

单词 母系




See also:


female adj


mother n

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,地方文化习俗规定土地所有权是通 母系 关 系 代 代 相传的,据 此对妇女认定了特殊的优先地位。
In addition, the local culture assigned a privileged position to women, insofar as title to land was passed through the maternal line.
不丹妇女受到社 会传统的保障,例如母系制通 行,妇女继承财产并能够对财产和家庭事务作出 重大决定。
Bhutanese women are secured by societal
[...] traditions; for instance, matrilineal practices are pervasive, [...]
women inherit property and are
able to make significant decisions on property and family matters.
根据我们的目标,现在 37% 的 GP 母系猪场是来自于我们的卫生项目。
According to our objective,
[...] 37% of our GP farms in female line [...]
are today coming from our sanitization program.
S.M. 是母系亚美尼亚基督教徒,他的长像和说话都像典型的 亚美尼亚人。
S.M. is Christian Armenian on the maternal side; he looks and speaks like a typical Armenian.
假如說要維護傳統,我們是否要恢復這個更古老,女權至㆖ 母系 社會 呢?
If we are to safeguard traditions, should we revive the even
[...] more ancient matriarchal society with [...]
women having the highest authority?
轮垦传统社会不一定没有社会高低之分,包 母系 社 区 ,但是,统治阶层与 普通平民,上层与下层之间的区别和区分,往往不如主流社区那么明显。
While social hierarchies are not always absent in
traditional societies practising shifting
[...] cultivation, including matrilineal communities, social [...]
divisions and distinctions between
patricians and plebeians, between the elite and the disadvantaged, which are common in many mainstream communities, are generally far less pronounced.
4芯版本有4种母系统包 括公电缆以及母座。
The 4 pole version is
[...] available as 4 gender system including male [...]
cable and female chassis connector.
自 1995 年母系育种目标结合了生产特性。
Since 1995, breeding goals of females line integrated reproductions traits.
在日本的国际翻译工作者联合会帮助下,教科 文组织赞助了中国民间文学与艺术学会,帮助其收集并且录制 10
[...] 个少数民族组的民歌,将 其归入了国际语言母系统。
Under Japanese Funds-in-Trust, UNESCO assisted the Chinese Folk Literature and
Art Association to collect and record the folk songs of 10 ethnic minority groups into
[...] international phonetic alphabet.
除了家庭內部的聯繫受到削弱外,新市鎮的家庭與他們原來的 系 或 母系 家 庭的 聯繫亦更薄弱。
Meanwhile, a family living in a new town tends to become estranged from the families
[...] of the husband’s and the wife’s parents.
多種特色讓縫紉變得更加簡單:FHS.將近99種不同針法選擇.5種釦洞.7種壓布腳包括標準壓布腳及其它.30種記憶位置.3種縫紉 母系 統 與155種不同符號 。
A wealth of useful features that make sewing even easier: Free Hand System (FHS), a choice of up to 99 fabulous stitches, 5
buttonholes, 7 presser feet as standard, plus many extras. 30 memory
[...] positions, 3 sewing alphabets with 155 different [...]
之受益人包括梁戈先生及劉洵女士各自之 系 及 母系 血 緣直系繼承人及其配偶,惟在稅務方面彼等不得屬於 [...]
The beneficiaries under the Hold Trust include the lineal descendants (together with their
spouses) of every degree of consanguinity of
[...] the paternal grandfather and maternal grandfather [...]
of each of Mr. Leung Kwo and Ms.
Lau Shun provided that they are not residents of Canada for tax purposes nor residents of the PRC.
此外,恒生亦將其㆗㆒項職員退休福利計劃交由母 系附屬 公司擔任承保㆟及管理㆟,本行亦為兩間 母系 附 屬 公司代理銷 售強制性公積金及零售投資基金產品。
Hang Seng also
[...] maintained a staff retirement benefit scheme for which a fellow subsidiary company acts as insurer and administrator [...]
and the Bank acted
as agent for the marketing of Mandatory Provident Fund products and the distribution of retail investment funds for two fellow subsidiary companies.
应根据第9条第3 款,确保儿童与母双方保持系,除 非这样有悖儿童的最佳利益。
Contact of
[...] the child with both parents should be ensured in [...]
accordance with article 9, paragraph 3, unless this is contrary
to the best interests of the child.
补充维生素A能增强儿童的免系统, 功效 母 乳 一样,这是一项至关重要的服务。
Vitamin A supplementation is a key service as it really
[...] boosts the immune system of the child, just like mothers’ milk,” said Mr. [...]
与这些目标平行的是,在这些中心的专业研究仍在继续,主要是关于婚姻 准备、配偶水火不容、单亲母、 亲子 关 系 引 发 的问题、家庭角色的分配和责任 、照顾老年人和残疾人、消除离婚前后的问题以及帮助家庭自足。
Parallel to these objectives, professional studies continue at these centres regarding preparation for marriage,
incompatibility between
[...] spouses, single parenthood, problems stemming from parent – child relations, distribution of roles and [...]
responsibilities inside
the family, care of the elderly and the disabled, elimination of the problems before and after divorce, and helping family be self-sufficient.
於本年底或本年度內任何期間,本公司、其 系 附 屬 公司 母 公 司 已訂立有關本集團業務之重大合約,本 公司董事概無擁有直接或間接重大權益。
No contract of significance in relation to the Group’s
business to which the Company, any of
[...] its fellow subsidiaries or its parent company was a [...]
party and in which a Director of
the Company had a material interest, whether directly or indirectly, subsisted at the end of the year or at any time during the year.
各国应特别注意保证由于父母被监禁或长期住院而接受替代性照料的儿童 有机会与其母保持联系,并 接受这方面必要的心理辅导和支持。
States should pay special attention to ensuring that children in alternative care because of parental imprisonment or prolonged hospitalization have the opportunity to maintain contact with their parents and receive any necessary counselling and support in that regard.
应当作出努力,组织和促进开展研究,审查由 母 亲 对 抗刑事司 系 统 ,尤 其母亲被 监禁而受到影响的儿童人数,以及这种状况对儿童的影响,从而有助 于政策制定和方案开发,其中应考虑到儿童的最佳利益。
Efforts shall be made to organize and promote research on the
number of children
[...] affected by their mothers’ confrontation with the criminal justice system, and imprisonment [...]
in particular, and the
impact of this on the children, in order to contribute to policy formulation and programme development, taking into account the best interests of the children.
最后我们还指出了连接条件方面存在的几个安全薄弱环节:要求的密码长度只是五个 字母(不强制要求加入特定母或数 字);在 STEPS 系统中,因系统没 有活动而自动关闭 的时间设定为三个小时,而好的作法则是最长一个小时。
Lastly, some security weaknesses were noted in log-in requirements: passwords were required
to be only five
[...] characters long (the inclusion of specific characters or numbers was not compulsory); the setting for the automatic deactivation of STEPS in the event of [...]
idling was three hours,
whereas best practice required a maximum of one hour.
拉丁美洲及加勒比地区想表示它珍视、承认和赞赏“与全国委员会和新合作伙伴系 处” 的工作及在沟通、能力培养和对该地区的支持方面所做出的巨大改进。
The Latin America and the Caribbean region wants to establish that it values, recognizes and commends the Division of Relations with National Commissions and New Partnerships for its work and for achieving considerable improvements in communication, capacity-building and general support to the region.
[...] 员采取平等权利态度,与少数民族群体成员和代表 系 , 用 他们 母 语 将 公告内 容告知他们,鼓励他们申请警察工作。
On the occasion of publishing announcements for the recruitment of personnel at the Basic Police Training Centre and employment with the police, there is an affirmative attitude towards all members of national communities, the representatives and members of minority groups are contacted
and informed about the
[...] announcement conditions in their mother tongues and encouraged [...]
to apply for the job with the police.
本公司、其附屬公司、聯營公司、 系 附 屬 公司 母 公 司 於年內任何時間概無參與訂立任何協議,令本公 司各董事及主要行政人員(包括彼等之配偶或十八歲以下之子女)可持有本公司或其聯營公司的股份、相關 [...]
At no time during the year was the Company, its
subsidiaries, its associated companies, its
[...] fellow subsidiaries or its parent Company a party to any [...]
arrangement to enable the
Directors and chief executives of the Company (including their spouse and children under 18 years of age) to hold any interests or short positions in the shares or underlying shares in, or debentures of, the Company or its associated companies.
至 2013 年 4 月,本公司的能源事业部门,专门负责电线、电缆终端以及连接处理用电力绝
[...] 缘材料的“F‐CO 产品部”事业,以及负责大厦、工场设施的大电流供 系 统 — — 母 线 槽 产品 的“电材部”事业,此次分割之后归由 FEPS 公司继承,以期实现电力机材事业的进一步扩 [...]
The Company will also transfer the business of the F-Co Products Department, which manufactures wire and cable terminals and electrically insulating materials for processing connections in the Company’s Energy Division, and the business of
the Electric Feeders
[...] Department, which manufactures bus ducts, which are systems for supplying [...]
large currents to buildings
and plants, to FEPS through the Demerger in April 2013 so that the Group will expand its electrical equipment business and will provide optimal solutions to meet the diversified needs of customers.
这包括支持扫盲工作,其中包含推广实用扫盲,从幼年开始并持续终身的正规和 非正规教育,在学习的初始阶段推 母 语 教育,包括社会道德意识在内的价值观教育,发展 [...]
对话文化,宣传和平文化,促进可持续发展教育、教师培训、技术职业教育和培训(着眼于 增加就业机会和利用教科文组织国际技术和职业教育与培训中心的优势),以及科学技术教 育。
This should include support for efforts to promote literacy, including functional literacy, formal and non-formal education, beginning with early
childhood and continuing on a lifelong
[...] basis, education in the mother tongue in the early [...]
stages of learning, values education
including social and moral awareness, the development of a culture of dialogue, a commitment to a culture of peace, education for sustainable development, teacher training, technical and vocational education and training (geared towards enhancing employability and drawing on the expertise of UNEVOC) as well as science and technology education.
除了宪法保障的基本权利 之外,该法令进一步规定了儿童的生存和发育权;姓名权;国籍权;健康和卫生 服务等权利;隐私权;母关爱、保护和养育权;需要特别保护措施的儿童的权 利;胎儿受保护免受危害等的权利;获得 母 财 产 的权利;社交活动权;与母 在一 起的权利;受保护免受有害的社会和风俗习惯影响的权利;受抚养的权利; 和在所有情况下获得法律援助的权利。
In addition to the fundamental rights guaranteed in the Constitution, the Act further provides for the right to survival and development of children; right to name; right to nationality; right to health and health
services, etc; right to
[...] privacy; right to parental care, protection and maintenance; right to a child in need of special protection measures; right of the unborn child to protection against harm, etc; right to parental property; right to [...]
social activities; rights
to social activities; contractual rights of the child; right to opinion; right to education; child’s right to stay with parents; protection from harmful social and customary practices; right of child to be maintained and the right of children to legal aid in all cases.
在国家住房政策框架内得到支助的目标群体,包括在私有化改革期间被剥 夺了私有化权利的承租人,没有母 照 管 的儿童和青年,残疾人,老年人,多子 [...]
女家庭,牢狱释放人员和缓刑受监视人员,无家可归人员,合作社与合作群体, 以及从事居住环境规划和开发的专门人员。
Target groups supported within the framework of state housing policy include lessees deprived of privatisation rights during
the ownership reform, children and young
[...] people without parental care, disabled [...]
people, elderly people, families with many
children, persons released from prison and persons under probation supervision, homeless people, cooperative societies and communities, and specialists dealing with planning and development of residential environment.
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、 精神 或教育,由于母或 监护人的不 道 德或无能, 遭 到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律,使母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety, morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral
behaviour or disability of
[...] the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule that [...]
the minor shall, for
a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social worker or placed on probation.
其他与会者建议关注的优先领域包括:气候变化、防灾备灾、通过资源可持续 管理减少生物多样性的损失、可再生能源、国家科学与技术战略的制定、促进地方和本地知系 统,以及改进科学家与决策者的系。
Other suggested areas of priority attention included: climate change, disaster prevention and preparedness, minimizing biodiversity loss through sustainable management of resources, renewable energies, the formulation of national strategies in science and
technology, the promotion of
[...] local and indigenous knowledge systems as well as improving the links [...]
between scientists and decision-makers.




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