

单词 每隔一的


每隔一(段时间)的 adj

alternate adj

See also:


separate v
isolate v

at a distance from
after or at an interval of
stand or lie between

External sources (not reviewed)

例如, 若您在扫描体检表每隔一页上的信 息 为两行无需保存的免责声明,则选择 包含此信息的页面近似百分比 [...]
(即 4%)。
For example, if you are scanning medical forms and the
[...] only information on every other page is a 2-line [...]
disclaimer notification that you do
not need to keep, select the approximate percentage of the page that includes this information (i.e, 4%).
每隔一小时的新闻 谈话商品或特定的商品。
Every hour the news talk about commodities [...]
or on a specific commodity.
由於這份附錄收集了眾多臨時措施,所以 每隔一 段 時 間根據沙的流行病學及臨床進程而重新檢閱。
As a collection of interim measures, this Appendix should be reviewed in the course of time in accordance with the epidemiology and clinical course of SARS.
教科文组织自然科学部门应每隔一 段 时 间监督和评估工作重的成果;在 C/3 中向会员国报告结果;并继续努力制订切实可行的结 果评估措施。
UNESCO Natural Sciences Sector should monitor and
evaluate the outcomes of
[...] main lines of action at appropriate intervals; report the results to Member States [...]
in the C/3; and continue
efforts to develop realistic results measures.
但 是,由於政府反對,指我們其中一些條文,特別是“確保公眾得以取用其所 提供的資訊和服務”及每隔一段合 理 的 時 期,或應立法會委員會的請求” 須檢討有關政策等,由於諮詢及培訓員工等部分涉及公帑,所以不准提出。
However, due to the opposition from the Government, which says that some of the provisions, in particular, those on "ensuring public access to
information and services that the
[...] Government provides" and "reviewing the relevant policies at reasonable intervals or at the request [...]
of a committee of
the Legislative Council" would involve a review of the relevant policies and on the ground that consultation and staff training would incur public expenditure, so we have not been allowed to propose these provisions.
该部提请注意,一些建议是以过程为导向的,只有根据内部审 计师协会标的规定在每隔五年安排 一 次 的 下 一 次外部同行审查中获得积极反 馈评价后,才可被认为“已执行”。
The Department called attention to the fact that certain recommendations were process-oriented and could be considered implemented only upon positive
feedback in the next external
[...] peer review assessment scheduled every five years as mandated under the [...]
Institute of Internal Audit standards.
在捍衛香港穩定大聯盟主辦的遊行中,我們在皇后大道中接近雪廠街的行人天橋上設立了一個點算站,然 每隔一 分 鐘 點算經過該 的 遊 行 人數,亦即從龍頭到達開始點算一分鐘、休息一分鐘、再點算一分鐘、再休息一分鐘,餘此類推,直至龍尾離開為止。
The process of counting for one minute and then skipping the subsequent minute was repeated until the march ended.
还建议 应当考虑有否可能每个委员每隔一 年 举 行一次会议,即两个委员 的 届 会隔 年交替举行。
It was also suggested that consideration should be given to the possibility of each Commission holding a session every other year, [...]
with the two Commissions alternating years.
(a) 公司应发布包括经审计的会计报表在 的 年 度 报表,并 每隔一 段 时间向会员国提交公 司财务状况汇总表及损益表,以说明公司的运营状况。
(a) The Corporation shall publish an annual report
[...] containing an audited statement of its accounts and shall circulate to members at appropriate intervals a summary [...]
statement of its financial
position and a profit and loss statement showing the results of its operations.
假 若薪酬水平調查每 隔 三 至 五 年進一次 , 我們建議當局 可以考慮參 考 巿場上現的薪酬趨勢分析資料,而毋 需安排進行專設 的薪 酬趨勢分析。
If the pay level survey is conducted at a frequency of three to five years, we recommend that the Administration may consider making reference to pay trend analyses available in the market, instead of conducting customised pay trend analyses.
在此方面,预计论坛将在委员会会议间歇期间召开 每隔一 年 举 行一次,以 便确保及时审议新出的问题
In this respect, it is
[...] expected that the Forum will meet in the intervals between sessions of the Committee, in [...]
alternate years,
so as to ensure the timely review of emerging issues.
秘书处继续采取一切必要措施从速处 理,除其他外包括每隔 60 至 90 天向会员国常驻代表团发送催复通知,要求提 供完成索赔处理程序所的进一步相 关信息;向常驻代表团通报维持和平特派团 中本国国民的死亡或受重伤情况,并提醒代表团提出索赔;向常驻代表团提供有 关死亡和伤残赔偿权利以及索赔程序的指导;与维和特派团进行后续联系,确认 [...]
The Secretariat continues to take all necessary measures to expedite the process, which includes,
inter alia, sending
[...] reminders to permanent missions every 60 to 90 days to submit additional relevant information required to finalize processing of their claims; notifying [...]
permanent missions
when their nationals die or sustain serious injuries in peacekeeping missions, and reminding them to submit claims; providing guidance to Permanent Missions on death and disability compensation entitlements, and on procedures for submitting claims; following up with peacekeeping missions to obtain confirmation of notification of casualty; and regular follow-up with the Medical Services Division of the Department of Management following the submission of death and disability claims for their review.
通过这 些测试,开展评估活动的国家寻求对其教育体 的 绩 效 有 一 个 整 体了解,通每 隔三年 提供信息来设定教育标准并能够了解造成在评估结果中发现的缺陷的原 因和后果。
With these tests, the countries
that are being assessed
[...] seek to gain an overview of the performance of their education systems, supplying information every three years to set [...]
education standards and
to be able to understand the causes and consequences of the deficiencies observed in their results.
最後一次區議會前瞻選舉」調查每次都是在區議會選舉前約一星期進行,由於區議會選舉通常都 每隔 四 年 的 十 一 月 中 舉行,因此「最後一次區議會前瞻選舉」調查亦通常在區議會選舉年的十一月中進行。
Because District Council election is
[...] usually held in November every four years, the "final [...]
wave of District Council pre-election
survey" is therefore conducted in mid-November in District Council election year.
一决议第 11 段要求委 员会开展以下工作:在监察组的支助下监测旅行禁令和冻结资产规定的执行情 况;向所有会员国、特别是该区域各国索取关于它们为切实执行旅行禁令和冻结 资产规定而采取的行的信息;至 每隔 120 天向安理会报告其工作以及第 1844 (2008)号决议的执行情况。
By paragraph 11 of the same resolution, the Committee was entrusted with, inter alia, the tasks of monitoring the implementation of the travel ban and assets freeze, with the support of the
[...] Monitoring Group; of seeking from all Member States, in particular those in the region, information regarding the actions taken by them to implement effectively the travel ban and assets freeze; and of reporting to the Council at least every 120 days on its work and on the implementation of resolution 1844 (2008).
每隔一年轮 流在地区召开国际生物伦理委员 的 例 会 和在各地区举办世界科学知识与 技术伦理委员会的例会也为在地区和国家一级促进和传播原则、实践与伦理准则及加强地区 [...]
The organization of
[...] the ordinary session of IBC every second year in one of the regions and the organization [...]
of the ordinary
sessions of COMEST in one of the regions also play an important role in facilitating the promotion and dissemination of principles, practices and ethical norms both regionally and nationally and in enhancing regional and national activities within the field of ethics of science and technology.
在最的 10 个工作小时之后应检查其张紧度,以 每隔 50 个 小时进一次。
Belt tension is to be checked after first 10 operating hours and then every 50 operating hours.
2004 年 7
[...] 月,大会第五十八届会议续会在题为“大会工作的振兴 的 项 目下 决每隔一年将 题为“全球道路安全危机”的项目分配给第三委员会审议(第 [...]
58/316 号决议,附件第 4 段(h))。
At its resumed fifty-eighth session, in July 2004, under the item entitled “Revitalization of the
work of the General Assembly”,
[...] the General Assembly decided that the item entitled “Global [...]
road safety crisis” should be
allocated for consideration every other year in the Third Committee (resolution 58/316, annex, para. 4 (h)).
因兩輛電動客貨車每的行駛 里程有別,EV-1 只每隔 2 至 3 天才充一次,而 EV-2 則需每日進行充電。
Due to the difference in their daily
[...] mileage, EV-2 has to be charged on a daily basis while EV-1 was charged once every 2 or 3 days.
[...] 2011 年 6 月 30 日和 7 月 1 日在日内瓦召开的第二十三次主席会 的 报告 (A/66/175)中有一项建议,即主席会议 每隔一 年在不同区域举行一次,以期加强人权条约的实施工作, 提高人们对条约机构工作的认识,加强国际和区域人 [...]
The report of the Chairs of the human rights treaty bodies on their twenty-third meeting, held in Geneva on 30 June and 1 July 2011 (A/66/175)
included a recommendation
[...] that the meeting of the Chairs should be held every other year in different regions with a view to [...]
enhancing the implementation
of the human rights treaties, raising awareness of the work of the treaty bodies, and strengthening synergies between international and regional human rights mechanisms and institutions.
如果我們期的巴士每隔一小時 ,這一次來太早,有時太晚了,我們可以說時間從原先預期的時鐘偏差。
If we expect a bus every hour and this time comes [...]
too early and sometimes too late, we can speak of a temporal deviation
from the originally expected time clock.
根据 1967 年 4 月的第 74(XXIII)号决议,自 1963 年起,作为经社 会法定机的亚洲 及太平洋人口问题部长级会 每隔 10 年一次, 该 会议帮助成员国制订政策和方案,并就解决与人口相关问题的最佳方式达 [...]
Commission pursuant to resolution 74 (XXIII) of April 1967, the
ministerial-level Asian and
[...] Pacific Population Conferences have been convened every 10 years, starting in 1963, helping member States [...]
to shape their policies
and programmes and reach a consensus on the best way to tackle population-related issues.
我們並且認為,在更完的公務員薪酬調整機制下 每隔一 段時 間定期進行薪酬水平調查,並在有充分理據的情況下相應地 調整公務員薪酬,有助確保公務員薪酬不會高於私營機構薪酬水 平。
We further consider that the conduct of pay level
[...] surveys at periodic and regular intervals (as entailed under the improved [...]
civil service pay adjustment
mechanism) and the consequential adjustments to civil service pay, as justified, would go a long way to ensuring that civil service pay does not outstrip private sector pay.
第二天,庭长发布一项命 令,要求黎巴嫩当局:(a) 确保被拘留者与律师进行 自由和私密沟通的权利得到全面落实,及(b) 终止被拘留的隔离制度,确保他 们有权在提出申请每天相 互沟通两小时。
The following day, the
[...] President issued an order requesting the Lebanese authorities to: (a) ensure that the right of the detained to freely and privately communicate with their counsel was fully implemented; and (b) terminate the regime of segregation of the detained persons and ensure that they were allowed to communicate with one another upon request for a period of two hours per day.
但是,由论坛启动的新工作方法, 包括新的报告周期(在一个年 度会议期间让有限的几家机构提交深度报告),为 我们提供了一个有的机制,能够确保各个机构可选 每隔 几 年进 行 一 次 深 入报 道,从而使具体成果的报告变得更为容易。
However, the new working methods initiated by the Forum, including the new reporting cycle, which allows
for the in-depth
[...] reporting of a limited number of agencies per annual session, provides a useful mechanism to ensure that agencies can elect for in-depth reporting every few years, thereby making it easier to report [...]
on concrete outcomes.
该文件载有尼日利亚政府的一项提议,该提议反映了开发计 划署与秘书处在澄清《协定》内容方面达 的 协 议,该提议表示 每隔一 项 供 资申请都应 附有一份消费情况核查报告。
The document contained a proposal from the Government of Nigeria, which reflected an agreement between UNDP and the Secretariat to seek clarification regarding the text of the
Agreement and indicated that verification of
[...] consumption would be provided with requests for every second funding tranche.
他開始將手下最資深的那些公務員——那些擔任副部長職務多年,非常熟悉自己部門業 的 人 , 每隔一 兩 年 就對調工作,結果使得他們很難在自己管轄的部門積累知識和經驗,難以制定有效的政策。
His most senior public servants — the deputy ministers — who had become used to serving in single
departments for years, began to be
[...] shuffled into new jobs every few years, making it [...]
harder for them to develop the knowledge
and experience necessary to shape policy effectively.
2000 年,大会第五十五届会议决每隔一 年 将 这一分项目列入大会议程(第 55/185 号决议)并在其下一届会议上请经济及社会理事会审议加强科学和技术促 进发展委员的方式(第 56/182 号决议)。
At its fifty-fifth session, in 2000, the General Assembly decided to include this sub-item in its agenda on a biennial basis (resolution 55/185) and at its next session invited the Economic and Social Council [...]
to consider measures to strengthen
the Commission on Science and Technology for Development (resolution 56/182).
从早 7 时 10 分到晚 8 时 10 分每隔一小时 有一趟从机场到维也纳国际中的班车,从早 6 时 10 分至晚 7 时 10 分每隔一小时 有一趟从维也纳国际中心 开往机场的班车。
Buses leave the airport for the
[...] Vienna International Centre every hour from 7.10 a.m. to 8.10 p.m. and leave the Vienna International Centre for the airport every hour from 6.10 a.m. to [...]
7.10 p.m.




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