

单词 每日电讯报

See also:


(soup etc) of the day

每日 adv

everyday adj



External sources (not reviewed)

1874 年,斯坦利获得
[...] Herald(纽约先驱报)和 London Daily Telegraph(伦每日电讯报)的 联合资助,再度前往非洲探索广阔的中非地域。
In 1874, Stanley undertook another
African expedition, also sponsored by the
[...] Herald with the London Daily Telegraph, to explore [...]
vast areas of Central Africa.
Malcolm Moore,《新病 例激增 45%,中国面临艾滋病“瘟疫”》, 每日电讯报 》 , 2009 年 3 月 30 日。
Malcolm Moore, “China facing HIV ‘plague’ as
[...] new cases leap 45 per cent”, The Telegraph, 30 March 2009.
As a result, ordinary phones and fax machines, which are not considered secure communications equipment, were used to send daily reports, instead.
(c) 以电传、电报或图文传真或其他长途电子资信系统方式发出的通知,应在 发送电传电报讯息翌日视为送达。
(c) A notice sent by cable, telex or facsimile transmission message by other remote electronic
information delivery system shall be deemed to have been
[...] served on the day following the despatch of the cable or telex message.
他们用阿拉伯文发 布了关于臭氧日的重要性讯息, 并且 每日电 台 广 播节目“Akthar Min Sawt”重点介绍了《蒙特利尔议定书》的成功。
They gave a message in Arabic on the importance
[...] of Ozone Day and highlighted the success of the Montreal Protocol for the daily radio broadcast [...]
"Akthar Min Sawt" The
program is presented by Mr. Fayez Makdessi.
电讯经常有多媒体材料和互动功能作补充,如图 报 道 画廊 、 每 月 头 条新闻 精粹、新闻知识问答项目及相关的音频和视频链接。
News dispatches were frequently supplemented by multimedia materials and interactive features, such as Photo Stories galleries, monthly Top Stories [...]
selections, News Quiz
entries and related audio and video links.
此外,联利特派团综合特派团培训中心 在当日报和网 站上搜索职位空缺信息 每 月 通过 电子邮 件将此信息通报给所有本国工作人员。
In addition, the UNMIL Integrated
Mission Training Centre
[...] researches both local daily newspapers and websites for job vacancies and informs all national staff about them in monthly e-mails.
追踪源于网报告或每日资讯的gif 图像将有助于我们了解您的喜好。
Tracking gifs are small image files
within the content of our site or the
[...] body of our newsletters so we or third parties can [...]
understand which parts of the website
are visited or whether particular content is of interest.
电台担任了极其重要的社会作 用,是人民群众最广泛使用的讯方 式 , 每 个 区至少有一个社 电 台。
Radio assumes a highly important social
function as the means of communication most used by the
[...] population, and all districts have at least one community radio.
通过在线和因特网传送文件,推出在 线 电 子 版 每日简 讯以及 网上实时发布会议的进展情况,尤其是有关各 选举结果的信息,这些都促进了代表们参与会议的程 度。
The posting of documents on the Internet, the
[...] introduction of an online electronic journal, and the dissemination [...]
on the Web in real time
of information on events concerning the work of the session, including the results of various elections, facilitated the delegates’ participation in the meetings.
电压调整器只能利每条报文的 一个数据组处理通用分类命令。
The voltage regulator can only process generic commands with one data set per message.
203. 这位代报告了 粮农组织/国际原子能机构联合司近期开展以及正在开展的活动, 包括:为国际原子能机构事件和应急中心的粮农组织事务处配备人员;通过辐射与核 事故紧急情况机构间委员会(IACRNE)参加 讯/电讯 会 议 ;合作编写粮农组织/国际 原子能机构/世卫组织与食品安全和国际标准的使用相关的联合“问题与解答”;参加 派日本的 粮农组织/国际原子能机构食品安全联合评估团;以及促进对粮食和农业造 成影响的放射性污染方面的知识和信息共享。
The Representative reported on recent and on-going activities of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division, including: staffing the FAO Desk in the IAEA Incident and Emergency Centre; participation in video/teleconferences through the Inter Agency Committee on Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies (IACRNE); collaboration in the preparation of joint FAO/IAEA/WHO “questions and answers” related to food safety and the application of international standards; participation in a Joint FAO/IAEA Food Safety Assessment Mission to Japan; and promoting knowledge [...]
and information sharing
on radioactive contamination affecting food and agriculture.
[...] 全国周知的女发言人,并且曾经出现在CNN、PBS、NBC,以及大量的贸易及国家出版物上,包括《华 尔日报》、《Barons》、《无线电通 讯报 告 》、《无线周刊》、《美国网络及专用电缆杂志》。
She is a nationally recognized spokeswomen for the emerging alternative video and information delivery industries and has appeared on CNN, PBS, NBC, as well as numerous trade and national
publications including Wall
[...] Street Journal, Barons, Radio Communications Report, Wireless Week, America’s [...]
Network and Private Cable Magazine.
它还出版每月网上通讯,及时报道 并 详细分析不扩 散、裁军和军备控制等重要问题上的最新事态发展。
It also published a monthly online newsletter to provide timely [...]
coverage and detailed analysis of recent developments on
important issues in non-proliferation, disarmament and arms control.
(c) 国家已按照附录 4-A 规定的形式提交了涵盖上一个日历年的年度执行情报 告(“年度执行情报告和 计划格式”),该国完成了之前已核准付款中规 定的大部分执行行动,并且之前已核准付款可提供的资金发放率超过 20%; 以及 (d) 国家按照附录 4-A 规定的形式提交了涵每个日历年 的付款执行计划,其中 包括供资日程表预计在完成所有预期活动之前提交下一次付款或者最后一次 付款的年份。
(c) That the Country had submitted annual implementation reports in the form of
Appendix 4-A (“Format of
[...] Implementation Reports and Plans”) covering each previous calendar year; that it had achieved a significant level of implementation of activities initiated with previously approved tranches; and that the rate of disbursement of funding available from the previously approved tranche was more than 20 per cent; and (d) That the Country has submitted an annual implementation plan in the form of Appendix 4-A covering each calendar year until and [...]
including the year for
which the funding schedule foresees the submission of the next tranche or, in case of the final tranche, until completion of all activities foreseen.
项目的目的是在阿拉伯地区的公众中最广泛地推广和传播有关知识, 日报 画 报 副刊 每月免费发行,每一期介绍一位杰出的阿拉伯作家。
The project is aimed at distributing and disseminating knowledge among the broadest possible public throughout the Arab region, providing it free of
charge in the form of an illustrated
[...] monthly supplement to a daily newspaper each devoted to an [...]
outstanding Arabic author.
2010 年 4 月 23 日,外国资产管理处公布,佛罗里达的 LD 电讯公司 被罚 款 21 671 美元,原因是向古巴转移有关电讯服务的资金。
On 23 April 2010, the Office of
[...] Foreign Assets Control announced that LD Telecommunications, Inc., a Florida-based company, had [...]
been fined US$
21,671 for initiating funds transfers for the provision of telecommunications services to Cuba.
从我们在浴 室里唱的歌,到我们写日记, 读的书, 看电影, 再到玩电子游戏–每一天都充满了我们自己和别 人的艺术表达。
From the songs we sing in the
[...] shower, to the diary we write, the books we read, the movies we watch, and the video games we play– our day is filled [...]
with artistic expressions
created by ourselves and others.
至少应包括每日更新 以下基本信 息:每个被拘留者到达监狱的准确日期和时间;他们被剥夺自由的合法理由和下 令拘留的机构;任何命令或请求的就诊;任何离开( 如参加法庭讯) 和返 回拘留 地点的日期和时间;转移到其他拘留地点或释放的日期和时间,进行这种转移或 释放的机构;以及关于被拘留者身份的信息,其中包括被拘留者的签名和负责转 移或释放的人的签名。
The following basic information should be included, at a minimum, and updated daily: the precise date and time of arrival of each detainee in the prison; the legal reasons for their deprivation of liberty and the authority which ordered the detention; [...]
any medical visit which
was ordered or requested; the date and time of any removal from detention (for example in the framework of a court hearing) and return to the place of detention; the date and time of the transfer to another place of detention or release, and the authority for this transfer or release; and information about the identity of the detainee, including the detainee’s signature and that of the person responsible for any transfer or release.
获得设施和脱岗权利对于工作人员代表和工作人员代表机构充分有效地发 挥《工作人员条例》和《工作人员细则》指定的正式作用至关重要,这一权利是 ST/AI/293
(1982 年)所保证的,其中规定他们应得到使其能迅速有效地履行其职 责所需要的设施并简述了以下他们能利用的设施:举行会议的空间;秘书用品;
[...] 通知、简报和其他文件的复印和转播设施;在空间或告示栏张贴通知或简报的权 利;和使用电话电报和通讯设施
Access to facilities and release, vital for SRs and SRBs to adequately and effectively perform the official roles assigned to them by the Staff Regulations and Rules is guaranteed by ST/AI/293 (1982) which stipulates that they shall be afforded such facilities as may be required to enable them to carry out their functions promptly and efficiently and outlines the following facilities that they can avail of: space for holding meetings; provision of secretarial assistance; facilities for reproduction and distribution of notices, bulletins and other documents; right to have
notices or bulletins posted at spaces or on bulletin boards; and
[...] use of telephone and cable and communication [...]
小册子、概况介绍、挂图、资料袋:西亚经社会每周新闻(2);有关西亚经社会活动 的小册子、传单、报和其 他宣传材料(2);西亚经社会网站英文和阿拉伯 每日电 子新 闻;西亚经社会部长级会议资料袋;媒体关 报 道 西 亚经社会活动的终结报告 (2)
(iv) Booklets, fact sheets, wallcharts, information kits: ESCWA Weekly News (2);
brochures, pamphlets,
[...] leaflets, posters and other promotional material on ESCWA activities (2); electronic Daily News in English and Arabic on the ESCWA website (2); information kit for the ESCWA ministerial session; media close-out reports on coverage [...]
of ESCWA activities (2)
除了广播外,在一系列主题上,发行 7 种日报和 15 多种注册杂志每 周、每两周或每月出版。
In addition to the broadcasting, 7 daily newspapers and over 15 registered magazines [...]
were released on a range of topics, published either weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
不违反第4条各项之规定,并符合法国政府所参加之国际公 约、条例及协议的情况下,法兰西共和国政府应在邮政、 电话、电报、无线电话、无线电报及无线电传 电报 等通 讯方面,给予该组织不次于其给予其他各国政府,包括外 交使团,在邮件、有线电报、电报、无线电报、传电 报、电话及 其他通讯的优先权、收费及税款方面以及在报 刊与电台发布新闻之收费方面之待遇。
Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 4 and in so far as is compatible with any international conventions, regulations and arrangements to which it is party, the Government of the French Republic shall grant to
the Organization for
[...] communication by post, telephone, telegraph, radio-telephone, radio-telegraph and radio-photo-telegraph, terms at least as favourable as those granted by it to other governments, including diplomatic missions, as regards priorities, tariffs and taxes on mail, cablegrams, telegrams, radio-telegrams, photo-telegrams, telephone calls and [...]
other communications
and also as regards charges payable for press and radio communications.
Converse先生仅发了一电报,内容是他要订购八台水轮机;我应在 日 返 回尼亚加拉大瀑布。
Mr. Converse has
[...] just sent a telegram to say that he is going to order turbine number eight; I am supposed to be back at the Niagara Falls on Sunday.
自从提交现在摆在安理会面前报告 以 来,科索电讯管理 局已采取措施,拆除和销毁科索沃境内无执照 的电信服务供应商的发射器和其他设备,导致少数族裔 地区电信服务,包括应急服务大规模中断。
Since the
[...] submission of the report before the Council, measures taken by the Kosovo Telecommunications Regulatory Authority [...]
to dismantle and
destroy transmitters and other equipment of unlicensed telecommunications service providers in Kosovo led to widespread disruption in the communication infrastructure in minority areas, including for emergency services.
通过举行两个法定委员会的会议,与政府间组织和非 政府组织合作并参加旨在更新会员国、发展中国家立
[...] [...] 法人员和专家知识的国际辩论,使用和宣传了两个基 本文件;在答复会员国的问题及在本组织签订协议 时,提供了有关版权和邻接权的建议和意见 每 季度 出版《著作权报》电子版 (英文、西班牙文、法 文)或印刷版(中文和俄文);广泛传播用英文和法 文发行的《权利集体管理指南》和俄文译本--已经部 [...]
利亚、中国(总干事亲自揭幕)、格鲁吉亚和约旦设 立了 4 个专门进行著作权和邻接权教学的教科文组织 新教席。
Administration and promotion of the two basic texts by means of the meeting of the two statutory committees, cooperation with IGOs and NGOs and participation in international debates with a view to enriching the knowledge of Member States, legislators and specialists in the developing countries; Advice provided on copyright and neighbouring rights in reply to questions asked by Member States and also on the occasion
of the conclusion of
[...] agreements by the Organization; Quarterly publication of the Copyright Bulletin in digital form (English, [...]
French, Spanish) or as
hard copy (Chinese and Russian); Wide distribution of the Guide to the Collective Administration of Authors’ Rights in English and French and its translation into Russian – one of the objectives already achieved being support for societies of authors; Creation of four new UNESCO Chairs to teach copyright and neighbouring rights in Algeria, China (inaugurated by the Director-General), Georgia and Jordan.
宪法》第30 条保证维护和保护个人自由,而第35至39条和43至45条 具体规定增进和保护一些自由和权利,包括信仰和祈祷自由,见解和科学研究自 由,言论自由,新闻、出版和印刷自由,邮政 电报 和 电 话 通 讯 的 自 由和保密, 结社自由和建立工会自由
Article 30 of the Constitution guarantees the preservation and protection of personal freedom, while articles 35–39 and 43–45 provide for the promotion and protection of a number of freedoms and rights, including: freedom of belief and worship; freedom of opinion and scientific research; freedom of expression; freedom of the press, printing and publishing; the freedom and confidentiality of postal and telegramme correspondence and communication by telephone; freedom of association and the freedom to establish trade unions, subject to the principles of domestic law; freedom of assembly; and the right to correspond directly with the public authorities.
南大西洋甚低频网络的其他目标是:(c)研究在发生太阳耀斑等瞬变扰动时 电离层 D
[...] 区域的属性;(d)太阳系外电离层扰动源的诊断;(e)观察产生电离层扰 动的大气现象,如高空精灵闪电、地面伽玛射线闪烁和地震电磁过程;(f)提供 实验数据集,馈入计算机传播代码以获取特定发射机—接收器路径甚低频波特 性每日模板;(g)研究(南部)高纬 电 离 层 的特殊属性。
Further objectives of SAVNET were: (c) the study of ionospheric D-region properties during transient perturbations such as solar flares; (d) the diagnosis of extrasolar sources of ionospheric perturbations; (e) the observation of atmospheric phenomena producing ionospheric perturbations, like sprites, terrestrial gamma-ray flashes and seismo-electromagnetic processes; (f) the provision of experimental data sets to feed computational propagation codes in order to obtain
daily templates of
[...] very-low-frequency wave properties on a given transmitter-receiver path; and (g) the study of peculiar properties of the ionosphere at high (southern) [...]
太阳能光伏产品的要求非常高的 ,太阳能系统的配置、太阳能板的安装角度和蓄电池的容量配比以及控制器的SOC控制放电将直接关系到整个系统的工作效率和使用寿命,所以要根据产品在使用地区的纬度和产品的 电 功 率 每 天 用 多少时间以及保证几个阴雨天来确定产品的配置才可以定价格,一般的工厂随便给你报个价格是不妥当的,我们佳洁的产品配置是按照你系统所在地区的纬度、产品的 电 功 率 、 每 天 用 多少时间以及保证几个阴雨天来配置,再给 报 价 格 的,所以这样的配置也满足你系统的工作要求也是最优化最经济的配置。
Solar photovoltaic products require very high, The configuration of the solar system, solar panel installation angle and the ratio of the capacity of the battery's SOC and the controller will control the discharge is directly related to the overall system efficiency and service life, so according to the latitude in
the use of the product
[...] and product use electric power, and how much time each day to ensure a few rainy days to determine the configuration of the product before they can set prices, the average reported a factory just to give you the price is not right, we Jiajie product configuration system is based on your latitude region , the product of the electric power, and how much time each day to ensure that the configuration of several rainy days, give you the prices quoted, so this configuration [...]
is also working
to meet the requirements of your system is to optimize the most economical configuration.




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