

单词 毛利率

See also:


interest rates

利率 n

rate n

利率 n

interest rate n
yield n

External sources (not reviewed)

本 集 團 的 整毛 利 率 為30.5% ,較 去 年 同 期32.5%下 降2.0個 [...]
百 分 點,主 要 是 對 重 點 區 域 或 電 訊 運 營 商 的 戰 略 性 投 入 所 致。
The Group’s overall gross profit margin of 30.5% [...]
was 2.0 percentage points lower versus 32.5% for the same
period last year, mainly as a result of strategic investments made towards key regions or telecommunications carriers.
此 外 , 代 理 收 入 比 重 增 加 , 其 偏 低毛 利 率 亦 為 毛 利 率 下 降 的 原 因 。
The decrease in gross margin is also attributable to the growth in agency income which attracts a low gross margin.
滿意的業績是由於基建及房地產市場復蘇帶動收入增長,以 及原材料的購入價格下降導毛利率 改 善
The satisfactory performance was contributed by the revenue growth driven by the recovery of
infrastructure and property markets and the
[...] improvement of gross profit margin driven by [...]
the decrease in material purchase cost.
毛利率 減少 主要由 於年 內利潤 率相 對較低 的電 子配件 銷售 增 加。
The decrease in gross profit margin was mainly [...]
due to increase trading business in electronic components with a comparatively lower margin.
與二零零六年度毛利率約45%相比,其下跌主要由於售予中國數碼影院項目之設備DCI-2000數碼影院綜合投射系統之毛利低 [...]
Comparing with the gross profit margin of approximately [...]
45% for the year 2006, the decrease was mainly due to the digital
cinema equipment, DCi2000 Digital Cinema integrated Projection system, sold for the PrC Digital Cinema Project was at a lower margin than the other products.
雖然二零一零年上半年平均實現售價較二零零九年同期為高, 毛利率 則 下 調,主 要是由於下列因素:(1)焦炭業務毛虧擴大,焦炭銷售佔本集團本期營業額的4%;以 [...]
及(2)本期每噸平均原煤成本單價增加,原煤成本單價上升是因為(i)於二零一零年第 二季煤礦更換工作支架而曾暫停生產,使原煤產量由二零零九年上半年度約325萬噸
下降至二零一零年上半年度約296萬噸;及(ii)於上文「銷售成本」內提及本期人工成本 和折舊增加,以及新增徵稅均使平均生產成本單價上升。
Even though the average realised selling prices in the first half of 2010
were higher than that in the same
[...] period of 2009, gross profit margin decreased [...]
due to (1) the increase in gross loss on
coke production that accounted for 4% of the Group’s turnover; and (2) during the period, the increase in unit cost of raw coking coal was attributable by (i) increase in average unit cost as a result of the decrease in production volume of raw coal from approximately 3.25 million tonnes in the first half of 2009 to 2.96 million tonnes in the first half of 2010 due to temporary closed down production during the change of the long wall in our mines in the second quarter of 2010; and (ii) the increase in labour cost, depreciation and additional levies as mentioned in the above under “Cost of Sales”.
在该系列的第一篇文章,结果表明它是如何计算和解释指标MBB - 基毛利率,用于测量和监控公司生产过程中的效率。
In the first article of the series, it was shown how it is calculated and
interpreted the indicator
[...] MBB - Basic Gross Margin, used to measure and monitor the efficiency of the production [...]
process of a company.
同 時 , 跟 隨 中 國 其 他 集 裝 箱 港 口 的
[...] 行 動 , 武 漢 陽 邏 港 已 上 調 其 本 地 貨 運 的 集 裝 箱 處 理 費 率 , 因 而毛 利 率 上 升 , 亦 改 善 了 本 集 團 的 營 運 業 績 。
Meanwhile, in line with the other container ports in the PRC, the WIT Port has
raised its container
[...] handling tariff rates on gateways cargos, resulting in an increase in gross profit margin, also improved [...]
the Group’s operating results.
用於釐定使用價值之重大假設及估計包括預期未來 銷售水平及預毛利率百分比。
Critical assumptions and estimates to determine value in use are the expected future sales levels
[...] and expected gross margin percentages.
手 機 產 品毛 利 率 為''.7% ,去 年 同 期 則 為''.6% ,手毛 利 率 下 降 主 要 是 由 於CDMA手 機 銷毛 利 率 下 降,而 此 降 幅 部 分 被 國 際'G手 機、國 內 GSM手 機 銷毛 利 率 上 升 所 抵 銷。
Gross profit margin for the Group’s handsets segment was lower at 2'.7% as compared to 25.6% last year mainly in tandem with lower gross profit margin for CDMA handsets, although such decline was partially offset by gross profit margin improvements in the international [...]
sales of 3G handsets and domestic sales of GSM handsets.
毛 利 率 下 跌 主 要 由 於 部 份 產 品 價 格 調 整 及APA板 級 產 品 業 [...]
務 下 降 所 致。
The decrease in gross profit margin was mainly [...]
due to products selling price adjustment in APA products and total turnover
declined in board-type APA business.
15 然而,撇除非現金股份獎勵開支(截至二零零八年六月三十日止六個月: 8,600,000港元 及截至二零零七年六月三十日止六個月: 245,900,000港元)及廣州美嘉偉華及廣州美維 電子兩家廠房的成立初期的營運虧損(截至二零零八年六月三十日止六個月: 62,000,000 港元及截至二零零七年六月三十日止六個月:
[...] 溢利及期內溢利應為467,000,000港元及398,000,000港元(二零零七年上半年則分別為 325,000,000港元及302,000,000港元),而期內相關營 毛利率 已 進一步由擴大至17.6% (二零零七年上半年為16.3%),純利率於回顧期內維持於15.0%(二零零七年上半年則為 [...]
However, by excluding the effects of non-cash share award expenses (for the six months ended 30 June 2008: HK$8.6 million and for the six months ended 30 June 2007: HK$245.9 million) and the initial start-up operating losses of the MAGL and GME plants (for the six months ended 30 June 2008: HK$62 million and for the six months ended 30 June 2007: HK$7 million), the Group’s operating profit and profit for the period under review would have been HK$467 million and HK$398 million (HK$325 million and HK$302 million respectively in the first half year of
2007) while the relevant
[...] operating profit margin would have further expanded to 17.6% (16.3% for the first half year in 2007) and net profit margin [...]
would have been stagnated
at 15.0% (15.2% for the first half year in 2007).
其他引毛利率下降的原因包括原料成本飆升及人民幣升值,加上全面 通脹升溫導致能源及勞工成本上漲。
Other factors
[...] attributable to the gross profit margin decline included [...]
the surge in raw material costs, Renminbi appreciation,
as well as higher energy and labour costs as a result of high general inflation.
雖然中國的勞工成本和生產支出持續上升,但由於原材料價格壓力有所紓緩,令集團 毛利率 穩 定 下來。
Although labour cost and manufacturing
overhead in China have continued to rise,
[...] the Group’s gross margin has stabilised [...]
as raw material price pressure has eased off.
[...] 求,及時調整產品結構和品種組合,開發高附加值產品,實施靈活的銷售策略,提高產品的綜 毛利率 , 以 綜合 效益最大化為目標發展業務。
In addition, the Group made an inventory provision
as at the end of the Year following the decrease in selling prices, which in turn
[...] affected the gross profit of the Group.
Century 於十二月半年期毛利率為 63.1%,略低於六月半年期毛利率, 但 大幅高於前一個十二月半年期 之 52.7%(此期間包括因管道故障而產生非經常費用 5,480 [...]
Century’s gross margin was 63.1% for the December half year, slightly below the June [...]
half year but considerably ahead of 52.7%
for the previous December period, which included US$54.8 million of non-recurring costs associated with the pipeline failure.
毛利及毛利率由於 水泥平均售價下降較去年減少,此 等平均售價已於二零一二年第二季逐漸回升,本集團二零 一二年下半年取得穩定價格毛利率 , 其 水平遠較二零 一一年末及二零一二年初的定價為高。
[...] the decline in gross profit and gross margin as compared with the previous year was largely due to the cement ASP falls, these ASPs did gradually recover from the second quarter of 2012 and the Group has been able to achieve stable prices and margins through the [...]
second half of 2012, at
levels well in excess of the trough pricing seen at the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012.
Sepon 於十二月半年期毛利率為 60.6%,低於六月半年期毛利率,並 大幅低於前一個十二月半年期 70.5%。
Sepon’s gross margin was 60.6% for the December half year, below the June half year [...]
and well below the 70.5% for the previous December period.
總 收益整體減少乃由於軟硬件縱向市場解決方案的銷售額 毛利率 較 低 所致。
All of the reduction in total revenue was
attributable to lower sales of vertical market solutions which include both hardware and
[...] software and carry lower profit margins.
[...] 業務分類於有關期間錄得約103,700,000港元之營業額及約7,700,000港元之溢利,期內水泥 熟料及其他建築材料毛利率約達8.7%。
The business segment of trading cement clinker and other building materials
recorded a turnover of approximately HK$103.7
[...] million and a profit of approximately [...]
HK$7.7 million during the Relevant Period.
與二零 零六年同毛利率約38 %相比,其改善主要由於銷售數碼影院設備新產品之毛利較高及電腦圖像 [...]
Comparing with the gross profit margin of approximately [...]
38% for the corresponding period in the year 2006, the improvement
was mainly attributable to higher margin on sales of new products of digital cinema equipment and increase in efficiency in CG creation and production division.
然而,燃油價格於上半年高企令營運成本壓力增加,導致整體業務 毛利率 受 到 影 響,加上下半年金融危機引致外幣滙率大幅浮動,繼而影響業務之收益。
However, lower overall gross margin from rising cost pressure
exerted by high fuel
[...] prices in the first half of the year and significant fluctuations in foreign exchange rates in the second [...]
half of the year following
the financial crisis have impacted the operating results of the operation.
统计数据显示,2011年下游应用行业上市、非上市公司的行业平 毛利率 仅 为15%,2009年至2011年中国主要LED(灯珠应用行 业 ) 毛利率 持 续降低,且年平均降幅超过13%。
Statistics show that in
[...] 2011, average gross margin of lower reach application enterprises, both listed and non-listed, is merely 15%; from 2009 to 2011, gross margin of Chinese [...]
main LED enterprises
(LED application) keeps decrease by more than 13% every year.
本公司相信,得益於煤炭處理帶來的利益 以及經濟規模效應的增加,短期內本公司 毛利率 將 持 續增加,惟須視市況而定。
The Company believes, subject to market conditions, it will continue expanding margins in the near term through the benefits of coal processing and increasing economies of scale.
毛 利 率 輕 微 下 降 1.0 % 至 16.0%, 原 因 在 [...]
於 美 國 樓 市 進 一 步 放 緩 導 致 高 利 潤 恒 溫 器 控 制 裝 置 產 品 銷 售 降 低 、 原 材 料 成 本 增 加 、 本 集 團 生產設 施
所 在地中 國 大 陸 的 總 體 通 脹 水 平 提 高 及 年 內 人 民 幣 (「 人 民 幣 」) 升 值 的 聯 合 影 響 , 惟 此 影 響 由 於 售 予 電 器 控 制 裝 置 及 工 商 業 控 制 裝 置 業 務 客 戶 的 高 利 潤 產 品 銷 售 組 合 ( 主 要 有 歐 洲 及 亞 洲 市 場 ) 增 加 而 部 份 抵 銷 。
Gross profit margin decreased slightly [...]
by 1.0% to 16.0% due to the combined effects of decrease in sales of high margin
thermostat control products owing to the further weakening US housing market, increase in raw material costs, general inflation in Mainland China in which the Group’s production facilities are located and appreciation of Renminbi (‘‘RMB’’) during the Year, which was partially offset by the increase in sales mixtocustomersandproductswith better margin for its appliance controls and commercial and industrial controls businesses, mainly in the European and Asian markets.
截至二零一零年十二月三十一日止年度,本集團 毛利率 由 去 年同期8.7%上升至16.1%,主要原因是受全球紡 織市場需求的影響,本集團主營紡織品的價格漲幅高於原材料價格漲幅。
This was mainly attributable to the shrinking demand from international market and the substantial decrease in the cotton price during the Year, which led to a substantial decrease in market demand for textile products and significant drop in the selling prices of products, resulting in shrinking profits for the Group.
受全球经济不景气影响,2012年欧美、日本等LED市场增长速度不如国内市场,导致以出口为主的LED企业订单普遍下降;而随着国内整个产业链产品价格大幅度下降,直接导致企 毛利率 迅 速 下降。
Affected by the global economic downturn, in 2012, Europe and the United States, Japan and other LED market growth rate is inferior to the domestic market, resulting in a decline in the LED order of enterprises of the export-oriented; And with the domestic the
whole industrial chain product price dropped substantially, led directly to
[...] the enterprise gross profit margin fell rapidly.
毛 利 率 輕 微 下 降 主 要 是 受 以下兩 個 一 正 一 負 因 素 影 響 , 正 面 因 素 [...]
是 黃 金 價 格( 加 權 平 均 )高 於 去 年 同 期 , 負 面 因 素 是 黃 金 品 位 較 低 的 駱駝場 金 礦
的 銷 售 佔 公 司 所 有 金 礦 的 銷 售 的 比 例 較 去 年 同 期 高 。
The slight drop in gross margin was the net result of two [...]
major factors, one being favorable and the other being adverse.
The favorable factor was the increase in weighted average gold price compared with the same period last year whereas the adverse factor was the increase in the proportion which sales at the Luotuochang Gold Mine (with lower gold grade) bore to the total sales of all the mines combined compared with the same period last year.
毛利及毛利率下跌 外,年內進行優先票據的外匯兌換, 令未變現匯兌收益較截至二零一一年十二月三十一日止年 度縮減人民幣 104,400,000 元,亦是導致本公司擁有人應 [...]
In addition
[...] to a lower gross profit and gross margin, the decrease in profit attributable [...]
to owners of the Company was also
due to a decrease in unrealized exchange gains of RMB104.4 million, arising from foreign exchange translation of the Senior Notes during the year, as compared to the year ended 31 December 2011.
不过坏消息,芬兰巨人:诺基亚今天升级了其第二季度和全年的2011设备和服务观,承认多种因素的负面影响诺基亚的设备及服务业务在更大程度上比此前的预期,如竞争动态和市场,在多个类别的价格趋势,特别是在中国和欧洲;对与较低的平均销售价格 毛利率 较 低的设备产品结构转变,以及由诺基亚和某些竞争对手的定价策略。
Still bad news for the Finnish giant: Nokia today updated its second quarter and full year 2011 outlook for Devices & Services, admitting that multiple factors are negatively impacting Nokia’s Devices & Services business to a greater extent than previously expected, such as competitive dynamics and market trends across multiple price categories, particularly in China and Europe; a product mix shift
towards devices with lower average selling
[...] prices and lower gross margins; and pricing [...]
tactics by Nokia and certain competitors.




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