单词 | 毕生 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 毕生 —lifetimeless common: all one's life Examples:毕业生 n—graduates pl • class n 高中毕业生 n—graduateAE n 大学毕业生 n—graduateBE n 应届毕业生—student graduating in the current year • recent graduate See also:毕—finished • the whole of • surname Bi
合伙人玛丽亚•伊丽莎白•舍弗勒和其子乔治•F.W.•舍弗勒继承了她的丈夫乔治•舍弗勒博士 的 毕生 事 业,舍弗勒先生于1996年去世。 schaeffler.cn | Together with her son Georg F. W. Schaeffler, owner Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler is continuing the lifelong work of her husband Dr. Ing. h.c. Georg Schaeffler, who died in 1996. schaeffler.us |
我们称赞世界各地那些毕生都在促进 和保护人权的人的勇气和决心。 daccess-ods.un.org | We laud the courage and commitment of all women and men around the world who have devoted their lives to promoting and protecting human rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
以马内利修女毕生都投入于改善社会弱势群体的生活。 clarinsusa.com | Sister Emmanuelle worked all her life to improve the lives of people on the margins of society. clarinsusa.com |
尽管他取得了极大的成功,但他仍然脚踏实 地、实事求是并不忘使命——将他 毕生 的 成 就传 递给未来的一代。 ebner.cc | Despite all his success, he remained down-toearth, practical and mindful of his responsibility to pass on his life's achievement to future generations. ebner.cc |
今天,通过这项纪念纳尔 逊·曼德拉的决议草案,我们表达了我们对自由和尊 [...] 严的执著,也向这位伟人表示了赞赏之情,他为全人 类奉献了毕生精力并承受了许多痛苦。 daccess-ods.un.org | Today, by adopting the draft resolution honouring Nelson Mandela, we express our attachment [...] to freedom and dignity and our appreciation [...] for that great man, who has dedicated [...]his life and suffered for the sake of all humankind. daccess-ods.un.org |
体现新宪法对其 1961 年版本的巨大改进的另一项创新,是承认教育 为 毕生 之事 :一方面,目前教育从学前班(幼儿园)起到中学都是义务性的,另一方面, 在国立教育机构中,教育从学前到大学都是免费的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another innovation showing how far the new Constitution represents an improvement on its 1961 predecessor is its recognition of education as something that continues throughout life: on the one hand, education is now compulsory from the preschool (kindergarten) level through the intermediate level, and on the other hand, it is free from preschool to university at State institutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
毋庸置疑,那些了解 文化障碍的人将毕生的精 力致力于减轻贫困人口的痛苦,只有这些人了解他们的个人行为能够对世界造成的 影响。 traditionsdavenir.info | Without doubt, those on either side of the cultural barriers who devote their lives to relieving suffering understand the universal value of individual actions. traditionsdavenir.info |
正因为在此处的观察,他才孕育出 毕生 事 业 的精髓《物种起源》(1859年出版),成为现代进化理论的基础。 iwc.com | The observations he made here formed the essence of his lifework, “The Origin of Species”, which was published in 1859 and has since been the basis of the modern theory of evolution. iwc.com |
对全世界成千上万的儿童来 说,暴力是一个严酷的现实;暴力依然基本在暗地里施行,而且为社会所接受; 它在精神和健康方面对儿童的生活造成严重 和 毕生 的 影 响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Violence is a harsh reality for millions of children around the world; it remains largely invisible and socially accepted, and it has serious, lifelong emotional and health impacts on children’s lives; it undermines child development and learning abilities, inhibits positive relationships, provokes trauma and depression and leads to risk-taking and aggressive behaviour. daccess-ods.un.org |
与此同时,UNTL 为教师提供 大学课程,即本科生、毕业生和研究生学位的课程。 daccess-ods.un.org | Parallel to this, the UNTL provides university courses for teachers, namely undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate degrees. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然这样的门徒训练的过程总是代价高昂,而且需要付 出 毕生 精 力 才能发展至完备,但是,当门徒在他们的群体中受教要在言语和行为上顺服时,真实的改变才可能迅速开始。 conversation.lausanne.org | While this discipleship process is always costly and takes a lifetime to develop fully, real change can begin to happen quickly, as followers are taught to obey in word and deed in their community. conversation.lausanne.org |
我怀着崇高的敬意肯定总理毕生努力 为东帝汶 人民提供一条通向更加安全、更加繁荣的未来的道 路,特别是他在过去十年领导国家建设的魄力。 daccess-ods.un.org | I want to acknowledge with deep respect the Prime Minister’s lifetime of effort to provide Timorese with a path to a safer and more prosperous future, and in particular his leadership in nation-building over the past decade. daccess-ods.un.org |
奥黛丽·赫本是联合国儿童基金会的亲善大使,为其人道主义事业留下了两位令人尊敬的捍卫者——她的儿子Sean Ferrer和Luca Dotti,两位不懈努力,使她留下的宝贵遗产 、 毕生 事 业与慈善事业意义非凡、生命永存。 tipschina.gov.cn | Audrey Hepburn, who was a devoted UNICEF Ambassador, has left two worthy champions for her humanitarian cause -- her sons, Sean Ferrer and Luca Dotti, who keep her legacy, life works and charities meaningful and alive. www.audreyhepburn.com tipschina.gov.cn |
我们将永远敬仰塞尔希奥·比埃拉·德梅洛及 其同事所作的最大牺牲,他们为努力建设一个新伊拉 克献出了生命,并且毕生致力于为一个更和平、有法 治和有尊严的世界而奋斗。 daccess-ods.un.org | We will always honour the ultimate sacrifice made by Sergio Vieira de Mello and his colleagues, who gave their lives in the attempt to build a new Iraq and who dedicated themselves throughout their careers to the fight for a more peaceful, lawful and decent world. daccess-ods.un.org |
各国人民和每个人都有权要求和学会 毕生 以 开 创性,非暴力方式解决冲 突的必备处事能力,甚至无法解决的情况下,得以转化冲突的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | All peoples and individuals have a right to demand and obtain the competences needed to participate in the creative and non-violent resolution or, failing that, transformation, of conflicts throughout their life. daccess-ods.un.org |
她完成大学预科,进入医学院。作为舍弗勒集团的共同所有人,她继承了丈夫乔治 •舍弗勒博士的毕生追求 的事业,舍弗勒先生于1996年去世。 schaeffler.cn | She finished high school and attended medical school at Vienna University and now, as co-owner of the Schaeffler Group, is continuing the lifelong work of her husband Dr. Ing. h.c. Georg Schaeffler, who died in 1996. schaeffler.kr |
中学生毕业时 将举行中学毕业 会考,完成本阶段学业、考试及格的学生将获得中学毕业文凭,并且有机会升入 高等学府。 daccess-ods.un.org | The lyceum education concludes with the baccalaureate examination, and upon successful completion thereof a baccalaureate diploma is awarded, which offers the possibility to enter higher education. daccess-ods.un.org |
毕业于伊斯坦布尔大学文学院历史系,马尔马拉大学社会科学研究院博士研 究 生毕 业。 global.tbmm.gov.tr | Instructor (PHd); She graduated from İstanbul [...] University Faculty of Literature, Department of History. global.tbmm.gov.tr |
如果研究生院和各大学要想 在提高学生毕业率 方面取得进展的话,那么提供足够的财政支持 来满足日益多元化的学生群体的需要是至关重要的。 fgereport.org | Adequate financial support to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse student body is crucial if graduate schools and universities are to make progress on improving completion rates. fgereport.org |
戚观成先生毕业于 香港浸会大学社会科学系,也考获管理及会计的研究生文凭。 sgsgroup.com.cn | After completing a Sociology degree Helmut acquired two graduate diplomas in Human Resources Management and Accounting. sgsgroup.com.ar |
体育考试是学生毕业考 试中的必考项目,由一系列测试 组成,向考试合格的学生颁发体育学习合格证。 daccess-ods.un.org | Gymnasium education [...] concludes with graduation exams, comprising [...]a list of tests, with issue of the gymnasium studies certificate daccess-ods.un.org |
帮助学生认 识到这一点也许是提高研究生毕业率的另一有效途径。 fgereport.org | Helping graduate students recognize the rewards of earning a degree may be another way that graduate schools can increase degree completion. fgereport.org |
2002--2003 学年,来自刚果民主共和国和刚果/布 拉柴维尔的首批 41 名 DESS 学生毕业。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The academic year 2002/2003 [...] was marked by the graduation of the first 41 DESS students from DRC [...]and Congo/Brazzaville. unesdoc.unesco.org |
例如,如果 学生毕业时 精通阅读、写作和数学,经验显示其积极溢出效应的影响深远而长久, 极大改善了青年过上幸福、有所作为生活的前景。 daccess-ods.un.org | For instance, when students graduate well-versed in reading, writing and math, the positive spillover, as has been illustrated, is far-reaching and long-lasting, dramatically improving young people’s prospects for happy, productive lives. daccess-ods.un.org |
Thysell 先生毕业于瑞典皇家理工 学院(材料科学理学硕士),他在 Bromma 位于 斯德哥尔摩总部的办公室接受了采访。 bromma.com | A graduate of the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (Master of Science in Materials Science), Mr. Thysell was interviewed at his office at Bromma headquarters in Stockholm. bromma.com |
卢哲群先生毕业于 新加坡国立大学,拥有电子工程学士学位。 pactera.com | Mr. Loh received a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering the National University of Singapore. pactera.com |
周树华先生毕业于美国斯坦福大学商学院Sloan项目,获得管理学硕士学位,曾就读于中国科技大学计算机应用研究生班,同时还拥有西安理工大学学士学位。 kaiwucapital.com | Mr. Zhou holds a Master Degree from Sloan program of Stanford Business School, finished Master Training program from University of Science and Technology of China and BS from Xi’an University of Technology. kaiwucapital.com |
所有绩效指标要么将在双年度末完成,要么已经完成,但取得博士学位的人数比 预期水平低一半,因为博士生毕业需 要四年以上的时间。 unesdoc.unesco.org | All performance indicators are on track for completion by the end of the biennium or are already met, except that the number of PhDs awarded is below half of expected due to candidates requiring more than four years for completion. unesdoc.unesco.org |
1987年,梁前进先生毕业于中国陈家沟武术学校,师从陈式太极拳第十九代传人:陈春雷、陈小旺、陈世通,陈克勤等著名的武术大师,他精通陈式太极正宗传统各式套路:陈式太极拳老架一路74式、二路炮拳,陈式太极剑49式、太极绝命刀,太极春秋大刀、陈式太极绝门枪、陈式太极五种推手及108式擒拿走化等,并以精湛的功夫赢得多项荣誉。 21bowu.com | Graduated from China Chenjiagou Wushu [...] School in 1987,he learned Chen-Style Taichi Boxing from famous Wushu masters like [...]Zhenglei CHEN,the 19th direct line successor of Chen-Style Taichi Boxing Chunlei CHEN and Xiaowang CHEN etc. He mastered various kingds of traditional Chen-Style Taichi,such as:The Old Frame of Taichi Boxing One and Two ,Chen-Style Taichi Sword ,Taichi Saber ,Taichi Spear,and Five kinds of Chen-Style Push-Hands etc. His excellent Gongfu won him various laures. 21bowu.com |