

单词 比特码

See also:


bit (binary digit) (loanword)

External sources (not reviewed)

Besides the bytecode, the final distribution [...]
package contains additional application resources, such as graphics, sounds,
music, texts, etc., and the virtual machine and the interpreter’s binaries.
发布工具会调用编译器,从而把源代码编译成相应 比特码。
The publishing tools invoke a compiler in order to compile
[...] a source code to its corresponding bytecode.
编译器会编译输入的源代码,生 比特码。
The compiler compiles
[...] input source code and generates bytecode.
比特码和虚 拟机被设计为运行在性能不太高的移动设备上。
The bytecode and the virtual [...]
machine are designed to run on less powerful mobile devices.
所有的脚本和模板都被汇编为Java比特 代 码。
All of the scripts and templates
[...] are compiled to Java -bit code.
每一子帧的第 1~11 比特为帧同步码(Pre),由 11 比特修改巴克码组 成,其值为“11100010010”,第 1 比特上升沿为秒前沿,用于时标同步。
The bits 1~11 of every subframe are preamble (Pre) of ―11100010010‖ from modified Barker code of 11 bits.
商户网关是具有工业标准的安全(128 比特 S S L) 网页并不需要在您的网站中使用任何CGI或A SP 编 码。
The Merchant
[...] Gateway is an industry standard SECURE (128 bit SSL) web page and does not require the use [...]
of CGI or ASP scripting on your web site.
零格参考标记,是在肉眼看到的边编号,及机器读到的 比码 之 间 的一个 圆点,显示胶片特定的某一格。
The zero-frame reference mark, the dot
following the key number,
[...] indicates the specific frame of film identified by the human-readable key number and the machine-readable KEYKODE Number.
审查材料发现,统计数据并非完全可信:存在 码 错 误 , 特 别 是 对合同 到期和辞职之间,或协商离职和裁撤职位废除之间存在混淆。
However, the examination of files revealed that
these statistics were not
[...] entirely reliable: coding errors had been made, in particular, the confounding [...]
of expiration of appointment
and resignation, and of agreed separation and abolition of post.
不屬上述描述範圍內的"特比萘芬 ;其鹽類"將繼 續受毒藥表第I部規管。
Terbinafine; its salts" which does not fall within the above description will continue to be regulated under Part I of the Poisons List.
如果你想建立一个存档撕开电影,但常,我们建议您使用开放的,得到广泛支持的代码和容器的原始分辨率的DVD,然后 码 的 文 件,以较低的分辨率 比特 率 ,因为你需要他们。
Howerer, if you want to build an archive of ripped movies, we recommend that you use open, widely supported codes and containers at the native resolution of the DVD and then transcode the files to lower resolutions and bitrates as you need them.
采用的手 段中可包括但不限于设定账特权、 用户身 码 、 磁盘 访问以及文件访问控制。
These include, but are not
[...] limited to account privileges, user identification codes, disk access, [...]
and file access control.
经纪人/中间商 收据记录了采矿凭单上印刷的特号 码 , 还 有矿工姓名、中间商/经纪人(买方) [...]
The broker/dealer
[...] receipt records the unique number printed [...]
on the mining voucher, in addition to the name of the miner,
the name of the dealer/broker (buyer), the carat weight and a description of the stones.
此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266 号 决议,秘书长已在他的报告中列入 2010-2011 两年特别政治任务预算 总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元比 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中特别政 治任务经费多出 319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included in his report
a projection of the
[...] total budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision for special political missions [...]
in the proposed
programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).
灵活的尺寸选项-X维度,宽比例, 条 码 高 度 和其他的属性可以为内含的应用程序和扫描设备进行调整。
Flexible Sizing Options - The X
[...] dimension, wide to narrow ratio, barcode height and several [...]
other properties may be adjusted
for the intended application and scanning equipment.
下列政府间组织派代表出席了会议:非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家集团 、非 洲开发银行、非洲联盟、亚洲开发银行、东南亚国家联盟、加勒比共同体、商品 共同基金、英联邦秘书处、海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会、全球 码 团 结 基金、比利亚-美洲会议、美洲开发银行、国际发展法组织、伊斯兰开发银行、阿拉伯 国家联盟、欧佩克国际开发基金、经济合作与发展组织和全球抗击艾滋病、结核 病和疟疾基金。
The following intergovernmental organizations were represented: African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, African Development Bank, African Union, Asian Development Bank, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Caribbean Community, Common Fund for Commodities, Commonwealth Secretariat, Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, Global Digital Solidarity Fund, Ibero-American Conference, Inter-American Development Bank, International Development Law Organization, Islamic Development Bank, League of Arab States, OPEC Fund for International Development, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
最重要的是用一个字节持有码.比特 0 ( 量 B 0)是最重要的低阶比特或者7比特和比特(B7分子)是最重要的一点还是高阶比特的字节.随着现代计算机是一种传统机床寻址字节.
The most important use for a byte is
[...] holding a character code. Bit 0 (b0) is the [...]
low order bit or least significant bit
and bit 7 (b7) is the high order bit or most significant bit of the byte.
项目简介: Bytecode Outline可以把当前的正在编辑Java的文件或者class文件直接显示出其相应的字节码出来,而且可以进行两个Java文件的字 码比 较 或 者两个class文件的字 码比 较 或一个Java文件与一个class文件进行字 码 的 比 较。
Project Information: Bytecode Outline to the current file being edited or Java class files directly reflect the corresponding
byte code out , and
[...] two Java files can be compared or two class bytecode file or a Java byte code comparison file and a class file byte code comparison.
[...] 加快建立联利支助团,与其实务组成部分 比 , 特 别 是 由于全球服务中心提供支 持,因而产生的外来足迹较少(A/66/679,第 [...]
78 段);通过一个相对小型、产生 外来足迹较少的特派团支助结构为联阿安全部队提供特派团支助服务,利用了区
域服务中心和南苏丹特派团的能力和设施(同上,第 79 段)。
Other achievements attributed by the Secretary-General to the implementation of the global field support strategy include the ability of the Secretariat to expedite the establishment of
UNSMIL with a lighter footprint for
[...] support functions as compared with its substantive [...]
component, owing in particular to
the support provided by the Global Service Centre (A/66/679, para. 78), and the delivery of mission support services for UNISFA through a relatively small mission support structure with a light footprint, drawing on the capacities and facilities of the Regional Service Centre and UNMISS (ibid., para. 79).
它可以用于审查任何程序语言的源 码 , 但 是一 特 殊 的 功能只适用于Java项目。
It is used to
[...] examine the source code of any programming languages ​​, but some special features only for [...]
Java projects.
2008 年,主席团挑选出:a) 星星之火可以燎原 – 纳比亚;b) 开 放码软件 使巴勒斯坦图书馆唤发出新的活力--巴勒斯坦权力机构;c) 在 Watphrathatwittaya 学校与讲英语的国际志愿者一道教英语小组--泰国;d) 我们的城市、我们的声音:数字化时 代的移民新闻广播--美利坚合众国;e) 聋人的办法--巴西 NE 区的聋人团体创造自己的发展工 具--巴西。
In 2008, the Bureau selected: (a) Where there’s a FLAME, there’s a fire – Namibia; (b) Open Source Software brings a new lease of life to libraries in Palestine – Palestinian Authority; (c) Team Teaching English with International English-Speaking Volunteers at Watphrathatwittaya School – Thailand; (d) Our City, Our Voices: Immigrant Newscasts in the Digital Age – United States of America; (e) It’s DEAF WAY!
还获悉,贸易法委员会秘书 处请求除提供简要记录之外还应提供委员会第四十五届会议的 码 录 音 ,以比简要记录审查码录音的效用。
It was also informed that the UNCITRAL secretariat had requested digital recordings for the forty-fifth session of
the Commission, in addition to the provision of
[...] summary records, to examine their utility as compared to summary records.
90°入口码垛机与直线 输入码垛机相比,外形更小。
Palletisers with 90° infeed are generally
[...] smaller sized as compared to in-line palletisers.
可设置隐藏分类,可撰写隐藏日志,可预览日志,自动保存日志,日志可以加密,以 特 殊 的 人凭 码 查 看 您的日志;使用功能强大的tiny_mce编辑器,您可以自定义编辑器的工具栏,以满足各自的需求。
Can be set to hide the classification , can be written to hide the log , the log can preview , automatically
save the log , the log can be
[...] encrypted, so that special person with a password to view your [...]
logs ; use powerful tiny_mce
editor , you can customize the editor toolbar to meet their needs .
KSZ9692PB是高度集成的10/100/100Base-T千兆片上系统(SoC),其功能组件包括ARM 922T 32比特处理器、IP安全引擎以及一整套外围设备,可满足各种网络和通信应用对低成本、高性能的需求,这些应用包括增强型住宅网关、高端打印服务器、VoIP系统、基于IP的多媒体系统、无线接入点/网状网节点、USB设备服务器、工业控制、视频监控系统以及包括VPN路由器在内的SMB/SME网络安全。
The KSZ9692PB is a highly integrated 10/100/100Base-T Gigabit System-on-a-Chip (SoC) featuring an ARM 922T 32-bit processor, IP security engine and a comprehensive set of peripherals that address the cost-sensitive, high-performance needs of a wide variety of networking and communications applications including enhanced residential gateways high-end printer servers, VOIP systems, IP-based multimedia systems, wireless Access Points/Mesh Nodes, USB device servers, Industrial Control, video surveillance systems and SMB/SME network security, including VPN routers.
[...] 样本保管链;按类别分列数据,即对每个经处理的样本指 特 有 代 码 并 输入数据 库;只有为鉴定身分才能使用从样本中获得的基因信息;只有主管当局才能答复 [...]
The national database of genetic profiles for use in judicial investigations has all of the safeguards required to guarantee the following: the information and records are confidential; storage, access and use are restricted; the chain of custody of the samples is controlled in accordance with the legislation currently in force;
data are
[...] disaggregated, meaning that unique codes are assigned [...]
to each processed sample and entered into the database; the genetic
information obtained from the samples is used only for identification purposes; queries are answered only by the competent authorities; and sample collection is carried out in full compliance with fundamental rights and due process as per the legislation currently in force, with informed consent consistent with bioethics regulations governing studies carried out on human beings.
經參考電訊局長的意 見和外國經驗,並按照市場主導的原則,我們會為每條聲音廣 播頻道提供每秒48千比特的數 據傳輸率,以便三名申請人按其 建議採用的DAB+制式5 傳送音質可媲美數碼音頻檔案(MP3)的 廣播服務。
Based on TA’s advice and overseas experience and in accordance with the market-led principle, we will provide each sound broadcasting channel a data rate of 48 kilobits per second (kbps) to deliver MP3 sound quality based on DAB+ standard as proposed by all the applicants5 .
南大西洋甚低频网络的其他目标是:(c)研究在发生太阳耀斑等瞬变扰动时 电离层 D
[...] 动的大气现象,如高空精灵闪电、地面伽玛射线闪烁和地震电磁过程;(f)提供 实验数据集,馈入计算机传播码以 获 取 特 定 发射机—接收器路径甚低频波特 性的每日模板;(g)研究(南部)高纬度电离层的特殊属性。
Further objectives of SAVNET were: (c) the study of ionospheric D-region properties during transient perturbations such as solar flares; (d) the diagnosis of extrasolar sources of ionospheric perturbations; (e) the observation of atmospheric phenomena producing ionospheric perturbations, like sprites, terrestrial gamma-ray flashes and seismo-electromagnetic processes; (f) the provision of
experimental data sets to feed
[...] computational propagation codes in order to obtain daily [...]
templates of very-low-frequency wave
properties on a given transmitter-receiver path; and (g) the study of peculiar properties of the ionosphere at high (southern) latitudes.
基金项目组合中的性别平等主流化得到加强,以性别平等为重要目标的项目 所占百比(性别平等码 2;见图四)从 2009 年的 16%增至 2011 年的 66%。
Gender mainstreaming improved in the Fund’s portfolio, with projects that have gender equality as a significant objective (gender marker 2; see figure IV) increasing from 16 per cent in 2009 to 66 per cent in 2011.
该项审查提出了有关根本性变化的建议,其中 包括:(a)
计算费用回收时不再区分固定间接费用和可变间接费用,以便计算费 用回收时可考虑所有的间接费用;(b)
[...] 发展实效活动及其相关费用由核心资源和 非核心资源直接提供资金,以便回收的费用可支付按比例分摊的管理费用和比 特殊目的费用(UNW/2012/13,第 2 和 11 段)。
The review recommended a number of fundamental changes, including (a) that the distinction between fixed and variable indirect costs no longer be used in calculating cost-recovery so that all indirect costs would be considered in calculating cost recovery; and (b) that development effectiveness activities and associated costs be directly funded from core and non-core resources, so that
recovered costs would
[...] pay their proportional share of management and comparable special purpose costs (UNW/2012/13, [...]
paras. 2 and 11).




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