

单词 殖民地



semi-feudal and semi-colonial (the official Marxist description of China in the late Qing and under the Guomindang)

See also:






External sources (not reviewed)

它注意到,葡萄牙是欧洲联盟少数 几个在行政正规化方面对殖民地民规定具体待遇的国家之一。
It noted that Portugal was one of the few countries in the European
Union that had provided specific
[...] treatment fornationals ofits former colonies in terms of [...]
administrative regularization.
法国、联合王国和美利坚合众国在全 世界仍然拥殖民地百个军事基地。
France, the United Kingdom and the United States of
[...] America stillhadcolonies and hundreds of [...]
military bases around the world.
大会第 2065(XX)号决议和后来多项决议,以及非殖民化特别委员会的决议, 都把马尔维纳斯群岛问题称为一种特别殖民地,尤其是因为它涉及阿根廷 与大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国之间的主权争端,规定结束这种情况的方式是通 过谈判和平解决主权之争,并敦促两国政府不再迟延,立即依照大会和特别委员 [...]
The United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution 2065 (XX) and in subsequent
resolutions, and the
[...] Special CommitteeonDecolonization,have described the question of the Malvinas Islands as a special and particularcolonial situation involving [...]
a sovereignty
dispute between Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, have established that the way to put an end to that situation is the peaceful and negotiated solution of the sovereignty dispute, and have requested both Governments to continue without delay the bilateral negotiations recommended by the General Assembly and the Special Committee.
(h) 购买、承租或交换、租用、租借位於香殖民地地(不论土地上有否建筑物)及位於上殖民地的任何年期的土地(不论土地上有否建筑物)、接受有关该等土地的选择权或以 其他方式获取该等土地,以及与任何该等土地相关的任何产业权或权益及任何权利。
(h) To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, rent, hire, take options over or otherwise
[...] acquire, land (with or without buildings thereon) intheColony of Hong Kong and land (with or without buildings thereon) [...]
of any tenure outside the said Colony, and any estate or interest in, and any rights connected with any such lands.
[...] 一些鲜为人知的代议制政府形式,如市政会或市政府,这殖民地治社会生 活意义重大。
The Spanish founded cities, built forts and spread Christianity and Spanish culture; they also established certain forms of limited “representative” government,
known as “cabildos” or municipal governments, which were of great
[...] importancein the colony’s political and [...]
social life.
(30) 申请、注册、购买或透过其他方式收购及保护、延长及重续(不論殖民地他地方)认为可能对本公司有利或有用之任何专利、专利权、发明专利权、 [...]
特许、商标、设计、保护及特许权,并使用、利用及生产、承担或就有关专利、 专利权、发明专利权、特许、商标、设计、保护及特许权授出许可证或特权,
以及出资进行实验及测试,以及改善或寻求本公司可收购或建议收购之任何专 利、发明或权利。
(30) To apply for, register, purchase, or by other
means acquire and protect, prolong, and renew,
[...] whether intheColony or elsewhere, any [...]
patents, patent rights, brevets d’inventions,
licences, trade marks, designs, protections, and concessions which may appear likely to be advantageous or useful to the Company, and to use and turn to account and to manufacture, undertake or grant licences or privileges in respect of the same, and to expend money in experimenting upon and testing and in improving or seeking any patents, inventions, or rights which the Company may acquire or propose to acquire.
位于霍巴特市中心的杰出的 塔斯马尼亚博物馆及艺术馆 将该市最古老的建筑 Commissariat Store(1808)包纳其中,这家展馆的特色是陈列有来自该州殖民遗产的塔斯马尼亚土着展品和文物,外加大殖民地品。
Incorporating Hobart's oldest building, the Commissariat Store (1808), the excellent Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery in
the City Centre features
[...] a Tasmanian Aboriginaldisplay and relics from the state'scolonial heritage, plus a good collectionof colonial art.
玻利瓦尔共和国提出了关于这个项目的决议草案 A/AC.109/2009/L.8,其中重申
[...] 结束福克兰(马尔维纳斯)群岛问题中的特殊和独殖民地的方法,是通过谈 判和平解决阿根廷共和国政府与大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国政府之间的主权 [...]
At the same meeting, the representative of Chile, on behalf of Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, introduced draft resolution A/AC.109/2009/L.8,
which reiterated that the way to putan end to the special
[...] and particular colonialsituationin the [...]
question of the Falkland
Islands (Malvinas) was the peaceful and negotiated settlement of the dispute over sovereignty between the Governments of Argentina and the United Kingdom.
在联邦广场东端一座宏伟的钢铁和玻璃建筑里,是位于市中心的 Ian Potter 中心:维多利亚国立美术馆
[...] ,其中陈列着两万余件令人叹为观止的澳大利亚艺术品,时间跨度殖民地到现代,并有整整一层陈列着土着艺术品。
Housed in a dramatic steel and glass building at the eastern end of Federation Square, the Ian Potter Centre: National Gallery of Victoria Australia in the City Centre is home to a marvellous collection
of more than 20,000 pieces of
[...] Australian art,from the colonialtomodernperiods [...]
and with an entire floor dedicated to indigenous art.
[...] 的贡献。它会深刻地改变我们对于穆斯林时间近代史的认识,特别是对殖民地文化遗产 的理解。
The revitalisation of the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century built heritage in the Hypercentre district-Bab B’Har-of Tunis, is an important and inspiring contribution to our
changing understanding of the recent history of the Islamic world, particularly of the
[...] cultural legacyof the colonialera.
非洲联盟领导人最近在亚的斯亚贝巴举行的首 脑会议就苏丹问题通过了一项庄严声明,其中指出, 由殖民地遗留下来的特殊挑战和苏丹民族问 题的特殊性,2005 年苏丹领导人决定给予苏丹南方人 民自决的权利。
During its recent Summit in Addis Ababa, the leadership of the African Union adopted a solemn
declaration on the Sudan
[...] in which it recalled that, as a result of the exceptional challenge inherited from itscolonial past and the [...]
unique nature of its national
question, in 2005 Sudanese leaders resolved to grant the right of self-determination to the people of Southern Sudan.
在同一会议上,阿根廷常驻副代表除其他外还指出,各种形式的殖民主义继 续存在,构成了违反《联合国宪章》、《给殖民地和人民独立宣言》和大会 第 2621(XXV)号决议所载的国际法原则的犯罪行为。
At the same meeting, the Deputy Permanent Representative of Argentina stated, inter alia, that the continued existence of cases of colonialism in various forms constituted a crime that violated the Charter of the United Nations, the
Declaration on the Granting of
[...] Independence to Colonial Countriesand Peoplesand the principles [...]
of international law embodied
in General Assembly resolution 2621 (XXV).
(u) 促使本公司於世界任何地方(香殖民地)之任何地点进行注册或确 认。
(u) To procure the Company to be registered or recognised in any part of the
[...] world outsidetheColony of Hong Kong.
(p) 在上殖民地他地方购买、租赁、租用或以其他方式收购本公司 可能认为对实现其宗旨属必要或适宜之任何不动产或个人财产或其中 所附任何权利或权益,尤其是任何土地、种植场、房屋、工厂、仓库、 [...]
或各种物业,及经营、使用、维护及改善、出售、出租、交出、抵押、 押记、处置或以其他方式处理上述或本公司之任何其他财产,包括属 於本公司之任何专利或专利权、向任何人士、法团或公司授出牌照或 授权进行上述事宜
(p) To purchase, take
[...] on lease, hire orotherwise acquire inthe said Colonyorelsewhere any [...]
real or personal property
or any rights or interests therein, which the Company may think necessary or convenient for effectuating any of its objects, and in particular any lands, plantations, houses, factories, warehouses, plant, machinery, patents, concessions, trade marks, trade names, copyrights, licences, stocks, material or property of any description and to work, use, maintain and improve, sell, let, surrender, mortgage, charge, dispose of or otherwise deal with the same or any other property of the Company, including, in respect of any patent or patent rights belonging to the Company, the grant of licences or authorities to any person, corporation, or company to work the same
他回顾了叙利亚数千年的历史、该国在三大一 神教宗教的诞生和发展中起到的作用以及坚决反对
[...] 外国干涉主权国家事务的立场,他指出,阿拉伯叙 利亚共和国投票赞成给予西方统治下的数十个殖 民地,这些国家与其前殖民者在联合国享有同 等代表权。
Recalling his country’s thousands of years of history, its role in the birth and development of the three monotheistic faiths and its steadfast opposition to foreign interference in the affairs of sovereign States, he noted that the Syrian
Arab Republic had voted in favour
[...] of grantingindependence to tens offormercolonies underWestern [...]
rule ― countries that were
represented in the United Nations as equals alongside their former colonizers.
埃塞俄比亚 要求采取“替代机制”,从而通过使用其他新的参数来改变边界确定,这也违反 了《阿尔及尔和平协定》第 4.2 段,其中规定:“双方同意设立一个由五名成员 组成的中立边界委员会,负责根据相殖民地(1900 年、1902 年和 1908 年) 和可适用的国际法,划定和标殖民地的边界。
Ethiopia’s requests for an “alternative mechanism” to alter the boundary decisions by resorting to other new parameters were also contrary to article 4.2. of the Algiers Peace Agreement, which stipulated: “The parties agree that a neutral Boundary Commission composed of five members shall be established with a mandate to delimit and demarcate thecolonial treaty border based on pertinentcolonial treaties (1900, 1902 and 1908) and applicable international law.
1896 年该地图出版时,比利时刚果,或称为刚果自由邦,实际上为国王利奥波德二世个人所拥有,而不是比利时的正殖民地
In 1896, when this map was published, the Belgian
Congo–known as the Congo Free State–was actually a personal possession of King Leopold
[...] II and not an official Belgian colony.
During Council meetings held in Addis Ababa in February 1972, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) requested the Security Council to take action to implement its relevant resolutions as well as
General Assembly resolution 1514
[...] (XV) onthe right toself-determination withregards to [...]
the situations in Namibia, Southern
Rhodesia, the question of the apartheid in South Africa, and the territories under Portuguese administration.
殖民地和人民独立宣言》的执行情况[P.59 ]。
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of
[...] Independence to ColonialCountries and Peoples [P.59].
[...] 并通过征服、定居或其他手段,使他们陷入非主导地位殖民地;那些 更多的是按照特殊社会、经济、文化习俗和传统而不是按照他们成其一部分 [...]
Indigenous populations are composed of the existing descendants of the peoples who inhabited the present territory of a country wholly or partially at the time when persons or a different culture or ethnic origin arrived there from other parts of the world, overcame them and, by conquest,
settlement or other means, reduced them to a
[...] non-dominantorcolonial condition;who [...]
today live more in conformity with their
particular social, economic and cultural customs and traditions than with the institutions of the country of which they now form part, under a State structure which incorporates mainly the national, social and cultural characteristics of other segments of the population which are predominant.17 19.
(q) 开发、改善及利用本公司收购之上殖民地他地方或本公司拥有 权益之任何土地,及设计及筹备该等土地作建设用途;兴建、改造、 [...]
拆毁、装修、保养、装备及改善楼宇、道路及便利设施,种植、铺设、 排水、维护、以楼宇租赁或楼宇协议方式将任何相关土地出租,以及
向以与任何相关土地之建筑商、租户及於任何相关土地拥有权益之其 他人士垫款、订立合约及安排
(q) To develop, improve and utilize any land
[...] within thesaid Colony or elsewhere acquired [...]
by the Company, or in which the Company
is interested, and lay out and prepare the same for building purposes, construct, alter, pull down, decorate, maintain, fit up and improve buildings, roads, and conveniences, and to plant, pave, drain, maintain, let on building lease or building agreement any such land, and advance money to, enter into contracts and arrangements of all kinds with builders and tenants of and others interested in any such land
关于议程草案项目 60(《给殖民地和人民独立宣言》的执行情况),秘 书长回顾第 64/560 号决定,其中大会决定于 2010 年 12 月 14 日在载有《给殖 民地和人民独立宣言》的大会第 1514(XV)号决议通过五十周年之际,举行纪 念会议。
Withregard toitem 60 of the draft agenda (Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to ColonialCountries andPeoples), theSecretaryGeneral wishes to recall decision 64/560, [...]
by which the General Assembly decided
to hold a commemorative meeting, on 14 December 2010, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of Assembly resolution 1514 (XV), containing the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.
(28) 殖民地及本公司可能决定之世界任何地方从事及开展佣金经纪人、融资 人、提供特许权人士、投资人、商人、贸易商、批发及零售经销商、航运公司 或船舶代理普遍从事或开展之任何业务、交易或营运及╱或任何旨在直接或间 接有利於本公司之其他业务。
(28) To carry on and undertake any business transaction or operation commonly carried on or undertaken by commission agents, financiers, concessionaires, capitalist, merchants, traders, wholesale and retail dealers, shipping companies, or ship’s agents and/or any other business which may seem directly or indirectly calculated to benefit this Company in the Colony of Hong Kong and any other part or parts of the World as the Company may determine.
联邦政府、INAH、联邦公共教育部、 Zacatecas
州、墨西哥国家美术研究所 (INBA)、
[...] 国家自然保护区委员会(CONANP)、墨西哥环境教育基金会(FUNDEA)殖民地划、 Zacatecas 文化学院、墨西哥独立自主大学(UNAM)、Zacatecas [...]
的长期合作将为创建一个联邦和国家机构与学术实体网络提供支持,这样的网络可以为世界 遗产领域的培训以及参与中心的活动提供机构框架。
The long-standing cooperation between the Federal Government, INAH, the Federal Secretariat of Public Education, the State of Zacatecas, the National Institute of Fine Arts of Mexico (INBA), the National Commission on Natural Protected Areas (CONANP), the Mexican Foundation
for Environmental Education (FUNDEA),
[...] the Programme onColonial Cities,the Zacatecan [...]
Institute of Culture, the National
Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the Autonomous University of Zacatecas, among others, will support the creation of a network of federal and national agencies and academic institutions that will provide an institutional framework for training and resources in the field of World Heritage and for their participation in the activities of the Centre.
(b) 《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第一条第 3 款中提及的
[...] 保留特定非自治领土,与《联合国宪章》及联合国就“赋殖 民地和人民独立”通过的文件不符,其中包括,联合国大 会在 [...]
1970 年第 2625 (XXV)号决议中通过的《关于各国依〈联 合国宪章〉建立友好关系和合作的国际法原则宣言》,其中正
式宣布,各国有义务促进实现各民族平等权利及自决权之原 则,以迅速铲除殖民主义。
(b) The maintenance in a state of dependence of certain territories referred to in article 1 (3) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is inconsistent with the Charter of the United
Nations and the instruments adoptedby the Organization on the granting of
[...] independence to colonial countries and peoples, including [...]
the Declaration on Principles
of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, adopted unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution 2625 (XXV) of 1970, which solemnly proclaims the duty of States to promote the realization of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples in order to bring a speedy end to colonialism.
According to the leaders of the Communist Party, Shanghai people have
just gone through more than 50 years of
[...] trouble:the old half-colonized half-feudal Shanghai [...]
which went through a “deformed
development” had to be reconstructed from the beginning and huge changes had to be organized in the sphere of economy and society.




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