

单词 比方说

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比方说,当 您设想自己躺在沙滩上,听海浪翻滚、轻抚细沙、呼吸着海风时,大脑活跃的区域和您真的在海滩上时活跃的区域完全相同。
For example, if you were asked to imagine a beach, hear the waves, feel the sand, and breathe in the sea air, your brain would fire all the same parts as if you had really been at a beach.
否则,这种创新不会发生在中国,而且中国人将会在 比方说 , 韩国、日本、美国、新加坡或别的地方进行创新。
Otherwise that innovation will not occur in
China and the Chinese people will do that
[...] innovation, let’s say, in Korea, Japan, [...]
the United States, Singapore or someplace else.
比方说,面 临世界金融危机,国际社会就没有推 卸这一责任,每个国家都不得不以某种方式作出反应。
The international community has not shirked that
[...] responsibility in the face of the [...]
world financial crisis, for example, as every
nation has had to react in one way or another.
当我为 BeoVision 10 进行空间设计时,我希望在四周摆放年代久远的物品 比方说 一 台老式的照相机。
When I style a space with BeoVision 10, I consider using older objects around it, like a vintage camera.
武器走私虽然 需要跨越国界—比方说从美 国和墨西哥之间——但 大数武器是利用造假的文件和受贿的官员通过商业 渠道运送的。
Although arms are smuggled across borders — for example between the United States and Mexico — most weapons are just shipped through commercial channels, relying on fraudulent papers and corrupt officials.
这些传统奶衬必须每隔7天更换一次,而且这还不是奶衬唯一的缺陷 比方说 , 到 了冬季,往往刚开始挤奶,它们就会变得硬邦邦的。
That was not the liners’ only drawback, either – in the winter, for example, they were often simply too hard at the start of milking.
尽可能根据具体案情在最终判决中不仅包含对相关受害者的具体及针 对性补救措施,并且提出一般建议,以确保今后类似的侵犯人权状况不 会再次发生比方说修改法律或惯例。
To include in final decisions on the merits, to the extent possible, not only specific and targeted remedies for the victim in question but also general recommendations in order to ensure the non-repetition of similar violations in the future, such as changes in law or practice.
有了Phalanger扩展,PHP程序可以直接使用.NET类,而.NET程序 比方说 用 C# 编写的)也可以动态地调用PHP脚本,或者使用在PHP中实现的函数和类【6】。
NET classes and .NET programs (e.g. written in C#) can dynamically invoke PHP scripts or use functions and classes implemented in PHP [6].
比方说,有 人在流行音乐电视节目中 提倡抵制对女性实行暴力,于是其他观看节 [...]
目的青少年将受到激发,因为通过电视,反 对性别暴力的行为成为了一种时尚。
Seeing their male peers advocate [...]
for the prevention of violence against women on a popular MTV show, for example, motivated
other adolescents because the youth-oriented show made it ‘hip’ to act against gender violence.
比方说在非 洲,谷歌地图的道路覆盖率从2008年的20%提高到去年的75%,而可以找到详细地图的村镇数量去年实际增长1000%多。
In Africa, for example, road coverage [...]
on Google Maps increased from 20% in 2008 to 75% last year, while the number of towns
and villages for which detailed maps are available grew by more than 1,000%.
例如,在美利坚合众国次贷市场于 2007 年 8 月崩溃后,金融内爆开始,在这之前的三个月,经济合作与发展组 织指出:“美国经济放缓并不是预示着一个全球经济疲软的时期 比方说 ,现 在的情况与 2001 年不同。
For example, three months before the implosion of the financial sector began with the sub-prime market collapse in the United States of America in August 2007, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) took the view that the slowdown in the United States “was not heralding a period of worldwide economic weakness, unlike, for instance, in 2001.
如果第 5(3)(b)和第
[...] 14(1)(b)条的时间门槛降低比方说任何 12 个月期间 的 90 天或 [...]
120 天,来源国就将扩大对商业和专业服务收入的课税权,其中也包 括技术及其他服务的收入。
If the time thresholds for the purposes of articles 5 (3) (b) and 14 (1) (b)
[...] were reduced to, say, 90 or 120 days [...]
in any 12-month period,
source countries would have expanded taxing rights over income from business and professional services, including income from technical and other services.
并非所有人都有这种觉悟 不过 一 部分人的确转变了观念 在我们生活的地 区 群众收入并不高 我们现在明白了当 地野生植物的重要价值 例如 我们现在 考虑的是野生植物是否能创造新的收入来比方说 本地区或许长有某类牧草 这种牧草或许能够改善羊肉的质量
Perhaps there are certain herbs which grow particularly well in our region, and which would, for instance, enhance the meat of our sheep before sale.
比方说,如 果我们谈到达文西,这是一款配备极其精密复杂机芯和功能的腕表,我不会想到要去描述它。
If we talk about the Da Vinci, for example – a watch with an incredibly complicated movement and functions – I wouldn’t dream of trying to describe it.
比方说2010年 的尖阁事件,在日本逮捕了撞击海岸警卫队舰艇的中国船长之后,中国进一步升级了经济报复。
Consider the Senkaku
[...] incident in 2010, when, after Japan [...]
arrested the crew of a Chinese trawler that had rammed a Japanese
coast guard vessel, China escalated its economic reprisals.
比方说, 哥伦比亚副总统 2007 年 9 月到访之后,大韩民国即开始研究如何在考虑到哥伦比 [...]
Since the visit of the
[...] Vice-President of Colombia in September [...]
2007, it had explored ways to cooperate on establishing safe
demining activities in Colombia.
将抽象的词汇或尺寸转换成人们熟 悉的日常事物比方说,直 接把公顷数用相当于多少足球场的面积来描述。
Relate abstract terms and dimensions to everyday things such as converting hectares into football pitches.
比方说,议会举行了听证会,以评价这 些措施。
For example, Parliament has [...]
held hearings to evaluate these measures.
如果需要你可以另行增加比方说con n3 和PC2是空闲的)。
You can add more if you want (conn3, pin PC2 [...]
is e.g free).
比方说,以 前简体中文版的Windows 95就是使用一个叫做“代码页”来定义它使用的字符集,就是,GB2312;而英文版的Windows却只需要ISO-8859-1定义的字符集;然后你会发现一些中文版的软件能够在中文版的操作系统下运行但是却不能在英文版的操作系统下运行或者能够运行也是一堆乱码。
For example, Windows 95 in Simplified Chinese version used something called “code page ” which defines the character [...]
set, in this case,
GB2312; and the English version may just need the Character set, ISO-8859-1; and you will found some software can run on the English version can’t run on the Chinese version or if it can run, the interface is just a mess.
所有的灯具通过72条DALI线进行分配,并配备锐高的智能照明控制元器件 比方说 数 字 可调光PCA EXCEL one4all镇流器,数字可调光TE [...]
one4all变压器和DALI-PCD 300 one4all前后相位调光器以及这些元器件的组合。
The luminaires, which are distributed via 72 DALI lines, are equipped with intelligent lighting control components from
Tridonic, i.e. with digital dimmable PCA EXCEL
[...] one4all control gear, digital dimmable [...]
TE one4all transformers and leading-edge
or trailing-edge DALI-PCD 300 one4all phase dimmers, and combined into groups.
Say the office if we switch [...]
to LED lighting, LED lamp is relatively cheap way to replace the grid lamps, but if you run
out of better uniformity of LED panel light is also very good, in terms of cost differences, individual companies, office building needs assessment and absorption.
此外,哥比亚还报告说,该国与厄瓜多尔签署了有关交流残疾人问 方面 的良好做法的协定。
In addition, Colombia reported that it signed an agreement with Ecuador to exchange good practices in the disability field.
必须承认,在纽约的各翻译处每天 24 小时工作, 一般说比在日内瓦的对方更可靠。
It was important to acknowledge that
translation services in
[...] New York, which were available 24 hours a day, had generally been more reliable than their Geneva [...]
同样明显的是,对于一个 众所周知借助酷刑对待犯人的政府而言,任 何一个落在其手中扣押犯的证词都不 会与埃塞比亚政府的方说法相 左,因为这将给在押人带来严重的后果。
It is also clear that any testimony by detainees in the hands of a Government that is well known for routinely resorting to torture cannot contradict the official Ethiopian Government version as this would lead to severe consequences for the detainees.
她最说,比利时承诺继续同执行委员会成员、各执行机构和各缔 方 合 作,寻求 核准氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的合理做法,同时顾及缔约方的任务和各缔约方的国情。
She concluded by expressing Belgium’s commitment to continue to work with other Executive Committee members, [...]
the implementing agencies and the Parties to find a reasonable approach to approving
HPMPs, taking into account both the mandate from the Parties and the Parties’ national circumstances.
他在信中特别解说,比利时在 其初步反对意见的第 85 段指出,“瑞士表示…… [瑞士]联邦最高法院在其 2008 年 9 月 30 日判决中提及比利时未来判决的“不可识别性”,而这并不具有既判案 件的效力,对方县级 法院或联邦最高法院本身也不具约束力,因此,一旦比利 时作出判决,将没有办法阻止其按照条约适用规定在瑞士得到认可”。
In his letter, the agent explained in particular that Belgium had taken note that, in paragraph 85 of its preliminary objections, “Switzerland states ... that the reference by the [Swiss] Federal Supreme Court in its 30 September 2008 judgment to the ‘non-recognizability’ of a future [...]
Belgian judgment does not
have the force of res judicata and does not bind either the lower cantonal courts or the Federal Supreme Court itself, and that there is therefore nothing to prevent a Belgian judgment, once handed down, from being recognized in Switzerland in accordance with the applicable treaty provision”.
一种被称为“灰色工作”的工作指的是从形式上看起来是合法规范的,但是却 带有不规范的因素在里面:工作时间不符(一般 说 他 们 让你工作的工作时间超过法律所规 定的时间);一部分的工资在“工资单以外”支付(你得到的工资和合同上的不符,会比合 同上的工资多或者很多时候比合同上的少);在合同上注明的工作种类不同于事实上你在工 作中所作的事情比方上在 合同上注明你是一般工人或搬运工,而事实上你是一个专业工人 或是一个酒店的前台工作人员)。
There is the so-called “grey work”, i.e. work which is formally regular, but which includes some elements of irregularity: different working hours (often you are made to work more hours than those permitted by law);
a part of your payment is not
[...] registered on the pay bill (i.e. you receive a wage which is different from the contractual one, it can be higher or, often, also lower); you are taken on with a qualification (for example of simple worker or porter) which is different from the duties you really carry out (as a matter of fact you are a specialised worker or you work at the reception of a hotel).
这 4 个指标来自:㈠ 各区域局的平
衡计分卡,采用令人满意的国家办事处业绩指标的百分比,说明国家办事处的整 体有效业绩;㈡
[...] 执行平衡计分卡,采用上报的将按期取得或已完成的成果的百比,说明采用机方案指导与监督的实效和情况;㈢ 执行平衡计分卡,采用 [...]
的最佳做法的了解和问责情况;㈣ 审计和调查处(审调处)数据库,采用已经印 发的内有低评分的风险审计报告的百分比,说明需要大幅改进问责、业务实效和 风险管理。
They are drawn from: (i) regional bureaux balanced scorecards, using the percentage of countryoffice performance indicators that are satisfactory as representative of overall effective country-office performance; (ii) the executive balance scorecard, using the percentage of outcomes that are reported as either on-track or achieved as
representative of the
[...] effectiveness and application of corporate programme guidance and [...]
oversight; (iii) the executive balanced
scorecard, using the percentage of evaluations with management responses as representative of awareness by country-office management, and their accountability for, lessons learned and identified best practices; and (iv) the Office of Audit and Investigations (OAI) database, using the percentage of risk-based audit reports issued with unsatisfactory ratings as representative of the need for significantly improved accountability, operational effectiveness and risk management.




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