Bureau of the 2011 Working Group is of the
opinion that there is a requirement between the convening of each Working Group to establish a permanent bureau of the Working Group, which would provide additional advice, guidance and support to the Secretariat and to Member States in preparation for subsequent Working Group sessions.




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