

单词 每人



There is always a fly in the ointment.
However excellent, everyone has his defects.

External sources (not reviewed)

A list of members, together with an indication of the duration of their terms of office, is provided in annex I to the present report.
接受专家组访谈的所有 30 名来自卢旺达的前
[...] M23 战斗人员都说,卢旺达国 防军强迫他每人箱弹药和一件武器过境进入刚果民主共和国。
All 30 ex-M23 combatants from Rwanda interviewed by the Group stated that the RDF
forced them to carry one box of
[...] ammunition andone weapon eachwhencrossing into [...]
the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
2008 年,教育部宣布希望在新学年为学习工程、技术和科学领域的贝多因 学生提供学费补助和奖学金每人5000 新谢克尔(1 315 美元)。
In 2008, the Ministry of Education announced its intention to grant Bedouin students studying engineering, technology
and science with tuition grants and scholarships in the amount of
[...] 5,000 NIS($1,315) each, forthe upcoming [...]
academic year.
出现差异主要是由于以下因素:军事特遣队项下减少 39 569 700 美元,即减少了 7.5%,因为 2011/12 年度为按照大会第 65/289
号决议向部队派遣 国政府作出一次性补充支付编列了经费;利用达尔富尔混合行动的航空资产从邻
[...] 国埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、卢旺达和坦桑尼亚联合共和国进行特遣队的轮调,而不 是利用商业包机;降低每人口粮最高费率(A/66/695,第 83 段)。
The variance is due primarily to a decrease of $39,569,700, or 7.5 per cent, under military contingents, owing to a provision made in the 2011/12 period for a one-time supplemental payment to troop-contributing Governments pursuant to General Assembly resolution 65/289; the utilization of UNAMID air assets for the rotation of contingents from the neighbouring countries of Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and the United Republic of
Tanzania, instead of chartered flights; and a
[...] decrease intheper-person ceiling rate [...]
for fresh rations (A/66/695, para. 83).
各区邻舍休憩用地和地区休憩用 地,应设法在短期内达每人每地各有最少一平方米的官方标准。
In short-term, both theper capita local open [...]
public space and the district public open space should reach the minimum standard
of at least 1 square metre respectively.
[...] 方法,曾经得益于导师服务的成功企业家 每人一些有潜力的未来企业家, 作为对此前获得的导师服务的“回报”,通过以具有成本效益的方式利用隐含的 [...]
Under this approach, successful entrepreneurs
– having themselves profited from mentorship services in the past – would “pay” for these services by
[...] committing themselves toeach in turn mentoring [...]
several further prospective
beneficiaries, producing a multiplier effect by harnessing tacit knowledge and underutilised skills and time in a cost-efficient manner.
(c) 确保向阁下发出指示的人遵守期交所规则内所订明的有关保证金及变价调整的规定,以致在期交所
[...] 与该持牌人或注册人之间,持牌人或注册人应负责确保传递指示的人士都遵守该等有关综合帐户的 规定,犹如他每人该综合帐户的客户。
(c) ensure that the persons from whom you receive Instructions comply with the Margin and Variation Adjustment requirements as stipulated in the Rules of HKFE, with the result that, as between HKFE and the Company, the Company should be responsible for ensuring that such requirements are complied with by all persons through whom
instructions pass with respect to the
[...] omnibus account as if eachin turn wasyou for [...]
whom such omnibus account was operated.
这位检察官表示,该监狱最多可容纳 50 名犯人,但第一次前去那里检查时 发现有 104 名犯人,第二次发现有 109
[...] 名犯人;划拨的犯人伙食费预算每人每8.30 伦皮拉(洪都拉斯货币);由于漏雨,一些牢房里遍地是水,许多没有床铺 [...]
满是污垢而且充斥着难闻的味道;牢房里拥挤不堪,男人、女人、恶势力帮派成 员、精神病人以及正在接受审理和判决的人都挤在一间牢房里,这些直接威胁到 犯人的个人安全乃至群体安全;监狱当局缺少安保和监控措施的后果在 2005 年 10 月 27 日发生的一起暴力事件中得到应验,在那起事件中有一个囚犯丢掉了性 命。
The Attorney for Human Rights noted, inter alia, that the jail had 50 places, but that at the time of the first inspection there were 104 inmates and at the time of the second,
109; the budget allocation for food was
[...] 8.30 lempirasa day per inmate; some cells [...]
were prone to flooding from water leaks,
yet because there were not enough beds many inmates slept on the wet floor; the toilets were constantly foulsmelling and full of filth because there were not enough for the large number of inmates, which constitutes a hazard to their health; overcrowding is a serious risk to the individual and collective safety of the prisoners, with men and women, members of rival gangs, prisoners with mental illnesses, and convicted prisoners and prisoners awaiting trial sharing the same cells; and the lack of security and the absence of authority had led to a violent incident on 27 October 2005, in which an inmate lost his life.
这些资源将用于支付基本集结区和临 时/流动集结区的短期土地租用费,以接收前战斗人员及其家属,还将用于特派
[...] 斗人员运送回各自的原籍国;前战斗人员及其家每人7的食品和水以及医疗 援助、服务和用品;以本国语文制作有关解除武装、复员和遣返问题的小册子/ [...]
传单,以及短期雇佣本国口译员/宣传员(同上,第 136 段)。
The resources would provide for the short-term rental of land for basic and temporary/mobile assembly areas to receive the ex-combatants and their dependants, as well as office space for the Mission’s civilian personnel administering the programmes and related utilities; the leasing of trucks for the transportation of the remaining ex-combatants in Goma
to their countries of origin; food and
[...] water for sevendays perperson; medical assistance, [...]
services and supplies for the
ex-combatants and their dependants; the production of pamphlets/leaflets in relevant national languages on disarmament, demobilization and repatriation issues; and the short-term hiring of national interpreters/sensitizers (ibid., para. 136).
总体而言当 得到个人化的治疗每人 康状况应得到定期的检查,其中包疗 情况。
Ingeneral, eachperson should receive an individualized treatment, and his/her state of health should be regularly reviewed, including his/hermedication.
本奖的内容包括:两名获 奖每人到 20,000 美元奖金和一次去中国的扫盲项目点参观考察的机会。有关参 [...]
观考察活动由中国政府和联合国教科文组织共同确定,由中国联合国教科文组织全国 委员会负责组织,参加者为“联合国教科文组织孔子扫盲奖”获奖者。
The Prize shall consist of a sum of
[...] US $20,000 for eachofthe two prizewinners, [...]
and a study visit to project sites in China,
to be jointly decided upon by the Government of China and UNESCO, and organized by China’s National Commission for UNESCO, for the winners of the UNESCO Confucius Prize.
为改善城市环境,新加坡的目标是10000.8 公顷的绿地,改进人行道和 [...]
循环基础设施,使高峰时段公共交通占 70%。
To enhance the urban environment,
Singapore aimed to provide 0.8 of a hectare
[...] of greenspace forevery 1,000 persons, improve [...]
walkways and cycling infrastructure
and have 70 per cent of peak hour journeys made by public transport.
关于为该国 145 名县行政长每人 一台车辆的请求,我建议联合国国 家工作队和其他国际伙伴考虑,在“摆脱武装冲突地区稳定和重建计划”、“安全 [...]
With regard to the request to
[...] provide a vehicle for each of thecountry’s 145 [...]
territorial administrators, I would recommend
that the United Nations country team and other international partners consider meeting this need in the context of the Stabilization and Reconstruction Plan, the International Security and Stabilization Support Strategy and the peace consolidation programme for the western provinces.
目前,全世界对与能源有关研究、开发和部署活 动的投资仅仅每人2元。
Currently, the world is investing
[...] barely US$ 2 perperson per year in energy-related [...]
research, development and deployment activities.
即使在 2020
[...] 年,空间仍然巨大,因为除了新兴经济体大得多的人口数量,我们预计汽车 拥有率约1,000100-150 辆,而发达国家为 500 辆。
Even in 2020 the room will still be large, as, in addition to a much larger population in emerging economies, we
expect the car ownership ratio to be
[...] around 100-150 unitsper 1,000 people compared [...]
to 500 units in developed countries.
2007 年,北美运 输能源消耗超过每人2000 千吨油当量,而一些发展中国家,例如非洲一些发 展中国家的能耗平均不每人每100 千吨油当量。
In North America energy consumption fortransport exceeded 2,000 kilotons of oil
[...] equivalent(ktoe) perperson in2007, whereas consumption in some developing countries, such as some in Africa, averaged fewer than 100 ktoeper person annually.
[...] 制,於任何股东大会上如以举手表决,则亲身出席(或倘股东为公司,则其正式授 权代表)或由受委代表出席之股每人一票;倘按股数投票表决,则每名亲身 [...]
或由受委代表出席之股东或倘股东为公司,则其正式授权代表每持有一股缴足股份 可投一票;惟於催缴股款之前就股份实缴或入账列为实缴之股款或分期股款,就上
Subject to any special rights or restrictions as to voting for the time being attached to any shares by or in accordance with these Articles, at any general meeting on a show of hands every member present in person (or being a corporation, is present by a duly authorised
representative), or by proxy shall have one
[...] vote and ona poll everymember present [...]
in person or by proxy or, in case of a member
being a corporation, by its duly authorised representative shall have one vote for every fully paid share of which he is the holder but so that no amount paid up or credited as paid up on a share in advance of calls or instalments is treated for the foregoing purposes as paid up on the share.
[...] 委任该董事或该人方面有缺点,或他们或他们任何的人不合资格,仍应有效,一 如他每人正式委任及有资格作为董事般。
All acts done by any meeting of the Directors or of a committee of Directors or by any person acting as a Director shall, notwithstanding that it be afterwards discovered that there was some defect in the appointment of any such Director or person acting as aforesaid, or that
they or any of them were
[...] disqualified, be as valid asif every such personhad been [...]
duly appointed and was qualified to be a Director.
针对秘书处关于国家淘汰计划执行情况的问题,两个机构指出,维修行业每年消费 9,240 公吨(基准数字每人350 克、508.2 ODP 吨)表明维修质量和制冷剂保护要应对 [...]
Further to the Secretariat’s questions regarding the implementation of the NPP, the agencies pointed out that
the servicing sector consumption
[...] of 9,240mt per year (baseline figure; 350g per capita, 508.2 [...]
ODP tonnes) points to massive
challenges in service quality and refrigerant conservation.
该工作人员应领取受扶养子每人贴,但工作人员如无受扶养配 偶,则第一个受扶养子女不得领取此项津贴,在这种情况下,工作人员应享 [...]
有条例 3.3(b)款第㈠项规定的有受扶养人薪金税率
(i) The staff member shall receive
[...] an allowancefor each dependentchild, [...]
except that the allowance shall not be paid in
respect of the first dependent child if the staff member has no dependent spouse, in which case the staff member shall be entitled to the dependency rate of staff assessment under subparagraph (b) (i) of regulation 3.3
尽管世界上87.3%的捕捞渔民和养殖渔民在亚洲,该区域2010年占全球总产量 的68.7%每人每产2.1吨,欧洲为25.7吨,北美洲为18.0吨,拉丁美洲和加勒 [...]
Although 87.3 percent of the world’s fishers and fish farmers were in Asia, the region accounted for only
68.7 percent of global
[...] production with an averageof 2.1 tonnesper person per yearin 2010, [...]
compared with 25.7 tonnes in
Europe, 18.0 tonnes in North America, and 6.9 tonnes in Latin America and the Caribbean.
(b) 该类股份的每位持人每一股该类股份可获一票投票权。
(b) everyholderof shares of the class shall be entitled to one votefor everysuchshare held by him.
决不能忘记,海地有四分之三人每活费不足 2 美元,近一人每活费不足 1 美 元。
It must not be forgotten that while three-quarters of the people live on
[...] less than $2 a day, approximately half ofthe people live on less than $1a day.
2008 年,1 名医务卫生专业人员所服务的人口数如下:每名医师可服务428医可服务 1,807剂师可服务 1,837助医务专业 人员可服务 162 人。
In 2008, the population that was served by one medical-sanitary professional was: 428 people per physician; 1,807 people per dentist; 1,837 people per pharmaceutical chemist; 162 people per ancillary medical professional.
(a) 提供 40,000 美元,用于在教科文组织总部举行近三年来以色列教科文组织全国委
[...] 员会和巴勒斯坦教育、科学和文化委员会的首次联席会议,与会者约20构各 10 人)。
Commission for UNESCO and the Palestinian Committee for
Education, Science and Culture to be held at UNESCO Headquarters and including some
[...] 20 participants(10 from each body).
至於饮食业,全职餐厅主管及酒樓经理等相关人员及技工师/操作员每月工资 范围轻微扩阔;全职侍应生及厨师等相关服务人员和洗碗工及厨房杂工等相关非技术人每资范围则轻微收窄。
The monthly wages ranges of full-time waiters/waitresses, cooks and other related service workers, and dishwashers, kitchen general workers and other related elementary workers were slightly compressed.
最佳答案 虽然建议成人每食 2 - 3 份水果,但据衞生署於 2007 年进行的行为风险因 素调查发现,接近一半的香港成(46.6%)食少於 1 个水果,而男士较 女士少吃水果。
Answer: It is recommended that
[...] adults have 2-3 servingsof fruit daily; however, the Behavioural Risk Factor Survey conducted by the Department of Health in 2006 found that nearly half (44.5%) of the Hong Kong adults were having less than1 fruitevery day, andmen had [...]
less fruit than women.




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