

单词 比照

比照 noun ()

contrast n

External sources (not reviewed)

另一方面,一切和表达自由不是绝对的 比照 《 刑 法》第 266b节(见第32段)。
On the other hand, freedom of opinion and expression is not absolute, cf.
[...] section 266 b of the Criminal Code (see [...]
paragraph 32).
如果没 有自己的议事规则,则比照适用 本议事规则。
Failing such rules, the present rules of procedure shall apply mutatis mutandis.
委员会建议应在《亚太 灾害报告》中继续刊登从经济和社会角度对各种灾害的冲击力进行分 析的文章、介绍开展区域合作的情况以及对空间应用及信息和通信技 术(信通技术)在减少灾害风险方面的作用所进行的分析;同时亦增 列以下各项新内容:(a) 介绍那些致力于减少灾害风险工作的领军人 物的信息资料;(b) 社会和心理分析文章;(c) 报道各种社区做法与全 球视角之间比照;(d ) 分析《兵库行动框架》与各项千年发展目标 之间可能存在的关联;(e) 与《全球减少灾害风险评估报告》之间的 关联。
The Committee recommends that the Report continue to feature such elements as economic and social analysis of the impacts of disasters, descriptions of regional cooperation and analysis of the role of space applications and information and communications technology (ICT) in disaster risk reduction, in addition to new elements, such as (a) information on champions for disaster risk reduction, (b) social and psychological analysis, (c) coverage of community practices vis-à-vis global perspectives, (d) analysis of a possible linkage between the Hyogo Framework for Action and the Millennium Development Goals and (e) linkage to the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction.
秘书长在其报告(A/57/587)中建比照大 会 第 56/285 号 决议关于国际法院法官、两法庭法官以及前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭审案法官的报 酬和其他服务条件的规定,确定适用于卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭审案法官的服务 条件。
In his report (A/57/587), the Secretary-General proposed to establish conditions of service applicable to the ad litem judges of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda based on the provisions of General Assembly resolution 56/285, concerning the emoluments and other conditions of service of the members of the International Court of Justice, the judges of the two Tribunals and the ad litem judges of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.
以上提比照地适 用于特殊类型的伞齿轮箱、转向齿 轮箱以及垂直或者水平驱动轴的中间轴承。
The above notes shall apply analogously to special design bevel gears and corner gears, as well as to intermediate bearings of the vertical or horizontal drive shaft.
委员会、小组委员会和工作组的议事程序应 比照 适 用上文第二章、第六章 (第 19 条除外)和第七章的各条规定,但主席团/总务委员会和全权证书委员会的 主席、及各委员会、小组委员会和工作组的主席可行使表决权。
The rules contained in chapters II, VI (except rule 19) and VII above shall be applicable, mutatis mutandis, to the proceedings of committees, subcommittees and working groups, except that the Chairs of the Bureau/General Committee and Credentials Committee and the Chairs of the committees, subcommittees and working groups may exercise the right to vote.
[...] 划并没有具体章节论及范围如此之广的教育工作者的人权培训,但是与高等教育 教学人员有关的原则和战略也可 比照 适 用
Whilst the plan of action does not have a specific section on human rights training for such a wide range of
educators, principles and strategies related to the higher-education teaching personnel would
[...] also be applicable by analogy.
雖然㆒般認為本港大學的教職員,比起許多(但 絕對不是所有)其他㆞方的大學和同等教育機構的同級㆟員,享有較優厚的薪金和福 利,我們認為,以金錢來直接比較教職員的薪酬,可能會得到錯誤的結論,因為我們 看這些數字時,必須同時考慮決定教職員薪酬的各項主要因素,包括當㆞的社會及經 濟狀況、當時的生活水平、通脹率、貨幣的購買力、市場力量,以及與其他行業薪酬比照。
Whilst it is recognized that the salary and benefits package of local universities' academics compare favourably with that of many, though by no means all, of their counterparts in universities and equivalent institutions elsewhere, the Administration considers that any direct comparison between the remuneration of academic staff in money terms could be misleading because the figures have to be interpreted in the context of each country's social and economic environment, the prevailing standard of living, inflation rate, purchasing power and market forces as well as relativities with other professions, which are essentially the factors determining the remuneration of academic staff.
至于尚未通过的其他相关国际公约,斐济政府承认这些公约的重要性,并原 则上同意其目标,并(比照国内 和国际的其他优先事项);斐济打算考虑通过这些 公约。
In respect of other relevant international conventions yet to be adopted, the Government of Fiji recognizes the importance of, and agrees in principle with their objectives and (relative to other domestic and international priorities); Fiji intends giving consideration to their adoption as well.
执行委员会必须为各双边和执行机构 2011-2014 年的业务计划提供战略方向,并保 证财务和业务计划确实以第 5 条国家的履约需要为依据,尤其是为 2011 年,本充资期的最 后一年,同时比照提交 供核准的业务计划的资金数量,考虑到今年所余的资源总额和下 一个三年期可得的潜在资源。
It would be important for the Executive Committee to provide strategic direction for the bilateral and implementing agencies’ 2011-2014 business plans and to ensure that financial and business planning was based firmly on the compliance needs of Article 5 countries, especially for 2011, the last year of the current replenishment period, while taking into account the total resources remaining for the current year and the potential resources available for the coming triennium, compared to the funding levels in the business plans submitted for approval.
[...] 起,其以前取得之採權益法長期股權投資,尚未 攤銷之餘額屬投資成本超過所取得股權淨值者比照商譽處理,不再攤銷。
Starting January 1, 2006, the unamortized balance of the excess of the acquisition cost of the long-term investment by the equity method over the
equity in the investee’s net asset value is also no longer amortized and applies the
[...] same accounting treatment as goodwill.
该计划为达到其所设定的目标,将拿巴西的贫穷人口分布图与公共服务的机 会分布图和需求分布图比照,进 而与州和市政府合作,采取最适合和有效的手 段,从表 2 所列项目开始,帮助该政策的目标群体改善生活条件。
To achieve the goals set out therein, the plan will compare a map of poverty in Brazil with one of opportunities and one of needs in terms of public services, which, in partnership with states and city councils, will aim at setting up the most appropriate and efficient means of helping the target public of this policy to improve their living conditions, starting from the axes described in table 2.
本报告提供了自我上次 2012 年 4 月 17 日的报告(S/2012/231) 以来达尔富尔局势的最新情况比照 我 向 安理会提交的 2009 年 11 月 16 日的报 告(S/2009/592)附件二所载基准对进展情况进行了评估;并根据第 2003(2011) 号决议第 8 段对达尔富尔政治进程的有利环境进行了评估。
It includes an update on the situation in Darfur since my last report dated 17 April 2012 (S/2012/231), an assessment of progress against benchmarks set out in annex II to my report to the Council of 16 November 2009 (S/2009/592) and, pursuant to paragraph 8 of resolution 2003 (2011), an assessment of the enabling environment for a Darfurbased political process.
专家小组主席对秘书 处的意见作了进一步澄清,并提醒专家小组公务员制度委员会确定指示所根据的原则(即诺
[...] 贝尔梅耶原则和弗莱明原则。根据前者,专业职类的薪 比照 薪 资 最高的国家公务员制度, 目前是美利坚合众国的公务员制度;而后者则用来确定一般事务人员的薪酬),以及公务员 [...]
The Chairman of the expert group provided further clarification to the Secretariat’s remarks, and reminded the expert group of the principles upon which the ICSC directives are determined, (namely
the Noblemaire principle whereby
[...] Professional-level remuneration follow suit the best [...]
paid national civil service which is
currently that of the United States of America and the Flemming Principle used to determine General Service remuneration), and the benefit of ICSC’s work for coherence within the United Nations system as a whole.
新進人員也必比照辦理 ,憑證機構必須每年進行檢視相關人員 之受訓情形。
New employees shall also receive educational training accordingly and CA shall annually carry out inspection of training of relevant personnel.
根據本集團的風險管理架構,所有內部產生 的估值均比照外部 交易對手的估值評估。
In accordance with the Group’s risk management framework, all internally generated valuations are subject to assessment against external counterparties’ valuations.
缔约国指出,使本文件中的一项或多项决定生效将不会自动改变筹备委员会 会议和审议大会的议事规则,并一致同意年度大 比照 适 用 现有议事规则的修改 内容 。
The States parties noted that giving effect to one or more decisions in this document would not automatically change the rules of procedure of Preparatory Committee meetings and review conferences, and agreed that annual general conferences would use the existing rules of procedure with any changes applied mutatis mutandis.
第4 段规定比照适用 解决下列情况时所用的 办法:在国家合并之后,继承国是在合并之时尚未对任何被继承国生效的条约的 缔约国。
Paragraph 4 provides for the application mutatis mutandis of the same solutions to the case in which, following the uniting of States, the successor State is the contracting State to a treaty that was not in force for any of the predecessor States at the date of the uniting.
同时,2005-2007 年,实施了欧盟-摩尔多瓦行动计划;比照欧盟标准,对一些立法作了修正,但并未尽最大可能加以修正。
Meanwhile, from 2005-2007, the EU-Moldova Action Plan (EUMAP) was implemented, and some legislation was adapted to EU standards, although not to the full extent possible.
这次会议是根比照适用 的 2001 年联合国小武器和轻武器非法贸易各方面 问题大会《议事规则》(A/CONF.192/L.1)举行的。
The meeting was held under the rules of procedure of the United Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects held in 2001 (A/CONF.192/L.1), which were applied mutatis mutandis.
首先,这样一个 卫生主管单位似乎不可比照所有 信息;其次,这样一个权力集中的机构似乎也 不可能为促进、恢复及保持健康的水平在世界各地任何地点任何时间以适当的方 式采取所有适当的行动。
Firstly, it is unlikely that such an authority would be able to collate full information, and secondly, it is unlikely that a centralized authority could take all appropriate actions in the appropriate way to promote, restore and maintain health at any given time everywhere in the world.
对于特殊设计的伞齿轮盒和转向齿轮盒及垂直或水平 传动轴的中间轴承的安装比照上述 说明进行。
In case of bevel gears and diverting gears in special design and intermediate bearings of the vertical or horizontal drive shaft, the above instructions apply analogously.
缔约国第二十一次会议于 2011 年 6 月 17
日决定,今后如通过将工作地点差 价调整数乘数点并入基薪表,并相应地对工作地点差价调整数乘数作出重新调
[...] 整,以修订联合国专业以上职类工作人员的基薪表, 比照 国 际 法院法官的情况, 同时以同样的百分比调整国际法庭法官的年基薪(SPLOS/230)。
The twenty-first Meeting of States Parties decided on 17 June 2011 that, on the occasion of future revisions to the base scale applicable to staff of the United Nations in the Professional and higher categories effected through the consolidation of post adjustment multiplier points into the base scale with a corresponding readjustment in the post adjustment multipliers, the annual base salary of the
members of the Tribunal would also be
[...] adjusted by the same percentage and at the same [...]
time as in the case of judges of the International Court of Justice (SPLOS/230).
关于清洁发展机制之下造林和再造林项目活动的第5/CMP.1 号决定和关于 清洁发展机制之下小规模造林和再造林项目活动的第6/CMP.1 号决定所载模式 和程序,比照适用于第二个承诺期。
The modalities and procedures contained in decision 5/CMP.1 for afforestation and reforestation project activities under the clean development mechanism, and in decision6/CMP.1 for small-scale afforestation and reforestation project activities under the clean development mechanism, shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to the second commitment period.
2002年,一个国外的标准 测验第一次在小学毕业时进行,该测 比照国 内标准进行。
In 2002 an externally standardised test was conducted for the first time upon the completion of primary school.
诗篇(如48)有些人似乎暗示着一种个人的判断,好和坏,死后;以及对未来的判断肯定“每一项工作,无论是善或恶”,是道德的最终解决方案谜的人间生活提供了传道书(十二,13- 14 , 比照 三 , 17。
Some of the Psalms (eg 48) seem to imply a judgment of individuals, good and bad, after death; and the certainty of a future judgment of "every work, whether it be good
or evil", is the final solution of the moral enigmas of earthly life offered by
[...] Ecclesiastes (xii, 13-14; cf. iii, 17).
无论是集中采购机构还是公共采购机构或类似机构,还应监测个别采购实 体使用框架协议的情况,还比照单 项 采购的市场价格对框架协议的价格执行 情况进行监测,以防止出现由于少数几个采购实体对框架协议使用不当或使用 [...]
The centralized purchasing agency, or the public procurement agency or similar body, should also monitor the performance of individual procuring entities using the framework agreement and the
performance of framework agreement in
[...] terms of prices as compared with market prices [...]
for single procurements, in case of
increasing prices or other reductions in the quality of offers accordingly, which may arise from inappropriate or poor use of the framework agreement by one or two procuring entities also.
本报比照 2009 年 11 月 16 日我的报告(S/2009/592)附 [...]
件二所载基准评估进展情况,并介绍最新的政治、安全和人道主义局势,以及根 据第 1935(2010)号决议第 4 段的要求制定的达尔富尔混合行动保护平民战略。
The report includes an assessment [...]
of progress made against the benchmarks set out in annex II to my report of 16 November
2009 (S/2009/592) and provides updates on the political, security and humanitarian situation and the UNAMID strategy for the protection of civilians, as requested in paragraph 4 of resolution 1935 (2010).
就各個別股東大會而言,與股東大會有關之本章程細則之規定比照適用 ,但所需之法定人數(續會除外)為持有(或倘股東為法團,則 其正式授權代表)或受委代表所代表該類別已發行股份面值至少三分之一 [...]
東(或倘股東為法團,則其正式授權代表)或受委代表(不論其所持有之 股份數目)。
To every such separate general meeting the provisions of these Articles relating to
general meetings shall
[...] mutatis mutandis apply, but so that the necessary quorum (other than at an adjourned [...]
meeting) shall be not
less than 2 persons holding (or, in the case of a Shareholder being a corporation, by its duly authorised representative) or representing by proxy at least one-third in nominal value of the issued Shares of that class, that the quorum for any meeting adjourned for want of quorum shall be 2 Shareholders present in person (or in the case of the Shareholder being a corporation, by its duly authorised representative) or by proxy (whatever the number of Shares held by them).
《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》秘书处为便利非政府组织在 缔约方会议第一届会议上的认可 比照 适 用 经社理事会的规则,原因是缔约方会 议的议事程序尚未获得通过。
The secretariat of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants facilitated the accreditation of NGOs at the first session of the COP applying mutatis mutandis the ECOSOC rules, since the rules of procedure of the COP had not yet been adopted.




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