单词 | 死乞白赖 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 死乞白赖 —pester someone again and again
例如,肯 尼亚与坦桑尼亚联合共和国边界周围地区就是一个直接 依 赖乞 力 马 扎罗排出的 地下水的地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | One example is the area spanning the border between Kenya and the United Republic of Tanzania, an area that is directly dependent on ground-water discharge from Kilimanjaro. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,我們要明白一點,六四的死難者是為了反對貪腐,反對官倒,為了爭取民主、自由、人權而犧牲的。 legco.gov.hk | Nevertheless, we have to understand one point: The victims [...] of the 4 June incident sacrificed themselves in opposition of [...]corruption and official profiteering and in fighting for democracy, freedom and human rights. legco.gov.hk |
1)他站在那里,头上戴着一顶别人送的1920年的草帽… …微弱的行乞的话语像死鸟一样落在这条昏暗的街上 shanghaibiennale.org | (1) He stood there in a 1920′s straw hat somebody [...] gave him… soft mendicant words falling like dead birds in the dark [...]street…. shanghaibiennale.org |
宪法法院发布了关于在白俄罗斯废除 死 刑 可 以利用的法律选择的裁 决。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Constitutional Court has issued a ruling on the legal possibilities available [...] for the abolition of the death penalty in Belarus. daccess-ods.un.org |
伊丽莎白-弗赖伊协 会加拿大联合会是由基于社区的自治组织组成的联合 会,与司法系统的妇女和女孩,特别是陷入边缘化处境、受害的、被定罪的和 被监禁的妇女和女孩合作并为其服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies is an association of self-governing, community-based organizations that work with and for women and girls in the justice system, particularly the marginalized, victimized, criminalized and institutionalized. daccess-ods.un.org |
其目标是减少加拿大被监 禁妇女人数;增加向这些妇女提供的基于社区的、政府资助的社会服务、保健 和教育资源;以及与伊丽莎白-弗赖伊 协 会及其他妇女团体合作,应对贫穷、种 族主义和其他形式的压迫。 daccess-ods.un.org | Its goals are to reduce the number of women imprisoned in Canada; to increase the availability of community-based, publicly funded, social service, health and educational resources for such women; and to work collaboratively with Elizabeth Fry Societies and other women’s groups to address poverty, racism and other forms of oppression. daccess-ods.un.org |
在上面的例子中,粗灰分,粗蛋白和 赖 氨 酸 值来自原始参考原料修改的。 evapig.com | In the example above, [...] the ash, crude protein and lysine value were changed [...]from the original reference ingredient. evapig.com |
例如在調查完畢後,如發現兩名候選人即唐英年及梁振英,根本均是 “黑 ”的,我們也總算死得甘心瞑目,死 得 清楚 明 白。 legco.gov.hk | For instance, if it is found after investigation that the two candidates, namely, [...] Henry TANG and LEUNG Chun-ying, are both "black", we would at [...] least rest in our graves, knowing the cause of our death. legco.gov.hk |
當然,有部分市民仍會支持他們的行動,但大部分市民均不認同 這種浪費議會時間的行動,這是一種人們描述為 “ 乞 人 憎 ”的做法 ,白 白浪費了議會時間及納稅人的金錢。 legco.gov.hk | While some people still back up Members taking the filibuster action, the majority of them do not accept filibuster which is regarded as a waste of the Council's time. legco.gov.hk |
其 實,很簡單,如果已討論了所有道理,全部市民也贊成,立法會絕大 多數議員也贊成,但政府卻誓死不幹......請 明 白 一 點 ,若政府有這樣 強大的支持,它是不會背黑鍋的,亦不會出現災難性的問題,因為是 [...] 整個社會要求政府這樣做。 legco.gov.hk | Well, simple enough, if all the arguments have been discussed, and all members of the public have given their support, and an overwhelming majority of Members of the Legislative Council have also given their support, but if the [...] Government adamantly refuses to [...] do it …… We have to understand one point: With such enormous [...]backing, the Government is [...]not going to be blamed; nor will there be disastrous consequences, because the entire society is asking the Government to go ahead with it. legco.gov.hk |
每 个人都对集体作出贡献,而且,因为我们不习惯 游手好闲,我们没有乞丐。 daccess-ods.un.org | ... Everyone contributes something to the common stock, and as we are unacquainted with [...] idleness, we have no beggars. daccess-ods.un.org |
这本 《曾我物语》 讲述了立志为父报仇的兄弟在经历 18 [...] 年苦难后成功报仇的故事,同时还讲述曽我十郎佑成被杀,曽我五郎时致被抓并被 源 赖 朝 (1147-99 年)处死,源赖朝是 镰仓幕府(1192-1333 年)的建立者。 wdl.org | The Soga Monogatari (Tale of the Soga brothers) tells how, after 18 years of hardships, the brothers fulfill [...] their quest, but also [...] how Sukenari is killed and Tokimune captured and executed by Minamoto Yoritomo [...](1147-99), the founder [...]of the Kamakura shogunate (1192-1333). wdl.org |
如果加入者在加入国民年金期间死亡 的 话,对 于 赖 以 加入者维持生计的遗属(有子女的妻子或者其子女)支付遗族基础 [...] 年金。 nenkin.go.jp | When an insured person of the [...] National Pension system dies, the following amount of [...]the Survivors’ Basic Pension is paid [...]to his widow taking care of child(ren) or to his dependent child(ren). nenkin.go.jp |
除了勸導行乞者放棄行乞外, 又向他們提供其他社會福利服務,例如經濟援 助、住屋援助、院合照顧(為年者和弱能者提供)和就業援助,使其不再行 乞。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from counselling [...] them to give up begging, other social welfare services such as financial assistance, housing assistance, institutional care (for the elderly and the disabled) and employment assistance will also be provided to assist them to give up begging. legco.gov.hk |
蛋白电泳的价值依赖于蛋白的比例和它们在电泳图谱中所形成的模式。 labtestsonline.org.cn | The value of protein electrophoresis lies in the proportions of proteins and in the patterns they create on the electrophoresis graph. labtestsonline.org.br |
食品与饮料行业中的白糖业严重依赖 于 大 型离心系统并利用我们提供的有源前端装置:这些装置降低电压需求并将未使用的电力返回给电网。 vacon.com | The sugar industry, a key area in the Food & Beverage sector, relies heavily on [...] large centrifugal systems and takes advantage [...]of the VACON Active Front-End units available: they lower kVA demands and return unused power to the grid. vacon.com |
上述理由大多属于公共秩序或公共安全范畴,或者可与这些范畴建立联 [...] 系。这种联系在对具有一定严重性违法行为的判决案件中被明确提及,在 行 乞、 流浪、放荡和无序生活的案件中也有所附带或暗示。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most of these grounds are derived from or related to public order or public security, whether the connection is indicated clearly, as in the case of conviction for [...] serious offences, or incidentally or even implicitly, [...] as in the case of begging, vagrancy, debauchery [...]and disorderliness. daccess-ods.un.org |
死 白色塑料加工 有廣泛知道如何處理的高性能與高纖維成分的塑料。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The White plastic processing [...] has extensive know-how in the processing of high-performance plastics with high fiber fractions. en.developmentscout.com |
(d) 审查要求生活贫困的人支付过高罚金的制裁程序,特别是 与 乞 讨 、 使 用公共空间和福利诈骗有关的制裁,并考虑废除对无能力支付的人不付罚金的监 [...] 禁判决。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Review sanctions procedures that require the payment of disproportionate fines [...] by persons living in poverty, especially [...] those related to begging, use of public space [...]and welfare fraud, and consider abolishing [...]prison sentences for non-payment of fines for those unable to pay. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据圣卡洛斯大学对 Murcillagos 湾的研究,矿 山废物即使稀释后流入大海也会在接触到珊瑚时将其 漂 白 和 杀 死 , 淤 泥也会使珊 瑚窒息,导致鱼类死亡和迁移。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to a San Carlos University study on Murcillagos Bay, upon reaching the sea, [...] mine chemicals, even [...] in dilute form, bleach and kill corals upon contact, smothering them with silt and resulting in the death and migration [...]of fish. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于罗姆族儿童乞讨的 境况, 人口与发展行动组织敦促政府采取平权措施,消 除 乞 讨 现 象。 daccess-ods.un.org | Concerning [...] the situation of begging Roma children, it urged the Government to introduce affirmative measures to eliminate begging. daccess-ods.un.org |
很明顯, 背後有很多他們本身的利益存在,很多他們本身不道德的思維,甚至可 能只是為了面子,這樣便令很多人不明 不 白 地 死 去 ,直至今天仍未能得 到平反。 legco.gov.hk | Obviously, they carry many interests on their backs and they have many immoral mindsets, and it may even be all for face-saving's sake. legco.gov.hk |
在McCarthy的15年专业生涯中,所遇到关于安全的最大变化之一是,现在已无需高度规范的安全要求,从 依 赖 政 府法 规 白 纸 黑 字的明文规定,过渡到一种风险评估过程。 solidgroundmagazine.com | One of the biggest changes in safety that McCarthy has seen over her 15 years in the industry is the move away from highly prescriptive safety [...] requirements – where everything is [...] laid out in black and white through government laws [...]and regulations – to a risk-assessment process. solidgroundmagazine.com |
一个住户,主要是婆罗门,当他们的儿子已成长为人类的遗产数量不断增加,放弃自己的家园和花费的苦行者他们的生活休息,居住在粗鲁的小屋的村庄,或根据树木的住房外,只吃最简单的食物种类,他们 以 乞 讨 , 并服从非凡的斋戒和mortifications获得。 mb-soft.com | An ever increasing number of householders, chiefly Brahmins, when their sons had grown to man's estate, abandoned their homes and spent the rest of their lives as ascetics, living apart from the villages in rude huts, or under the shelter of trees, eating [...] only the simplest kinds of food, which [...] they obtained by begging, and subjecting themselves [...]to extraordinary fasts and mortifications. mb-soft.com |
委员会注意到,根据《劳动关系法》,最低准许就业年龄为15 岁,而且18 [...] 岁以下雇员有权得到特殊保护,但同时感到关切的是,童工法和政策的执行不 力,在非正规部门存在童工现象,特别是在十字路口、街角和餐馆 的 乞 讨 和 沿街 兜售。 daccess-ods.un.org | While noting that, under the Law on Labour Relations, the minimum age for admission to employment is 15 and persons employed under the age of 18 years are entitled to special protection, the Committee is concerned about weak implementation of child labour laws and policies, and the [...] incidence of child labour in the informal [...] sector, in particular begging and street-vending [...]at intersections, on street corners and in restaurants. daccess-ods.un.org |
强烈谴责侵犯和欺凌流落街头和(或) [...] 街头谋生的儿童的权利的行为,包 括歧视和鄙视,以及缺乏基本服务、包括教育和基本保健,以及他们所遭受的一 [...] 切形式的暴力、欺凌、虐待、忽视或照料不周,如剥削、基于性别的暴力、贩 运、强迫乞讨和 危险工作、武装部队和武装团伙强行征兵、强迫失踪和法外杀 人 daccess-ods.un.org | Strongly condemns the violations and abuses of the rights of children living and/or working on the street, including discrimination and stigmatization and lack of access to basic services, including education and basic health care, and all forms of violence, abuse, maltreatment, neglect or negligent treatment experienced by them, such as [...] exploitation, gender-based violence, [...] trafficking, forced begging and hazardous work, [...]forced recruitment by armed forces and [...]armed groups, forced disappearances and extrajudicial killings daccess-ods.un.org |