

单词 毫升

毫升 ()


See also:

(in the) least
drawing brush
one thousandth
currency unit, 0.1 yuan

External sources (not reviewed)

还可在本屏幕设置因子值,范围从 0 - 0.873 毫 升/脉冲
Factor values also can be set on this screen, from 0 to 0.873 cc/pulse.
例如活塞泵型号 LW025A 代表湿杯式不锈钢活塞泵,25 毫升,带 Chromex 涂层杆和 3 UHMWPE、2 PTFE 填料。
For example,
[...] displacement pump model LW025A represents a wet-cup style stainless steel displacement pump, 25 cc, with a Chromex coated [...]
rod and 3 UHMWPE, 2 PTFE packings.
附件 V 載列這 些飲品樣本每 100 毫升所含的能量、碳水化合物、蛋白質、總脂肪、飽 [...]
The value of energy, carbohydrate, protein, total fat,
saturated fat, cholesterol, sugars, dietary fibre, calcium, and
[...] sodium per 100 ml of the samples [...]
are presented in Annex V.
加入 1 毫升酚酞指示剂到每个烧瓶中,并使用 1.0 N [...]
Add 1 mL phenolphthalein indicator [...]
to each flask and titrate with 1.0 N sulfuric acid to a colorless endpoint.
该设备价值 82 970.3 美元,预计生产力为每小时装瓶 5 000 单位的 60 毫升朗姆酒。
The machine, with a capacity of 5,000 units per hour (60 ml bottles of rum) cost US$ 82,970.3.
您应该每天至少喝八杯8盎司(237毫升 ) 容 量的水。
You should drink at least eight 8 ounce (237ml) glasses a day.
膳食暴露評估顯示,一般市民( 每日大約飲用 半瓶 600 毫升運動飲品) 和消費量高的市民( 每日大約飲用一瓶 600 毫升運動 飲品) 從上述樣本攝入 DEHP 的分量超出安全參考 值,即世界衞生組織( 世衞) 在飲用水水質準則下訂定的每日可容 忍攝入量每公斤體重 0.025 毫克( 對於消費量高的市民亦超出歐洲 食物安全局訂定的每日可容忍攝入量每公斤體重 0.05 毫克),可 能 對人體健康構成風險。
Dietary exposure estimation revealed that the exposure of DEHP from the consumption of the above samples by average consumers (daily consumption of about half bottle of 600ml sports drink) and high consumers (daily consumption of about one bottle of 600ml sports drink) would exceed the safety reference value, i.e. the tolerable daily intake (TDI) of 0.025 mg/kg of body weight under the World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines for drinking-water quality (also exceed the TDI of 0.05mg/kg of body weight established by the European Food Safety Authority (ESFA) regarding high consumers), which may pose a risk to human health.
提供 600 毫升“香 肠”包装,博纳 R850T 是一款高粘性地板胶,专门用于博纳胶枪涂抹。
Available in a 600ml ‘sausage’ pack, [...]
Bona R850T is a high viscosity adhesive made for gun application.
[...] 設備會校準為訂明限度以下的水平(即每 1 0 0 毫升 呼 氣含20微克酒精), 而且不會以數字或文字顯示呼氣中的酒精比例,將會毫無疑問地表 [...]
明,預檢測試的結果不可能用作顯示司機呼氣樣本的酒精比例超出訂 明限度的證據。
The proposed CSAs, together with the fact that the pre-screening device will be
calibrated below the prescribed limit (at 20 mcg of
[...] alcohol per 100 ml of breath) and [...]
will not provide a numerical reading or statement
as to the proportion of alcohol in the breath, puts it beyond doubt that the result of the pre-screening test cannot be used as evidence to show that the proportion of alcohol in the breath specimen of a driver has exceeded the prescribed limit.
典型样品100毫升消化 液可在2-4分钟内过滤完毕。
Filtration time varies from 2-4 minutes for 100 ml of digested solution.
根 据 使
[...] 用 者 输 入 的 资 料 , 计 算 器 会 以 列 表 形 式 拟 备 营 养 标 签 , 并 且 (i) 以 每 100 克 或 每 100 毫 升 食 物 所 含 的 绝 对 量 ; (ii) 以 每 个 包 装 食 物 所 含 的 绝 对 量 ( 克毫 升 ) ( 如 包 装 内 只 含 一 个 食 用 分 量 ), 或 以 每 一 食 用 分 量 食 物 所 含 的 绝 对 量 ( 克毫 升 ) ( 如 包 装 内 含 多 个 食 用 分 量 ); (iii) 综 合 上 述 两 项 格 式 ; 以 及 (iv) 综 合 上 述 格 式 及 [...]
相 对 《 修 订 条 例 》 附 表 7 内 营 养 素 参 考
值 ( 如 有 提 供 有 关 数 值 ) 之 含 量 百 分 比 (即 "中 国 营 养 素 参 考 值 百 分 比 "), 去 标 示 各 营 养 素 含 量 。
Basing on contents provided by the user, the NLC can prepare a nutrition label in
tabular format showing
[...] nutrient contents in (i) absolute amount per 100 gram (g) or per 100 millilitre (ml) of food; (ii) absolute amount per package (in g or in ml) of food for food products with a single serving, or per serving (in g or in ml) of food for food products with more than one serving; (iii) a combination [...]
of the above;
or (iv) a combination of the above with relative amount expression as a percentage of nutrient reference value stipulated in Schedule 7 of the Amendment Regulation (if such value is available).
所有從樣本㆗抽取出來的水份在與㆒種 液體閃爍物混和後,會放進㆒支容量㆓ 毫升 的 塑 膠管內,然後 進行輻射量度。
The extracted water from all samples is mixed with a liquid scintillant in a 20 ml plastic vial before radioactivity measurement.
只需 100 毫升样品 量,即可产生代表性的取样,即使是葵花籽这样的半均一和不均一种子也不例外。
100 ml sample volume results in representative sampling even for semi homogenous and inhomogeneous samples like sunflower seeds.
包括产品开发在内的资 本成本总额为 355,780 美元,具体细目如下:安装一个放气阀(28,764 美元)、一个 20 毫升的膜片装罐机(49,599 美元)、一个 HFA 悬浮隔膜泵(40,039 美元)和一个悬浮器 (76,000 美元),设备安装(26,235 美元),以及项目开发和稳定性测试(139,143 美 元)。
The total capital cost including product development is US $355,780, with the following breakdown: installation of a purger valve (US $28,764), a 20 ml diaphragm filler (US $49,599), a diaphragm pump for HFA suspensions (US $40,039); and a suspension vessel (US $76,000); equipment installation (US $26,235); and project development and stability tests (US $139,143).
明确静脉注射和/或针管注射的剂量和频度为每 6 小时超过 50 毫升 · 调整 M2.3 的措辞,以便明确含义。
The volume and frequency of intravenous infusions and/or injections have been clarified as greater than 50 mL per 6 hour period.
可容納10毫升的清 潔劑,可用於清理手掌, 沒水或肥皂。
Holds 10ml of sanitizer which can be used to clean hands without water or soap.
其代表性包装是24个330 毫升易拉 罐, 这样就可以省掉使用 纸板和胶 水的成本。
A typical example of this is the pack containing 24 33 cl. cans, on which blank and glue savings can now be made.
尽管各种指南有所不同,但是如果您打算饮酒,通常都建议:大多数男性每天摄入的酒精量不能超 过 3 0 毫升 ( 相 当于 7 2 0 毫升 啤 酒、 3 0 0 毫升 葡 萄 酒, 或 6 0 毫升 1 0 0 度 的威士忌),而女性和年轻人每天摄入的酒精量不能超 过 1 5 毫升。
Although guidelines vary, if you choose to drink, it is generally
recommended that you
[...] should not exceed 30 mL of ethanol (e.g. 720 mL beer, 300 mL wine, or 60 mL 100-proof whiskey) per day in most men while women and lighter persons should not exceed 15 mL per day.
新的的傳感器系列SDN 552 / 5和SDN 552的/ 6同時捕獲的流量,高達50 2000毫升/分鐘 和流體溫度高達0 60°°C. 他們在降低成本,從而確保節省空間的監控。
The new sensors Series SDN 552 / 5 and SDN 552 / 6 capture both flow rates of up 50 2000 ml / min and fluid temperatures of up 0 60 ° ° C. They thus ensure a space saving monitoring at reduced cost.
从 12 月计划设备投入运转到今年 3 月以来,按少生产 192 万个单位(60 毫升瓶)、单位价格 0.25 美元计算,这项合同造成损失 48 万美元。
The loss incurred as a result was US$ 480,000 because it was estimated that from the installation of the equipment in December 2009 until March 2010, 1.92 million units (60 ml bottles) would have been produced, at an estimated price of US$ 0.25 per unit.
气动喷涂枪,600 毫升,用于涂抹博纳 R850T。
Applicator gun pneumatic, 600 ml for application [...]
of Bona R850T.
体积/脉冲 (V ) 单位毫升/脉冲,用于标识流量计 规格。
This volume is known as the Volume/Impulse (V m) and is stated in cc/Imp.
使用 1 毫升摩尔管加入 0.5 毫升饱和碘化钾溶液。
Using 1 ml Mohr pipette, add 0.5 ml of saturated potassium iodide [...]
效率。4 缸汽油发动机有两种输出功率可选:A 180 的发动机排量为1595 毫升,最大功率为90 千瓦(122 马力),最大扭矩为200 牛顿米;A 200 的发动机排量为1595 毫升,最大功率为115 千瓦(156 马力),最大扭矩为250 牛顿米。
The 4-cylinder petrol engines come with a choice of three power outputs: as the A 180 BlueEFFICIENCY with 1595 cc and 90 kW (122 hp) plus a maximum torque of 200 Nm, in the A 200 BlueEFFICIENCY with 1595 cc and 115 kW (156 hp) plus a maximum torque of 250 Nm.
此完整体系免费赠送一瓶生物过滤的5 0 毫升 的 SE RA过滤器生物起动剂以及专为所有龟鳖类动物日常饲料SERA浮水性条状水龟饲料。
As a free addition, the complete system contains 50 ml sera biostart for biological filtration as well as 100 ml sera raffy P food for the daily feeding of all terrapin species.
结果表明,在第八周时,使用马拉韦罗治疗的相同数目的CCR5病毒携带患者获得无法检测的病毒抑制(小于50拷贝 数 / 毫升 或 大 于2 log10拷贝数/毫升),无须考虑使用哪种试验确定其向性(g2p等于71.9%,N等于366;Trofile等于71.6%,N [...]
Results show that at eight weeks a similar number of patients with CCR5 virus treated with maraviroc achieved undetectable
virologic suppression (less
[...] than 50 copies/mL or a greater than 2 log10 copies/mL), regardless [...]
of which assay was used to
identify their tropism (g2p equals 71.9%, N equals 366; Trofile equals 71.6%, N equals 380).
水份透過共沸蒸餾方法的化學程 序抽取出來,並與㆒種液體閃爍物混和後放進㆒支容量㆓ 毫升 的塑膠管內,然後進行輻射量度。
Chemical procedures were carried out to extract the water from the samples by azeotropic distillation and the extracted water was mixed with a liquid scintillant in a 20-ml plastic vial before radioactivity measurement.
制备的2.5%琼脂的培养皿中(其他实验室用1%的琼脂浓度在整个实验过程中,如何越来越低的浓度可能允许投喂3 龄幼虫挖底物):称取2.5 g琼脂糖凝胶在100毫升DDH 2 O烧热在微波炉中的溶液,直到它开始沸腾。
Preparation of 2.5% agarose Petri dishes (other labs use also agar concentrations of 1% throughout the experiment, however lower concentrations may allow the feeding 3rd instar larvae to dig into the substrate): Dissolve 2.5 g agarose in 100 ml ddH2O. Heat up the solution in a microwave until it starts boiling.




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