

单词 毛泽东主义

See also:


Mao Zedong (1893-1976), Chinese communist leader

毛主义 n

Maoist n



External sources (not reviewed)

荒谬但毫不意外的是毛泽东反抗国民党的斗争也是受到了反日民 主义 的 启 发。
Paradoxically, but
[...] not unexpectedly, Mao Zedong’s struggle against the Kuomintang was inspired by anti-Japanese [...]
nationalism as well.
在现实中,Si-Ya-U的原型人物不是别人,正是中国革命诗人 毛泽东 的 高 中同学萧三(1896-1983)。
In reality, Si-Ya-U is no one other than
[...] revolutionary poet and Mao Zedong’s high school [...]
classmate Emi Siao (Xiāo Sān, also called Emi Xiao, 1896—1983).
该组织的发展是一个新的令人 不安趋势,表明青年党催生和培养 东 非 极 端 主义 团 体 可能成为东非和更大区 域的下一代恐怖威胁。
The evolution of the Muslim Youth Centre
represents a new and alarming
[...] trend, in which East African extremist groups inspired and mentored by [...]
Al-Shabaab may represent
the next generation of terrorist threats in East Africa and the wider region.
在通过第 1923(2010)号决议前,人们感到关切的是,中乍特派团撤出将对平 民处境和人主义组织在乍东部作 业的能力产生负面影响。
Prior to the adoption of resolution 1923 (2010), there was concern that the withdrawal of MINURCAT would have
an adverse effect on the situation of civilians and
[...] the ability of humanitarian organizations to operate in eastern Chad.
有诞生中国共产党的中共一大会址;有革命先行者孙中山先生故居;有一代伟 毛泽东 、 周恩来同志寓所;有文化巨匠鲁迅先生的故居等。
For example, the Site of the First
National Congress of the CCP and a lot of leading figures”
[...] (Sun Yatsen, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Lu [...]
Xun, etc) former houses.
执行局第 180 EX/58 号决定建议以泰戈尔、聂鲁达和泽 尔 这 些先驱提出的、始终具 有义的主张为 基础,促使教科文组织进行实质性的探讨并继续就“普遍性”与“多样性” 的对立统一问题采取行动,它符合本组织自 1945 年通过其《组织法》以来在联合国系统所 肩负的“智力警戒”使命。
The Executive Board, in 180 EX/Decision 58, proposed to take the pioneering and everpertinent message of Tagore, Neruda and Césaire as the starting point for engaging the Organization in substantial reflection and renewed action on a universal reconciled with diversity in keeping with UNESCO’s intellectual watch mandate within the United Nations system since the adoption of the Organization’s Constitution in 1945.
习近平出生於1953年,他的父亲是 毛泽东 共 事 的第一代共产革命同志。
Xi was born in 1953, the son of a first generation communist
[...] revolutionary comrade of Mao Zedong.
11 月 20 日,安理会还举行了辩论,以听主 管 政 治事务助理秘书长海尔·门 克里欧斯、维持和平行动部非洲二司司长拉伊 东 · 泽 嫩 加 和国际海事组织秘书 长埃夫西米奥斯·米乔普勒斯的情况通报,并审议了秘书长关于索马里局势,包 括关于在索马里沿海打击海盗行为的报告(S/2008/709)。
Also on 20 November, the Council held a debate to hear briefings by the Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Haile Menkeirios, the Director of the Africa II Division of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, Raisedon Zenenga, and the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization, Efthimios Mitropoulos, and to consider the report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Somalia (S/2008/709), including on the fight against piracy off the coast of Somalia.
毛主义分子学生协会组织的“罢 课”无限期进行,教育和体育部于 6 月开始与该协会进行谈判。
An “education strike”
[...] organized by the Maoist students association [...]
is currently going on indefinitely and the Ministry of
Education and Sports has started negotiations in June with the Maoist students association.
同时,我提交安全理事会的上一份报告指出, 尼泊尔军队毛主义军队 都还没有执行对他们提出的建议,即必须确定各自军队 的人数,并在部队调动通知问题上增加与联尼特派团的合作(见 S/2009/553,第 24 页);在正式确定与人道主义和排雷行动相关活动有关的建立信任措施上也没 [...]
In the interim, neither the Nepal
[...] Army nor the Maoist army have carried out the recommendations proposed to them, as indicated in my previous [...]
report to the Security
Council, to confirm the number of their respective personnel and increase their cooperation with UNMIN on the notification of troop movements (see S/2009/553, para. 24); nor has there been progress on formalizing confidence-building measures related to joint humanitarian and mine action-related activities.
这次访问旨在跟进 2009 年 12 月尼泊尔联合共产党-毛主义、尼 泊尔政府和联合国为使尼泊尔联合共产 毛主义 中 的 未成年人脱离部队并重返社会而签署的行动计划;评估监察和报告第 1612(2005)号和第 1882(2009)号决议仍面临的挑战和问题,并特别注意德赖平原 [...]
The purpose of the visit was to follow up on the action plan of
December 2009 signed
[...] by the UCPN-M, the Government of Nepal and the United Nations to separate and reintegrate minors associated with the UCPN-M; assess [...]
remaining challenges
and issues for monitoring and reporting under resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009), with special attention to the Terai region; and interact and obtain first-hand information on the situation of children affected by the conflict in Nepal.
Ko从Joo1992年的雕塑作品“伟大的盐度”开始讨论,其包括四大块压缩盐块浸泡在人造汗液中,代表了亚洲历史人物成吉思汗、东京玫瑰、李小龙 毛泽东 生 平所消耗的能量,及后引领我们到他在华盛顿特区史密森美国艺术博物馆的驻馆研究,Joo这科学家转变成为的艺术家,会在今年较后时间在这里研习进阶三维扫描与印刷技术。
Ko begins with Joo’s 1992 sculpture The Saltiness of Greatness, comprised of four massive compressed salt cubes soaked in synthetic sweat, representing the lifetime energy consumption of Asian
historical figures Genghis Khan, Tokyo Rose,
[...] Bruce Lee and Mao Zedong, and leads us to [...]
his residency fellowship at the Smithsonian
American Art Museum in Washington, DC, later this year, where Joo, a scientist-turned-artist, will study advanced 3D scanning and printing technologies.
在增加负责自然资源问题的第六名专家后,安理会在第 1952(2010)号决议第
[...] 6 段扩大了专家组的任务,使其包括“有非法武装团体活动的地区,包括北基伍 和南基伍以及东方省”,请专家组关注支持非法武装团体的区域和国际网络、在 刚果民主共和东部地 区活动的犯罪网络和严重违反国际人 主义 法 和侵犯人 权的人,包括国家武装部队内有此类行为的人,并请专家组评估该决议提到的尽 职调查准则的作用。
With the addition of a sixth expert for natural resources, the Security Council, by paragraph 6 of resolution 1952 (2010), expanded the mandate of the Group of Experts to “areas affected by the presence of illegal armed groups, including North and South Kivu and Orientale Province”, as well as on regional and international networks providing support to illegal armed groups, criminal networks and perpetrators of
serious violations of international
[...] humanitarian law and human rights abuses, including those within the national armed forces, operating in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the [...]
Congo; and requested
the Group to evaluate the impact of due diligence guidelines referred to in the resolution.
[...] 个政治特派团建立的,其任务包括监督尼泊尔共产 党 ( 毛主义 ) 和 尼 泊尔军队的武 器和武装人员管理情况。
UNMIN was established as a special political mission with a mandate which included the
monitoring of the management of arms and armed personnel of the Communist
[...] Party of Nepal (Maoist) (CPN (M)) and [...]
the Nepal Army.
其父毛泽东清洗 后,他在1966-1976年的文化大革命爆发前就开始到乡下工作,并因此亲身体验到与他同代的很多人都曾经体验过的艰辛。
After his father was
[...] purged by Mao Zedong, he went to work [...]
in the countryside, even before the 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution,
experiencing firsthand all of the hardships that many of his generation endured.
20世纪中毛泽东文化 大革命的悲剧,透过一幅幅色彩斑烂的成熟芒果、桃和石榴的立体照片装置展现出来。
The tragedy of Mao Zedong´s Cultural Revolution [...]
of the mid-twentieth century is introduced through brightly coloured lenticular
photographs of ripened mangoes, peaches and pomegranates that dominate the installation.
在我们国家的记忆中,朝韩战争的创伤仍历历在目,中国失去了40万人,包 毛泽东 的 儿子,上海公报发表时越南战争仍在肆虐,而中国仍深陷于文革。
The scars of the Korean War remained fresh in our nations' memories,
China lost 400,000 of its men, including
[...] the son of Mao Zedong, the Vietnam War [...]
was still raging at the time of the Shanghai
Communiqué, and China was still embroiled in the Cultural Revolution.
签 署《 行 动计划》的人包括和平与重建工作部和联尼 共 - 毛主义 的 代 表、驻地和人道主义 协调员以及联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)驻尼泊尔代表,见证人有和平与重建 工作部部长 Rakam Chemjong、联尼共-毛主义主席“ 普拉昌达”、我的儿童与武装 冲突问题特别代表以及我派驻尼泊尔的代表。
It was signed by representatives of the Ministry of Peace and
Reconstruction and UCPN-M,
[...] the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator and the Representative of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Nepal, and was witnessed by the Minister of Peace and Reconstruction, Rakam Chemjong, UCPN-M Chairman “Prachanda”, my [...]
Special Representative
for Children and Armed Conflict, and my Representative in Nepal.
刚果保卫民主联盟在M23 运动成立之后不久成立,目的是填补Makenga离开南 基伍留下的空白。刚果保卫民主联盟领导 泽 维 尔 ·基里班亚在卢爱阵控制南北 基伍期间曾任南基伍省长,长期以来是一名分 主义 者。
The Union de congolais pour la défense de la démocratie (UCDD) was established in the wake of the creation of M23 in order to compensate for Makenga’s departure from South Kivu.
此外,这些抗议活动已导致学校经常关闭;已 报道有 120
[...] 次个别的学校关闭事件,其中 36 次与尼泊尔联合共产党-毛主义及其姊妹组织举办的一系列抗议、集会和示威游行有关。
Furthermore, the protests resulted in the frequent closure of schools: 120 separate instances of school closures were reported, of which
36 were related to the series of protests, rallies and
[...] demonstrations organized by UCPN-M and its sister [...]
根据尼泊尔和平协定,以及秘书长的报告(S/2008/259)和儿童与武装冲突工 作组的结论(S/AC.51/2008/12)的建议,政府、联尼 共 ( 毛主义 ) 和 联 合国于 2009 年 12 月 16 日签署了一项行动计划。
An Action Plan was signed by the Government, UCPN-M and the United Nations on 16 December 2009, in accordance with the Nepal peace agreements, the recommendation in the report of the Secretary-General (S/2008/259) and the conclusions of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict (S/AC.51/2008/12).
此后的设计一如既往地表现中国日常生活的各个方面,不管是荒谬的,美好的,抑或是辉煌的——建筑工地起重机旁的玫瑰花丛; 毛泽东 的 头 像钢印于T恤之上,其下喷绘一串手机号码以及“为人民服务”的字样。
They continued highlighting the absurd, the beautiful, the glorious of everyday life in China –
beds of roses juxtaposed against construction
[...] cranes; Chairman Mao’s face stenciled [...]
on a t-shirt with a cell phone number spray-painted
below with the message: “To Serve the People”.
毛主义分子还试图控制教育系统:他们制定了自己的教 [...]
Maoists try to control the [...]
education system as well: they have developed their own education policy guidelines and curriculum,
and force schools and teachers to follow them.
然而,与史上其他政治领袖相比, 斯大林、墨索里尼、希特勒毛泽东 这 四 个二十世纪的超级魅力型领袖造成的破 坏是空前的”。
No century has seen more leaders with more charisma than the twentieth century, and never have political leaders done greater damage than the four giant leaders of the twentieth century: Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler and Mao.
我们在这里看到了埃及禁主义的影 响,从 东 尼 大(他们的生活圣亚他那修说),以及Macarii(其中一人留在希腊的一些有价值的作品),和帕科谬斯,他自己的时间。
We see here the influence of Egyptian asceticism, from Anthony the Great (whose life St. Athanasius wrote), and the Macarii (one of whom left some valuable works in Greek), and Pachomius, to his own time.
(ii) 自然:泰戈尔、聂鲁达和泽尔的主 张 为研究人与环境的和谐赋予了现实 义、 提 供了契合点,而这项研究也须建立在对伦理学和宇宙全体论的认知之上。
(ii) nature: the message of Tagore, Neruda and Césaire gives meaning and coherence to the search for a new covenant of solidarity between humanity and its environment, on which ethics and all holistic knowledge of the universe must be based
虽然目前刚果民主共和东部地 区的局势比较 稳定,但零星的暴力继续存在,人 主义 需 要 仍然很 大,进出仍然非常有限。
Though the
[...] situation in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is now somewhat more stable, sporadic violence continues and humanitarian needs are great, [...]
while access remains extremely limited.
执行局还将收到关于下列国家的 10 份供讨论的国家方案文件草案:非洲区 域的斯威士兰;阿拉伯国家区域的伊拉克和巴勒斯坦被占领土;亚洲和太平洋区 域的柬埔寨、中国和朝鲜主主义人 民 共和国 东 欧 和 中亚区域的阿塞拜疆、白 俄罗斯、格鲁吉亚和土耳其。
The Executive Board will also have before it for discussion 10 draft country programme documents for Swaziland in the Africa region; Iraq and the Occupied Palestinian Territory in the Arab
States region; Cambodia,
[...] China and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in the Asia and the Pacific region; and Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Turkey in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia [...]
联合国应继续监测联尼共(毛主义)遵 守 行动计划以及安全理事会第 1612(2005)号和第 [...]
1882(2009)号决议各项要求的情况,特别注意被遣散的未成年 人是否被强迫或以其他方式胁迫加入从事政治暴力的团体。
The United Nations should continue
[...] monitoring the compliance of UCPN-M with the [...]
Action Plan and requirements under Security
Council resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009), with particular attention to whether discharged minors are forced or otherwise coerced into association with groups which engage in political violence.




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