

单词 比重





weight ration


Baume hydrometer



External sources (not reviewed)

另一位成员对此 表示同意,并提议查证空转引擎五分钟以接载乘客是 比重启引擎排出更多废气。
Another member echoed the view and
suggested verifying whether idling would emit more
[...] pollutants thanrestarting an engine in a five [...]
minutes' pickup period.
按照教科文组织中期战略中的两个总体优先事项,745 个建议项目中有 434 个(占 58%)涉及性别平等和非洲,非洲大陆所占 比重地区都大(拉丁美洲和加勒比 地区除外,因为与巴西开展的合作计划具有历史重要性,这些计划总计 1.42 亿美元)。
In line with the two global priorities in UNESCO’s Medium-Term Strategy, some 434 (58%) of the 745 projects proposed concern gender equality and Africa, a continent whose share has become larger than that of the other geographical areas (with the exception of Latin America and the Caribbean owing to the historic importance of cooperation programmes with Brazil which total $142 million).
实际上, 尽管到目前为止,已做出了各种努力,但是他们在 全球贸易中比重不足。
Indeed, despite the efforts made thus far, their share in global trade remained insufficient.
17.25 本次级方案将注重下列工作领域:(a) 实现增长和优质就业;(b) 收入 重新分配;(c) 增加国内储蓄,减少投资对外部储蓄的依赖;(d) 降低易受国际 商品和资本市场波动影响的程度;(e) 采取宏观经济激励措施,推动降低对商品 的严重依赖;(f) 进一步减少债务负担和改善债务情况;(g) 制定一致、可持续 的框架,为社会政策筹措资金;(h) 宏观经济政策同加强出口与其他生产部门联 系之间的关系,以期尽可能增加国内附加值 比重
17.25 The subprogramme will place emphasis on the following areas of work: (a) generation of growth and good quality employment; (b) income redistribution; (c) the increase in domestic saving in order to reduce the dependence on external saving for investment; (d) reduction of the vulnerability to fluctuations on international goods and capital markets; (e) macroeconomic incentives to foster reduction of the high dependence on commodities; (f) further lowering the debt burden and improving debt profiles; (g) the design of consistent and sustainable frameworks for financing social policies; and (h) the relation between macroeconomic policy and the increase of export linkages with the rest of theproductive apparatus, with a view to maximizing their content of domestic value added.
此 外 , 代 理 收比 重, 其 偏 低 之 毛 利 率 亦 为 毛 利 率 下 降 的 原 因 。
The decrease in gross margin is also attributable to the growth in agency incomewhich attracts a low gross margin.
根据经济发展趋势,有关劳动力市场的国家政策将着力创造法律、经济和体 制条件,以确保发展灵活、有效运作的劳动力市场,消除劳动力供求的结构性失 衡,减少非法就比重强劳动积极性和劳动力流动。
Based on economic development trends, State labour market development policy will focus on putting in place the legal, economic and institutional conditions underpinning the development of a flexible, efficient labour market able to bridge the structural gap between labour supply and demand, to reduce illegal employment as a share of the labour market and toincrease worker motivation and labour mobility.
与很多发展中国家一样,吉布提人口的年龄结构特点为年轻 比重这部 分人口约占总人口的一半。
As is the case in many other developing countries, the
age structure of the Djibouti
[...] population showsa high proportionofyoung people, [...]
who make up nearly half the population.
[...] 便对一些主要专题的某些趋势进行分析,例如:每年的教学时数,所教的学科及其相对比 重及在最近几十年的组织安排中所发生的变化。
With regard to data concerning basic education content and curriculum time allocation (timetables), the systematization of data will be completed so as to allow for an analysis of certain trends on key questions, such as the annual number of
teaching hours, the subjects taught and
[...] their relativeimportance in the curriculum, [...]
and also any changes observed in their
organization in recent decades.
由 於 本 集 团 国 际 业比 重断 加 大,国 际 经 济 环 境 的 波 动,本 集 团 在 经 营 过 程 中,必 然 长 期 面 临 着 滙 率 变 动 的 风 险。
As international businesses account for an increasing share of the Group’s operations, volatility in the international economic environment means that the Group is inevitably subject to the risk of exchange rate changes over the long term.
城市和地方政府的政策在政策领 域所占比重越大,世界各地数百个城市和地方政府正在积极规划或执行与 降低二氧化碳排放量有关的可再生能源政策和规划框架。
City and local government policies became a growing segment of the policy landscape, with several hundred cities and local governments around the world actively planning or implementing renewable energy policies and planning frameworks linked to efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
We have reduced our exposure to specialty retail, as consumer spending has begun to stymie since spring.
此外,由于全球人口数量呈下降趋势、经济下滑、就业活动率大幅下降, 农村地区人口在总人口中所占比重上升,农业产值在国内生产总值中所占比重不断增加,农业人口在总人口中所占 比重 增加。
Part of the global picture of decrease of the population, the economic decline and decrease of occupational and activity rate, the share of the population in the rural area from the total population has increased, the share of the agricultural production in the GDP has also grown, the share of the population involved in agriculture has also risen.
当 富 时 中 国 25指 数 的 组 合比 重变 动 时 , 基 金 经 理 便 需 对 恒 生 FCI25 ETF 的 股 份 组 合 作 出 相 应 调 整 , 以 尽 量 确 保 恒 生 FCI25 ETF 所 持 有 的 股 票 组 合比 重时 中 国 25指 数 之 指 数 成 份 股 组 合比 重
When thereis a change in the constituent stock(s) of the FTSE China25 Index or theirweightings init, theManager will be responsible for implementing any adjustment to the ETF's portfolio of stocks to ensure that the compositionand weighting of Index Shares held by the HS FCI25ETF closely correspond to [...]
that of the FTSE China25 Index's constituent stocks.
然后先用磁力将铁选出,再对剩余的混合片加以振 动,使混合的金属片比重同而将铜、铝分离。
The remaining mixed pieces are
screened, and copper and aluminum are separated from the mixed metal pieces according to
[...] their differentspecific gravity.
(4) 倘 於 任 何 董 事 会 会 议 上 出 现 有 关 董 事 或 其 任 何 联 系 人 士 ( 会 议 主 席 除 外 ) 权比 重何 董 事 ( 会 议 主 席 除 外 ) 投 票 权 利 之 问 题 , 而 问 题 并 未 因 董 事 自 愿 放 弃 投 票 而 解 决 , 则 应 将 问 题 提 交 会 议 主 席 , 而 除 非 该 董 事 或 其 任 何 联 系 人 士 之 权 益 性 质比 重向 董 事 会 适 当 披 露 , 否 则 会 议 主 席 对 该 董 事 之 裁 决 应 为 最 终 及 具 决 定 性 。
(4) If any question shall arise at any meeting of the Board as to the materiality of the interest of a Director
or any of his
[...] associates (other than the chairman of themeeting)or as to the entitlement of any Director (other than such chairman) to vote and such question is not resolved by his voluntarily agreeing to abstain from voting, such question shall be referred to the chairman of the meeting and his ruling in relation to such other Director shall be final and conclusive except in a case where the natureor extent of the interest [...]
of the Director or
any of his associates has not been fairly disclosed to the Board.
目前约有65000名中国留学生入读新州各教育机构;中国留学生在新州公立学校和技术与继续教育学院(TAFE)留学生中 比重高达48%和20%。
Approximately 65,000 Chinese students are enrolled in NSW educational institutes – 48
per cent of NSW’s public school’s international
[...] students and20 per cent of TAFEs international [...]
students are from China.
电 信 软 件 系 统、服 务 及 其 他
产 品 毛 利 率 下 降 主 要 是 由 於 毛 利 率 较 低 的
[...] 网 络 终 端 及 其 他 类 产 品 占 该 类 产 品 营 业 收比 重,而 毛 利 率 较 高 的 服 务 等 产 品 的 营 业 收比 重,使 得 该 类 产 品 毛 利 率 较 去 年 同 期 有 所 下 降。
The decline in gross profit margin for the segment reflected primarily increased sales of
lower margin network terminal and other
[...] products combined with decreased sales of higher margin products,as a percentage of total sales revenue for the segment.
在九類食物中,酒精饮品(34.5%)和发酵谷物類食品(33.5%) 是市民从膳食摄入氨基甲酸乙酯的最主要來源,而市民从发酵鱼類制品 (0.1%)和发酵乳類制品(0.3%)摄入的氨基甲酸乙酯则占总膳食摄入量比重
Among the 9 food groups, alcoholic beverages (34.5%) and fermented cereals and grains products (33.5%) were the major contributors to dietary exposure to EC while fermented fish products (0.1%) and dairy products (0.3%) contributed the least.
由 于经济稳步增长、对外贷款条件合理,公共收入不断增加、公共债务减少;公共
[...] 保证债务在国内生产总值(GDP)中所占 比重2000 年的 79%降至 2006 年的 26%。
Robust economic growth and prudential external crediting limits have provided with constant increase of public
incomes and reduction of the public debt and the public
[...] guaranteed debtcompared to GDP from 79% [...]
in 2000 to 26% in 2006.
主要位于撒哈拉以南非洲地区和亚洲地区的最不发达国家在全球水产养殖产 量中所比重较小(产量占4.1%,产值占3.6%),主要生产国为孟加拉国、 缅甸、乌干达、老挝和柬埔寨。
The least-developed countries (LDCs), mostly in sub-Saharan Africa and in Asia, remain minor in terms of their share of world aquaculture production (4.1 percent by quantity and 3.6 percent by value) with the main producers including Bangladesh, Myanmar, Uganda, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Cambodia.
就以基本法第23条的谘询工作为例,由於没有预先设定质量 比重们就会建议两法并用,平行分析,采用学术界时下最常用的研究方法去总结巿民的意见。
Take the consultation exercise regarding Article 23 of the Basic Law as an example, since these parameters were not pre-set before the consultation exercise, it would be more appropriate to perform both qualitative and quantitative analyses in parallel, using the most popular methods employed by academics.
在地区层面, 我们已调低对新兴市比重的配置,对欧洲维 比重的 部署,并调高美国 - 防守性最佳的地区 - 的部署比重(见第11页)。
On a regional level this means that we
[...] have reduced our Overweight in emerging markets, remain Underweight in Europe, and upgraded the US – as the most defensive region –to Overweight (see page 11).
已完全开发的种群的渔获量已十分接 近最大可持续产量,已没有扩大的余地,需要采取有效管理措施才能避免产量下
[...] 降,这部分种群的数量变化幅度最小,其所 比重 1974年至1985年间一直稳 定在50%左右,随后于1989年下降为43%,而后又逐渐回升,2009年为57%。
The fraction of fully exploited stocks, which produce catches that are very close to their maximum sustainable production and have no room for further expansion and require effective management to avoid
decline, has shown the smallest change over
[...] time, with itspercentage stable at about [...]
50 percent from 1974 to 1985, then falling
to 43 percent in 1989 before gradually increasing to 57 percent in 2009.
全球领先资讯科技研究及顾问机构IDC表示,MPS全球市场直到2014年预计将录得11%的年复合增长率 (CAGR)*,而亚太区占全球市场比重来越大。
According to IDC, a leading provider of global IT research and advice, the worldwide market for MPS is projected to grow at 11 per cent CAGR until 2014*, the Asia Pacific region will account for anincreasing share of the global market.
整体毛利率由二零零六年上半年的 15.1%下降至二零零七年上半年的
[...] 11.3%,原因主要在於: (i) 铜加工业务占集团总营业比重 增加,惟其毛利率未及集团的其余业务; [...]
(ii) 二零零 六年上半年国内氧化铝价格正处於異常高位,集团氧化铝贸易业务因而受惠,氧化铝平均
售价远高於其他时期; 及 (iii) 随着若干长期销售合同於二零零六年完结,集团面对氧化铝价 格下滑的调节能力受到影响。
Overall gross profit margin dropped from 15.1% in the first-half of 2006 to 11.3% in the first-half of 2007, which was mainly
attributable to: (i) copper fabrication
[...] accounted forahigher percentageofthe Group’s [...]
turnover than before; however, its gross
profit margin was not as high as that of the other business segments; (ii) in the first-half of 2006 the Group’s alumina trading business was particularly benefited from the absurdly high prices of alumina in the PRC market, thus the average selling price of alumina for that period was much higher than that of others; and (iii) the withstanding power of the Group to downside price adjustments of alumina was reduced because certain long-term sales contracts were ended in 2006.
尤其是,虽然结构转型会导致农业在产出中 比重,但这种转型必 须能够提高农业生产力和产出,以加强粮食安全,并创造一个有利于持续和包容 [...]
[...] Englishit is important that this transformation [...]
is achieved in a manner that permits an increase in agricultural
productivity and output to enhance food security and create a domestic environment conducive to sustained and inclusive economic growth.




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