

单词 歪打正着

See also:

正正 adv

exactly adv

External sources (not reviewed)

立法會人力事務委員會這次到南韓考察 的經驗便正能打破這個歪論。
The experience gained by the Panel of Manpower of the Legislative Council during its duty
[...] visit to Korea can precisely break this sophistry.
在这方面,最近商定的摩加迪沙路线图有 打 击 海 盗活动 的部分是着正确的方向迈出了一步。
In this regard, the segments related to counter-piracy of the recently agreed Mogadishu road map are a step in the right direction.
正社 會 歪 風,才 是 本會這項議 案 的目 的 。
To rectify this undesirable trend [...]
in society is the objective of the motion.
第 一 , 坦 率 確 切向中央充 分反映港 人 的 民主訴 求 , 不打折 扣 , 不歪 曲 。
First, be frank and precise in fully reflecting the aspirations of Hong Kong people.
同时,根据其当前运作状态,全国支助残疾人理事会在处理残疾事务(包括 预算承诺)、巩固其跨地区权限以监控相应法规的执行情况、落实权力下放程序 并向负责残疾人关爱事务的各市级办事处和区域办事处提供技术支持方面,实际 发挥的作用较为有限,这些问题都是秘鲁政府为在整个公共部门层面更快地落实 《公约》规定所面临的挑战,为此,我 正着 手 打 造 基 础,以期在 2010 年扭转 局势。
Until this is accomplished, however, the current operating structure of CONADIS (and it should be noted here that we are preparing the ground for reversing this situation in 2010) restricts the scope of its work in effectively mainstreaming disability-related issues (including budget commitments).
但是,该条正面临 前所未有的挑战,其中最 严重的挑战是核扩散,涉及那打着 和 平 利用核能 的幌子发展用于军事目的的核材料的国家。
However, the Treaty was facing unprecedented challenges, the most serious of which was nuclear proliferation involving States that were developing nuclear materials for military purposes under the guise of using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
民间社会反打着公私 伙伴 关系或其他形式的幌子,将基本服务私有化。
Civil society rejects the privatization of essential services under the guise of public private partnerships or otherwise.
梁耀忠議員:代理主席,我們的社會雖然不時充 着 一 些 歪 理 , 不過, 人民的眼睛始終是雪亮的,而公義亦一直存在每個人心內。
MR LEUNG YIU-CHUNG (in Cantonese): Deputy President, although our society is sometimes full of fallacious arguments, the eyes of the people are discerning, and justice has always been in everyone's heart.
但是,很不幸地,就第 58 條提出的修正本希望可以正或扭正 政 府 的 歪 曲, 以及政府完全偏離保障少數族裔,讓他們可以獲得平等待遇的機會的做法, 似乎會完全失敗了。
The amendment to clause 58, seeks to rectify or correct the Government's distortion and total departure from protecting ethnic minorities so that they can have opportunities to equal treatment.
如果有政打着代表 整體市 民的旗號,抹煞大多數市民的意願,並為一己私利或某些特別的政治原因而 [...]
If some political parties posture themselves as [...]
representing all members of the public but negate the wishes of the majority
public and rule out the aspirations of the Hong Kong public on account of their self-interests or some special political reasons, they warrant our condemnation.
我们认为打着正义的名 义,利用政治压力做出完全出于政治动机的判决,不 仅损害了国际司法体系的声誉,而且还会形成一种不 良状况,对该地区的和平与稳定产生影响。
We believe that using political pressure to issue a totally politically motivated verdict in the name of justice not only discredits the international judicial system, but would also create an unhealthy situation with ramifications for peace and stability in the region.
如果此人一旦有權執政,即使打着民主 的旗號,也是恐怖政治的開始,因為任何一個社會均應該有最低限度的 [...]
If someone like that comes into power one day, even though he is
[...] flaunting the banner of democracy, it will [...]
be the beginning of political terrorism
because the minimum extent of humanity should be observed in all societies.
玻利维亚希望阐明一点,它不接 打着 “ 绿 色 经济”旗号的市场环境保护主义,这样将会为自然 功能带上价格标签,将它们变成一个新的私人投资 和投机的商业部门。
Bolivia wished to make clear that it would not accept under the banner of “green economy” a marketstyle environmentalism that would put a price on the functions of nature, turning them into a new business sector for private investment and speculation.
有關當局必 須找出及正視問題的根本,對症下藥,並採取主動措施 正 行 業內 的 歪 風。
The authorities concerned must identify and address the
problem at root prescribe the right remedy and take proactive
[...] initiatives to rectify the bad practices [...]
within the industry.
到此 Web 站点的所有链接必须经 中路通 书面批准,除非 中路通
同意以下链接,链接及由该链接激活的页面并不:(a)围绕此 Web
[...] 站点上的任何页面创建框架或使用其他以任何方式改变此站点内任何内容的视觉效果或外观的技巧;( b ) 歪 曲 或 不 正 确 的 描述您与 中路通 之间的关系;(c)暗示 [...]
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Correct the angle of the camera [...]
so that it matches the white line.
如 何 表正氣、歪 風 , 讓 所有為 人 父母者都能夠 由 衷 感到香港是一個培育 [...]
孩 子 的 好 地方,這是一個關係 到香港未 來的重 要 課 題,值 得 我們深 思,更 值 得 我們為此努 力。
How then should we turn
[...] the tide, inculcate correct values, and make Hong [...]
Kong a good place for parents to bring up their children?
在“本會 " 之 後 刪 除 “ 譴 責",並 以“對"代 替;在“當局 處 理 就《基 本 法》第二十三條立法工作
編 製 的《意見書 匯 編》時" 之 後 加 上“, 出現";在“粗 疏 、不完
[...] 整 和"之 後 刪 除 “不正 , 歪 曲 了", 並 以 “ 把部分" [...]
代 替;在“市民及團 體 的 意見" 之 後 加 上“錯 誤 分類的 情 況 ,表示
失 望 ";及 在“並 促 請 當 局 " 之 後 刪 除 “委託獨立 機構, 分 析 及 歸 納 公 眾 對 ‘諮 詢 文件’各 項 建 議 所 表 達 的 意見, 確 保民意得到充 分 而合適 的 反 映 和處理 " , 並 以“就錯 漏 部分盡快作出補 正"代 替 。
To delete "condemns" after "That this Council" and substitute with "expresses disappointment with"; to delete "," after "in a slipshod" and substitute with "and"; to
delete "and inequitable" after
[...] "incomplete"; to delete ", distorting" after "manner" [...]
and substitute with "and for categorizing
wrongly"; to delete "the public" after "the views expressed by" and substitute with "some members of the public"; and to delete "commission an independent organization to analyze and summarize the views expressed by the public on the various proposals in the Consultation Document and to ensure that public opinions are fully and properly reflected and addressed" after "and urges the authorities to" and substitute with "rectify the inaccuracies and omissions as soon as possible".
尽管如此,对于空气污染还存着很 多 误解 歪 曲。
However, there are still quite a few myths and misperceptions about air pollution, which I would like to attempt to clarify below.
見現時不少體育總會的透明度均極低,加上負責甄選運動員參加大型 體育比賽的中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會(“港協暨奧委會”), 更是一個極為封閉及猶如“家天下”的組織,因此政府實有必要作出適
[...] 當的介入,增加這些組織的透明度,建立良好的管治制度, 正歪 風, 而率先應作出改革的,便是港協暨奧委會。
Besides, the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC), which is responsible for selecting athletes for participating in major sports competitions, is a highly enclosed organization comparable to "the reign of a family". Hence, it is necessary for the Government to make suitable intervention to
enhance the transparency of these organizations and establish good
[...] governing system to rectify this undesirable [...]
阿塞拜疆总统还积极利用 某些“非学术性”的学术机构,由这些机构 打 出 手 , 歪 曲 和篡改历史事实。
The President of Azerbaijan also actively uses certain “non-academic” academic circles, which have launched systematic work on the distortion and re-writing of historic facts.
除了索马里最著名的派别以外,监察组获悉,由一位名叫 Mohamed Arab Hiirey 的指挥官领导的索马里西部联合解放阵线(索西联阵)的一小部分战斗人 员或许打着伊斯 兰党的旗号,在摩加迪沙与过渡联邦政府作战。
In addition to the better-known Somali factions, the Monitoring Group has learned that a small number of fighters from the United Western Somali Liberation Front headed by a commander
named Mohamed Arab
[...] Hiirey may also be fighting against the Transitional Federal Government in Mogadishu, under the umbrella of Hizbul Islam.
依我所看,區議會方案是行了一歪 路 , 它不是 着 直 線 到達政制 改革內我覺得是更理想的民主方向。
In my opinion, the DC package has taken a crooked track, which is not heading straightly in a direction which I consider better for democracy in the constitutional reform.
此舉目的是要正打擊那 ㆒小撮的不良 西醫,令他們不再為害社會,玷污同業。
The purpose of
[...] doing so is to combat in earnesty the [...]
handful of unscrupulous medical practitioners, thereby preventing them
from damaging society and tarnishing the medical profession any more.
他循声望去,看见一个男人手里着 一 个 小孩 正打 算 把 那个小孩扔到江里去。
Throwing his eyes in the direction of the voice, he beheld a man with a baby in his hands was trying throwing the little thing into the river.
我們希望 香港大學今後能夠完善管治,成為香港各間高等院校的一個好榜樣, 推動香港的大專學界的管治繼續 着正 確 的方向發展,培養更多具理 想公民素質的人才,為香港社會的未來發展奠下堅固的基礎。
We hope that the HKU can improve its governance and set a good example for various tertiary institutions in Hong Kong, so that governance in the tertiary education sector will be geared up to develop in the right direction continuously, thereby nurturing more talents with good civic qualities and laying a solid foundation for the future development of Hong Kong society.
目前立法机正在审查旨打击腐 败和贪污和防止并消除一切形式种族主义和歧视的立法草案。
It is currently reviewing draft legislation aimed at, inter alia, combating corruption [...]
and embezzlement and preventing and
eliminating all forms of racism and discrimination.
正因為任意歪曲、 竄改聯合聲明 與基本法,是不能超越的界限,有關終審庭的條文,不是可以任意詮釋的,所以本㆟ 刪除原動議「考慮目前情況及香港律師會會員、香港大律師公會會員及關注此事的其 他㆟士最近提出的意見及觀點後」這㆒句,這並不表示我們不聽其他㆟意見,而是聯 合聲明內有關終審庭白紙黑字的條文已經清清楚楚。
As distorting and tampering with the Joint Declaration and the Basic Law is going beyond the point which we could justifiably go, we cannot interpret the provisions concerning the CFA according to our own wishes.
我請政府馬上加上這個信息,告訴市民有 42 位區 議員可透過區議會加入推舉行政長官的選舉委員會,否則,“上梁 正 下梁 歪",整個社會也會被誤導。
I urge the Government to add in this message immediately, telling the public that through the DCs, 42 DC members can join the Election Committee that selects the Chief Executive.
此外,教育部正打算通 过国际 教育规划研究所(IIEP),实施工作人员教育政策分析和规划培训计划,提高教育部门工作 [...]
In addition, the
[...] Education Sector, working through the International [...]
Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) envisages
a staff training programme on education policy analysis and planning to improve the skills and capacities of ED staff to participate fully in joint United Nations country programming exercises.




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