

单词 毒物质

See also:


poisonous substance


物质 n

substances pl
material n
matter n

External sources (not reviewed)

氰化 物,与采掘业相关的另一种常见 毒物质 , 也不在《斯德哥尔摩公约》的范围之 内,因为它不符合生物积累标准。
Cyanide, another common toxic substance associated [...]
with extractive industries, is also not within the scope of the Stockholm
Convention because it does not meet the bio-accumulation criterion.
一些毒物质会导 致基因缺陷,而一些基 因缺陷又可以遗传给下一代。
Some toxics can cause genetic damage, [...]
and some genetic defects can be passed to offspring.
[...] 方便了人们的生活,但塑料的制造、使用和处置却 使人暴露于毒物质中。
Plastic is convenient, but making it, using it, and disposing of it
[...] can expose people to toxics.
援助活动侧重于批准、执 行和实施经 1978 年议定书修订的《国际防止船舶造成污染公约》(1973
[...] 洋环境保护委员会的相关规则、标准、指导方针和建议;《国际油污防备、反应 和合作公约》(1990 年)及其《对危险和毒物质污染 事故防备、反应和合作的议 定书》(2000 年);《控制船舶有害防污系统国际公约》(2001 [...]
年)和《控制和管理 船只压载水和沉积物国际公约》(2004 年)。
Assistance has focused on the ratification, implementation and enforcement of the following conventions: the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (1973), as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto, and related rules, standards, guidelines and recommendations of the Marine Environment Protection Committee; the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation (1990) and its Protocol on
Preparedness, Response and Cooperation to Pollution Incidents by
[...] Hazardous and Noxious Substances (2000); the International [...]
Convention on
the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships (2001); and the International Convention on the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (2004).
[...] 1976(2011)号决议有力强 调了需要调查威胁到索马里人健康和生计的非法捕 鱼和在该国沿海倾倒毒物质的问题。
We would also like to recall here that resolution 1976 (2011) importantly highlights the need to investigate the threats to the
health and livelihoods of Somalis related to illegal fishing
[...] and the dumping of toxic substances off the country’s coast.
例如,可持续消费与生产可 能需要实现下列目标:转向
[...] 100%使用可再生能源、完全恢复自然环境、全面废除毒物质、零 废物、在所有商品和服务的生产和开发阶段考虑到所有外部效应并 [...]
For example, sustainable consumption and production might require goals such as a 100 per cent transition to renewable energy, full restoration
of the natural environment, a
[...] complete phase-out of toxic materials, zero waste, [...]
all externalities included and responsibly
dealt with in the manufacture and development of all goods and services, and provision for respecting basic human rights, providing services, and meeting needs, for all peoples.
项目涵 盖毒物质、微 量元素,以及它们对环境和公众健康影响问题之间的关系;综合生物学及生 [...]
态学的复杂性;拉丁美洲在生物物理学方面的能力建设问题;数学教育的标准和目标方面的 国际观点;提高妇女在物理学领域的作用;实现共享科学信息的电子手段;气象预报;转基
They cover the
[...] relationship between toxic metals, trace elements [...]
and their impact on environmental and public health issues;
integrative biology and ecological complexity; Latin American capacity-building in biophysics; an international perspective on standards and goals for mathematics education; the promotion of women’s role in physics; an electronic way of sharing scientific information; weather forecasting; genetically modified crops; and establishment of a new framework for ocean research in the earth system science.
这条 规定明显适用于医药制品和毒品、赃物、放射性材料、 毒物质 、 爆炸 品、证券、贷款或任何其他金融工具,以及侵犯著作权、版权、商标 [...]
权、商业秘密、任何其他 IP 权利、个人权利或者第三方数据保护权利的 客体或服务,或者违反竞争法规定的邀约。
This notably applies to medicinal
products and drugs, stolen goods,
[...] radioactive materials, toxic substances, explosives, [...]
securities, loans or any other financial
instruments as well as to objects or services infringing on copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, any other IP rights, personality rights or third-party data protection rights, or offers which violate provisions under competition law.
在独立国家联合体反恐中心派有代表的上海合作组织成员国主管机关举办 了一系列商定的部门间活动和特别行动,预防、查明和制止恐怖性质的犯罪;走 私武器、弹药、烈物质、有毒物质 、 毒 剂 、放射性物质和爆炸物;非法生产和 贩运大规模毁灭性武器部件。
The competent services of member States represented at the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Counter-terrorism Centre have carried out a range of concerted interdepartmental activities and special
operations aimed at
[...] disclosing and tracking down terrorist crimes, trafficking in arms, ammunition, virulent, poisonous, toxic, radioactive [...]
and explosive substances
and the illegal production and circulation of components of weapons of mass destruction.
(c) 向儿童提供有关毒物质的准确和客观的资料,并对力图放弃使用或 依赖此种物质的人提供支助。
(c) Providing children with accurate and objective
[...] information on toxic substances, as well as [...]
support to those attempting to abandon their use or dependency.
它还阐述采购或“绿色采购”的环保问题以及产品寿命周期或“可持续性原 则”。58
[...] 《准则》援引联合国每年更新的《产品综合清单》,也具体指导如何 避免使用有害于环境的产品,比如石棉和 毒物质 , 并 且指明商品和服务供应的 规格,包括家具和木制品、纸和纸制品、办公设备、以及地毯和纺织品。
It also addresses the environmental aspects of procurement or “green procurement” and product life cycles or the “sustainability principle”.58 Referring to the “Consolidated List of Products” updated yearly by the United Nations, the Guidelines also provide specific guidance on how to avoid the use of
products harmful to the environment,
[...] such as asbestos and toxic substances, and give specifications [...]
on the supply of goods and
services, including furniture and wood products, paper and paper products, office equipment, and carpets and textiles.
以统筹一致的方式处理索马里沿海海盗 问题,以期有效解决海盗活动的根本原因以及影
[...] 响到索马里人民生计和福祉的其他同样严重的 威胁,特别是在索马里沿海从事非法捕捞和倾倒毒物质和废料的现象”。
the issue of piracy off the coast of Somalia in a holistic manner, with the view to effectively addressing its underlying causes and other equally serious threats which affect the livelihood and well being
of the Somali people, in particular illegal
[...] fishing and dumping of toxic substances and waste off the coast [...]
of Somalia”.
因此,《有害和毒物质公约 》的生效会有助于填补一个重要 的管理空白,且对国际社会有相当大好处。
Therefore, entry into force of the amended HNS Convention would help close an important regulatory gap and be of considerable benefit to the international community.
对人们吸现代卷烟的方式所进行的分析表明尼古丁、致癌物和 毒物质 的 实际吸入量依赖于吸烟的强度和 方法,与声明的焦油含量没有多少关系。
Analysis of the ways in which people smoke modern
cigarettes shows that actual doses of
[...] nicotine, carcinogens and toxins depend on the intensity [...]
and method of smoking and have little
relation to stated tar yields.
本报告依照安全理事会第 1976(2011)号决议提交,其中安理会请我提交报
[...] 告,说明保护索马里自然资源和水域的情况以及有关在索马里沿海进行非法捕鱼 和非法倾倒、包括倾倒毒物质的指 控。
The present report is submitted pursuant to paragraph 7 of Security Council resolution 1976 (2011), in which the Council requested me to report on the protection of Somali natural resources
and waters and on alleged illegal fishing and illegal
[...] dumping, including of toxic substances, off the coast of Somalia.
它们包括我们的手持式 RAID-M 100,旨在调查泄漏的毒物质和化 学品,并提供即时、准确的探测结果。
Our handheld RAID-M 100 makes the
[...] search for leaks of toxic materials and chemicals [...]
simple and provides instantaneous and accurate detection results.
另据报道,负责对指定环境清理场地进行健康危害评估的美国 毒物质 和疾 病登记局曾于 2003 年表示,它没有发现海军在别克斯岛几十年的活动对健康有 [...]
负面影响,但在 2009 年年中决定对其先前的调查结果展开复议。
It has also been reported that the United
[...] States Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, [...]
mandated to assess health hazards
at sites designated for environmental clean-ups, and which had said in 2003 that it had found no negative effects on health from the Navy’s decades on Vieques, decided in mid-2009 to begin a review of its earlier findings.
为应对重大环境事故,美国 1986
[...] 年通过了《应急计划与社区知情权法案》,紧接着在 1989 年实行了毒物质排放清单(TRI)。
Responding to devastating environmental accidents, the US passed the Emergency
Response and Community Right to Know Act of 1986 followed by the
[...] implementation of the Toxic Release Inventory [...]
(TRI) in 1989.
如果不经妥善处理和处置,这些废物可能成为对人体健康和水 生生物具有潜在威胁的病原体、营养素和 毒物质 的 重 要来源,特别是在原生 态沿海地区。
If not properly treated and disposed of, such wastes can
become a significant source of
[...] pathogens, nutrients and toxic substances potentially threatening [...]
to human health and aquatic
life, particularly in environmentally pristine coastal areas.
与阿多尼斯的战斗后,野兽男孩被扔到隐藏的变异化学品和 毒物质 浸 泡
After a battle with Adonis, Beast Boy gets flung into stash of mutating chemicals
[...] and soaked with the toxic substance.
将在 2012 年 3 月 8 日之前向毒物质和疾 病登记局提交公众的评论意见,此后,登记 局将提出一份最后报告,纳入关于别克斯岛今后工作的建议。
Public comments were to be submitted
[...] to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry [...]
by 8 March 2012, subsequent to
which it would issue a final report that would include recommendations for future work to be carried out on Vieques.
我敦促会员国响应安全理事会的呼吁,调查关于非法捕鱼和非法倾倒、包括 倾倒毒物质的指 控,以便对其管辖范围内犯下这种罪行的个人或实体进行起 诉。
I urge Member States to heed the call of the Security Council to investigate allegations
of illegal fishing and illegal
[...] dumping, including of toxic substances, with a view to [...]
prosecuting such offences when committed
by persons or entities under their jurisdiction.
正因为如此,几乎 Apple
[...] 的每件产品都采用高度可回收的材料 (如铝金属) 制成,并且我们拒绝在组件中使用有害的 毒物质。
That’s why nearly every Apple
product is made from highly recyclable materials like aluminum, and why we
[...] refuse to use harmful toxins in our components.
[...] 处理、再利用和管理的适当系统,以及保护海洋和沿海区免受废物和 毒物质影 响 的机制,包括创建和加强传播无害环境的适当技术、回收和处理技术有关信息 [...]
Call upon the international community to further assist small island developing States in the development of appropriate systems for recycling, waste minimization and treatment, reuse and management, and
mechanisms to protect the oceans and coastal
[...] areas from waste and toxic materials, including [...]
through the creation and strengthening
of systems and networks for the dissemination of information on appropriate environmentally sound technologies, recycling and disposal technologies
诸如炸药、压缩气体、氧化剂、腐蚀剂、易燃液体和固体、装载子弹的枪械、放射性 质 和 有 毒物质 都 属 于危险物品。
Items such as explosives, compressed gases,
oxidizers, corrosives, flammable liquids and solids, loaded firearms,
[...] radioactive materials and poisons are considered hazardous.
特 别 是在 1 607 个目标村庄的水井里化验有没有 毒物质 ( 砷 ), 包括在 磅清扬省、磅通 省、波 罗勉省、 [...]
磅湛省、 桔井省和 金边城 市 地 区 的 水井, 以 确 定 井水是 否 可以饮 用。
Especially, test for poisonous substances (arsenics) should [...]
be done for wells in 1,607 targeted villages include in Kampong
Chhnang, Kampong Thom, Prey Veng, Kampong Cham, Kratie and urban areas around Phnom Penh, to define whether or not the water of those wells is drinkable.
准则》援引联合国每年更新的《产品综合清单》,也具体指导如何 避免使用有害于环境的产品,比如石棉和 毒物质 , 并 且指明商品和服务供应的 规格,包括家具和木制品、纸和纸制品、办公设备、以及地毯和纺织品。
It also addresses the environmental aspects of procurement or “green procurement” and product life cycles or the “sustainability principle”.58 Referring to the “Consolidated List of Products” updated yearly by the United Nations, the Guidelines also provide specific guidance on how to avoid the use of products harmful to the environment, such as asbestos and toxic substances, and give specifications on the supply of goods and services, including furniture and wood products, paper and paper products, office equipment, and carpets and textiles.
(b) 1996 年《有害和毒物质公约 》的2010年4 月的《议定书》;(c)在世 界海关组织、国际海事组织和国际标准化组织的主持下以及在国家和区域层面在 海事和供应链安全领域的制定标准活动和其他措施。
Relevant regulatory and legal developments in the field of transport and trade reported in the Review of Maritime Transport 2010 included, in particular: (a) the ongoing negotiation at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) of an international regime to mitigate carbon emissions from international shipping; (b) the adoption of the April 2010 Protocol to the 1996 HNS Convention; and (c) standard-setting activities and other measures in the field of maritime and supply-chain security, under the auspices of WCO, IMO and ISO, and also at the national and regional level.
二月份,负责庄臣“全球公司事务、沟通和可持续 性”的高级副总裁 Kelly Semrau 代表公司,向参 议院环境及公共工程委员会的超级基金、 毒物 质和环境健康分委会阐述了改革《 毒物质 控 制法 案》的必要性。
Learn more at www.scjohnson.com/sustainability In February, Kelly semrau, senior Vice President – global Corporate Affairs, Communication and sustainability for sC Johnson, testified on behalf of the company before the
U.s. senate
[...] subcommittee on superfund, toxics and environmental Health of the Committee on environment and Public Works about the need to modernize the toxic substances Control Act (tsCA).




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