单词 | 殖利 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 殖利noun—profitn殖利—yieldless common: generate a profit See also:殖—reproduce grow
相应的黄牛养殖利润,尤其是在批发商和德蒙D'牛,并在大量的黄油和羊乳干酪。 leapfrog-properties.com | Cattle are [...] accordingly reared for profit, especially around [...]Salers and in the Monts d'Aubrac, and butter and Roquefort cheese are made in large quantities. leapfrog-properties.com |
2008年,水 产养殖利用了世界鱼粉产量的60.8%和鱼油产量的73.8%。 fao.org | In 2008, aquacultureused 60.8 percent [...] of world fishmeal production and 73.8 percent of fish-oil production. fao.org |
三、维持高现金股利的配发政策,以本年度研拟配发的现金股利计算,本公司的殖利率接近8%,远高於亚洲电信业平均及台湾市场平均值。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | 3) The Company continued to maintain a high cash dividendyield which was above the Asian telecom and Taiwan market averages. english.taiwanmobile.com |
它敦促政府优先考虑面向青年 人的公共政策,并将性权利和生殖权利纳入这些政策中。 daccess-ods.un.org | It urged the Government to prioritize public policies aimed at youth and the [...] inclusion ofsexualand reproductive rights inthese policies. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管同样缺乏准确信息,但预计2006年水产养殖利用低价值鱼(即不是制作 为鱼粉的原料成分)在560万和880万吨之间,2008年,仅中国水产养殖就利用了600–800万吨低值鱼,包括海水鱼、淡水鱼和活饵料鱼。 fao.org | Although, again, accurate information is lacking, [...] it has been estimated [...] that the totaluse of low-value fish (i.e. as raw ingredients not reduced into fishmeal)in aquaculture wasbetween 5.6 million and 8.8 million tonnes in 2006 and that, in 2008, Chineseaquaculture alone used [...]6–8 million tonnes [...]of low-value fish, including marine fish, freshwater fish, and live food fish. fao.org |
为 解 决 经 济 问 题 义 大 利 总 理 贝 鲁 斯 柯 尼下野 改由前欧盟执委会委员蒙蒂 Mario Monti 接班 其上任首要任务即是恢复市场信 心 尽管一个新政府可能可得到议会方面更多 的支持以推行更多改革措施 但由於前景不定 市场信心是否可获得支撑仍待後续观察 市场 传言 欧洲央行正持续购入义大利债券 以期 降低义大利国债殖利率但欧洲央行新任行长 德拉吉表示 欧洲央行的购债计划将是 暂时 性的措施 规模也是 有限的 而国际货 币基金主席拉加德也造访义大利 针对该经济 体问题进行细部分析 截至 11 月 17 日止 义 大利 10 年期国债殖利率已下降 17 个基本点至 6.84 apecscmc.org | To resolve the economic problems, Berlusconi stepped down as prime minister and Mario Monti, former European commissioner took his place;the first taskfor the new Prime Minister is to recover the market’s confidence. apecscmc.org |
在建立网络时还制定了一项妇女议程,包括五项优先纲领:土地和领地;政治参 与;性与生殖权利和性别暴力;经济权利;以及文化与发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Alongside the development of this network, an agenda for indigenous women is being drawn up, including five priority areas of action: land [...] and territories, participation in [...] politics,sexualand reproductive rights and gender-based [...]violence, economic rights, and culture and development. daccess-ods.un.org |
注 三 : 第 二 级 层 级 系 指 除 活 络 市 场 公 开 报 价 以 外 之 可 观 察 价 格 , 包 括 直 接 或 间 接 自 活 络 市 场 取 得 之 可 观 察 投 入 参 数 , 如 活 络 市 场 中 相 似 金 融 商 品 之 公 开 报 价 ; 非 活 络 市 场 中 , 相 同 或 相 似 金 [...] 融 商 品 之 公 开 报 价 或 以 评 价 模 型 衡 量 公 帄 价 值 , [...] 而 评 价 模 型 所 使 用之利率、殖 利率曲线 、 波 动 率 等 投 [...]入 参 数 , 系 根 据 市 场 可 取 得 之 资 料 。 cdibank.com | Note 3: Level II fair values are those directly or indirectly observable inputs other than Level I quoted prices, such as the quoted prices of similar financial instruments in less active markets or price estimates arrived [...] at through pricing models that use [...] inputs such asin interest rates, which are derived [...]from or can be corroborated with observable market data. cdibank.com |
在生 育问题、疾病预防、现有的保健服务和生殖权利方面向青少年和成年男子基于 性别的教育,使他们能够更积极地参与确保其伴侣和子女的健康生活。 daccess-ods.un.org | Promote gender-based education for adolescent and adult men on fertility issues, [...] disease prevention, available [...] health-care services andreproductive rights so that they [...]can be more engaged in ensuring healthy [...]lives for their partners and children. daccess-ods.un.org |
(h) 应对残疾特有的脆弱性,包括在社区一级向残疾妇女和残疾女孩提供 服务和社会支助以及辅助设备,以避免她们陷入孤立和被禁闭在自己家中;确保 对残疾妇女和残疾女孩在其中居住的收容机构进行充分的机构性监督;确保残疾 [...] 妇女和残疾女孩及其周遭环境中的人可获得信息,了解可如何防范、识别和举报 [...] 剥削、暴力和虐待行为;以无障碍格式向残疾妇女和残疾女孩提供有关性和生殖权利的信息;教育照料人员和其他保健服务提供者;为从事残疾人工作的专业人 [...]员制定规程,据以查明暴力侵害居住在收容机构或生活在封闭环境中的残疾妇女 和残疾女孩的处境 daccess-ods.un.org | (h) Addressing disability-specific vulnerabilities, including by offering services and social support to women and girls with disabilities at the community level, as well as assistive devices in order to avoid isolation and confinement in their homes; ensuring adequate institutional oversight of institutions where women and girls with disabilities reside; ensuring access to information for women and girls with disabilities, and for people in their immediate environment, on how to prevent, recognize and report instances of exploitation, violence and abuse; providing information in an accessible [...] format to women and girls with [...] disabilities on sexual andreproductive rights; educating [...]caregivers and other health-care service [...]providers; and developing protocols for professionals working with persons with disabilities for the identification of situations of violence against women and girls with disabilities institutionalized or living in closed environments daccess-ods.un.org |
培训的主要题目是:冲突转变、妇女人权 [...] 倡导(国家和国际标准——《消除对妇女歧视公约》、《行动纲要》)、对 性别问题的敏感认识、性别分析、性别平等主流化、筹款、战略规划、生殖权利、健康生活——共同生存(关于女性的生殖权利),如何找到工 作等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Main topics on training are conflict transformation, women’s human rights advocacy (national and international standards — CEDAW, Platform for Action), gender sensitivity, gender analysis, gender mainstreaming, [...] fund-raising, [...] strategic planning, reproductive rights, healthy life — surviving together (on reproductiverights of women), [...]how to get a job, etc. daccess-ods.un.org |
比利时负责发展合作的部门还通过多边合作,支持和资助一些致力于促进 人权的组织,主要包括联合国人权事务高级专员办事处、联合国儿童基金会(儿 [...] 童权利)、联合国妇女发展基金/妇女署(性别平等和增强妇女权能)、联合国人口 基金(性和生殖权利)。daccess-ods.un.org | In the context of multilateral cooperation, the development agency supports and funds organizations working in the field of human rights such as the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, UNICEF, the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) (now UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender [...] Equality and the Empowerment of Women) and the United Nations Population Fund [...] (UNFPA) (sexual and reproductive rights). daccess-ods.un.org |
2003 年,计生联通过了一项新的战略框架(2005-2015 年),其 工 作聚焦于五个重点领域:(a)青少年/青年(确保他们了解并且能够对其性和生殖权利做出知情选择);(b)艾滋病毒和艾滋病(减少全球发病率并保护艾滋病毒/ 艾滋病感染者和受影响者的权利);(c)堕胎(减少不安全堕胎并拓宽合法堕胎 门路);(d)开辟通道(包括获得性健康和生殖健康信息及人人获得,尤其是穷 人和弱势群体获得教育和服务信息);(e)宣传(加大对性健康和生殖健康及权利的支持力度)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2003, the Federation adopted a new strategic framework (2005-2015) to focus its work on five priority areas: (a) adolescents/young people (to ensure that they are aware of and can make [...] informed choices relating [...] to their sexual andreproductive rights); (b)HIV and AIDS (to reduce the global incidence of and protect the rights of those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS); (c) abortion (to reduce unsafe abortion and increase access to legal abortion); (d) access (to information on sexual and reproductive health, and to education and services for all, in particular the poor and marginalized); and (e) advocacy (to increase support for sexualandreproductive health andrights). daccess-ods.un.org |
在 90 年代下旬,必须指出的是,妇女组织连同共和国议会作出了种种努力, 最后签署了构成规范框架的法律,虽然这一框架仍然不够充分,但处理一些本质 [...] 性的社会问题,如暴力侵害妇女、妇女的性权利和生殖权利、妇女公民的参与和 消除种族主义和歧视等(见框表 3)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the second half of the 1990s, women formed organized alliances with the Congress of the Republic, culminating in legislation which forms a normative framework, although still an inadequate one, for the tackling of key social [...] problems such as violence against women, [...] women’ssexualand reproductiverights, involvement [...]of the citizen and the elimination [...]of racism and discrimination (see table 3). daccess-ods.un.org |
这包括把性健康和生殖健康及生殖权利列为国家优先事项;采用人权框架制订生殖健康方案;加强卫生系统,包括培训保 健服务提供者;建立参与进程且采取多部门办法改善性健康和生殖健康。 daccess-ods.un.org | These included making [...] sexual andreproductive health andreproductive rights national priorities; utilizing a human rights [...]framework in developing [...]programmes on reproductive health; strengthening health systems, including by training health-care providers; and building participatory processes and adopting a multisectoral approach to improve sexual and reproductive health. daccess-ods.un.org |
在妇女问题上,比利时发展合作部门主要致力于妇女的健康及 其性和生殖权利、性别平等、和平和安全,包括反对对妇女实施性暴力、女童教 [...] 育、妇女培训和增强农村妇女的经济自立能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to women, the Belgian [...] development agency focuses on their [...] health andsexualand reproductive rights; women, peace [...]and security, including the fight [...]to stop sexual violence against women; girls’ education; and training for women, as well as the economic empowerment of women from rural areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
全面的性行为教育:从人权角度向青年提供性行为、性健康和生殖健康及权利、两性平等以及如何积极而负责地处理性行为方面的综合教育。 daccess-ods.un.org | Comprehensive sexuality education: provide young people with comprehensive education from a human [...] rights-based perspective on human [...] sexuality, sexual and reproductivehealth and rights, [...]gender equality and on how to deal [...]positively and responsibly with their sexuality. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 加强努力,增加关于生殖健康和权利问题的信息和知识,以减少少女 怀孕的人数;制定适合青少年的方案,以协助少龄母亲及其子女 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Strengthen efforts to increase information [...] and knowledge on reproductivehealth andrights [...]inorder to reduce the number of teenage [...]pregnancies, and develop adolescent-friendly programmes to assist teenage mothers and their children daccess-ods.un.org |
我们必须摒弃保护的责任这一概念,因为它掩盖 了侵犯主权的行为,以便推动新殖民主义的利益。 daccess-ods.un.org | We must reject the concept of the responsibility to protect, for it disguises the violation of sovereignty in [...] order to promote neo-colonialinterests. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国初次为营养繁殖植物授予专利也只是在 1930 年。 iprcommission.org | Vegetatively propagatedplants were first madepatentable in theUS only [...] in 1930. iprcommission.org |
另一个例子是全环基金/环境署的中国南海和泰国湾项目,借鉴社 区对鱼类生殖的知识,利用共同管理,在鱼类生命周期的关键时期对渔具和捕鱼 [...] 加以限制,维持渔业。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another example is the GEF/UNEP South China Sea and Gulf of [...] Thailand project, which built on community [...] knowledge of fish reproductionand co-management [...]to limit gear and fishing at critical [...]periods of life cycles in order to sustain the fisheries. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 确保以适合儿童年龄的易取方式提供关于性以及生殖卫生和权利的教育,并且尊重残疾学生的尊严。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Ensure that [...] education onsexualand reproductive health and rights [...]is provided in age-appropriate and accessible formats [...]and respectful of the dignity of students with disabilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
它们需要援助的领域除其他外,还有拟定渔业管理计划; [...] 用现代化方法管理渔业;建造人工礁和实施鱼种放养方案,以增加野生鱼种、管 理和监督海洋保护区促进水产养殖,并更好地利用副渔获物。 daccess-ods.un.org | They may also require assistance, inter alia, in the preparation of fisheries management plans, the implementation of a modern approach to fisheries management, the development of artificial reefs and fish-releasing programmes to enhance wild [...] stocks, the management and monitoring of marine protected areas for [...] fish nurseries and betterutilization ofby-catches. daccess-ods.un.org |
1896 年该地图出版时,比利时刚果,或称为刚果自由邦,实际上为国王利奥波德二世个人所拥有,而不是比利时的正式殖民地。 wdl.org | In 1896, when this map was published, the Belgian [...] Congo–known as the Congo Free State–was actually a personal possession of King [...] Leopold II and not an officialBelgian colony. wdl.org |
在殖民岁月里,利马保持原样,但是地理地貌紧随着不同文明的交替和进化而改变:拉美人(西班牙后裔)、混血(印度混血)、意大利人(第一和第二次世界战争之后到达)、非裔秘鲁社群(通过殖民贸易作为奴隶来到这里)、日本人(作为官方移民到此)、中国人(19世纪中叶作为强制劳动到此),俄罗斯和欧洲的犹太人(沙皇屠杀和第二次世界大战后抵达)。 shanghaibiennale.org | During thecolonial times, Limaremained unchanged [...] as the geography followed closely the evolution as experienced by different [...]cultures: criollos (Spanish descendants), mestizos (Indian half-breed individuals), Italians (arrived after First and Second World War), Afro-Peruvian Communities (brought as slaves through colonial trade), Japanese (arrived as official immigrants), Chinese (arrived mid 19th century, destined to forced-labour) and Russian and European Jews (arrived after Czarist pogroms and Second World War). shanghaibiennale.org |
政策项目的主要目标是,通过支助不同的经济部门,支助政治进程的各 种所有及参与形式,为计划生育和保护生殖健康营造有利环境。 daccess-ods.un.org | The main goal of the Policy Project is the creation of favourable environments for family planning and reproductive health protection by means of supporting different economic sectors and different forms of ownership and participation in the political process. daccess-ods.un.org |
妇女生殖健康和权利方面的改进在实现妇女赋权和妇女福祉方面发挥了至关重要的 作用,并促进了其他社会发展指标,而所有这些社会发展指标都对发展和经济增 [...] 长有长期的积极影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | An improvement in women’s reproductivehealth and rights[...] plays a critical part in achieving women’s empowerment and well-being, [...]and contributing to other social development indicators, all of which have a long-term positive impact on development and economic growth. daccess-ods.un.org |
上述结果表明,山地麻蜥躯干、肝脏以及腹脂肪体能值的年变化与繁殖和冬眠关系密切,繁殖期雄体适度贮能有利于提高运动的敏捷性;雌体适度贮能有利于增加繁殖输出,提高野外生存和适应性[动物学报 49(2):191~197,2003]。 actazool.org | Proper energy storage in breeding season of male would be help for to [...] strengthen the ability [...] of quick movement, while, that of female would be increase reproductive outputand improve survival and fitness[Acta Zoologica Sinica [...]49(2):191-197,2003]. actazool.org |