单词 | 毛衣 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 毛衣 noun —sweater n (often used)less common: knitwear n 毛衣 noun, plural —jumpers pl毛衣 —(wool) sweaterExamples:毛线衣—sweater • woolen knitwear 毛线衣 n—wool n See also:毛 n—wool n • feather n • hair n • hairs pl • mold n • mildew n 衣 n—dress n • clothes n 衣 pl—robes pl 衣—put on (clothes)
他們 所說的都是如果一些“阿嬸”或婆婆親手編織了一 些 毛衣 送 給 行政長官,有 關條文便會令她們犯罪,這樣便會很不妥當。 legco.gov.hk | The example they quoted was that if the Chief [...] Executive was offered a woollen jersey knitted by [...]an "auntie" or an elderly lady, the relevant [...]provision would subject them to offences, which would not be appropriate at all. legco.gov.hk |
我自己不會織毛衣,但我問過 其他有織毛衣的議員,包括余若薇議員,我問她一 件 毛衣 會 否 超過 400 元呢? legco.gov.hk | I do not know how to knit woollen jersey, so I asked some Members who know how to knit, including Ms Audrey EU. legco.gov.hk |
若沒有羽絨毛衣,你 休想可以頂得住夜晚的冷溫。 4tern.com | If you are not wearing jackets, you would not [...] able to stand the cold. 4tern.com |
請勿懸掛毛衣:毛衣重量 過重,不適合懸掛,而且肩膀部位也容易拉開變形。 philips.com.hk | Do not hang sweaters: they are too heavy [...] for hanging and the shoulders get stretched and distorted. philips.com.au |
店内的衬衫、T恤、毛衣、牛 仔裤和外套都有男女款,T恤的价格在390元至500元之间,牛仔裤一般在1100元左右,外套的价位在1200元左右。 vantageshanghai.com | Shirts, T-shirts, sweaters, jeans and coats [...] both for men and women line the racks, with prices of T-shirts between 390 RMB [...]and 500 RMB, jeans around 1,000 RMB, and coats at around 1,200 RMB. vantageshanghai.com |
日常的造型搭配中,将T恤塞进高腰牛仔裤的穿法大受欢迎,大尺 码 毛衣 搭 配 裙子和黑色厚丝袜,或是白色短袜加跑鞋都是搭配经典。 catwalkyourself.com | Everyday fashion throughout the decade [...] saw high waist jeans and t-shirts tucked [...] in, oversized sweaters and black opaque [...]tights worn with dresses or white socks and trainers. catwalkyourself.com |
代替毛衣,夹 克衫和T恤衫,您将会找到男士便上装,Polos 和其他休闲服装。 labbrand.com | Instead of sweaters, jackets, and [...] t-shirts, you will find blazers, polos, and other business-casual clothing. labbrand.com |
如有需要,學生可添加有學校徽章的 毛衣 / 抓 毛 外 套 /棉褸或棗紅色頸巾。 tkps.edu.hk | If necessary, students [...] may wear a school wool cardigan / fleece [...]cardigan / polyester coat or a red scarf which bears the [...]school badge to keep them warm. tkps.edu.hk |
话筒可以出现的录音场合,如ENG和EFP等,EMK4071 ENG/EFP话筒套件包含一个4 071 微型话筒和各种需要的附件,包括别针、领 夹和安装座,多种颜色的防风罩、 毛衣 防 风 罩及微型金属网罩。 dpamicrophones.com | When the microphone may be visible, such as in ENG and EFP applications, the EMK4071 ENG/EFP Microphone Kit comes supplied with a variety of pins, clips and holders, a mix of multi-colored windscreens, and both a windjammer and miniature mesh filter. dpamicrophones.dk |
他于1970年代开展事业,生产霓虹色调的山羊 绒 毛衣。 iwc.com | His business career began in the 1970s with the manufacture of neon-bright [...] coloured cashmere sweaters. iwc.com |
早年經營Pariya冰淇淋兼便當店,後因從 事 毛衣 設 計師的母親離世, 毅然轉戰時裝市場擔任時裝買手。 think-silly.com | Yuichi Yoshii used to run ice cream and bento shop Pariya in early days, and when his mother (who was a knitwear designer) passed away, he changed path to become a fashion buyer. think-silly.com |
半透明與與魔術貼口袋讓整理雜物輕而易舉,而即使背口袋裝滿還有剩餘空間容納一 件 毛衣 或 是 薄外套。 everki.com.hk | A see-through pocket and two Velcro pockets make organization a [...] cinch and even when the pockets and slots are full, this compartment leaves plenty of [...] room for a sweater or light jacket. everki.com |
Maison Martin [...] Margiela擅於以錯覺營造含糊立體效果的技巧亦出現於女裝系列中,分別推出呈錯覺立體連身裙及隱形船跟鞋;相同概念同時應用於男裝系列內的立體T-shi rt 與 毛衣 之 上。 think-silly.com | The angular tailoring of three-dimensional effects which Maison Martin Margiela is known for makes an appearance here as well; notable items in this range include [...] the illusion dress and invisible wedge pumps for ladies, as well the [...] three-dimensional T-shirts and wool sweaters for men. think-silly.com |
毛衣 texin.biz | Sweaters texin.biz |
在厚厚的村庄墙外,工人编织缝合一件 件 毛衣 系 列 的样板。 iwc.com | Beyond them, behind the thick village walls, the prototypes of the collections are knitted and sewn together. iwc.com |
无论是对于智能手机,还是毛衣等商 品,顾客愿意购买不同花样的同种类产品。随着平板电脑愈加专业化,对平 [...] 板电脑的需求也不例外。 deloittetmt.com | Just as customers have shown a willingness to purchase multiple variants [...] of the same product for everything [...] from smartphones to sweaters, demand for tablets [...]will likely follow suit as the devices become more specialized. deloittetmt.com |
主夾層設有文件分隔夾層可將文件資料夾與其他物品區隔,並有充裕的空間可收納配件與容納一件 輕 毛衣 或 外套,適合坐長途國際班機的旅客。 everki.com.hk | Main compartment features large zippers and a quick-access storage area ideal for papers and file folders, separated by a divider from peripherals and [...] other accessories and with plenty of room left [...] over for a sweater or coat to keep both [...]tourist and professional warm on those long international flights. everki.com |
由传统的横机毛衣,到全成型整套服装皆备,此页载有一系列设计中心的最新样品。 shimaseiki.com.cn | From basic sweaters to WHOLEGARMENT [...] ensembles, this page features a collection of the latest samples available from TDC. shimaseiki.com |
海軍藍被運用於毛衣、晚禮服和運動服上,盡展男士的權威感;復古風格 — 把現代的時尚元素加入傳統的圖案,散發出新古典的氣質;閃爍優雅 [...] — 閃閃發亮的衣服不但能吸引別人的目光,而且能充分表現自我;都市經典感覺的一件花紋襯衫配搭合身的西裝外套,無論輕便或是商務裝束,都能為您打造出時尚的造型;皮革淑女 [...] — 無論是夾克、靴子、褲子,還是襯衫,皮革都應該在女士的衣櫥佔一席位;簡約簡潔的淺色、單層衣服帶來簡約清新的感覺,就好像躺在星期天的田園上,享受暖暖的陽光。 ifc.com.hk | Navy Blue depicts a sense of authority on men, from [...] men's cardigans to nightgowns to sports uniforms; [...]Heritage Style combines today's modern [...]sensibilities with traditional heritage; Sparkling Elegance makes you shine through the city, day or night, with an outfit that makes a statement, catches eyes, and most importantly - expresses yourself; Urban Classics - well-fitted blazer and a patterned button up shirt give you a hip, smart, and organised look that's perfect for casual or business; Leathering Ladies - whether it's jackets, boots, pants, or blouses, leather should have a place in any woman's wardrobe; Minimalistic and Simplistic - light-coloured, single layered, minimalistic pieces probably evoke images of an idyllic Sunday, lying on the grass and enjoying the sun. ifc.com.hk |
针织毛衣、机 织衬衫、无纺布夹克衫及无处不在的缝纫线迹:打开衣柜,就能看见包纺织品生产与面料复合工艺的多样性。 groz-beckert.pl | Knitted pullovers, woven shirts, jackets made from [...] nonwovens, and seams everywhere: one look inside a wardrobe reveals the [...]full diversity of textile production and joining methods. groz-beckert.pl |
它促请理 [...] 事会对新西兰继续施加压力,要求它履行条约义务,就 与 毛 利 人有关的特别程序 的建议采取行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | It urged the Council to continue to apply [...] pressure to New Zealand to meet its treaty obligations and act on the recommendations of [...] special procedures relating to Maori. daccess-ods.un.org |
据联合国儿童基金会驻黎巴嫩物资专家奥利维尔.穆莱特(Olivier [...] Mulet)称,“捐助方,包括一些私企,一直在协助联合国儿童基金会及合作伙伴向125692名受这次危机影响的弱势儿童提供鞋子、 冬 衣 、 毛 毯 和 取暖燃料等救生物品。 unicef.org | According to Supply Specialist at UNICEF Lebanon Olivier Mulet, “Donors, including in the private sector, have been instrumental in enabling UNICEF and its [...] partners to provide life-saving items [...] such as shoes, winter clothes, blankets and fuel for heating [...]up to 125,692 vulnerable children affected by the crisis. unicef.org |
咨询委员会回顾,秘书长在 A/64/6(Sect.34)号文件中提出了暂用的 拟议方案预算第 34 款经常预算和共同出资活动的毛额预算的初步提案, 以待世界各地联合国人员及房舍安全保障问题独立审查小组(独立审查小 组)2008 年 6 月建议对安全和安保部组织进行的全面管理审查完成以及联 合国系统行政首长协调理事会对独立审查小组的建议作出反应。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee recalls that in document A/64/6 (Sect. 34), the Secretary-General submitted a preliminary proposed programme budget for section 34 of the regular budget and the gross budget for jointly financed activities, pending the completion of the comprehensive management review of the organization of the Department of Safety and Security that was recommended in June 2008 by the Independent Panel on Safety and Security of United Nations Personnel and Premises Worldwide and the submission of the response of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination to the recommendations of the Independent Panel. daccess-ods.un.org |
我国政府还理解并赞同对人道主义准入问题的 关切,而且同意这样一项提议,即秘书长报告中所 述的旨在援助需要人道主义援助者的各种办法,例 如暂停敌对行动、人道主义停火、人道主义走廊、 消除冲突的安排及安宁日,必须量体 裁 衣 , 以 适合 每一个冲突的特殊情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | My Government also understands and shares the concern about the issue of humanitarian access and agrees with the proposal that the alternatives stated in the Secretary-General’s report aimed at reaching people in need of humanitarian assistance — such as the temporary cessation of hostilities, humanitarian pauses, humanitarian corridors, de-confliction arrangements and days of tranquillity — must be tailored to suit the particular circumstances of each conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 工 貿署署長制定了 附件 B 的公告,就已根據《安 排》從香港出口往內地或擬根據該安排從香港出 [...] 口往內地,並根據《安排》符合零關稅資格,及 以在香港織造的成形針織衫片製成的織片 成 衣, 訂明該等織片成衣須視 為在香港製造或生產。 legco.gov.hk | (b) the Director-General of Trade and Industry has made the Notice at Annex B to specify that in relation to piece-knitted garments that have been exported or are intended to be exported from Hong Kong to the Mainland under CEPA, are qualified for zero tariff under CEPA, and are made from [...] knit-to-shape panels knitted in [...] Hong Kong, the piece-knitted garments are to be regarded as having [...]been manufactured or produced in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
經考慮上述因素後,尤其是加工商並非必須提供生產服務,以及加工商 [...] 就根據加工協議向達利集團提供生產服務而收取之邊際利潤(即加工費)與 其他上市成衣製造 商之邊際利潤相若,吾等認為加工協議之條款對 [...]貴公司 及獨立股東而言屬公平合理。 equitynet.com.hk | Having considered the above, in particular the Subcontractor is not obligated to provide the Production Service and the profit margins (being the Subcontracting Fee) for the Production Services as provided by the Subcontractor to the High Fashion Group under the [...] Subcontracting Agreement are comparable to [...] other listed garment manufacturers, [...]we consider that the terms of the Subcontracting [...]Agreement are fair and reasonable insofar as the Company and the Independent Shareholders are concerned. equitynet.com.hk |
該六個經營部份之主要業務分別為成 衣 製 造、 成 衣 貿 易 、品牌產品分銷、物業租賃與管理、物業 發展及投資活動。 wingtaiproperties.com | The principal activities of the six operating divisions are garment manufacturing, garment trading, branded products distribution, property rental and management, property development and investing activities. wingtaiproperties.com |