

单词 母港

See also:


female adj

External sources (not reviewed)

政府亦應掌握機 遇,尤其是把香港發展成為由香港出發至台灣的內地旅行團母 港5 。
It should also capture the opportunity to develop Hong Kong into
[...] a homeport particularly for Mainland tour groups travelling to Taiwan from Hong Kong5 .
如果一再蹉跎歲月,議而不決,決而不行,便正如社 會的評論所指出般,香港最終只可作轉泊港,而不是郵輪旅遊 母港。
Should Hong Kong continue to waste time and engage in discussion without decision, and make decision without implementation, it will, as pointed
out by critics in the community, ultimately be reduced as an en route
[...] port rather than a "mother port" for cruise tour.
( 二十八)採取聯合開展人才培訓、開發內地旅遊新業態等相關措施, 加大力度支持以港為母港的郵 輪旅遊發展。
(28) Taking measures such as joint personnel training and developing new operational
modes in the Mainland with a view to stepping up the support for development of
[...] cruise vessels home porting in Hong Kong.
雙方同意加強旅遊合作,措施包括聯合提升內地與香港 旅遊服務質量 ,共同推動內地赴港旅遊市場健康有序發展;推進內
地與香港旅遊海外聯合推廣工作,聯合開發內地與香港“一程多 站"旅遊精品線路,進一步密切兩地海外旅遊辦事處的合作;鼓勵
[...] 和引導內地與香港旅遊企業和社會資本互相進入對方市場,重點支 持香港服務提供者在內地設立旅行社;並 加大力度支持以港為母 港的郵輪旅遊發展等。
The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in tourism, which include measures to jointly improve the quality of tourism services in the Mainland and Hong Kong, and together strive for the healthy and orderly development of Mainland’s Hong Kong-bound tourism market; to take forward the Mainland and Hong Kong’s cooperation in overseas joint tourism promotion, joint development of “multi-destination” itineraries featuring the Mainland and Hong Kong, and closer cooperation between the overseas tourism offices of the two places; to encourage mutual entry of tourism enterprises and investments in the two places to enter each other’s markets, to support strategically Hong Kong service providers to
set up travel agents in the Mainland; and to enhance support for
[...] developing Hong Kong as a homeport for cruise [...]
內地當局的政策准許赴台遊旅行團在行程入境並停留香港,以 及乘搭以港為母港的郵 輪赴台灣,亦開通了港台"一程多站" 旅遊路線的發展。
The Mainland authorities' policy to allow Mainland tour groups travelling to Taiwan to enter and stay in Hong Kong en route and to travel on cruise vessels homeporting in Hong Kong to Taiwan also facilitates the development of “multi-destination” itineraries covering both Hong Kong and Taiwan.
至於謝議員問及有關容許 內地旅行團乘坐以港作為母港的郵 輪經香港赴台 的措施,商務及經濟發展局常任秘書長表示,旅遊事 務署一直與國家旅遊局、郵輪公司及獲授權經營赴台 旅遊的146間內地旅行社保持密切聯絡,緊急推展此 事,目標是在今年夏天舉辦首個赴台旅行團。
As regards Mr TSE's enquiry about the measure of allowing Mainland group tours to Taiwan from Hong Kong by taking cruise vessels homeporting in Hong Kong, PSCIT advised that the Tourism Commission had been in close contact with the China National Tourism Administration, the cruise vessels companies and the 146 Mainland travel agents authorized to operate group tours to Taiwan to take the issue forward as a matter of urgency, with the aim of having the first group tour to Taiwan by this summer.
1941年12月7日,以珍珠港为基地的列克星敦号收 母港 遭 到袭击的消息,她立刻派遣侦察机搜索日本舰队。
On 7 December 1941, LEXINGTON
[...] based at Pearl Harbor, when word of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was received, [...]
She immediately launched
search plane to hunt for the Japanese fleet.
从1979年开始,蓝岭号母港转到 了日本,并成为第七舰队的旗舰。
Since October 1979, Blue Ridge has been forward deployed from Japan as the flagship of Commander Seventh Fleet.
(a) 與郵輪公司建立策略性的夥伴關係,並推出用作 廣告宣傳及舉辦推廣活動的市場推廣合作基 金,藉此鼓勵郵輪公司增加在港的停泊次數,並 選擇港作為母港
(a) Strengthening strategic partnerships with cruise companies and launching a new promotion fund to support advertising and promotion, in order to encourage cruise liners to berth in Hong Kong or even make Hong Kong their home port
關於分配泊位,旅遊事務專員表示,有意投標者應 按照" 開放泊位" 的原則提交靠泊安排的建議,並按一般
[...] 業界的做法作出安排,即先到先得、按使用量分配泊位、 長期合約,以及以港為母港的郵輪較作為掛靠港的郵 輪優先使用泊位。
On the allocation of berthing slots, C for Tourism advised that the potential bidders should propose berthing arrangements under the "Open to all" principle and allocate slots based on general industry
practice of first-come-first-served, allocation by volume, long-term contract and
[...] priority of homeport over port-of-call.
自從內地旅行團乘坐以港為母 港的郵輪經香港到台灣旅遊的措施推出後,多間主要郵輪公司已推出有 關旅遊產品。
Since the implementation of the measure to allow Mainland tour groups to travel to Taiwan through Hong Kong by taking cruise vessels homeporting here, many major cruise operators have launched relevant tourism products.
主席,預計首個泊位會在2013年年中投入服務的郵輪碼頭,將會為 香港帶來龐大的旅遊和經濟收益,我們會全力爭取更多郵輪以 港 為母 港,提 升香港作為區內郵輪中心的地位。
President, the cruise terminal, the first berth of which is expected to commence operation in mid-2013, will bring enormous tourism and economic proceeds to Hong Kong.
同时赞助“玛莎拉蒂号”的还有船上厨房供应商Eataly、专业工具供应商Beta Utensili、特种缆绳供应商Corderia Lancelin、引擎技术支持商FPT
Industrial、绘图供应商Jeppesen、船上仪器技术支持商B&G Navico、“玛莎拉蒂号”的诞生地拉斯佩齐亚市的Cantiere
[...] Picchiotti以及“玛莎拉蒂号”母港-- 拉 斯 佩齐亚港(Port of La [...]
Maserati is also sponsored by Eataly, suppliers to the boat’s galley, Beta Utensili, who have provided all the professional tools, Corderia Lancelin, supplier of the special ropes and cables, FPT Industrial for technical assistance with the engines, Jeppesen for the cartography, B&G Navico for
technical assistance with on-board instrumentation, Cantiere Picchiotti of
[...] La Spezia and Port of La Spezia, [...]
home of Maserati.
為確保中標者擁有營運郵輪碼頭的經驗,投標者必須符合 最低要求,在過去三年,擁有營運上落乘客量每年達20萬人次母港的經驗。
To ensure that the successful tenderer would have the required experience in operating the new cruise terminal, tenderers are expected to fulfill a minimum requirement of three years’ immediate experience in operating a cruise terminal with a minimum annual throughput of 200 000 embarking and disembarking homeport passengers.
农业部官员寄语中国渔政:敢碰硬,敢执法,敢维 权》,中国新闻网,2012 年 2 月 27 日;《七〇一所设计 国内最大渔政船下水》,《中国造船业》,2010 年 4 月;
《首批西沙海域渔政执法船交付使用》,《羊城地铁 报》,2010 年 8
[...] 月 31 日;《喜迎渔政 310 船返回广母 港》, 南海区渔政局官方网站, www.nhyzchina.gov.cn/Html/2010_10_01/2_1459_2010_10 [...]
农业部官员寄语中国渔政:敢碰硬,敢执法,敢维权” [“Agriculture ministry official told Chinese fisheries administrations: be tough and confront foreign vessels, enforce law with courage, defend maritime rights bravely”], China News, 27 February 2012; “七〇一所设计国内最大渔政船下水” [“The Biggest Fisheries Patrol Boat Designed by Institute 701 Tested the Water”], China Shipbuilding Industry, April 2010; “首批西沙海域渔政执法船交付使用” [“First batch of fisheries patrol boats for Paracel region delivered”], Guangzhou Metro Daily, 31 August 2010; “喜迎渔政310船返回广州母港” [Happily
Greeting Fisheries Patrol Boat 310
[...] Returning to Its Birth Harbour], South Sea Region [...]
Fisheries Administration Bureau official
website, www.nhyzchina.gov.cn/Html/2010_10_01/2 _1459_2010_10_01_2953.html.
一個香港企業集團主要包括一間 港母 公 司 ,及其香港附屬公司、聯營公司及分行。
A Hong Kong enterprise group (HKEG) mainly consists
[...] of a Hong Kong parent company, its [...]
Hong Kong subsidiaries, associates and branches.
港母乳育嬰協會於 10 月 30 日至 11 月 10 日進行了網上調查,訪問了 380 [...]
人,結果發現近 98%的受訪者認為本港公眾場所的育嬰設施不足。
The Hong Kong Breastfeeding Mothers' Association [...]
undertook an on-line survey from 30 October to 10 November and interviewed 380 people.
代理主席,港母乳育嬰協會曾經印製一幅海報,當中只是一幅很簡單 的廁所照片,而旁邊則放有刀和叉。
Deputy President, the Hong Kong Breastfeeding Mothers' Association [...]
has printed a poster with a photograph that simply shows
a toilet bowl with knife and fork placed next to it.
上星期,我跟一羣港母乳育嬰協會的朋友在遮打花園看他們所作的一 些巡視和活動。
Last week, I joined some friends
[...] from the Hong Kong Breastfeeding Mothers' Association [...]
to conduct some visits and activities in Chater Garden.
卫生署于2010年6月底成立港母乳代用品销售守则专责小组,负责制订一套适用于 港 的 《 母 乳 代用品销售守则》(《守则》),用以规范母乳代用品及相关产品的制造商及分销商,以免他们以不正当的手法宣传或销售在香港出售的母乳代用品及相关产品。
In order to regulate manufacturers and
[...] distributors of breastmilk substitutes and related products to prevent them from advertising and marketing their breastmilk substitutes and related products by way of malpractices, a Hong Kong Code of Marketing [...]
of Breastmilk Substitutes
(Code) is being prepared by a Task Force established by the Department of Health since late June 2010.
Q4 有意見認為,港母乳餵 哺率偏低既主要原因係因為母親受到六個月至三歲既奶粉廣告及宣傳推廣活動所影響,你有幾支持或者反對呢個講法?
Q4 There is a
[...] saying that breastfeed rate is low in Hong Kong mainly due [...]
to the influence of the advertisements and promotional
activities of formula milk for young children aged 6-36 months, do you support or oppose this argument?
代 理主席,自 由 黨 認 為 , 其 中 一 項 誘 因 , 即 剛 才
[...] 田議員所 說 , 就 是 向在 內 地 設廠的港 母 公司,提供 稅 務 優 惠 ,容許 他們能就內地 [...]
廠 房 設 置 的 控 制 空 氣 污 染裝置 ,申請 享 受
香 港 的 折舊稅 務 優 惠 , 以 加 強 控 制 內 地 廠 房的污 染 物 排放。
Madam Deputy, the Liberal Party is of the view that one of the incentives is, as Mr
TIEN has mentioned, to offer tax
[...] concessions to Hong Kong parent companies which have [...]
set up factories on the Mainland,
so that these companies can act on the strength of their air pollution regulation devices in their factories and apply for depreciation concessions in Hong Kong tax.
香港政府对地区总部的定义为,代表其非 港母 公 司对区域内子公司(包括在港公司及一 个或以上其他地区公司)有管理职能的公司。18 上海市政府于2008年颁布了《上海市鼓励跨国公司设立地区总部的规定》以吸引外商在沪 设立地区总部。
Regional headquarters according to Hong Kong government requirements is an office that has managerial control over offices in the region (i.e. Hong Kong plus one or more other places) on behalf of its parent company located outside Hong Kong.18 In 2008 Shanghai released the "Provisions on Encouraging the Establishment of regional headquarters by Multinational Corporations Issued by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government" to address the benefits of setting up regional headquarters in Shanghai.
[...] 標,我們相信由於香港是㆒個轉變㆗的社會,鑑於經濟及其他因素,越來越多㆟會發覺 在港,母語的 使用機會及日後在找尋工作方面,會越來越重要。
As regards how long it will take to achieve this, given that Hong Kong is an evolving society, and having regard to economic and other factors, we believe that more and more people will find that there
are more opportunities these days
[...] to use the mother tongue, and that mother tongue will be [...]
essential for seeking employment.
委員會 轄下成立了飲食及體能活動工作小組,就飲食習慣及體能
[...] 活動方面提出意見,並於2010年 6月成立一個專責小組,負 責策劃草擬和實行一套適用於香港的《 港母 乳 代 用品銷 售守則》(“本地《守則》”)。
Under this Steering Committee, a Working Group on Diet and Physical Activity has been established to make recommendations on matters relating to eating habits and physical
activity, and set up a Taskforce to develop and
[...] promulgate a Hong Kong Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes [...]
(the Code).
此外,政府正草擬一套適用於香港的《 港母 乳 代用品銷 售守則》(“本地《守則》”),目的是監管母乳代用品的生產 商及分銷商,禁止他們以不正當的手法宣傳或銷售母乳代 用品及相關產品。
The Hong Kong Code aims to regulate the manufacturers and distributors of breast-milk substitutes and to prohibit them from advertising and marketing their breast-milk substitutes and related products by way of malpractice.
在緊接句號之前加上“;及(八 ) 在港母嬰健 康院設立專櫃售賣 奶粉,令嬰兒父母能在固定的銷售點購買奶粉;同時政府也要積 [...]
極推動母乳餵哺,一方面加強宣傳母乳的好處,另一方面亦在法 例上為懷孕及初生嬰兒母親提供更多保障,以及在所有公營機構 及設施內設置育嬰室,並鼓勵商界仿效”。
To add “; and (h) set up dedicated counters in
all maternal and child
[...] health centres in Hong Kong for selling milk [...]
formulas, and enable parents of infants to buy milk formulas
at fixed sales outlets; at the same time, the Government should proactively promote breast feeding by stepping up publicity on the advantages of breast milk on the one hand, and on the other hand, providing greater protection in legislation for pregnant women and mothers of new-born infants, setting up baby-sitting rooms in all public sector organizations and facilities, and encouraging the business sector to follow suit” immediately before the full stop.
卫生署亦透过港母婴健康院推行亲职教育计划,加强家长对子女的成长发 展的认识和技巧,帮助家长更有信心扶育幼儿成长,促进亲子关系和减少行为问 [...]
It aims to equip parents/caregivers with [...]
the necessary knowledge and skills to bring up healthy and well-adjusted children
through enhancing parenting skills and efficacy, promoting parent-child relationship and reducing child behaviour problems.
在国家住房政策框架内得到支助的目标群体,包括在私有化改革期间被剥 夺了私有化权利的承租人,没有母 照 管 的儿童和青年,残疾人,老年人,多子 [...]
女家庭,牢狱释放人员和缓刑受监视人员,无家可归人员,合作社与合作群体, 以及从事居住环境规划和开发的专门人员。
Target groups supported within the framework of state housing policy include lessees deprived of privatisation rights during
the ownership reform, children and young
[...] people without parental care, disabled [...]
people, elderly people, families with many
children, persons released from prison and persons under probation supervision, homeless people, cooperative societies and communities, and specialists dealing with planning and development of residential environment.
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、 精神 或教育,由于母或 监护人的不 道 德或无能, 遭 到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律,使母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety, morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral
behaviour or disability of
[...] the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule that [...]
the minor shall, for
a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social worker or placed on probation.




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