

单词 死记硬背

See also:



死硬 adj

stiff adj

External sources (not reviewed)

除了内部效率低下以外,教育系统,尤其是初级阶段的 教育系统,存在不死记硬背、应 试教育和私人补习的问题。
In additional to this internal inefficiency, the system, especially at the primary level, is plagued by rote learning, teaching based on tests and private tuition.
通过鼓励学生探索其最感兴趣的领域,而不 死记硬背 课 本 里的内容,SMILE Plug使学生真正地沉浸于学习中。
By encouraging students to explore the
areas that are most interesting to
[...] them – rather than memorizing facts outlined in [...]
a textbook – the SMILE Plug truly immerses
students into the learning process.
完全凭死记硬背来掌 握外国文化的信仰、习俗以及禁忌,这种方法不是很有效。
Rote learning about the beliefs, habits [...]
and taboos of foreign cultures, will not work well.
这也反映在应试教学风格中,造成为考试而教 死记硬背 的风 气,而不是培养学生严谨思维的能力。
This is reflected in a teaching style that is
assessment-oriented, resulting in
[...] teaching-to-the-test and rote memorization rather than [...]
developing the ability of learners to indulge
in some level of critical thinking.
缅甸的教学方法历来是死记硬背, 而 不是更 注重以儿童为中心。
Teaching methods in Myanmar also are
[...] traditionally based on rote learning rather than [...]
a more child-centered approach.
a) 便于使用少数民族和原住民语言的居民特别是女童和妇女获得受教育机会,同时 促进教育公平性; b) 强调理解力和创造力而不死记硬背 , 提 高教学质量和学习成绩; c) 加强学习认知能力,通过母语将所学知识直接应用到学习者的生活之中; d) 加强学习者与教育者之间的对话和互动,从一开始就能做到真正的交流。
(d) increases dialogue and interaction between the learner and the teacher by providing the opportunity for genuine communication from the outset.
计划的 主要组成部分包括,改死记硬背的 做 法,采取以学生为重点的教育办法;以更 [...]
Major components of the plan
[...] include a shift from rote learning to student-focused [...]
education, better targeting of the most
vulnerable, and development of health- and education-management information systems.
这在以测试为导向的教学风格中即可窥见一斑,这种教学 风格的产物就是,应试教育 死记硬背 , 而 不是开发学习者享受某种程度的批判 [...]
This is reflected in a teaching style that is
assessment-oriented, resulting in
[...] teaching-to-the-test and rote memorization rather than [...]
developing the ability of learners to indulge
in some level of critical thinking.
本港的學生死記硬背的方 式學習,不利於培養其獨立及創新的思考能力。
Rote learning does not help our students [...]
develop independent and creative thinking.
這些問題都源於教育制度過份強調死 記 硬背 , 以提高學生應付考試的寫作能力。
These problems flow from the
[...] system’s overemphasis on rote learning to hone [...]
students’ exam writing skills.
第 44 段:观察团报告,在 Homs 死亡的法国记者是被反对派发射的迫击 炮弹打死的。
Paragraph 44: The Mission
[...] reports that the French journalist who died in Homs had [...]
been killed by mortar shells fired by the opposition.
然而,學生壓力過大,以及強調死記 硬背 的 學習方式而忽略創造力的培養,都是台灣教育制度為人詬病的弊端。
It has been criticised for placing excessive pressure on students and
[...] eschewing creativity in favour of rote learning.
在制定提案过程中发现,设在基加利的主信息 中心将有能力容纳法庭所有公记录 的 硬 拷 贝 件。
In developing the proposal, it was found that the main
information centre in Kigali would have the capacity to
[...] accommodate the hard copies of all public records of the Tribunal.
这包括所有属性(包含隐藏和系统文件)、启动记录和 FAT(文件分 配表),以及根目录中的文件和包含主启 记录 (MBR) 的硬盘零磁道。
This includes all attributes (including hidden and system files), boot record, and FAT (file
allocation table); as well as files in the root directory and the
[...] zero track of the hard disc with the master boot record (MBR).
為了發展倚重高增值業務的 知識型的經濟,我們廣泛地改善了基礎教育的教學質素,包括大大增加每所
[...] 中小學的設備和資源、推動以資訊科技輔助教學的新文化,拓闊老師在教學 方法和課程設計方面可發揮的空間,取締了只 重考試、死記硬背”的學 習方式。
We have vastly improved the quality of teaching and learning in our basic education system, by greatly increasing the provision of facilities and resources for each and every primary and secondary school, cultivating a new culture of IT-aided teaching, enhancing
teachers' flexibility over their teaching approach and curriculum design, and
[...] phasing out examination-based rote learning.
牙买加强调说,保死刑不违背国际法,也不违背生命 权。
It stressed that
[...] the retention of the death penalty was not contrary [...]
to international law or inconsistent with the right to life.
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 “世记忆计 划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世界首脑会议 的精神,特别在知识社会和知识经济 背 景 下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory of the World Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
记着这一背景, 他在本报告中突出介绍了针对罗姆人的种族主义 和种族歧视以及基于工作和世系的歧视问题。
It is with this background in mind that he focuses [...]
in the present report on racial discrimination and racism against Roma,
and discrimination based on work and descent.
在这个旅途中,他接触到的是各种灾害,为避免他在他revivified权力的使用和对他在生活中的方向 死 亡 之 书 记 载 的 神奇魅力获得的知识而定,并同时,也许最重要的是由地球上幸存的朋友提供了艾滋病。
On this journey he is exposed to a variety of disasters, for the avoidance of which he depends on the use of his revivified powers and on the knowledge he
has gained in life of the directions
[...] and magical charms recorded in the Book of the [...]
Dead, and also, and perhaps most of
all, on the aids provided by surviving friends on earth.
最后,他有兴趣听取特别报告员对伊朗牧师因 被指背教而面临死刑的 案件及最近发生的针对埃 及基督教徒的暴力事件的看法。
Lastly, he would be interested to hear the Special Rapporteur’s
views on the cases of the Iranian
[...] pastor facing the death penalty for alleged apostasy, and [...]
the recent incidents of violence against Christians in Egypt.
教學要收到成效,教師必須引起學生的興趣,啟 發他們的想像力和尋根究底的精神,幫助他們把所學的知識好 好消化,而不死記硬背當前 的正統理論。
Effective teaching requires the teacher to capture the student's interest and imagination and to motivate the student to explore and thus understand the subject matter.
希望第 52 号议会法案不会妨碍针对上述案件的进一步调查,该法案 允许将因恐怖主义或颠覆活动而失踪一年以上的人员 记 为 死 亡 人 员。
It is hoped that Parliamentary Bill No. 52, which allows registration of death after one year owing to terrorist or subversive activities, would not prevent further investigations into these cases.
希捷科技(纽交所:STX),世界上最大的硬盘制造企业,今天宣布新一代数字存储产品将进入量产出货阶段,混合型 记 本 电 脑 硬 盘 , 采用闪 记 忆 ,具有超级节能、启动启动和性能可靠等优点,适合快速扩张的笔记本电脑市场。
Seagate Technology (NYSE:STX), the world's number one hard drive maker, today launched a new era of digital
storage by shipping in
[...] volume hybrid notebook disc drives that combine disc storage with flash memory [...]
to deliver ultra power
efficiency, faster boot-ups and greater reliability for the exploding laptop PC market.
如果政府明知這項工作在 7 月 1 日前做不 成,為硬要把實施的死線”放在 7 月 1 日?
If the Government knows well that such work cannot be completed by 1 July, then why does it have to set the deadline for implementation at 1 July?
关于第 2 款,有与会者建议,还应提及:(a)在 背 景下记处记录指 的是可向公众提供的记录(不然第 16 条第 2 款则与第 29 条第 2 款不相一致);(b)第 31 条所涉类型的司法命令或行政命令;及(c)至少在一段时 期内(例如两年)可向公众提供的登记处记录所可保留的已取消的通知。
With respect to paragraph 2, it was suggested that reference should also be made to: (a) the fact that registry record in that context referred to the record available to the public (otherwise, article 16, para. 2, would be inconsistent with article 29, para. 2); (b) a judicial or administrative order of the type referred to in article 31; and (c) to the possibility that cancelled notices might be retained in the registry record available to the public at least for a certain period of time (such as two years).
因 為香港社 會 缺乏 英 語 的 語 言 環境,結 果 我們的英語 並沒有學好 , 其他科目亦未見 有進步, 中 國 語 文 更 未 達到應有水 平 , 因 為學生 在學習 過 程中, 並 不 是 用“心 中 的 語 言 ” 來 學 習 、 思
[...] [...] 考;如果我們強 要學生 用 英文把 學過的 東 西 重新表達 出 來 , 他 們就只有 把 教 科 書 或 筆 記 等死 背硬記 ” , 再 寫 出 來 。香港這種現 象 , 早 在 82 年 便 被 教育顧問團 的 報 告書指出 了 , 現在又 重新考慮 [...] [...]
在 中 文 中 學進行 中 英 並 行 教 學 法,是原地 踏 步 的 做 法 。
The fact that we are reconsidering the adoption of two-mode teaching in Chinese secondary schools is starting from square one.
Lilliana了,药水,芭比公主Graciella可以是一个正常的公主并没有继续作用下的爱情药水,他们到达洛杉矶光泽,登上小马穿越宫,Graciella公主意识到,他们是泰勒和Carrie她发送Raquelle和芭比娃娃里面一笼锁定,笼子里是无敌的一个童话充满激情的骄傲,但说话的芭比娃娃和Raquelle和道歉后,他们意识到,笼子里的酒吧开始断裂,突然有真正的翅膀在他们 背 上 和 记 住 的 短语“宽恕让你飞”。
Lilliana gave to Barbie, a potion, for Princess Graciella can get to be a normal princess and do not keep acting under a love potion,them arrived to Gloss Angeles, crossing the Palace aboard ponies,Graciella Princess realizes that they are Taylor and Carrie then she sends Raquelle and Barbie inside a cage locked ,the cage is invincible to pride of a fairy passionate, but after talking Barbie and Raquelle and Apologize,they realizes that
cage’s bars begin to breaking, suddenly have real
[...] wings on their backs and remember a phrase “forgiveness [...]
makes you fly”.
眾所周知,資訊科技的發展,是講求創新與嘗試,可是我們的教育制度, 一直以來只 重死記”、“硬背”, 以致學生全無發揮的空間;而且,不 少被教育制度定性為“失敗”的學生,事實上其創意無窮,可是,他們卻因 為學業成績跟不上他人,被人排擠於主流教育之外,無法發揮其所長。
Moreover, many of those students branded as "losers" under the education system are actually very creative.
纽约营 地部分嫌疑人是以前驻扎在阿比让 死硬 战 斗人员,随 Youbor 车队进入利比里 亚,这表明该团体有一定的军事能力,而不仅仅是一伙无组织、打短工的难民。
The fact that
[...] some of the New York camp suspects had been hard-line combatants [...]
formerly based in Abidjan, and had entered
Liberia with the Youbor convoy, suggests that that group had a certain military capacity, and was not merely a disorganized band of refugees looking for employment as short-term manual labourers.
一些团体,如国际新闻安全协会9 和国际新 闻工作者联合会10
[...] ,记录所有安全相关的方面,包括车辆事故和疾病,而其他团 体,保护新闻工作者委员会11 和无国界记者组织12 ,采取了范围较窄的方式,重 点关注其职业直接导致暴死亡的记 者 的 案例。
Some, like the International News Safety Institute (INSI)9 and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)10, keep track of all safety-related aspects, including vehicle accidents and illness, while others, such as the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)11and Reporters Without Borders (RWB),12 take a more
narrow approach, focusing more on
[...] instances where journalists suffer violent deaths directly related [...]
to their profession.




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