单词 | 死无葬身之地 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 死无葬身之地 —die without a burial siteless common: die a pauper • a tragic end See also:葬身—be buried • bury a corpse
我曾於兩年前說過,死無葬身之地的 問題,是一定要解 決的。 legco.gov.hk | Two years ago, I said that the problem of not having a place [...] to rest in peace after death must be addressed. legco.gov.hk |
自 己背着因襲的重擔,肩住了黑暗的閘門,放他們到寬闊光明 的 地方 去,而自己卻只能葬身在黑暗的閘門 之 下。 legco.gov.hk | With the heavy burden of carrying on old practices on my back and the gate of darkness [...] on my shoulders, they are set free to [...] places wide and bright, and I will end up being buried under the gate of darkness. legco.gov.hk |
一名最高法院代表正在出席本届会议,因为约有 四分之一的 委员会问题属于最高法院管辖范围: 人身 保护令、废除死刑、无期徒 刑、长期监禁等问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | A Supreme Court representative was participating in the current meeting because about one quarter of the Committee’s [...] questions related to issues [...] within the remit of the Supreme Court: habeas corpus, abolition of the death penalty, life imprisonment, long-term imprisonment [...]and others. daccess-ods.un.org |
中國人十分忌諱“死無 葬身之地”,但我們看到現時存在骨灰龕不足的問題,令不少先人要輪 候多時。 legco.gov.hk | To die without a burial place is regarded as a [...] curse among Chinese people, yet we can see that the current insufficient [...]supply of columbarium niches has put many deceased persons on a long wait. legco.gov.hk |
它们还应协助家庭成员 [...] 提出查询,鼓励承担这一任务的组织作出努力,并提供墓地确切位置和标记的清 单以及墓地所葬死者的数据。 daccess-ods.un.org | They should also facilitate enquiries made by members of families, encourage the work of organizations engaged in this task [...] and provide lists showing the exact location and markings of graves, together [...] with data on the deceased interred therein. daccess-ods.un.org |
長者除了住 屋的需要外,身後安葬亦很重要,特別是中國人社會最關心的是:在 生要有安居之所,死後要入土為安。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from the need [...] to provide homes for the living elderly, the need to provide burial grounds is also very important, and this is actually the greatest [...]concern in a Chinese society. legco.gov.hk |
過去10年甚至在更早之前出現的教育、醫療、長者照顧及死後安 [...] 葬問題,其實也源於香港的人口政策非常不清晰,才會出現小學教師 過剩、醫生及醫護人員嚴重不足,以及 “ 死 無 葬身之地 ” 等 香港獨有的 怪現象。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, the extremely unclear population policy in Hong Kong had given rise to the unique and bizarre phenomena of an oversupply of primary school teachers, [...] an acute shortage of doctors and healthcare workers, and not having [...] sufficient places for the deceased to rest in peace. legco.gov.hk |
社 会保障通过如下途径实施:以国家补助金形式向拥有子女的低收入家庭 和 无 劳动 收入的无劳动 能力人士提供社会保障金;向特定种类居民提供资金补偿;向需要 特殊住院条件的人和孤寡老人提供社会服务;对临时丧失劳动能力的公民以及怀 孕、生产和安葬亲属之人给 予社会保障。 daccess-ods.un.org | Social services are provided through guaranteed social payments in the form of aid to low-income families with dependants and to incapacitated persons with no working experience, financial support for certain categories of the population and welfare services for persons in need of special nursing care in hospital conditions, elderly persons living alone at home, temporarily incapacitated persons, and pregnant women and newborns, as well as for inhumation. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们希望,委员会今后在处置类似案情时,别开创一种鼓 励对落入偷渡蛇头魔爪,既无身份 证, 又 无 人 陪 伴未的成年儿童,予以 毫 无 必要 地安置 的模式,这样做会致使儿童面临人口贩运、伤害,乃 至 死 亡 的 严重风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | We hope that the Committee’s future approach in similar cases will not establish a [...] pattern that provides [...] encouragement to the needless placement of unaccompanied children, without documents, in the hands of smugglers, which exposes them to serious risks of human trafficking, injury, and death. daccess-ods.un.org |
其家人尚未从官方那里得到证实,表示其亲人已 经 死 亡 ,从 而 无法 将亲人安葬并适当地为其哀悼。 daccess-ods.un.org | Their families had not received [...] official confirmation that [...] their relatives are dead, making it impossible for them to bury their loved ones [...]and to grieve properly for them. daccess-ods.un.org |
但 是,国家人权委员会将职权 仅 限于秘 密火葬, 无 视 违 反生命 权和自由 权的行为; 从 地域上将 自 身 职 权 限于三 处 火葬场 ; 拒绝调 查 任何失踪案件,依靠警方陈述而不是听取家人的证据来断定受害者的状况。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the NHRC limited its [...] mandate to secret cremations, ignoring the violations of the right to life and the right to liberty; territorially [...]restricted its mandate [...]to three crematoriums; and refused to investigate any disappearances, relying on police admissions to determine the status of victims, rather than hearing any evidence from family members. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前的做法表明,在挖掘尸体的过程中应用法医学方法,包括 DNA 检测,可能是埋葬后确认死者身份的 适当方法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Current practice suggests that exhumation combined with the [...] application of forensic methods, including DNA testing, may be an [...] appropriate method of identifying the dead after burial. daccess-ods.un.org |
然后当基督从坟墓站起身来,他战胜 了 死 亡 和 地 狱 , 从而表现出的神圣权力至 高 无 上 诅 咒罪恶的世界,奠定了所有创造的罪恶的腐败影响最终赎回的基础。 mb-soft.com | Then when Christ arose from the grave, he triumphed over death and hell, thus demonstrating the supremacy of divine [...] power in a sin cursed world [...]and laying the foundation for the eventual redemption of all creation from sin's corrupting influence. mb-soft.com |
我想死者家屬希望把死者下葬在 甚麼地方或採用甚麼儀式等,一定會影響費用的多少。 legco.gov.hk | I think the place in which the [...] family members wish to bury the deceased and the ceremony [...]they wish to hold will have an implication [...]on the amount of fees required. legco.gov.hk |
一方面,数千万人饱受贫困和可预防、可治疗疾 病之苦,无声无息地死去, 另一方面现代征服性战争 则继续爆发,致使成千上万人死亡,这些人一般都是 [...] 平民,而令人吃惊的是,他们被称为“附带损害”。 daccess-ods.un.org | While tens of millions of human beings — victims of [...] poverty and preventable and curable diseases — die in silence, [...]modern wars of conquest continue [...]to erupt, leaving thousands of dead, generally civilians, who are astonishingly called “collateral damage”. daccess-ods.un.org |
从萨马瓦、哈巴尼耶和拉马迪葬地, 发 掘了 142 具遗骸;92 具已查明身份, 19 具已归还,27 具被合并,4 具在测试过程中毁损(见表 5)。 daccess-ods.un.org | V. From the Samawah, Habbaniyah and Ramadi burial sites, 142 sets of remains retrieved; [...] 92 were identified, 19 were returned, [...]27 were merged and 4 were consumed in testing (see table 5). daccess-ods.un.org |
最后, 在对乌兹别克斯坦废除死刑表示赞赏的同时,他希望 获悉在废除死刑之前已 采取何种步骤向被处决者的 家庭通知死讯和尸体存放地,以及最高法院采用了何 种标准将死刑减刑为终身监禁 或其他刑罚。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lastly, while appreciating the abolition of the death penalty in Uzbekistan, he wished to know what steps had been taken, prior to that [...] abolition, to inform [...] families of the death of the executed persons and the location of their bodies, and what criteria had been used by the Supreme Court for the commutation of death sentences to life imprisonment [...]or other penalties. daccess-ods.un.org |
现阶段的一项优先事项在于协助并便利在技术小组委员会框架内设立一个有 效机制,定期前往伊拉克境内科威特和第三国受害者可能 的 葬身之地 进 行 探访。 daccess-ods.un.org | A priority at this stage was to assist and facilitate the setting up of an effective mechanism within the framework of the Technical Subcommittee to [...] conduct regular exploratory [...] missions to sites on Iraqi territory where Kuwaiti and third-country victims may have been buried. daccess-ods.un.org |
但该办公室的 资源有限,使之无法有效地提高 人们对道德操守和廉正以及该办公室提供的各项 服务的认识,或对外地工作人员面对的具体风险和需要进行评估。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the Office’s limited [...] resources have prevented it [...] from effectively raising awareness about ethics and integrity and [...]the services provided by the Office [...]or assess the specific risks and needs faced by staff in the field. daccess-ods.un.org |
(n) 对思想、良心、宗教或信仰自由权实行严厉限制和管制,包括对行使这 一权利者实施任意逮捕、无限期 拘留、长期囚禁,并任意拆毁礼拜场所和 埋 葬地 daccess-ods.un.org | (n ) Severe limitations and restrictions on the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or [...] belief, including [...] arbitrary arrest, indefinite detention and lengthy jail sentences, for those exercising this right, and the arbitrary demolition of places of worship and burial daccess-ods.un.org |
2.3 2007 年9月28 日,休达第一预审法院在预审过程中,驳回了就Sonko先生 之死提起的诉讼,依据的调查结果是 它 无 权 审理关于摩洛哥境内发生的事件的案 件。 daccess-ods.un.org | 2.3 On 28 September 2007, Examining Court No. 1 of [...] Ceuta, in the course of a [...] preliminary inquiry, dismissed the proceedings initiated in connection with the death of Mr. Sonko based [...]on its finding that it [...]was not competent to hear a case concerning events that had occurred in Moroccan territory. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,一种存在以下是一个半英寸材料鬼,或遮荫,或双(ekimmu)的一种认为,生存 在 死 亡 的 身 体 , 当 身 体 被 埋 葬 ( 或较少见,火化)鬼下降到加入黑社会的离开公司。 mb-soft.com | A kind of semi-material ghost, or shade, or double [...] (ekimmu), survives the death of the body, and when the body is buried [...](or, less commonly, cremated) [...]the ghost descends to the underworld to join the company of the departed. mb-soft.com |
关于 Niranjan Basnet 少校的案件,该国政府注意到,据查明他根本 与 Maina Sunuwar 的死亡无关, 他的巡逻队奉命逮捕她,他只是执行命令,将被 拘留者移交给上司之后, 他就被解职了。 daccess-ods.un.org | Concerning the case of Major Niranjan Basnet, [...] the Government noted that he was found not to be involved in the death of Maina Sunuwar at all and that his patrol was tasked to arrest [...]her, which he performed, [...]and then, after he handed over the detainee to his supervisor, he was relieved from his duty. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 所有对卖方的要求、索赔、诉讼或第三方的判决,对任何结果、材料、特殊、清偿、惩罚或 其他损害,直接或间接的,无论这 种要求、索赔、诉讼或判决是否基于合约的原则、侵权行 为、疏忽、限定的义务、保证、赔偿、贡献、法令或其他情况,包括但不限于所有的要求、索 赔、诉讼和与伤害相关的判断和/或任 何 死 亡 和 人 身 伤 害 ,以及对在使用、处理、修理、调整、 操作、修改或产品转换时引起的财产损失和/或损害;和 cranecomposites.com | (a) all demands, claims, actions, or judgments of a third party against any Seller Party, directly or indirectly, for any consequential, material, special, [...] liquidated, punitive, or [...] other damages, regardless of whether such demand, claim, action, or judgment is based on theories of contract, tort, negligence, strict liability, warranty, indemnity, contribution, statute, or otherwise, including without limitation, all demands, claims, actions, and judgments relating to injury and/or death of any and all [...]persons and for loss of [...]and/or damage to property arising from use, handling, repair, adjustment, operation, modification, or conversion of Products; and cranecomposites.com |
在国家一 级,如需要,这一网络最好是把教科文组织在联合国国家工作队中的“工作组”和 预算外项目的联络站包括进来,把它们作为 本 身无 代 表 职能的 分 地 区 办 事处派出行 政单位,对各自的办事处主任负责。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At the country level, the network shall preferably include, as appropriate, either UNESCO desks within United Nations country teams or extrabudgetary project antennas as out-posted administrative units of subregional offices without a representational mandate reporting to their respective directors. unesdoc.unesco.org |
令人遗憾的是,以色列当局严重漠视有关需要加以保护和保存的 埋 葬地 的普 遍准则,严重漠视埋于马米拉墓地的逝者后代的敏感性和权利,悍然蔑视 和 无视 伊 斯兰宗教和巴勒斯坦文化方面的敏感性,掀起了又一波毁坏墓地的浪潮。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regrettably, in grave disrespect of the [...] universal norms regarding burial sites, which are to be protected and preserved, in grave disrespect of the sensitivities and rights of the descendants of those buried in the Mamilla Cemetery, and in a display of disregard [...]of Islamic religious and Palestinian [...]cultural sensitivities, the Israeli authorities have carried out yet another wave of destruction in the Cemetery. daccess-ods.un.org |
公司与土著人民之间进行直接谈判也许是最为有效和可行的方式,可 就在土著领地之内或 附近开采自然资源达成安排,充分尊重土著人民的权利,这 种方式还可为土著人民提供追求自身 发 展优先事项的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Direct negotiations between companies and indigenous peoples may be the most efficient and desirable way of arriving at agreed-upon arrangements for the extraction of natural resources within or near indigenous territories that are fully respectful of indigenous peoples’ rights, and they may provide indigenous peoples with opportunities to pursue their own development priorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
(2) 因股東身故、精神紊亂或破產而享有股份權利之人士,本公司可藉預付郵資之信 [...] 函及在信封或封套上註明其為收件人而把通知郵寄給該人士,以身故者代表或破產者受託 人之稱謂或類似稱謂而享有股份權利之人士,本公司可把通知寄交聲稱如上所述享有權利 之人士就此目的所提供之地址( 如有),或(直至獲提供地址前)藉如無發生 該 身 故 、精 神紊亂或破產時原來之方式發出通知。 dejinresources.com | (2) A notice may be given by the Company to the person entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy of a Member by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter, envelope or wrapper addressed to him by name, or by the title of representative of the deceased, or trustee of the bankrupt, or by any like description, at the address, if any, supplied for the purpose by the person [...] claiming to be so [...] entitled, or (until such an address has been so supplied) by giving the notice in any manner in which the same might [...]have been given [...]if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy had not occurred. dejinresources.com |
閣下不得將憑證用於以下情況:(i) 提供給或代表任何其他組織使用;(ii) 除閣下在憑證申請上提交之網域 名稱和/或組織名稱以外,執行與任何其他網域名稱和/或組織名稱相 關 之 私 密金鑰或公開金鑰操作;(iii) 一次在多台實體伺服器或裝置上使用,除非閣下已購買授權憑證選項,或除非閣下已購買 GeoTrust 或 RapidSSL 憑證;(iv) 如果是 WLAN 伺服器憑證,在除 RADIUS 伺服器以外的任何裝置上使用;(v) 用作危險環境中的控制裝置或用於需要自動防故障性能的用途,例如,操作核設施、飛機導航或通訊系統、空中交通控制系統或武器控制系統,在此等情況下出現故障可能直接導 致 死 亡 、 人 身 傷 害 或嚴重的環境損害。 verisign.com.hk | You are prohibited from using your Certificate: (i) for or on behalf of any other organization; (ii) to perform private or public key operations in connection with [...] any domain and/or [...] organization name other than the one you submitted on your Certificate Application; (iii) on more than one physical server or device at a time, unless you have purchased the Licensed Certificate Option, or unless you have purchased a GeoTrust or RapidSSL Certificate; (iv) if a WLAN Server Certificate, on any device other than a RADIUS server; and (v) for use as control equipment in hazardous circumstances or for uses requiring fail-safe performance such as the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control systems, or weapons control systems, where failure could lead directly to death, personal injury, or severe environmental damage. verisign.com.hk |