




adjacent to





External sources (not reviewed)

西部和西北部与埃塞俄比东北与厄立特里亚为邻,东南同索马 里接壤,东临红海。
It is bordered to the west and north-west by Ethiopia, to the north-east by Eritrea and to the south-east by Somalia, with the Red Sea on its eastern edge.
在这方面,我想提请你们注意占领国以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯 坦被占领土上进行的以下非法行动,并重申巴勒斯坦人民及其领导人呼吁包括安全 理事会在内的国际社会维护他们的法律义务和责任、立即采取行动制止这种非法和 危险的局势和抓住实现公正、全面和持久和平解决的有利时机,特别是通过和平解 决巴勒斯坦人民可在 1967 年前边界的基础上建立以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立、主 权、民主能独立发展的巴勒斯坦国,实现自己的自决和自由权利。
In this regard, I wish to draw your attention to the following illegal actions perpetrated by Israel, the occupying Power, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and to reiterate the appeal of the Palestinian people and their leadership to the international community, including the Security Council, to uphold its legal obligations and responsibilities and to act forthwith to bring an end to this unlawful and dangerous situation and to salvage the prospects of realizing a just, comprehensive and lasting peace settlement by which, inter alia, the Palestinian people will realize their right to self-determination and freedom in their independent, sovereign, democratic,contiguous and viable State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, on the basis of the pre-1967 borders.
索马里公民遭受冷酷无情的军阀的勒索、其沿海路海盗行为层出不 穷;海洋资源遭到外部势力肆无忌惮的掠夺;这些虚弱和四分五裂的实体被邻国 利用以达成不公正和非法的协定,或利用这些脆弱的小国作为其国内经济的附属 体,这些就是纷乱的索马里局势产生的一些令人不安的现实。
The extortion of its citizens by ruthless and callous warlords; the mushrooming and proliferation of piracy along its coasts and adjacent sea lanes; the unconscionable plundering of its maritime resources by extraneous forces; the instrumentalization of the weak and fragmented entities by neighbouring countries both to extract unfair and illicit agreements or to use these fragile mini-States as an appendage of their domestic economies are some of the disturbing realities that this simmering Somali situation has given rise to.
在对我们区域至关重要的 这一关头,需要勇气和领导力,以最终制止这一旷日持久的惨剧,为巴勒斯坦人 民和以色列人民带来和平与安全,并在 1967 年边界的基础上建立一个独立、享 有主权和有生存能力的巴勒斯坦国,与以色列和平、安全 存,从而实现 基于两国解决办法的持久的全面和平,根据 1948 年第 194(III)号决议实现巴勒 斯坦难民的公正解决。
Courage and leadership is needed at this critical juncture in our region to ultimately end this prolonged tragedy and bring peace and security to the Palestinian and Israeli peoples with the achievement of a lasting, comprehensive peace based on the two-State solution of an independent, sovereign and viable State of Palestine, living side by side in peace and security with Israel on the basis of the 1967 borders, and the achievement of a just solution to the problem of the Palestine refugees in accordance with resolution 194 (III) of 1948.
哥斯达黎加准备促进通过一项决议草案,紧急呼 吁立即停止敌对行动,建立有效和持久停火,开放所 有边境过境点,并建立各方均接受和遵守的管制与保 障,以便得以重新返回谈判道路,最终导致建立一个
[...] 可行、民主的巴勒斯坦国,与以色 处,共同 促进双方人民均希望并应该享有的福祉和发展。
Costa Rica is ready to contribute to the adoption of a draft resolution that urgently calls for an immediate cessation of the hostilities, the establishment of an effective and lasting truce and the opening of all border crossings with controls and guarantees accepted and respected by all, so as to allow a return to the path of negotiations that will ultimately lead to the establishment of a viable and
democratic Palestinian State, living side by
[...] side with Israel and jointly promoting [...]
the well-being and development that their peoples deserve and desire.
在其领——即距其基线 不得超过 24 海里的区()内,沿海国可行使必要的管制,以防止在其领 土或领海内违犯其海关、财政、移民或环卫法律和法规的行为,或惩治在其领土 或领海内违犯这些法律和规章的行为。
In a zone contiguous to its territorial sea, which may not extend beyond 24 nautical miles from the baselines (the contiguous [...]
zone), the coastal State
may exercise the control necessary to prevent infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and regulations within its territory or territorial sea or punish infringement of these laws and regulations committed within its territory or territorial sea.
我们继续坚定不移地力求实现和平解决冲突的 目标,这种解决将彻底结束以色列对我们土地的占
领;将使巴勒斯坦人民能够实现其自决权以及在自己 的独立国家自由、有尊严地生活,而这个独立国家将 以东耶路撒冷为其首都,以 1967
[...] 年之前的边界为基 础与以色列等所有邻平安全共处;以及将在 国际法和联合国决议基础上以公正和一致方式解决 [...]
We continue to strive with full commitment towards the goal of a peaceful settlement of the conflict that will bring a complete end to the Israeli occupation of our land; that will allow the Palestinian people to realize their right to self-determination and to live in freedom and dignity in their independent State, with East
Jerusalem as its capital, side by side with
[...] Israel andall otherneighbours in [...]
peace and security on the basis of the pre-1967
borders; and that will achieve a just and agreed solution to the plight of the Palestine refugees on the basis of international law and United Nations resolutions.
她还在与苏上 尼罗州马拉卡勒州府,就苏丹人民解放军驻该州卫戍区兵营征募儿童问题,向州 [...]
She also voiced her concern to the Governor of Malakal, Upper
[...] Nile State,which adjoins the Sudan, regarding [...]
the recruitment of children by the
Sudan People’s Liberation Army in its regional barracks.
In the laboratory adjacent to the Paper Technology Center, Voith provides analyses of customers’ tests and measurements for specific questions.
只有 彻底停止一切定居点活动和侵犯人权的举动,才能 营造一种有利于和平进程以及以色列和巴勒斯坦两 国在 1967 年边界内安全和平存这一终极目 标的环境,巴勒斯坦人民将作为一个自由、安全和 自立的民族,生活在以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立国 家中。
Only a complete cessation of all settlement activities and human rights violations would create an environment conducive to the peace process and its ultimate goal of two States, Palestine and Israel, living side-by-side in peace and security on the basis of the pre-1967 borders, with the Palestinian people living as a free, secure, self-reliant nation in an independent State with East Jerusalem as its capital.
政府间海洋学委员会 (IOC)继续协调印度洋、加勒比和地中海及大西洋东北部域的早期危害和其他与海洋 相关的危害,包括在海啸危害评估、海啸预警培训、应急和准备中的持续辅助活动,作为全面减 少海啸问题的一部分,将海啸预警系统扩展为端对端系统。
The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) continued to coordinate the establishment of early and other ocean-related hazards in the Indian Ocean, the Caribbean and the Mediterranean and Northeast Atlantic Ocean and connected Seas, including complementary and sustained activities in tsunami hazard risk assessment, tsunami warning training, emergency response, and preparedness as part of the comprehensive tsunami mitigation programmes that extend the tsunami warning systems as end-to-end systems.
尽管多用户设施为五 矿资源理想选择,但在有关时间及许可方面的若干不明朗因素获解决前,五矿资源亦会同时争单一 用户设施。
While the multi-user facility is our preferred option, until some uncertainty around timing and permitting is resolved, MMR also continues to progress the option of an adjacent single-user facility.
赞扬美利坚合众国大力推进两国解决办法,注意到四方承诺继续保持积极参 与以及需要为促进和平进程提供强大的国际支持,并呼吁恢复和加快以色列和巴 勒斯坦双方之间的谈判,以依据安全理事会有关决议和马德里会议的职权范围全 面解决阿以冲突,从而确保实现以色列与独立、民主 有生存能力的巴勒 斯坦国和平安存的政治解决办法
Commending the efforts of the United States of America in pursuing vigorously a two-State solution, noting the commitment of the Quartet to remain actively involved and the need for strong international support to promote the peace process, and calling for the resumption and acceleration of negotiations between the Israeli and Palestinian sides towards a comprehensive resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict, on the basis of relevant Security Council resolutions and the terms of reference of the Madrid Conference, in order to ensure a political solution, with two States – Israel and an independent, democratic, contiguous and viable Palestinian State – living side by side in peace and security
土耳 其代表 家需签署协议书以遏制贩运文化财产活动发表了评论意见,希 [...]
The representative of Turkey commented on the need for letters
[...] of agreementamong neighbouring [...]
countries in order to curtail trafficking in
cultural property, and the observer for Greece noted that the Prime Ministers of the two countries had recently signed a memorandum of understanding on this issue.
自决权非常重要,伊朗代表团坚决支持特别委 员会的结论,即在被占领土执行分裂政策、继续修 建隔离墙,不断增加定居点活动对领和巴 勒斯坦人民的社会结构造成极为严重的影响,是对 国际法的公然违背。
The right to self-determination was vitally important and his delegation strongly supported the Special Committee’s conclusion that the ongoing policy of fragmentation of the occupied territories, the continuing construction of the separation wall and increased settlement activities dramatically affected the territorial contiguity andsocial fabric of the Palestinian people and constituted a gross violation of international law.
此项 工作强调的事实之一是,海洋酸化——“气候变化的 一种必然的危险后果”——正在迅速发生,尤其是在 极地地区、热带地区和海湾,深处的冷水涌升到大陆 架和海区。
One of the facts highlights by that work is that the acidification of the oceans — “a dangerous corollary of climate change” — is occurring very rapidly, particularly in polar areas, the tropics, estuaries and upwellings of deep, cold water towards the continental shelves and zones adjacent to the shore.
深为关切以色列通过实行实际上等同于封锁的长期关闭做法和严厉的经济 和出入限制措施、强行关闭过境点、建立检查站及实行许可制度,继续在包括东 耶路撒冷在内的整个巴勒斯坦被占领土奉行关闭和严格限制人员和货物,包括医 护和人道主义人员和货物出入的政策,深为关切这样做对仍然是一场重大人道主 义危机的巴勒斯坦人民的社会经济状况,对旨在恢复和发展遭到破坏的巴勒斯坦 经济的努力,并对被占领土生不利影响
Expressing deep concern about the continuing Israeli policy of closures and severe restrictions on the movement of persons and goods, including medical and humanitarian personnel and goods, via the imposition of prolonged closures and severe economic and movement restrictions that in effect amount to a blockade, crossing closures, checkpoints and a permit regime throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the consequent negative impact on the socio-economic situation of the Palestinian people, which remains that of a dire humanitarian crisis, as well as on efforts aimed at rehabilitating and developing the damaged Palestinian economy and on the contiguity of the Territory
Nested-clade phylogeographic analysis indicates that the fish may have originated from the border area of Guangxi and Vietnam,where the Dongzhong River, Beilun River and Fangcheng River are located, and dispersed to other drainages in two ways: 1) through the Xijiang River to the coastal drainages in Guangxi and those of the Moyangjiang and Tanjiang Rivers in Guangdong Province; 2) through the ancient river systems between Hainan Island and Vietnam to Hainan Island, then back to the mainland expanding northward to the Jianjiang River of the Leizhou Peninsula in Guangdong Province.
咨询委员会还注意到, 考虑到安保原因,扩大后的监察组将设在乌干达恩德培,这是为了利用 联合国组织驻刚果民主共和国特派团的存在以及恩德马里和周 边国家的有利条件。
The Committee also notes that the expanded Monitoring Group will be based in Entebbe, Uganda for security reasons, taking advantage of the presence of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the proximity of Entebbe toSomalia and surrounding countries.
在政府与业主就保育方案达成共識下,业主 会在修復歷史建筑後把景贤里全址交予政府,而政府会幅与景贤里相若 面积及发展參數的人造斜坡用地供业主使用。
With the understanding between the Government and the owner, the owner will surrender the whole site of King Yin Lei to the Government after restoring the historic building, while the Government will make available an adjacent site of man-made slope of roughly the same size and the same development parameters as King Yin Lei to the owner.
因此,《公约》 适用于所有类型的水域,包括不具海洋性质的内水(例如洪水淹没的洞穴、 湖泊与河流)和具有海洋性质的内水(例如湖湾和海湾) [西班牙:(例如湖
[...] 湾、入海口、港口和海湾) ]、群岛水域或缔约国领海、专属经济区, [西班 牙:],(以下称为“EEZ”)以及大陆架。
It applies therefore to all kinds of waters, including inland waters not of maritime character (for instance flooded caves, lakes and rivers), internal waters of maritime character (for instance bays and gulfs), [Spain: (for instance bays, estuaries and ports and gulfs)], archipelagic waters, the territorial seas of
States Parties, their exclusive economic zones,
[...] [Spain: their contiguous zone], (hereinafter [...]
“EEZ”), and continental shelves.
(二)在次区域境内如有新增的亚洲公路线路(包括与周边次区域相连的线路以及 在成员国境内的线路)或对现有这类线路的修改的情况,与该提出要求的国家其领土被那条线路穿越或该线路与穿越其领土的大幅度穿越一个以上次区域的亚 洲公路线路相连的任何缔约方,而无论这段线路是新增的或是将修改的。
(b) In the case of a new, or the modification of an existing, Asian Highway route within subregions including those connecting to neighbouring subregions, and routes located within member States, any Party contiguous to the requesting State whose territory is crossed by that route or the Asian Highway route substantially crossing more than one subregion with which that route, whether new or to be modified, is connected.
Another rite common to both is that in which the presiding officer brands on the body of the worshiper with hot metal
stamps the sacred symbols of his sect, the trident and the linga of Siva, or the discus and
[...] conch-shell (or lotus) of Vishnu.
Shangri-La Hotel, Guangzhou is strategically located in the heart of the new business district of Guangzhou, adjacent to the Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Centre and across from Poly World Trade Expo Center.
In the "Ramayana," which belongs to the period 400-300 BC, the legendary tales of the trials and the triumphs of the hero Rama and
his faithful wife Sita were worked into a highly artificial romanbtic poem, largely in
[...] the interests ofVishnu worship.
此外,这些定居点加剧紧张局势,导致冲突长期化, 引发暴力——特别是以色列极端主义定居者所为——并破坏为在 1967 年以前边 界基础上建立一个与以色列和平和安全地共处有生存能力和独立的巴勒 斯坦国而进行的努力。
Moreover, the settlements fuel tension, perpetuate conflict, lead to violence — in particular by extremist Israeli settlers — and undermine efforts at establishing a contiguous, viable, independent State of Palestine that will live in peace and security with Israel on the basis of the pre-1967 borders.
2002 年 6 月 6 日通过的第 1107 号《民法》规定了住房部门的一般原则,
[...] 涉及对有很多套公寓或公寓式单元房的建筑公共部分的所有权、房屋租 赁合同、服务的提供以及与住房部门有关的其他事项。
The Civil Code, No. 1107 from 06.06.2002, which sets the general principles for the housing sector, as would be property over the common parts of the building with
many flats or with apartments, the
[...] neighbourhood rights, rent and lease contracts, [...]
delivery of services and others that extend to the housing sector.
专家小组认同社会对连接海滨行人通道与日俱增的渴 求;并建议设立覆盖整个范围的行人通道网络,把海 滨区及在该范围可供使用的各种运输工具连 接,达到连接机动与非机动交通工具的整体效果。
An area-wide pedestrian network linking the waterfront with the hinterland as well as to all means of transport modes should be developed, thereby connecting motorised and non-motorised transportation in a holistic way.




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