

单词 毛绒玩具

See also:

毛绒 n

felt n

玩具 n

toys pl
toy n



External sources (not reviewed)

由于小孩会四处滚,爬走的情况也增加,再加上开始学习走路, 因此不宜玩有音乐毛绒玩具和用 钥匙上发条的玩具,表面突出的玩具也不宜。
Because these children are rolling around, crawling more, and learning
[...] to walk, musical plush toys and others with [...]
a wind-up key or projecting surfaces are inappropriate.
可把输入 设备装毛绒玩具等婴 儿床上玩具里,用它来调节屏幕、开灯或播放录音。
These input devices can be embedded in
[...] crib toys such as plush toys; such a device [...]
could adjust a screen, turn on lights, or play recorded sounds.
Stuffed toy
其他游戏应用包括具有与真实物体 (如模型或小毛绒玩具)互 动的能力,手 机上一款广受欢迎的休闲游戏就属此例213
Other gaming applications include the ability to interact with
real-world objects, such as figurines or
[...] even bird-shaped plush toys, in the case of [...]
one popular casual game often played on mobile devices213 .
适宜给本阶段后期婴儿玩的手 握型玩具有:磨牙玩具、拨浪鼓、轻的球(如有音乐的、有音乐钟的、抓握用的、
[...] 有特效的和有凹凸纹理的球)、多种纹理和多感官元素的婴儿玩具、婴儿健身房、 游戏垫、布具以及毛绒玩具。
Examples of manipulative toys for infants in the latter end of this age group include teething toys, rattles, lightweight balls (such as musical, chiming, grasping, special effects,
and textured balls), multi-textured and multi-sensory infant toys, activity gyms,
[...] play mats, cloth toys, and plush toys.
12 到 18 个月婴儿玩的手握型玩具,常见的有:轻的球(如有音乐的、有音乐钟
[...] 的、抓握用的、有特效的和有凹凸纹理的球)、多种纹理和多感官元素的婴儿玩 具、镜子、手握型板块、活动中心、 玩具 、 毛绒玩具 、 挤 压即响玩具、嵌套玩 具、分类玩具、堆叠玩具、弹出式玩具、摇摆玩具、隧道和充气玩具等。
Examples of manipulative toys for 12- through 18-month-olds include lightweight balls (such as musical, chiming, grasping, special effects, and textured balls), multi-textured and multi-sensory toys,
mirrors, manipulative panels, activity
[...] centers, cloth toys, plush toys, squeeze and squeak [...]
toys, nesting toys, sorting toys,
stacking toys, pop-up toys, rocking toys, tunnels, and inflatable toys.
主要业务:益智玩具,电动玩具,婴儿玩具,浴室玩具,夏天玩具,户外玩具,水枪,吹泡泡玩具,运动玩具,过家家玩具,玩偶公仔娃娃,动漫主题玩具,国内外节日玩具,玩具促销品,玩具赠品,工艺品,装糖玩具,童车,滑板车,电子游戏,桌上互动游戏,填充 毛绒玩具 , 变 形玩具,合金模型玩具,遥控模型玩具,创意小商品和婴幼儿用品等。
We specialize in Plastic Toys,Action Figures,Infant Toys,Baby toys,Baby Mobile,Baby Rattle,Baby Gym,Baby Carpet,Baby Walker,Battery Operated Toys,Educational
Toys,Development Toys,Dolls Set,Summer
[...] toys,Toys Car,Novelty toys,Party Favors,Sport [...]
Gifts,Magic Cube,Outdoor Play Toys,Water
Gun,Bubble Blower,Bubble Gun,Pretend Play Toys,Christmas Toys,Radio Control Toys,Promotional gifts etc.
如这些具像毛绒玩具般有毛毯的柔软的质感,或色彩对比分明(如黑和白), 或含有基本的反差大的图案和脸部轮廓,或色彩丰富、鲜艳,更会魅力倍添。
They are more appealing when they have a soft,
[...] felt-like texture like plush toys, have highly contrasting [...]
colors (for example, black and
white) or basic contrasting patterns and faces, or have rich vibrant colors.
[...] SOR/2011-17的主要内容有:标签要求、电危害、窒息危害、毒性危害、发热危害、机械危害、特殊产品(包括洋娃娃 毛绒玩具 和 柔软的玩具、推拉玩具、用手指敷的水彩颜料、摇铃 [...]
The main content of SOR/2011-17 as follows: the requirements of labeling, electrical hazards, mechanical hazards, thermal
hazards, toxic hazards and specific products
[...] (Including doll, plush toys and soft toys, [...]
push/pull toys , water color which applied by finger, bell, etc.).
TAGGIES(TM)许可产品和核心产品包 毛 毯 、 丝 绒 、 活 动 玩具 、 服 装和书籍。
TAGGIES(TM) licensed and core product lines
[...] include blankets, plush, activity toys, apparel, and books.
只有当奥那扎尔女士拿起她最喜欢 玩具 — — 一个被称为“妞妞”的绿 毛绒 熊 时,米奇尔莱恩的脸上才露出笑容。
Mitchialine’s face lights up as she introduces her favourite toy, a green stuffed bear she calls Nounou.
确保您的宝宝仰睡在硬质的褥垫上,并拿走床上的任何障碍物, 玩具 、 羊 毛 围 巾 或枕头。
Make sure your baby sleeps on their back on a firm mattress and take away any
[...] obstructions such as toys, comforters, or pillows.
即使完全失去其头发和头皮被硬、 注入 HARG 鸡尾酒细胞做玩的事情更多,ⅱ毛绒资格地区位于心脏的类型。
Even if completely loses its hair and scalp
were hard, inject HARG cocktail cells do not
[...] play things more, Type Ⅱ, in downy eligible areas are situated in [...]
the heart.
WowWee Alive幼仔被Redbook線上雜誌選為最佳聖誕禮物,並被創新兒童雜誌提名為角逐2008年度首選 具 獎 的電 子 毛 絨 玩具 產 品
The WowWee Alive Cubs were also selected by Redbook magazine online as a top
Christmas gift pick for
[...] children as well as by Creative Child Magazine in the 2008 Toy of the Year Awards, Electronic Plush category.
叶柄淡黄棕色,5-7毫米; 不同季节叶片二型;春天叶小的,叶片椭圆形到长圆形, 1-4 * 0.8-2
厘米,薄纸质的或膜质,基部钝,边缘全缘,先端圆形的或钝;秋天叶更大,叶片长圆状倒卵形或者宽椭圆形, 6-10 * 3-5 厘米, 背面白色具棕色的小圆点,鳞片重叠, 多数白色,
[...] 少数棕色, 边缘流苏状撕裂到多少星状,背面幼 具绒毛 , 毛 被 为星状毛,不贴伏,侧脉在中脉每边8-10,老叶正面深凹陷。
Petiole yellowish brown, 5-7 mm; leaf blade dimorphic by season; spring leaves small, leaf blade elliptic to oblong, 1-4 × 0.8-2 cm, thinly papery or membranous, base obtuse, margin entire, apex rounded or obtuse; autumn leaves larger, leaf blade oblong-obovate or broadly elliptic, 6-10 × 3-5 cm, abaxially white with brown dots, scales overlapping, mostly white, a few brown,
margin fimbriate-lacerate to ±
[...] stellate, adaxially tomentose when young, indumentum of [...]
stellate hairs, not appressed, lateral
veins 8-10 per side of midrib, deeply impressed adaxially in old leaves.
叶子全部基生;托叶三角形; 叶柄5-19厘米,长硬毛状柔毛或疏生长柔毛;
叶片正面在脉间或接近脉的角上通常粉黄绿到白色,斜卵形或近圆形, 5-20 * 4-13
[...] 厘米, 通常有角度地浅裂, 背面的稀少或者适中多毛的在脉上,正 具 柔 毛 , 稀少 被 绒毛 , 或 者非常稀少微糙,基部5或6脉,第三脉细,随机网状,基部深心形,边缘细齿或细圆齿,先端渐尖或锐尖。
Leaves all basal; stipules triangular; petiole 5-19 cm, hirsute-villous or sparsely villous; blade adaxially often pale green to white on angles between or near veins, obliquely ovate or suborbicular, 5-20 × 4-13 cm, often angularly shallowly lobed,
abaxially sparsely or
[...] moderately hirsute on veins, adaxially pilose, sparsely tomentose, or very sparsely [...]
scaberulous, basally
5- or 6-veined, tertiary veins fine, randomly reticulate, base deeply cordate, margin denticulate or crenulate, apex acuminate or acute.
叶柄1-2厘米; 托叶线形,cadu cous;
叶片通常卵形的卵形或圆形,有时长圆形或椭圆状卵形的的,(4.6-)8.6-12.5(-18.4) * (3.1-)5.7-
[...] 8.9(-12.3)厘米,纸质,草质(在荫凉或低光)到革质(在直射阳光或极干燥时),无毛或疏生具鳞屑 绒毛具 红 棕 毛,背面的多少被粉,基部宽楔形,或圆形到心形,边缘全缘或较少通常细圆齿,先端短到长渐尖或锐尖,顶通常钝。
Petiole 1-2 cm; stipules linear, cadu cous; leaf blade usually ovate or rounded-ovate, sometimes oblong or elliptic-ovate, (4.6-)8.6-12.5(-18.4) × (3.1-)5.7- 8.9(-12.3) cm, papery, herbaceous (in shade or low light) to leathery (in
direct sunlight or very dry
[...] conditions), glabrous or sparsely scurfy tomentose with reddish [...]
brown hairs, abaxially ± farinose,
base broadly cuneate, or rounded to cordate, margin entire or less often crenulate, apex short to long acuminate or acute, tip often blunt.
然 而,雖然這是向前邁進的極其重要㆒步, 但家長在替子女選玩具及產品時,仍須保持警惕。
However, although this is a very important step forward, parents must remain
[...] vigilant in choosing toys and products for [...]
their children.
叶29-84厘米; 叶柄7-12厘米,具柔毛到几无毛,通常具皮孔;轴适 具 柔 毛 到 几无毛,偶尔被 绒毛 ; 小 叶通常6-9(-12)对;小叶柄(2-)4-12毫米 具 柔 毛/具 长 柔 毛到几无毛;小叶叶片披针形到卵状披针形, 7-14(-19.5) * 3.1-6(-7) 厘米, 经常暗灰棕色,适中具柔毛到几无毛, 通常在顶部中脉上具短毛和棍状腺体,脉基 具 柔 毛 到 具 长 柔 毛 / 被 短 绒毛 , 基 部匀称到不对称,边缘全缘,先端渐尖到偶有锐尖。
Leaves 29-84 cm; petiole 7-12 cm, pilose to glabrescent, often lenticellate; rachis moderately pilose to glabrescent, occasionally velutinous; leaflets usually 6-9(-12) pairs; petiolules (2-)4-12 mm, pilose/villous to glabrescent; leaflet blades lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 7-14(-19.5) × 3.1-6(-7) cm, often dark grayish brown, moderately pilose to glabrescent, usually with short trichomes and club-glands apically on midveins, veins basally pilose to villous/velutinous, base symmetrical to asymmetrical, margin entire, apex acuminate to occasionally acute.
茎具深色的或淡黄,粗壮,基础广泛,下弯的或反折皮刺2.5-10和#215; 用多少不等对的2-10毫米叶单生或; 叶柄2-4厘米;
叶片卵形椭圆形,10-18和#215; 3-12厘米, 不同的颜色的干燥,
[...] 或者用稀少的背面的后脱落, 无梗 星状毛 正面轻轻绒毛具紧密的,带白色,短茎头发,基部钝,绕行,或楔形,边缘近全缘或者6-或者7具深波状有叶, [...]
Leaves solitary or in somewhat unequal pairs; petiole 2-4 cm; leaf blade ovate-elliptic, 10-18 × 3-12 cm, drying of different colors, abaxially glabrescent or
with sparse, sessile, stellate hairs,
[...] adaxially softly tomentose with dense, whitish, [...]
short-stalked hairs, base obtuse,
rounded, or cuneate, margin subentire or 6- or 7-sinuate lobed, apex acute.
结果表明,杂色鲍头触角的表皮布满乳头状突起,突起表面布满 绒毛 , 顶 端 具 纤 毛
The results showed that the surface of cephalic tentacles of H. diversicolor is full of
small and large papillae, which surface is covered with a dense microvillous
[...] border and with ciliary tufts at their tips.
[...] 计算机及信息和通信技术设备、钢铁产品,以玩 具和休 闲设备等都属于其他受影响的发展中国家工 [...]
Machinery and machine tools, petrochemicals, electrical and electronic goods, computer and information and communications
technologies (ICT) equipment, steel and
[...] steel products, and toys and leisure equipment [...]
were among other developing country
industrial exports to be affected.
[...] 叶柄近无毛; 叶片羽状,具小叶,白色绒毛和具 柔 毛 在脉上,正面无毛; 通常顶生小叶浅裂的7-9,等长或稍大比侧生的,裂片线形或披针形,边缘规则地有锯齿与否,先端渐尖; [...]
Stipules semicordate, enlarged, herbaceous, margin serrate; petiole subglabrous; leaf blade pinnate,
with 2–5 pairs of leaflets,
[...] abaxially white tomentose and pilose on veins, [...]
adaxially glabrous; terminal leaflet usually 7–9-lobed,
equaling or slightly larger than lateral ones, lobes linear or lanceolate, margin regularly serrate or not, apex acuminate; lateral leaflets resembling terminal one, becoming smaller and less lobed toward base of leaf.
[...] 发生严重自然灾害之后,并为难民营筹集衣物 毛 毯 、 鞋子 玩具 和 书 籍,以支 持亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会和难民署。
It made financial contributions to United Nations entities for humanitarian crises, particularly after
severe natural disasters, and
[...] collected clothing, blankets, shoes, toys and books for refugee [...]
camps, with the support of the
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and UNHCR.
基生叶肉质; 叶柄2-10毫米,宿存,密被柔毛具单,具缘毛,膨大和纸质在基部;
[...] 宽卵形,近圆形,倒卵形的叶片,或匙形, 2-14 * 1-11 毫米,密绒毛或具柔毛,基部钝,边缘3-7齿或残波状,先端钝。
Basal leaves fleshy; petiole 2-10 mm, persistent, densely pilose with simple trichomes, ciliate, expanded and papery at base; leaf blade broadly ovate,
suborbicular, obovate, or spatulate, 2-14 × 1-11
[...] mm, densely tomentose or pilose, base obtuse, [...]
margin 3-7-toothed or repand, apex obtuse.
叶柄1-2.3厘米;叶片矩形,卵状椭圆形,或者椭圆形, 6-12 * 3.5-7 厘米,背面无毛,或在脉上很具粗 米 糠 绒毛 层 , 正面无毛,粗糙,基部圆形或宽圆形的,次脉5-7 对,细脉密网状,两面突出。
Petiole 1-2.3 cm; leaf blade rectangular, ovate-elliptic, or elliptic, 6-12 × 3.5-7 cm, abaxially glabrous, or rarely with brown short tomentum on veins, adaxially glabrous, asperous, base rounded or broadly orbicular, margin shallowly serrate, apex acuminate; secondary veins 5-7 pairs, veinlets densely netted, prominent on both surfaces.
纺织行业使用最多的是陆地棉(约90%)和海岛棉(约占10%),这两种棉产于美洲中部,在印度和远东地区仍有草棉和亚洲棉种植,亚洲棉在热带国家被视为观赏植物,属一年生草本植物,灌木状 具 有 大叶,花朵呈白色、黄色和粉红色,果实成熟后裂开为2-5部分,棉籽由浓密的、长为15-55毫米的单细 绒毛 包 裹 , 绒毛 柔 滑 ,呈白色或淡黄色,由一些长度为2-4毫米的细毛(短棉绒)组成,它们是构成纺织品的原材料。
The species most used by the textile industry is G. hirsutum (90%) then the G barbadense (for almost 10%) - both originally from Central America - while in India and the Far East there are still niches cultivation of G. herbaceum and G. arboreum, the latter present as an ornamental plant in
tropical countries. They are annual herbs or shrubs with large leaves, white flowers, yellow and pink and a fruit that
[...] opens at maturity in 2-5 segments, showing the seeds that are surrounded by dense unicellular hairs from 15 to 55 mm long. silky, white, but also of other yellowish color - that make up the fabric [...]
- and a most minute hairs, no more than 2-4 mm long. which gives the waste linters).




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