

单词 毫不逊色

See also:


not at all
not in the least



毫不 adv

not surprisingly adv

External sources (not reviewed)

它们的上部结构的回 转范围稍大于其轮距宽度,但仍拥有出
[...] 色的挖掘性能、平衡性和稳定性,与众 多传统挖掘机相毫不逊色。
Their superstructure swings only fractionally outside their
track width, yet they still boast digging performance, balance
[...] and stability to match many traditional [...]
format excavators.
即便是与高成本效率的离岸模式相比,近岸模式 毫不逊色。
Total Cost of Engagement, or TCE, is an approach that evaluates the total expenditures of offshore engagements, bringing to
light the cost competitiveness of a mature nearshore model, even when
[...] compared to highly cost efficient [...]
offshore models.
希捷 Barracuda Green 硬盘具有出色的节能特性,硬 盘或系统性能毫不逊色,使客户能够创建符合节能要 求的环保 PC 系统和外置存储系统。
Barracuda Green
[...] drives deliver excellent power savings without sacrificing drive or system performance, giving customers the ability to manufacture [...]
eco-friendly PC systems
and external storage systems that meet energy savings requirements.
玛丽港的夜生活比大城毫不逊色, 那 里除了俱乐部和酒吧,还有新开幕的帕法赌场 (PAF Casino)。
There’s nightlife in the clubs and bars, or even at the tables of the new PAF Casino.
与此同时,在twitter上,伦敦2012充分利用#hashtag,表现 毫不逊色。
London 2012 also has a heavy Twitter [...]
presence with hash tags for each discipline.
中东问题四方自己对该评估表示欢迎,并指出巴 勒斯坦的各机构与现有国家的机构相比较 毫不逊 色。
The Quartet itself has welcomed that assessment and stated that Palestinian institutions compared favourably with those of established States.
Neatly packed into the tiny space are a celestial chart, horizon, geographical coordinates, solar time, sidereal time, sunrise and sunset display as well as a display showing daytime, night-time and twilight.
FPM4 采用与 FPM5 相同的 Kevlar® 音盆中低音驱动器和 Nautilus™ 导管式高音扬声器,但外形更为小巧,可与
[...] 42 英寸电视屏幕相搭配,不过在低音延展方面 毫不逊色。
The FPM4 uses the same Kevlar® cone bass/midrange drivers and Nautilus™ tube-loaded
tweeter as the FPM5, but in a shorter enclosure
[...] that matches the height of 42-inch [...]
TV screens, yet concedes little in bass extension.
尽管 如此,仍需要国家更多的支持,从而加强公设辩护服务,使其在能力和资源不 逊色于公诉服务。
Nevertheless, more support from the State is needed in order to strengthen
public defence services and to put them on
[...] an equal footing with public prosecution [...]
services in terms of capacity and resources.
88 不过,虽 然以色列已经作出遵守《武装冲突法》的努力,但这 毫不 减 少 以 色 列 对 无辜者 丧失生命和平民财产遭受损害感到的遗憾。
It provided numerous and varied types of concrete warnings before
launching attacks.88
[...] Nevertheless, Israel’s efforts to comply with the Law of Armed Conflict do not lessen its regret [...]
for the loss of
innocent lives and damage to civilian property.
在这一点上,厄立特里亚选择了正确的道路,确信该国的记 不逊 于大 多数其他国家。
On that score, Eritrea was on the right path and was willing to bet that its record could stack up with that of most nations.
因为安理会这次会议将审议无核武器区问题,不结盟运动重申必须根据安全 理事会第 487(1981)号决议和安理会第 687(1991)号决议第 14 段以及协商一致通
[...] 区唯一未加入、并且也未宣布打算加入《不扩散核武器条约》的国家 色 列 放弃 拥有核武器毫不拖延 地加入该条约,并根据安全理事会第 487(1981)号决议, [...]
迅速将其所有核设施置于国际原子能机构的全面保障监督之下,同时依照不扩散 机制的要求开展与核有关的活动。
As the Council’s meeting addresses the issue of nuclear-weapon-free zones, NAM reaffirms the need for the speedy establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East in accordance with Security Council resolution 487 (1981) and paragraph 14 of Council resolution 687 (1991) and the relevant General Assembly resolutions adopted by consensus; and, pending its establishment, NAM demands that Israel, the only country in the region that has not joined the Treaty on the
[...] of Nuclear Weapons or declared its intention to do so, renounce possession [...]
of nuclear weapons, accede to the Treaty without further
delay, place promptly all its nuclear facilities under International Atomic Energy Agency fullscope safeguards according to Security Council resolution 487 (1981) and conduct its nuclear-related activities in conformity with the non-proliferation regime.
约旦哈希姆王国政府促请联合国要求 色 列 当 局 毫不 拖 延 地停止这种单方 面行动并阻止其任何作为或不作为,以免对耶路撒冷老城及其城墙的完整性、真 [...]
实性和文化遗产产生不利影响,1981 年约旦把这些场所列入联合国教科文组织世 界遗产目录,1982 年又把它们列入处于危险的世界遗产目录。
The Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of
Jordan urges the United Nations to
[...] demand that the Israeli authorities refrain from [...]
such unilateral actions without delay
and prevent any acts or omissions that adversely affect the integrity, authenticity and cultural heritage of the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls, a site listed by Jordan in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1981 and in the List of World Heritage Sites in Danger in 1982.
毫无疑问,色列过度和不相称 地使用 武力及其集体惩罚的政策是犯罪行为,违背了我们的 一切主张:人类的价值观以及对《宪章》神圣性的尊 重。
There is no doubt that Israel’s excessive and disproportionate [...]
use of force and its policy of collective punishment are
crimes against everything we stand for: the values of humanity and respect for the sanctity of the Charter.
他重申不结盟运毫不动摇地致力于公 正、全面解决阿拉伯-以色列冲 突,并将巴勒斯坦问 题视为冲突的核心,因此,他要求立即恢复巴勒斯 坦人民不可剥夺的权利,在以东耶路撒冷为首都的 独立的巴勒斯坦国行使自决权和主权。
Reaffirming the Non-Aligned
[...] Movement’s unwavering commitment to a just and comprehensive solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, with [...]
the question of Palestine
at its core, he called for the immediate restoration of the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to exercise selfdetermination and sovereignty in an independent State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
您会发现,无论在哪个国家,路博润提供的福利 毫不逊 于 当地及同类公司提供的福利水平。
In every country you’ll find that Lubrizol benefits are competitive with those offered locally and with those offered by peer companies.
在我們能夠培訓足 夠毫不遜色的法官之前,我們不應限制終審法院邀請海外法官參加審判的權利,使 [...]
Until we can produce sufficient jurists of a comparable
[...] stature, we should not tie the hands of the [...]
Court by curtailing its power to invite overseas judges to sit on it.
初步估计表明,约 1 500 万合格选民中有
[...] 51%参加了投票, 这一数字与其他国家地方选举的投票率相比,也 不逊色。
Preliminary estimates point to a voter turnout of 51 per cent of the
approximately 15 million eligible voters, a figure that
[...] compares favourably with subnational [...]
election turnouts in other countries.
2011 年 1 月 19 日 11 时 30 分 一支敌方色列巡逻队的队员在 gh21 号阵地 (Mazra‘at Duhayrah 南面)附近停下,对 Duhayrah 黎巴嫩陆军阵地的步兵出不逊。
19 January 2011 1130 Members of an Israeli enemy patrol halted near thegh 21 position (south of Mazra‘at Duhayrah) and addressed indecent language to the sentry [...]
at the Lebanese Army position at Duhayrah.
虽然它不比Condenser麦克风来得敏感,无法把100%的音质完整录制起来,但相比之下,它录制出来的音质和厚度 不逊色。
Although this dynamic mic does not really
pick up nearly all the details and frequencies response as the
[...] condenser mic, it’s still a good choice for home recording.
[...] 发给教育机构和图书馆;对来自中亚国家和阿富汗的维护专业人员进行了关于维护土结构建筑的培 训;完成了遗址的维护(Fayaz Tepa 佛教遗址),还完成和/或修复了试点示范建筑物( 逊 工 艺 培 训中心,包括一个博物馆;塔什干纺丝/天然 色 车 间 建筑;修复后的制砖中心以及在阿富汗马扎里 沙里夫的 Khiva 纺丝/天然染色车间的扩建)。
To sensitize and train local community leaders, architecture and engineering students and professionals on the value of traditional architecture and technology, a Russian language training manual on traditional techniques for the construction and repair of earth architecture was translated into local languages, published and distributed to educational institutions and libraries; training was conducted on the conservation of earthen structures for conservation professionals from Central Asian countries and Afghanistan; conservation was completed on historic sites (Fayaz Tepa Buddhist Ruins, Termez, Uzbekistan); and pilot demonstration
buildings were completed and/or
[...] restored (Boysun Crafts Training Centre, which includes a museum; the Tashkent silk weaving/natural dye workshop building; the [...]
restored brick-making
centre and the extension of the Khiva silk weaving/natural dye workshop in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan).
在人类 发展的健康和教育方面,如果计不 平 等状况,区域许多国家取得的成绩 逊色 得多
The achievement of the health and
[...] education aspects of human development, when adjusted for inequality, is considerably lower [...]
for many countries in the region.
主席女士,我們絕對認同現在是適當時候,全面檢討本港的精神健康政 策的,因為世界衞生組織 Mental Health Atlas 2005 的報告指出,雖然香港在 精神科病床、精神科護士和社工的數目上,比美、澳、日和新加坡等 毫不 遜色,而 其中社工的數目更遠超其他地方,不過,主席女士,我想在此指出, 社工的服務宗旨和目標絕對有需要更新,我亦希望社工方面可以小心研究, 多作評估和多做研究。
Although it is pointed out in a report, named Mental Health Atlas 2005, compiled by the World Health Organization that Hong Kong does measure up to such places as the United States, Australia, Japan and Singapore in terms of the numbers of hospital beds, psychiatric nurses and social workers, I would like to point out here that, Madam President, it is absolutely necessary for the objectives and goals of social workers to be updated albeit their number has surpassed that of other places.
Steiger 表示:「這是前所未見能夠支援各種煞車與加速情況的系統,即使在過彎時 毫不 遜 色。
This is the
[...] first system to provide support in all braking and accelerating situations – even during cornering,” says Steiger.
我们采用川崎生产管理体系 (KPS),”玛丽维尔工厂的质量控制技术组总监JC
[...] Watts说,“我们的生产虽以小批量和多品种为主,但我们的质量和工程要求 毫不逊 于 汽 车行业的顶级产品。
Our quality and engineering requirements are
[...] comparable to the best in the automotive industry, [...]
though our manufacturing is focused on
lower volumes of many different kinds of products.
巴勒斯坦人民行使不可剥夺权利委员会和国际 社会其他成员已经提请人们注意, 色 列 发 动这场战 争严重违反了国际人道主义和人权法及多项联合国 决议,对已经遭受 40 多年占领后果的巴勒斯坦平民 的生毫不顾及
The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People and other members of the international community
have called attention to
[...] the fact that Israel is waging this war in gross contravention of international humanitarian and human rights law and many United Nations resolutions, and without the slightest concern for the lives of Palestinian civilians, who are already [...]
suffering from the consequences of more than 40 years of occupation.
在战争年代,土库曼斯坦成为了最重要的后方战 线之一,而在后方辛勤努力的人们,他们的英勇精神毫不逊于在战场上奋战的人们。
During the war years, Turkmenistan served as one of the most important home fronts, and the heroism of those who worked on the home front was in no way less than that of those who fought on the battlefields.
叶柄淡黄色,5-7毫米; 不同季 节叶片二型;春天叶小的,叶片椭圆形到长圆形, 1-4 * 0.8-2 厘米,薄纸质的或膜质,基部钝,边缘全缘,先端圆形的或钝;秋天叶更大,叶片长圆状倒卵形或者宽椭圆形, 6-10 * 3-5 厘米, [...]
背面白色具棕色的小圆点,鳞片重叠, 多数白色, 少数棕色,
Petiole yellowish brown, 5-7 mm; leaf blade dimorphic by season; spring leaves small, leaf blade elliptic to oblong, 1-4 [...]
× 0.8-2 cm, thinly papery
or membranous, base obtuse, margin entire, apex rounded or obtuse; autumn leaves larger, leaf blade oblong-obovate or broadly elliptic, 6-10 × 3-5 cm, abaxially white with brown dots, scales overlapping, mostly white, a few brown, margin fimbriate-lacerate to ± stellate, adaxially tomentose when young, indumentum of stellate hairs, not appressed, lateral veins 8-10 per side of midrib, deeply impressed adaxially in old leaves.
金枪鱼区域渔业管理组织第二次联席会议感到关切的是,独立业绩审查查 明了需毫不拖延 地予以处理的重大缺陷,诸如未采取反映科学咨询意见的措 施、没有完整和准确的数据收集和不能及时提供数据、不遵守规定、重要 色不 参与、需要进行体制和法律改革等。
The second joint meeting of tuna regional fisheries management organizations expressed concern that the independent performance reviews had identified fundamental shortcomings that needed to be addressed without delay, such as failure to adopt measures that reflect scientific advice, lack of complete and accurate data collection and untimely provision of data, non-compliance, lack of participation by important players and the need for institutional and legal reform.
事實上,品質上乘粉紅鑽的價格是同類白色鑽石的20至50倍;而2009年5月,日內瓦蘇富比拍賣行以破紀錄港幣7,400萬元,成功拍賣出一顆被美國寶石學會 (GIA) 鑒定為色及淨度均是毫無瑕疵」的彩藍鑽石;加上藍鑽具有半導體性能,與其他 色 的 鑽 石 不 同 , 因而更為罕見;至於綠色彩鑽石是少之又少,即使市場有需求,亦因為礦床有限而事與願違。
In fact, quality pink diamonds worth 20-50 times more than white diamonds of the same type. In May 2009, a blue diamond was appraised by the GIA as “flawless” in both colour and purity, and smashed the world record at Sotheby's Geneva auction for a value of HKD 74 million.




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