

单词 死因不明

See also:


cause of death


not clear
fail to understand





External sources (not reviewed)

66 人死于自然,三人死于意外,死因裁判官就余下三宗个案作死因不明决,全部个案均无发现惩教署有失当行为。
Eight of the deceased were found to have committed suicide, 66 to have died by natural causes, three to have diedaccidentally and three were concluded by the Coroneras open verdict cases.
死者中有一人自杀、五人死于自然,三人死于意外,死因裁 判官就余下一宗个案作死因不明决。
One of the deceased was found to have committed
suicide; five to have died
[...] by natural causes, three by accident, the remaining one was concluded by theCoroner asan open [...]
verdict case.
死因调查发现电击枪武器在50 多起死亡中起了 作用,而其他一些情况死因不明并不造成严重威胁的人使用电击枪情况很 普遍,对象包括儿童、老人和受酗酒或毒品影响的人。
Coroners have found the electroshock
weapons played a role in
[...] more than50 deaths, and there are other cases where the causeof death wasunclear. electroshock weapons are widelyused against individuals who do not posea serious [...]
threat, including
children, the elderly and people under the influence of drink or drugs.51 35.
明不 病对人口的影响,但它们不能正确地反映某国人 口的健康状况,因为许多疾病不是致命的,却会降低这些病人的生活质量。
While the causes ofdeath are indicative of [...]
the impact of different diseases on a population, they donot properly reflect a population’s
health status because many diseases are not fatal and yet reduce the quality of life of those suffering from them.
季节性流感所导致或相关的实可以根据每或个 死因较来 估计。
The precise numbers of deathsdue or related to these seasonal flu outbreaksarenot known,but estimates are typically based on comparisons of monthly mortality rates or particular causesofdeath.
最近的估计素(蛋白质)和微量营养素(包括铁和碘)摄产生的合并后果在儿数中占了 35%,在全球疾病总数 中占了 11%。
Recent estimates
[...] suggest that the combined effect of inadequate macronutrient (protein) and micronutrient (including iron and iodine) intakes is responsible for 35 per centof child deathsand 11 per cent [...]
of the global disease burden.
该客户如有任何一方死亡,应立刻以书面通知交易商客户为共同租借人或共有租借人,交易商可自行酌情 采取(而无须申述理由)认为必需的行动,在税务及其他索偿上作自我保障,在发还该个户口由交易商持有的财产前, 或发还交易理由(包括保管理由)而拥有的财产前,交易商可要求在生者及/ 产发税 文件及交易商认为必需(而无须申述理由)的文件及担保书,以清算或继续维持该户口。
Before releasing any property
[...] held by PT for any purpose or carried by PT in any account opened onthe Clients’ behalf or which may be in PT’s possession at any time and for any purpose, including safe-keeping, PT may require such proofs of death, tax waivers, other documents, and instrument of guarantee by the survivors and/or by the estate of the deceasedas inthe sole discretion of PT (without having to assign a reason thereto) [...]
deem necessary
or desirable in connection with the liquidation or continuation of any such account.
间接的后果包括:因劣质或地下堕胎手术生造成的死亡;孕妇 死亡;有害习俗造成的死亡;与贩毒、有组织犯罪和团伙活动相关、饥饿或虐待造成女孩或妇女以及国家蓄意的行为造成
The indirect category includes: deaths due to poorly conducted or clandestine abortions; maternal mortality;
deaths from harmful
[...] practices;deaths linked to human trafficking, drug dealing, organized crime and gangrelated activities; the deathof girls or womenfrom simple neglect, through starvation or illtreatment; and deliberate actsor omissions by the State.
提供进一步资料,明因造成的和在科托努监登记簿中 记录的死亡资料,以及特别是关于任何调查、刑事或纪律处罚诉讼以及任何刑事 和
(f) Further informationon thedeath in custody caused by ill-treatment and [...]
noted in the mortality register of Cotonou Prison,
and in particular details of any investigation, criminal or disciplinary proceedings and any penal and/or disciplinary sanctions.
随着大量摩洛哥安全人员的进驻以及新的抗议者不断涌入,该地区的政治和 安全气氛逐渐恶化,尤其是在 10 月 24 日摩洛哥军因不明地入口开枪14 岁撒哈拉男孩之后。
With a heavy Moroccan security presence and the continued influx of new protesters, the political and security atmosphere in the area gradually
deteriorated, particularly after
[...] Moroccan forces shot dead a14-year-old Saharan boy at thecamp’s entrance on 24 October inunclear circumstances.
缔约国注意到, 死亡证明并未明死因无法证明申诉人所谓的兄弟死亡的性质。
The State party
[...] notes that the deathcertificates do not give the cause of deathor explain [...]
how the alleged brothers of the complainant died.
接下来是“症状、体征、异常不明(11.8%)、呼吸系统疾病(10.5%)、内分泌、影响和代谢疾病(4.8%)、消化系统疾 病(4.3%)、外(4.2%)、泌尿生殖系统疾病(2.7%)、神经系统疾病和感觉器 官(2.4%),以及传染病和寄生虫病(2.1%)(图 33)。
Next come “symptoms,
[...] signs, abnormalfindings,ill-defined causes” (11.8%), respiratory diseases (10.5%), endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (4.8%), digestive diseases (4.3%), external causesofdeath (4.2%), diseases [...]
of the genitourinary system
(2.7%), diseases of the nervous system and the sense organs (2.4%), and infectious and parasitic diseases (2.1%) (Chart 33).
采取这种方法,下述相关 问题,即 (a) 指标 的界定、衡量和监测,(b) 受影响地区的定义和定界就非常 更具操 作性。
Taking this approach makes the related
but different challenges of: (a)
[...] defining, measuring and monitoring the indicators; and (b) defining and delineating affected areas distinct and thereforemore operationally viable.
委员会欢迎缔约国提供资料,明因杜尔曼事件被捕的儿童都已获得总统令赦免,但关切地指出,他们基本上是 被作为违法者 害者对待,其中一些儿童已被
While welcoming the State party’s information
that all the children arrested
[...] inconnection with the Omdurman incident have been pardoned by Presidential Decree, the Committee expresses its concern that they were treated primarily as perpetrators rather than victims, with some of them having been sentenced to death.
从全球 来看,各国的凶杀率从每年每 100,000 人中有不到 1 致死到每年每 100,000 人有 50 人以死不,这公民的安全保障水平方面 存在着明显差异。
Globally, national homicide rates vary from
[...] under1violent death per 100,000 persons per year to more than 50 per 100,000 persons per year, suggesting a significantvariation in[...]
levels of citizen safety and security.
香港交易及结算所有限公司及香港联合交易所有限公司对本通函之内容概不负责,对其准确性或完 整性亦不发表任何表示 不因函全部或任何部分内容而产生或因倚赖该等内容而 引致之任何损失承担任何责任。
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this
circular, make no
[...] representation asto its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever [...]
for any loss howsoever
arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this circular.
空气的神,像火星,同时,战争的全能的神,谁设置从云蛇安比(或Vritra),加快雨免费;楼陀罗,后来被称为湿婆众所周知,世尊,神破坏性的雷暴,恐惧对象的恶人,而是一个好的朋友,烈火,火之神,朋友和人,在他们居住的恩人火炉,同时向神祈祷和祭祀;索玛,那个神秘的植物,其inebriating汁是如此亲爱的神和人的神,抵挡疾病,传授实力和确 不死
the god of theair, Indra, like Mars, also, the mighty godof war, who set free from the cloud-serpent Ahi (or Vritra), the quickening rain; Rudra, later known as Siva, the blessed one, the god of the destructive thunderstorm, an object of dread to evil-doers, but a friend to the good; Agni, the fire-god, the friend and benefactor of man, dwelling on their hearths, and bearing to the gods their prayers and sacrificial offerings; Soma, the god of that mysterious plant whose inebriating juice was so dear to the gods and toman, warding off disease, imparting strength andsecuring immortality.
据发表在3月6日出版的《美国医学会杂志》上的一则研究披露,尽管患有类风湿关节炎(RA)的患者有着带状疱疹(shingles)例的高发病率,但一项对包括了近6万名患有RA及其它炎症疾病的患者的分析发现,与那些启用非生物治疗方案的患者相比,启用抗肿瘤 死因法的患者其罹患带状疱疹的风险并没有增加。
Although patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have a disproportionately higher incidence of herpes zoster (shingles), an analysis that included nearly 60,000 patients with RA and other inflammatory diseases found that those who initiated anti-tumor necrosis factor therapies were not at higher risk of herpes zoster compared with patients who initiated nonbiologic treatment regimens, according to a study appearing in the March 6 issue of JAMA.
因为火葬是一转的程序,并且消 灭任何可断死因据,所以必须要待 人死後四十八小时才可举行火葬。
Because cremation is an irreversible process and
eliminates any ability to
[...] determine causeof death, 48hours must elapse after the timeof deathbefore cremation may [...]
take place.
在加州中岸San Luis Obispo一所大学攻读的二年级华裔学生,上周六被发现在宿舍外暴毙 死因
A California central coast university
[...] sophomore has died outside a campus residence hall at California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo.
至于预算外资源,这个比率是以年度拨款为基础(这纯属指示性些项目的开支映实施的真实水平,两年期截止日期未到,也得不到在这一年 中按项目的实际进度所拨款项的调整数额)。
As for extrabudgetary resources, this rate is calculated on the basis of annual allocations (it is purely indicative due to the fact that the expenditure rates of such projects donot reflect the true level of implementation due to the absence of biennial cut-off date and adjustments in the allocations made during the course of the year to align with actual progress of projects).
请提供资料,了 哪些步骤,确保对包括维护人权者在内的所有人提供保护,使 不因事的活 动而遭受恐吓、不公正的监禁或暴力行为,并对这类行为进行快速、公正和有效 的调查。
Please provide information on steps taken to ensure that all persons, including those monitoring human rights, are protected from any intimidation, unjust imprisonment or violence as a result of their activities, as well as the prompt, impartial and effective investigation of such acts.
防止酷刑小组委员会请缔约国提供详细信息,包检报告, 拘留场所内发生的所况,以及与之相关的独立调查的开展情 况。
The SPT requests the State party to
provide detailed
[...] information, including death certificates and autopsy reports, on the causeandcircumstanceof all deaths that have occurred [...]
in places of detention,
as well as information in respect of independent investigations conducted in this connection.
有人支持在条款草案中对“安全国”的概念作一些委员认为,应禁止将外国人驱逐至其可能面临酷刑或其他残忍 或有辱 人格的待遇的任何目的地国,于其国籍国,这一点需要明确。
Support was also
[...] voiced fora reference inthe draft article to the notion of a “safe country”, as some members considered it necessary to make itplain thatthe prohibition to expel an aliento a State where he or she might be subjected to torture or to other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment extended to any State of destination and was not confined to [...]
the State of nationality.
准则 3.3.2
[...] 依据的是这样一个广泛承认的前提,即对保留的接受并不能改变其不允许 性,因为这许的因(明止保留或保留不符合条约的目的和宗旨)要依 [...]
Guideline 3.3.2 is based on the widely recognized premise that
acceptance of a reservation cannot cure its
[...] impermissibility, because thereasonsfor that impermissibility [...]
— express prohibition
of the reservation or its incompatibility with the object and purpose of the treaty — apply ipso facto and cannot be reversed by mere acceptance by a State or by an international organization.
有两个代表团要求提供更多资料,对固定项目加以 们涉及方案 编制安排和 TRAC-1,并指出一些项目被分配了更多资金,而其他项目则被冻结在 2008 年的水平上;它们要求开发署澄清是否将会根据通货膨胀情况予以更新,还 是保这样就表示实际减少。
Two delegations asked for more detailed information on fixed lines as they related to the programming arrangements and TRAC-1, noting that some lines were allocated more money, while others were frozen at 2008 levels; they asked UNDP to clarify whether those would be updated in line with inflation, or left alone thereby signifying a real decline.




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