

单词 歪风邪气

See also:


pathogenic influence (TCM)


general mood
common practice


unhealthy trend
pathogeny (cause of disease) in TCM
evil influence

风气 n

trend n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 述,与大规模犯罪活动相连时,武装暴力会削弱国家机构,散播恐惧和不安感, 助长有罪不罚歪风邪气(A/64/228,第 2 段)。
As set out in the Secretary-General’s report on promoting development through the reduction and prevention of armed violence, when associated with large-scale criminal activity, armed violence
can undermine State institutions, spread fear and insecurity
[...] and contribute to a climate of impunity (A/64/228, [...]
para. 2).
他还提气候变 化的影响,以及由于严重的 风 而 对 沿海地区花费的巨额资 金。
He also referred to the
[...] impact of climate change and the enormous financial amounts spent on the coastal areas owing to the severity of the hurricanes.
联合国国际减灾特别代表瓦尔斯特伦也发表讲话说, 风 桑 迪 突现 气 候 变 化和其它极端天气情况对全球的威胁。
Margareta Wahlström, the UN Special Representative
[...] for Disaster Risk Reduction, also said that Hurricane Sandy underlines global threat of climate change and [...]
more extreme events.
冈萨雷斯.丽圭尔洛先生说,“危地马拉已经意识到抵制罪犯逍遥法外的必要性,联合国儿童基金会支持公共检察官扭转这 歪风。
Guatemala has seen the need to fight against impunity and UNICEF supports the public attorney’s
[...] office to change the way of [...]
this negative trend.
风桑迪是一场不寻常的巨大摧毁 风 暴 , 它在降雨量、造成的洪水和 气 压 强 这些方面均超过历史记录。
Hurricane Sandy was an unusually large and destructive storm, breaking records in rainfall, flooding and barometric pressure.
歪理邪说, 在生活的比喻形式的身体低,往往会宣传,通过分。
Heresies, after the analogy [...]
of low forms of physical life, tend to propagate by division.
计划于 2012 年后完成的这些项目包括:阿根廷(2014 年完成)、中国(2015 年完成)、印度(2 个)(2013 年完成)和巴基斯坦(2013 年完成)的计量吸入器项 目;科特迪瓦的一个风机项 目(2014 年完成);阿根廷的一个溶剂项目(2013 年完 成);以及中国的一个药气雾剂行业项目(2013 年完成)。
Those projects with planned completion dates after 2012 include: metered-dose inhaler (MDI) projects in Argentina (completion in 2014), China (completion in 2015), India (2) (completion in 2013) and
Pakistan (completion in
[...] 2013); one chiller project in Cote d’Ivoire (completion in 2014); one solvent project in Argentina (completion in 2013); and one pharmaceutical aerosol sector project in [...]
China (completion in 2013).
在实施这些措施的同时,还刮起了一股有偏见的媒体宣 歪风 , 扭 曲有关叙 利亚问题的真相。
Those measures are accompanied by a tendentious media campaign that is distorting the truth about Syria.
从很多观点该monophysites是最重要的早期邪说,没有异端或16世纪到集团内相关 歪 理 邪 说 产 生了如此巨大和重要的文献。
From many points of view the Monophysites are the most important of early heresies, and no heresy or related group of heresies until the sixteenth century has produced so vast and important a literature.
但是,我们一眼就可以看出,实际上往往都是对所有改革问题的 系统对抗歪曲事实的情况。
But what we have seen, without becoming involved, are in many cases systematic confrontation and disinformation about virtually all reform issues.
[...] 模群众运动,但有报告显示,这些运动并非总能惠及高风险群体,其中有些活动 使用了对妇女和女孩不利的图像,传递 歪 曲 贩 运相 风 险 的信息,活动效果也 很少受到监测和评价。
While this has resulted in a plethora of large-scale public campaigns in many countries, reports suggest that the campaigns do not always reach groups that are at higher risk, that many of them use
detrimental images of women and
[...] girls and convey distorted messages about the risks involved in trafficking [...]
and that their impact
is barely monitored and evaluated.
另一方面直至第四世纪结束时,几乎没有可用的有犯错的定义,除了谴责 歪 理 邪 说 , 主要由教皇。
On the other hand up to the end of the fourth
century, there were practically no infallible definitions available, except
[...] condemnations of heresies, chiefly by popes.
主要增加的我们仍然可以使这些珍贵的遗迹是,第一,圣爱任纽 歪 理 邪 说 ,然后在良作品,关于他自己的时间,地点和西方教会的海关充分的争论有价值的信息,并刚才还含有一些有价值的信息较少的问题 [...]
- 价值较低,因为不小心,奇良,是在缺乏历史感。
The principal additions we can still make to
these precious remnants are, first, St.
[...] Irenæus on the heresies; then the works [...]
of Tertullian, full of valuable information
about the controversies of his own time and place and the customs of the Western Church, and containing also some less valuable information about earlier matters -- less valuable, because Tertullian is singularly careless and deficient in historical sense.
政府建議興建附設於瑪嘉烈醫院的新傳染病醫療中心, 本文件旨在徵詢委員對這項建議的意見。
new infectious disease centre attached to the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH).
本次级方案下的特别方案的目的,是帮助内陆发展中国家减轻其不利 地理条件造成的不良经济后果,包括:(a) 支持作出决策以提高生产能力和健全 地走向经济专门化;(b) 帮助小岛屿发展中国家提高承受外来震荡的复原能力, 并使它们大多数能够稳步取得社会经济进展;(c) 在整个贸发会议范围内造成一风气去系统地注意《阿克拉协议》第 10 段所述其他结构薄弱的、脆弱的和小 规模的经济体的问题。
The special programme under the subprogramme is aimed at helping landlocked developing countries to mitigate the adverse economic consequences of their geographical disadvantage through: (a) support for policymaking with a view to enhanced productive capacities and sound economic specialization; (b) helping small island developing States to enhance their resilience to external shocks and making steady socio-economic progress possible for most of them; and (c) instilling throughout UNCTAD a practice of devoting systematic attention to the problems of other structurally weak, vulnerable and small economies, as referred to in paragraph 10 of the Accra Accord.
天空在我们头顶上关闭,好气的邪 恶 精 灵就在躺在我们眼前;做一份受人尊重的工作,活多钱少是常事;强盗的生活反倒是精彩绵长、快乐有幸、自由又强大。
The sky closes above
[...] our heads and the evil spirits of good [...]
manners lies ahead of us; in a respectful job it is common to
work much and earn less; the life of the pirate, instead, is blossom and endlessness, pleasure and fortune, freedom and also power.
安全理事会第 1844(2008)号决议针对制裁委员会指 认的个人和实体实施了旅行禁令、资产冻结和军火禁运,从而提供了一个实际机 会,追究那些违反军火禁运者的责任,但条件是,希望建设索马里安全部门体制 能力的索马里国际合作伙伴必须依照安全理事会第 1744(2007)号和第 1772(2007) 号决议,恪守这些程序,从而展示并强化遵守禁运 风气。
Security Council resolution 1844 (2008), by which the Council imposed travel bans, an assets freeze and arms embargoes on individuals and entities designated by the sanctions Committee, provides a real opportunity for those that violate the arms embargo to be brought to account if Somalia’s international partners, wishing to build the capacity of Somali security sector institutions, demonstrate and reinforce a norm of compliance, pursuant to Security Council resolutions 1744 (2007) and 1772 (2007), through adherence to these procedures.
只要员工继续看到纪律处分方面的各种例外和 不公平的事例,组织内部的问风气 仍 然 会十分脆弱。
As long as staff continue to see examples of exceptions
and unfair application of disciplinary measures, the culture of
[...] accountability within an organization [...]
will remain fragile.
这些举措有望提高评估的质量,并进一步营造出一 风气 , 利 用 评估产生的信息来加强学习,改善业绩和问责。
These undertakings were expected to improve the quality of evaluations and further institutionalize a culture of using information generated by evaluations to enhance learning for improved performance and accountability.
1998年 5月,競諮會頒布《競爭政策綱領》,闡明政府競爭政策的目的
[...] 是提高經濟效益,促進自由貿易,從而惠及消費者;此外,只有 在市場不健全歪變, 限制了進入市場的機會或在市場內競逐的 [...]
機會,損害經濟效益或自由貿易,使香港的整體利益受損時,政 府才會採取行動。
In May 1998, COMPAG promulgated a Statement on Competition Policy, articulating the objective of the Government's competition policy as to enhance economic efficiency and free flow of trade, thereby benefiting consumer welfare, with the
Government taking action only when market
[...] imperfections or distortions limited market [...]
accessibility or market contestability,
and impaired economic efficiency or free trade, to the detriment of the overall interest of Hong Kong.
表現出色,但有點古怪的銀行家(眾笑) ― 他的才幹毋庸置疑,本身亦具有成為 部長的潛質 ― 我會支持有關建議,即行政局及立法局所有議員每月㆒起舉行閉門
[...] 會議,在自然的情況㆘,大家暢所欲言,事後亦不會有投訴、誤解 歪 曲 事 實或洩漏 消息的事情。
Since Mr Vincent CHENG wants a better connection and since I respect him as a brilliant and eccentric banker (Laughter), a man of undoubted talent and a potential minister himself, I can support the proposal to have a monthly closed-door meeting between all of the Executive Council and all of the Legislative Council, no
holds barred and no subsequent complaints or
[...] misunderstandings or misrepresentations [...]
or leaking, which is a natural phenomenon.
就此,政府可否告知本會,是否 知悉自醫管局推行《藥物名冊》以來,主診醫生最經常為病人處方但須由病 人自費購買的 30 種藥物名稱、當中每種藥物主要治療的病症、醫生通常處 方的劑量、零售價,以及病人可否就有關的藥物治療費用向撒瑪利亞基金申 請資助?
In this connection, will the Government inform this Council whether it knows the names of the 30 drugs which are most often prescribed to patients by attending doctors but have to be purchased by patients at their own expenses since the implementation of the Formulary by the HA, the diseases treated principally by each of these drugs, the dosages normally prescribed by doctors, their retail prices and whether patients may apply to the Samaritan Fund for assistance in meeting the expenses on the drug treatments concerned?
风桑迪 登陆前的那段日子,Salstrom 及其团队从美国各地调集了数百台 Godwin 排水泵,有些甚至来自遥远的德克萨斯州和蒙大纳州,并将它们存放在 风 预 期路径附近的赛莱默分部和分销点。
In the days
[...] leading up to Hurricane Sandy, Salstrom and his team gathered hundreds of Godwin dewatering pumps from across the US – some coming from as far away as Texas and Montana – and stockpiled them in Xylem branches and distribution sites near her projected path.
[...] 高压齿轮泵,意大利EMMEGI风冷器 ,意大利迪普马DUPLOMATIC,美国怀特WHITE液压 [...]
(formerly: Foshan hydraulic equipment components company), established in 1993, the main agent in Taiwan 'of the public DAUCHUNG' three valves (solenoid valves, stack valves, plate valves), Taiwan's "oil-liter YEOSHE" piston, Taiwan's "Yi San YEESEN" high pressure pump, Italy
"Mazu Qi MARZOCCHI" high-pressure gear
[...] pumps, Italy EMMEGI air cooler, Italy [...]
Di Puma DUPLOMATIC, the U.S. White hydraulic
motors WHITE, Germany HYDROPA pressure relay, Japan Sumitomo SUMITOMO, Japan Yan Yu, Taiwan San reputation gear pump, Japan Fujio, Daikin solenoid valve, Parker PARKER, Germany "BOSCH Bosch Rexroth" and other hydraulic components.
本项最初设想包括以下国家的风机 :喀麦隆、埃及、纳米比亚、尼日利亚、马拉维、塞 内加尔和苏丹,但根据第 51/14 号决定,科特迪瓦风机项目在 2009 年被转给工发组 织。
This project was
[...] originally designed to include chillers in: Cameroon, Egypt, Namibia, Nigeria, Malawi, Senegal, and Sudan but as per decision 51/14 the Cote d’Ivoire chiller project was transferred [...]
to UNIDO in 2009.
专家小组一些委员提请注意联检组基于成果的管理的重要文件,该报告已援引它作为 背景文件,并强调可把它作为本组织培养注重成果 风气 的 基 本手段。
Some members of the Group drew attention to the key JIU paper on results-based management which was cited as a background document to this report, and stressed that it could be used as a fundamental tool in instilling a culture of results within the Organization.
Yeo 先生概述了在新加坡建立强有力的公共行政的主要治理原则:(a) 对团 体自由采取务实主义,同时注意社会和谐,在制定经济和工业政策时,采取市场 主导和国家主导两种做法;(b) 制定公共政策,鼓励建立靠雇员工资和雇主缴款
融资的多个利益攸关方储蓄计划,从而避免依赖文化;(c) 定期评价政策的宗旨 和机构的相干性;(d) 采取综合治理办法,促进机构间的协调与合作;(e)
[...] 提倡 诚实、透明和不容忍腐败风气,减少腐败行为的诱导因素;(e) [...]
强调开发人力 资本,为此注重任人唯贤和不断学习。
Mr. Yeo outlined the key principles of governance for the establishment of a strong public administration in Singapore: (a) adopting pragmatism towards group freedoms with an eye on social harmony, and the mixed use of market and State-led approaches in economic and industrial policymaking; (b) avoiding a culture of dependency through public policies that encourage multi-stakeholder saving schemes funded by employee wages and employer contributions; (c) evaluating the purpose of policy and the relevance of institutions on a regular basis; (d) embracing a holistic approach to government and promoting inter-agency coordination and cooperation; (e)
promoting honesty, transparency and intolerance
[...] for corruption and reducing incentives [...]
for corrupt behaviour; and (e) emphasizing
human capital development through a focus on meritocracy and continuous learning.
特别重视通过精减和简化程序,部门和处室对各种活动进行更好的全面规划以及避免 责任分散,来减少官僚做法,形成少管制、多问责 风气 , 减 少固有的协调费用。
Special emphasis is being given to lighten bureaucratic practices with a culture of less control and more accountability and inherent coordination costs through a streamlining and simplification of procedures, a better overall planning of the different activities by Sector and office and avoidance of dispersed responsibilities.




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