

单词 毫不费力


毫不费力的 adj

slick adj

See also:


not at all
not in the least

费力 adj

effortless adj
laborious adj

费力 n

effort n

External sources (not reviewed)

了解 Jabra 耳麦如何使您的统一通信迁移工作变成一件简单 毫不费力 的 事
See how Jabra headsets can make your Unified Communications migration a simple, painless affair.
员工通过引毫不费力地完 成连接过程,因而可以马上使用电话。
Employees are guided through effortlessly through the connection process, so they are back on the phones in no time.
通过整合Hand和Dynamic Zoom工具,PDF Editor有助于毫不费力地浏 览文档页面而不用考虑其他细节。
By combining the Hand with the Dynamic Zoom tools, PDF Editor helps you to browse document pages painlessly while relieving every detail of the contents.
由于这种电池极为灵活,因此,可 毫不费力 地 将 其安装在房屋的立面和屋顶上,或者其它向阳的表面上。
Their flexibility means that they can be easily installed on outer walls, roofs and any other surface that is exposed to the sun.
这一步一步的指南将告诉你如何抓取DVD上Mac,MacBook(专业版),IMac和Mac mini到任何视频/音频格毫不费力。
This step-by-step guide will show you how to rip DVD on Mac, MacBook (Pro), iMac
[...] and Mac mini to any video/audio format effortlessly.
独特的滚轴结构使其能够遵循现有的形 毫不费力 地 勾 勒出“圆形”手孔。
The unique roller arrangement enables effortless contouring of "out of round"
[...] hand holes by following the existing shape.
挤奶设毫不费力地就 能滑到清洗设备上。
Milking units slide onto the wash units effortlessly.
Tolvanen解释说工厂之前已经使用了两套生产管理系统,但是只有设备追踪系统——第三套——可 毫不费力 地 提 供一个可靠的OEE指示器。
Tolvanen explains that two production monitoring systems had already been tested at the plant, but only Machine Track, the third one tested, can effortlessly provide a reliable OEE indicator.
用户可毫不费力地编写出自己的 CUDALink 模块。
You can also write your own
[...] CUDALink modules with minimal effort.
The samples taken can be stored effortlessly outside the cab and then simply unloaded using the Delta's conveyor belt.
Dundas Map支持多样化的数据源,这保证了用户的基于地图的应用程序可 毫不费力 的 利 用即在数据。
Dundas Map's support for a wide variety of data sources will ensure that your map-based applications can
[...] draw on existing data with no difficulty.
毫不费力的充 电方法,充分利用了全球各地现有的射频读写器基础设施 [...]
可以应用于银行卡销售点终端(POS),安全系统设施 POS 终端,安全门禁系统,或汽车无钥匙开启系统。
This effortless recharge method [...]
leverages the existing RF reader infrastructure around the globe for NFC bank card Point
of Sale (POS) readers, security systems with physical access doorway readers, or automotive keyless entry systems.
仍然采用固定五次切削过程的制造商们可 毫不费力 地 把 他们的软制造转换成格里森最先进的高速干切技术。
Manufacturers who still use the five-cut fixed setting process can easily convert their soft manufacturing to Gleason’s most advanced high-speed dry cutting technology.
七个拇指辅助按键,让您增加您能够从您目前的执行命令±12能力键来7x这个数字,让你立 毫不费力 地 开 动一切可能在游戏中的法术或能力,仍然有自己的自定义宏的几十个房间。
Seven thumb-based modifier keys allow you to increase the number of commands you are able to execute from your current ±12 ability keys to 7x that number, allowing you to both instantly and effortlessly actuate every possible in-game spell or ability and still have room for dozens of your own custom macros.
更精确的地图可从Bing Maps处获得,使用以上行车指南,你 毫不费力 地 找 到我们。
Fairly accurate maps are available from Bing Maps, and when used with the directions above, you’ll have no trouble finding us.
You can give your TreeList the look and feel that best meets your business requirements with ease and simplicity.
每台 Mac 皆预装了世界上最先进的操作系统 Leopard®,包括:Time Machine™ -
[...] 自动备份 Mac 上一切内容的一毫不费力的方 法;重新设计的 Finder™ - 能让用户在多台 [...]
Mac 之间快速浏览和共享文件;Quick Look - 无需打开软件就能即时观看文件的最佳方法;Spaces®
- 用于创建应用软件组和在它们之间即时切换的一种直观功能;Mail - 设置简便,可制作典雅的个性化信笺;以及最先进的视频聊天工具 iChat®。
Every Mac includes Leopard®, the world’s most
advanced operating system which features Time
[...] Machine™, an effortless way to automatically [...]
back up everything on a Mac; a redesigned
Finder™ that lets users quickly browse and share files between multiple Macs; Quick Look, the best way to instantly see files without opening an application; Spaces®, an intuitive feature used to create groups of applications and instantly switch between them; Mail with easy setup and elegant, personalized stationery; and iChat®, the most advanced video chat.
由于尼加拉瓜政府采取的令费解、 毫 无 道不可接 受的行动,我们这个区域不幸在 力 摆 脱它 的痛苦过去,迎接一个更美好未来方面倒退了一步。
Through an incomprehensible, unjustified and unacceptable action of the Government of Nicaragua, our region has taken an unfortunate step backwards in its efforts to overcome [...]
its sombre past and embrace a better future.
(c) 还敦促哥伦比亚政府执行适当的战略以打击准军事组织解散后成立的 非法武装团体,保证保护平民免受其实施的有组织暴力侵害;并建议安全部队加 强力,坚定且毫不含糊 地预防、调查、起诉和惩处这些非法武装团体,不与这 些团体有任何牵连,不能对其采取容忍或默许态度。
(c) Also urges the Government to guarantee the protection of the civilian population from the organized violence perpetuated by illegal armed groups that emerged after the demobilization of paramilitary organizations, by implementing appropriate strategies to combat them; and recommends increased efforts to prevent, investigate, prosecute and punish, firmly and without ambiguity, any links, tolerance or acquiescence by security forces towards these groups
咨询委 员会获悉,所需的经费将用于把现有的一级数据中心从秘书处大厦迁移
[...] 到设在北草坪会议大楼内的新一级数据中心,而与新的二级数据中心所 需的费毫不相干(见 A/64/346/Add.2)。
The bulk of the resources are requested for contractual services to support the migration of applications. The Advisory Committee was informed that these resources were required in connection with the migration of the current primary data centre from the Secretariat Building to the new primary data
centre in the North Lawn Conference
[...] Building and were not related in any way to the [...]
requirements of the new secondary data centre (see A/64/346/Add.2).
提交人声称,事 实上,如其来文和其他不成功的申请者的证据所示,登记制度过于广泛地授予登 记官员酌处权实际上等于给予了他们不受约束的酌处权,他们 毫不 迟 疑 地利用 该力根据其意愿随时拒绝登记申请。
The author claims that, in effect, as his communication and testimonies of the other unsuccessful applicants show, the overbroad grant of discretion to registration officials by the registration regime amounts in practice to a grant to them of unfettered discretion, which they employ without hesitation, to reject registration applications as and when they like.
里约集团敦促谈判会议全体成员表现出必要的 政治意愿,确毫不拖延 地开始实质性的工作,通过 并执行一个推动核裁军议程的平衡和全面的工作方 案,包括谈判一项核武器公约,一项有关向无核武器 国作出消极安全保证的普遍、无条件和具有法律约力的文 书,防止外层空间的军备竞赛,以及一项禁止 生产用于核武器或其他核爆炸装置的裂变材料的多 边和非歧视性的条约。
The Rio Group urges all members of the Conference to demonstrate the
political will necessary
[...] to ensure the start, without delay, of its substantive work through the adoption and implementation of a balanced and comprehensive programme of work that moves the nuclear disarmament agenda forward, including negotiations on a nuclear weapons convention, a universal, unconditional and legally binding instrument [...]
on negative security
assurances for non-nuclear-weapon States, the prevention of an arms race in outer space and a multilateral and non-discriminatory treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.
几个国家感到通过协调一致的 (区域的或是基于专题的)办法 毫不 含 糊地 努 力 减 少 确定优先事项的“竞争过程”,可以 更有效地采用贯穿法。
A few countries felt that the mainstreaming approach could be more effectively applied by explicit efforts to reduce the “competitive process” for their identification, through a consistent approach – geographical or theme based.
存在的问题主要包括,寻找行政派任地点费费力;多 数组织的情况是,多数家庭选 不 在 行 政派任地点居住;难以确定通 用特别业务生活津贴费率;薪酬设计复杂,特别业务生活津贴缺乏透明度——工 作人员不理解薪酬设计,质问他们为什么不能支领工作所在地艰苦条件津贴。
The issues focused mainly on the
difficulties and the
[...] length of time it took to identify suitable administrative places of assignment; the fact that, in most organizations, the majority of the families did not choose to [...]
live in the administrative
place of assignment; the difficulty in setting common SOLA rates; and the complicated design of the pay package and the lack of transparency of the SOLA benefits — staff did not understand the design of the pay package and questioned why they did not receive the hardship pay for the place of duty.
自最近叙利亚国内的事件和事态发展开始以来, 特别是在某些极端分子开始使用力 并 且 拿起武器 对抗维护法律和秩序的部队和危害无辜叙利亚公民, 包括和平示威者之后,对我们和世界各地的许多观察 人士都已经清楚的一点是,一些方面,包括就在这个 安全理事会中的一些方面,正企图以站不住脚的借口 和理由为由让安理会介入与安理会的作用、职责或授毫不相关的国内事态发展。
Ever since the start of the recent internal events and developments in Syria, and especially after
certain extremists
[...] started using violence and bearing arms against the forces of law and order and innocent Syrian citizens, including peaceful demonstrators, it has become clear to us and to many observers throughout the world that some parties, including in this very Security Council, are attempting to involve the Council, on the pretext of weak excuses and justifications, in internal developments that have nothing to do with its [...]
role, responsibilities or mandate.
由于通过细致而严格地管理各种族和各宗教间的关系,而且同样重要的 毫不迟 疑 地采取坚决行动打击任何威胁种族或宗教和谐的团体,新加坡自独立后成功避 免了重大宗派力事件的发生。
By managing, delicately and scrupulously, relations among the different races and religions –
and equally
[...] importantly, by never hesitating to take firm action against any group that threatened racial or religious harmony – Singapore has avoided major incidents of sectarian violence since its independence.




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