

单词 殘酷的现实

See also:

现实 adj

real adj

现实 n

realism n



External sources (not reviewed)

考慮到進行全面檢討需時,法案委員會 同意待條例草案制定成法例後才進行檢討,以便可盡快落實建議,提殘酷對待動物行的罰則水平。
Taking into account the time required for conducting a comprehensive review, the Bills Committee agreed that the review could be conducted after the enactment of the Bill
so that the proposal to
[...] increase the penalty levels for cruelty acts to animals could be put into [...]
effect expeditiously.
然而,如果现任何 人在执行国家征兵计划中实施不人道和有 辱人的待遇、酷刑,或实行强 迫、无报酬劳动,政府绝不宽恕。
Nevertheless, the Government spared no effort in prosecuting anyone found
[...] of subjecting people to inhuman and degrading treatment, torture or exacting forced and/or free labour of youth in the national [...]
service programme.
酷的现实是, 往往必须优先处理这 些事项,而不是起草判决书,因为这些事项会影响进行中的审判,对上诉案件的 [...]
The stark reality is that often these [...]
matters must be prioritized over the drafting of judgments because they affect ongoing
trials or are necessary for the preparation of a case for appeal.
第一項議案討的是通 脹問題,接着這項議案討論貓狗受殘酷對待
The topic of discussion of the first
motion is the inflation problem,
[...] and then it is followed by this motion that focuses on acts of cruel to cats and dogs.
在已有足夠法律條文規的情況下,我們認為沒有需要 在《防殘酷對待 動物條例》下增訂法律條文,將遺棄動物列為虐待動物的 罪行。
Since there is sufficient regulation provided by such provisions, we do not think it is necessary to add further provisions to the PCAO to make the abandonment of animals an offence of animal cruelty.
索马里公民遭受酷无情 的军阀的勒索、其沿海和毗连海路海盗行为层出不 穷;海洋资源遭到外部势力肆无忌惮的掠夺;这些虚弱和四分五裂的实体被邻国 利用以达成不公正和非法的协定,或利用这些脆弱的小国作为其国内经济的附属 体,这些就是纷乱的索马里局势产生的一些令人不 的现实。
The extortion of its citizens by ruthless and callous warlords; the mushrooming and proliferation of piracy along its coasts and adjacent
sea lanes;
[...] the unconscionable plundering of its maritime resources by extraneous forces; the instrumentalization of the weak and fragmented entities by neighbouring countries both to extract unfair and illicit agreements or to use these fragile mini-States as an appendage of their domestic economies are some of the disturbing realities that this simmering Somali situation has given rise to.
缔约国应进一步发展和强现行教 育方案,确保包括法官、检察官、拘留场 所公共监察员、执法人员、安全官员、村卫队成员以及监狱和移民官员在内 的所有官员都充分了解《公约》中的各项规定和绝对禁 实 施 酷 刑 的 原 则 , 以及如果有任何违反《公约》的行为,将会被追究责任。
The State party should further develop and strengthen ongoing educational programmes to ensure that all officials, including judges and prosecutors, public
inspectors of places of detention, law
[...] enforcement personnel, security officers, members of the Village Guards and prison and immigration officials, are fully aware of the provisions of the Convention, the absolute prohibition of torture and that they will be held liable for any actions in contravention of the Convention.
1.2 具體來說,政府負責規管動物售賣及相關的商業活動(例 如動物寄養和動物展覽)、寵物及流浪動 的 管 理 、防殘酷對待 動物,以及促進動物福利等事宜。
1.2 In concrete terms, the Government is responsible for, amongst other things, the regulation of animal trading and related businesses (such as animal boarding and
animal exhibitions), management of pet and stray
[...] animals, prevention of animal cruelty and promotion of animal [...]
可是,今天,這個天大的笑話卻變成 殘酷 的事實,這間似乎穩如泰山的百年老字號,抵抗不了美國次按風暴的沖 [...]
However, now, this mighty
[...] joke has become a cruel reality and this [...]
century-old institution which was apparently secure as
a mountain could not withstand the blows of the sub-prime turmoil and it was declared bankrupt on 15 last month.
暴力使世界各地成千上万的儿 童所面的严酷现实;暴 力基本上不被人们看见,而且在社会上被接受,但对儿 [...]
Violence is a harsh reality for millions of [...]
children around the world; it remains largely invisible and socially accepted,
and it has dramatic and lifelong consequences on children’s life and development, carrying with it serious social costs.
這標誌着屠宰狗隻食 用及其殘酷對待動物的行為 將不會獲得輕饒。
This demonstrates to the community that slaughtering dogs for food and other acts of cruelty to animals will no longer be lightly pardoned.
我要求政府將遺棄動物也列殘酷對 待動 物 的 行 為須受法例規管, 以填補現時的法例真空。
I demand the Government to make the abandonment of animals an act of cruelty to animals which will be regulated by law, so as to fill the present vacuum in law.
至於動物福利和管理方面,食物科負責檢討防 殘酷 對 待 動物和 促進動物福的法例
As regards matters relating to animal welfare and management, the Food Branch is responsible for reviewing the legislation on the prevention of cruelty to animals and the promotion of animal welfare.
首先是我们全球各地兢兢业业的卓越团队:我们的技师在日本、英国和美国 实 验 室 以令人惊叹的速度构建复杂的设备制造商车桥和变速箱测试环境并以出色的精度完成测试;我们的工程师在您能想象到的最 酷的 环 境 中进 现 场 试验,以检验新款Anglamol添加剂的性能;我们的科学家迅速研发出新产品,以满足客户和设备制造商的需求;我们的全球制造、销售和营销人员时刻以满足客户的产品需求为第一要务。
First is our remarkable team in action all over the world: our technicians in our laboratories in Japan, England and the United States
who set up complicated
[...] OEM axle and gearbox testing with amazing speed and run them with remarkable precision; our engineers running field trials in some of the harshest environments you can think of to test new Anglamol additives; our scientists who [...]
create new products
rapidly to meet the needs of our customers and OEMs; and our global manufacturing, sales and marketing personnel who are keenly focused on meeting our customer’s product needs.
尽管面临以色列继续占的痛苦、残 酷现实 ,包括对加沙实行惊人的惩罚措施,巴勒斯坦人民及其领 导人仍然不同寻常地坚持和平目标。
[...] despite the bitter, brutal realities of the continuing [...]
Israeli occupation, including the appalling punitive
measures being imposed on Gaza, the Palestinian people and their leadership remain committed to the goal of peace.
委员会与禁止酷刑委员会一样对缺乏司法独 立表示的关切 (CAT/C/SYR/CO/1,第12段) ,并关切地注意到,第14/1969 号和第69/2008号法
[...] 令规定,安全机构和情报机构在执行任务时犯下侵犯人权的行为,可以免予起 诉,这也有可能妨碍独立的调查,同时也是对儿 实 行 拘 留和施 酷 刑 的现 象持 续存在的诱因。
The Committee shares the concern expressed by the Committee against Torture about the lack of judicial independence (CAT/C/SYR/CO/1, para. 12) and notes with concern that Legislative Decrees 14/1969 and 69/2008 granting immunity from prosecution to security and intelligence agencies
responsible for human rights violations committed on duty may also impede independent investigation and
[...] serve as contributing factors of persisting detention and torture of children.
n 对于本案情,委员会注意到,提交人认为在关于难 民地位的审理过程中实出现 了明显的错误和严重的违规做法,并且由于这些违 规的做法,未能对若执行遣返会 现的酷 刑 危 险作出评估。
The Committee nevertheless observes that, while it gives considerable weight to findings of fact made by the organs of the State party, it has
the power of free
[...] assessment of the facts arising in the circumstances of each case.n In the present case, the Committee notes that the complainant believes that obvious errors and serious irregularities did occur in the procedure concerning refugee status and that, because of those irregularities, the risk of torture in the event of [...]
deportation was not assessed.
该组织认为,也许情况确实如此,因为这也是一 种酷的现实。
The view was expressed that maybe this was the case because
[...] it was also a burning reality.
令人遗憾的是,《世界人权宣言》通过 60 多年后,
[...] 国际社会有时默不作声的现象引人注目,突出了作为 当今国际社会一大特征的一个缺陷:法律的理论价值 与酷现实之间存在的差距
Regrettably, even more than 60 years after the adoption of the Universal Declaration, the conspicuous silence in certain instances serves to accentuate a deficiency that
is characteristic of the international community today: the gap between
[...] the theoretical values of law and harsh reality.
目前需要做的是坦率地 承认我们在全球范围内面的严 酷现实 , 并 准备增强 我们的人民和青年的权能,以共同为所有人创建安全 [...]
What is required today is a frank acknowledgement of
[...] the stark global reality we face, and the [...]
readiness to empower our peoples and our
youth and to work cooperatively for a secure and brighter future for all.
尽管安全理事会商定了一些善意的决议、主席声 明和专题机制,然而酷的现实是,冲突各方在履行 其保护平民责任方面仍远未达到要求。
In spite of a number of well-meaning Security Council resolutions,
presidential statements and thematic
[...] mechanisms, the grim reality is that parties [...]
engaged in conflict still have a long way
to go in fulfilling their responsibilities concerning civilian protection.
正因如此,我不能接受宗教信仰會引 殘酷的 殺 戮 、社會動 盪不安。
For that reason, I do not accept that religious beliefs shall cause brutal killings, social unrest or turmoil.
考慮到接獲的意見,我們擬落實建議,賦權漁護署署 長在任何人因觸犯第 169 章所訂涉殘酷對待及虐待動的罪 行 而被定罪的情況下,吊銷或撤銷該人根據第 139B 章獲簽發 的牌照,或拒絕批給牌照或將其牌照續期。
In light of the views received, we intend to take forward the proposal of providing DAFC with the power to revoke or rescind, or to refuse to grant or renew the licences under Cap. 139B if the licensee has been convicted of an offence related to cruelty to and maltreatment of animals under Cap. 169.
对全世界成千上万的儿童来 说,暴力是一个酷的现实;暴力依然基本在暗地里施行,而且为社会所接受; 它在精神和健康方面对儿童的生活造成严重和毕生的影响。
Violence is a harsh reality for millions of children around the world; it remains largely invisible and socially accepted, and it has serious, lifelong emotional and health impacts on children’s lives; it undermines child development and learning abilities, inhibits positive relationships, provokes trauma and depression and leads to risk-taking and aggressive behaviour.
5.4 可撤銷牌的情況包括觸犯《防 殘酷 對 待動物條例》(第 169 章)所訂涉殘酷對待及虐待動的 罪 行
5.4 Circumstances warranting revocation of a licence include offences related to cruelty to and maltreatment of animals under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance (Cap. 169).
值得注意的是,本办事处在教育领域开展的计划主要关注以下战略支助领域,所有这 些都直接回应肯尼亚教育部门支助计划(KESSP)所 的 战 略 和成果,教育部门计 实现 《20 30 年展望》:通过教育管理信息系统加强规划、监测和评估教育系统;加强教育部门 [...]
以应对艾滋病毒和艾滋病;提高教育促和平计划的质量;以及通过宣传和技术支持战略规划 来加强扫盲发展。
It is noteworthy that programmes implemented by the Office in the area education focused on the following strategic areas of support, all directly responding to strategies and results contained in Kenya Education Sector
Support Programme (KESSP),
[...] the education sector’s plan to materialize Vision 2030: strengthening the [...]
planning, monitoring and
evaluation of the education system through EMIS; enhancing the education sector responses to HIV and AIDS; improving the quality of education for peace programme; and strengthening literacy development through advocacy and technical support to strategic planning.
委员会关切地注意到,有报道称缔约国普遍存在逮捕时和审 判前拘留期间对未 成年实施酷刑和虐待的现象 (CRC/C/TKM/CO/1,第36 段)(第2、11和12条)。
The Committee notes with concern reports that torture and ill-treatment of minors is widespread at the moment of apprehension and during pretrial detention (CRC/C/TKM/CO/1, para. 36) (arts. 2, 11 and 12).
[...] 我一方面不明白我們的國家領導人為何會以一種如此冷漠和無良的態度來 對待這羣年青的訴求 和熱誠,以及如 殘酷 地 折 磨他們,但另一方面,我 又覺得中國有這羣年青人,以他們如此熱忱於國家的未來,如此關懷國家的 [...]
At that time, on the one hand, I did not understand why the leaders of our country would adopt such an indifferent and heartless attitude towards the aspirations and
ardour of this group of
[...] young people and torment them so cruelly; on the other hand, I thought [...]
that since China had such
a group of young people with such enthusiasm for the future of the country and who were so concerned about the situation of the country, it could be seen that our country would have a future.




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