单词 | 残骸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 残骸 —remains残骸 noun —wreck nremain nSee also:残—remain • cruel • brutal • ruin • incomplete • oppressive • savage • spoil 残 n—remnant n • surplus n 残 v—survive v • injure v 骸—bones of the body 残 adj—disabled adj
水下的活动也必须获得管理办 公室的具体许可证,但仅限于在被管制区域内进 行 残骸 研 究。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Specific permits from the Administration Office are also mandatory for the underwater, but only in controlled [...] zones for the study of wrecks. unesdoc.unesco.org |
今天, 该冲突导致的约 60 艘沉船残骸正在 对我国人民的生 命、我们的环境和海洋生态系统构成威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Today, the remnants of approximately 60 shipwrecks from that conflict are posing threats to the lives of our people, our environment and the marine ecosystem. daccess-ods.un.org |
多数底层 鱼种还靠中层水有机体为猎物,并利用各种猎物鱼种的昼夜垂直迁移、生 物 残骸 下沉以及随着循环在水中某些深度和生境聚集的猎物。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most demersal species also depend on midwater organism as prey, and take advantage of diel vertical migrations of prey species, sinking of carcasses, and circulation-dependent concentration of prey at certain depths and habitats. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们还捞出了大约五吨残骸,包 括各种物品,如汽车、大 [集装箱]和柴油发电机。 embassyusa.cn | We have also pulled [...] about five tons of wreckage, consisting of [...]various items like cars, large [shipping containers] and diesel generators. eng.embassyusa.cn |
我谨随函附上“对以色列侵犯人权行为采取紧急行动:关于亵渎耶路撒冷圣 城Ma’man Allah(Mamilla)坟场”的请愿。这项请愿是由有祖先葬在 Ma’man Allah 坟场的巴勒斯坦人以及巴勒斯坦、以色列和美国一些反对在葬有穆斯林死 者 残骸 的坟 场上建立所谓的“人类尊严中心和容忍博物馆”的其他几个非政府组织提出 的(见附件)。 daccess-ods.un.org | I have the honour to enclose herewith a petition for “Urgent action on human rights violations by Israel: Desecration of the Ma’man Allah (Mamilla) Muslim Cemetery in the Holy City of Jerusalem”, filed by Palestinian individuals whose ancestors are buried at Ma’man Allah cemetery in addition to several other non-governmental organizations from Palestine, Israel and the United States, who oppose the establishment of so called “Centre for Human Dignity and Museum of Tolerance” on the human remains of the dead Muslims buried in the Cemetery (see annex). daccess-ods.un.org |
展览包括世界各地水下遗产的大幅图片、泰国沉 船 残骸 实 物尺寸复制品、海底发现的遗 产展示、水下文化遗产电影、水下考古学家在水族箱工作的特别演示以及儿童的互动游戏区 ,展览还放映了教科文组织--Moonscoop 卡通片。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The exhibit included large format photographs of underwater heritage scenes from around the world, a life-size replica of a Thai ship wreck, a showcase of discoveries recovered from the seabed, a film on the underwater cultural heritage, special demonstrations of underwater archaeologists in action in the aquarium tank and an interactive play zones for children and featuring among others the UNESCO-Moonscoop Cartoons. unesdoc.unesco.org |
1982年当他在印度搜寻汽车时,意外发现一架生锈的旧型英国飞 机 残骸。 oris.ch | In 1982 when scouting around India for cars, he found the rusting remnants of an old British plane. oris.ch |
在一个巨大的荷叶边领蜥蜴,当他们遇到她的蛋离合器后,他们被救出由亚历山大(迈克尔·凯恩),带他们去一个大的小屋,他会带他到岛上的船 的 残骸 构 建,蓝眼睛的露西。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After coming across a massive frill-necked lizard when they come across her egg clutch, they are rescued by Alexander (Michael [...] Caine) who takes them to a large hut [...] he’d built from the wreckage of the ship that brought [...]him to the island, the Blue-Eyed Lucy. seekcartoon.com |
然后,她获得完全控制整个海洋,创造一个漩涡和沉 船 残骸 , 其 中埃里克霸占的风暴。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | She then gains full control of the entire ocean, creating a storm with a maelstrom and shipwrecks, one of which Eric commandeers. seekcartoon.com |
继续往南到邦伯里(Bunbury),您可以潜入水中探索一艘被凿沉的海盗 船 残骸 , 也 可以从海里捕蟹或钓鱼。 australia.com | Further south at Bunbury, you can dive the wreck of a scuttled pirate boat and catch crabs and fish from the ocean. australia.com |
研究水下腐蚀问题的著名专家警告说,这 些残骸会倒 塌,而一旦倒塌,我们认为这些沉船里的 油可能造成大规模的泄漏,其影响相当于去年墨西哥 湾的那场灾难。 daccess-ods.un.org | Leading experts on underwater corrosion have warned that the shipwrecks will collapse, and when they do, we believe that oil from these wrecks could create a spill on a massive scale, with an impact comparable to the disaster last year in the Gulf of Mexico. daccess-ods.un.org |
帕福斯的范围内躺废墟中的著名的圣所的阿芙罗狄蒂 , 其 残骸 追 溯 到公元前12世纪。 maispa.estatecy.com | Within the bounds of Paphos lie the ruins of the famous sanctuary of [...] Aphrodite, whose remains date back to the [...]12th century BC. maispa.estatecy.com |
随着勘探技术的迅猛发展,深入海底越来越便利,海底沉 船 残骸 或 水 下遗址中发现的物品的 利用与交易成为一项相当常见而且利润丰厚的活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The rapid progress made in exploration techniques has made the seabed more accessible, and its exploitation and the trade in the objects found in wrecks and in immersed sites have become a more common and highly lucrative activity. unesdoc.unesco.org |
邀请尚未参加 2007 年《内罗毕船舶残骸清除国际公约》53 的国家考 虑参加该公约 daccess-ods.un.org | Invites States that have not yet done so to consider becoming parties to the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007;53 116. daccess-ods.un.org |
巴基斯坦信德省格什莫尔(KASHMORE)地区,2013年4月4日——在坎德侯特(Kandhkot),这是一个阳光明媚的早晨,孩子们下船后兴奋地奔向他们的学校 —— 见到的或许只是学校的残骸。 unicef.org | KASHMORE DISTRICT, Sindh province, Pakistan, 4 April 2013 – On a bright, [...] sunny morning, children disembark from a boat in Kandhkot and run excitedly towards [...] their school – or what remains of it. unicef.org |
此外,海豚在Myrtoon海的暖色调和古老的双桨 船 残骸 中 的 嬉戏把我们带到了安提 凯塞拉(Antikythera)岛,在那里的海底发现了“世界上最古老的计算器”,海豚会把它取上 来呈现给你。 minpress.gr | Further, the play of the dolphins among the warm colors of Myrtoon Sea, among sculling ancient shipwrecks, brought us to the island of Antikythera, so as to discover on the seabed “the oldest calculator in the world”, to draw it up and present it to you. minpress.gr |
5 图 26:搁浅在满是残骸的海岸线上的油类可能难以量化, 因为油类可能藏在看不见的地方。 itopf.co.uk | 5 Figure 26: Oil stranding on a coastline covered in debris can be difficult to quantify as the oil may be hidden from view. itopf.co.uk |
因此,最实用的数字是含油物质的总量而 不是泄漏的油量,因为任何与油类混在一起 的残 骸、沙子或水也需要清除。 itopf.co.uk | Therefore, the total amount of oily material, as opposed to the amount of oil spilt, is the most relevant figure as any debris, sand or water mixed with the oil will also require removal. itopf.co.uk |
我们正在努力掌握一切有关轨道残骸 与 再 入 残骸 的 信 息,以保护太空任务和地球上人类的利益。 tipschina.gov.cn | We are trying to learn everything that we can about orbital and reentry debris so that we can protect space missions and human interests on the ground. tipschina.gov.cn |
1970 年代初期,该船的残骸被疏通卢瓦尔河口航道的挖泥 船毁坏,但是沉船的一些残片和许多火炮被抢救了出来。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, some pieces of the wreck and a large number of canons could be saved. unesdoc.unesco.org |
探寻 SS 玛希诺号沉船残骸 该船 建于 1905 年,在被飓风吹上岸搁浅之前,曾是跨塔斯曼海峡的豪华客船和一战时的医疗船。 australia.com | Explore the shipwreck of the S.S Maheno, which was built in 1905 and served life as both a luxury trans-Tasman passenger ship and World War I hospital ship, before being beached in a cyclone. australia.com |
由于这些“可怕”动物的化石相当稀少(右图上部为雕刻家重建的邓氏鱼模型),而研究人员又不原意剖开这些化石来研究其内部结构,因此早前的大部分研究主要是关注于这些盾皮 鱼 残骸 的 形 状和表观。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Because fossils of these fearsome creatures (sculptor's reconstruction of Dunkleosteus, top) are relatively rare and researchers are loath to slice them up to [...] look at their internal structure, most previous studies have focused on the shape and [...] surface appearance of the remains. chinese.eurekalert.org |
从在巴 黎海洋博物馆展出的沉船残骸可以 看出,在沉船被毁坏时,其木 头和缆绳依然完好,考古学界失去了这个弥足珍贵的宝物22。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The remains of the wreck, exhibited [...] in the musée de Marine in Paris, show how well preserved the wood and the ropes were [...]when the wreck was destroyed and which treasure had therefore been lost to archeology22. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在打捞者尚未完成打 捞之前,国际海洋博物馆大会就对破坏 该 残骸 的 行径予以了谴责。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Before the salvor had completed the work, the International Congress of Maritime Museums condemned the destruction of the wreck. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这一传说中的天文计算机可追溯至公元前二世纪,能显示天空中月亮与太阳的运动与位置, 其 残骸 于 19 00年在希腊水域被发现。 hautehorlogerie.org | This fabled astronomical calculator, which dates from the 2nd century BC, and whose remains were discovered in Greek waters in 1900, describes the movements and position of the moon and the sun in the sky. hautehorlogerie.org |
Jean-Jacques Hublin及其同事分析了来自法国两个地点的骨样本,这两个地点分别是Grotte du Renne 和Saint [...] Césaire,在这些地点,尼安德特人的 残骸 与 查 特佩戎(Châtelperronian)时期的人工制品有关联。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Jean-Jacques Hublin and colleagues analyzed bone samples from two sites in [...] France: Grotte du Renne and Saint Césaire, [...] where Neandertal remains are associated [...]with artifacts from a period called the Châtelperronian. chinese.eurekalert.org |