单词 | 歪 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 歪adjective—crookedadj歪—askew noxious devious at a crooked angle 玛—cornelian agate Examples:歪斜n—skewn 歪斜—out of plumb 歪歪扭扭adj—crookedadj
但是,我们一眼就可以看出,实际上往往都是对所有改革问题的 系统对抗和歪曲事实的情况。 unesdoc.unesco.org | But what we have seen, without becoming involved, are in many cases systematic confrontation and disinformation about virtually all reform issues. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们认为任何企图修改 1941-1945 [...] 年伟大的卫国战争胜利的历史意义和第二 次世界大战的结果以及歪曲对这段时期评价的做法都是不可接受的。 daccess-ods.un.org | We consider unacceptable any attempts to revise the historical significance of the victory in [...] the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and the outcome of the Second World [...] War, orto distort theassessment [...]of that period. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,对该决议的赞成票占了绝大多数表明了 以色列企图歪曲实地事实的失败。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, the strong vote in favour of the resolution showed the failure of Israel’s attempts tomisrepresent the facts on the ground. daccess-ods.un.org |
正义运动指出,专家组上次任务期所 作最后报告(S/2009/562)对该运动进行了歪曲。 daccess-ods.un.org | JEM stated that it was misrepresentedin the final report of the Panel under the previous mandate (S/2009/562). daccess-ods.un.org |
档案还使每个国家得以行使没有歪曲的 书面历史权利,使每一国家的人民得以行 使了解国家的过去的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Archives also enable every nation to exercise its right to an undistorted written record, and the right of each people to know the truth about its past. daccess-ods.un.org |
他拒绝将他的 刑事犯罪记录说成是严重持续的暴力犯罪历史,因为那是对他的纪录,尤其是过 去十年状况的歪曲。 daccess-ods.un.org | He rejects the characterization of his criminal record as a significant and sustained history of violent crime, which misrepresents his record, and in particular the position over the past ten years. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列的各种行径还旨在消除戈兰人民的阿拉 伯文化特性,强迫学校采用以色列的教学课程,取消各村庄、地区和街道的阿拉 伯名称而改用希伯来名称,从而歪曲有关被占领戈兰的地理和历史事实。 daccess-ods.un.org | Israeli practices are furthermore designed to erase the Arab cultural identity of the people of the Golan, to impose Israeli teaching curricula and to distort the facts about the geography and history of the occupied Golan by wiping out the Arab names of villages, localities and streets and replacing them with Hebrew names. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于不专业的特别委员会 公然歪曲真相,不为促进和平或应对巴勒斯坦人民 [...] 面临的真正挑战做任何努力,所以以色列将继续拒 绝同其合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Because the unprofessional Special [...] Committee distorted the truth [...]blatantly, doing nothing to advance peace or address the [...]real challenges facing the Palestinian people, Israel would continue to refuse to cooperate with it. daccess-ods.un.org |
谨随函转递厄立特里亚国外交部长奥斯曼·萨利赫给你的一封信(见附件), [...] 事关最近五名外国旅游者在埃塞俄比亚北部被杀害这一令人痛惜的事件以及 2012 年 1 月 18 日埃塞俄比亚给你的信中对这些悲剧事件的蓄意歪曲。daccess-ods.un.org | I have the honour to forward a letter from Osman Saleh, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea, addressed to you (see annex), in connection with the recent deplorable killing of five [...] foreign tourists in northern Ethiopia and [...] the deliberate misrepresentation of thetragic [...]events in a letter sent to you on 18 January 2012 by Ethiopia. daccess-ods.un.org |
而在价格歪曲可调整的前提下,成本 效益分析更适合用来确定成本效率。 teebweb.org | CBA, if price distortionsare adjusted, is more appropriate to determine cost-effectiveness. teebweb.org |
风见鸡之馆建於1909年,是为德国贸易商人G.汤玛斯建造的住宅,这是北野现存的异人馆中唯一用红砖造的。 att-japan.net | Kazamidori-no-yakata was built in 1909 for G. Thomas, a German trader, and is the only brick constructed immigrant building in existence in Kitano. att-japan.net |
在过去几个月中,在整个前线对阿塞拜疆平民和民用设施的攻击加强了。阿 塞拜疆领导人的敌对言论空前增多,对战争根源以及解决冲突进程充满了弄虚作 假和扭曲事实的歪曲,这证实了人们对亚美尼亚政策具有颠覆性影响的严重担 忧,给该地区的和平、安全和稳定构成了直接威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Intensified attacks over the last months on Azerbaijani civilians and civilian objects across the front line and an unprecedented increase of hostile statements by Armenian leadership, full of historical falsifications and factual distortions as to the root causes of the war and conflict settlement process, confirm the validity of serious concern over the destabilizing effect of Armenia’s policy and represent a direct threat to peace, security and stability in the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种不理解还可能导致对一些宗教的表现形式以及宗教的标志和符号漠不关心,这些 标志和符号届时就可能被歪曲(另请参见将在 176 EX/23 号文件中审议的议程项目 23)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Such lack of understanding may also lead to lack of sensitivity with regard to religious expressions and events and religious symbols and signs, which may then be misused (see also item 23, which will be examined in document 176 EX/23). unesdoc.unesco.org |
(教 育,文化及娱乐 ) ,自我约束虚假的或未经证实的消息之播放,或将之作新闻性 质处理而可能歪曲事实或引致公众错误认识。 daccess-ods.un.org | It shall promote a balanced broadcast programme (educational, cultural and entertainment), and shall not diffuse untruthful or inaccurate information or facts that might mislead or induce the general public into error. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些辩护 律师中的某些人正在挑起一场国际活动,企图歪曲、曲解和公开否认 1994 年发生的针对卢旺达图西族实 施的灭绝种族罪,安全理事会在设立卢旺达问题国际 法庭时已确认它是灭绝种族罪,2006 年同一法庭的上 诉分庭确认它是众所周知的、臭名昭着的事实,审判 分庭必须在司法上给予认知。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some of these defence attorneys are leading an international campaign to misrepresent, misinterpret and openly deny that, in 1994, there was a genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi in Rwanda — a genocide recognized by the Council in its establishment of the ICTR and reaffirmed in 2006 by the Appeals Chamber of the same Tribunal as a notorious fact of common knowledge, of which the Trial Chambers must take judicial notice. daccess-ods.un.org |
现 金 流 量 预 测 根 据 下 列 主 要 假 设 而 得 出 : (i) 澳 玛 国 际 所 欠 债 务 应 付 的 现 金 将 根 据 澳 玛 国 际 及 其 合 作 人 订 立 的 还 款 安 排 及 还 款 协 议 收 取 , (ii) 不 会 自 并 无 与 其 订 立 还 款 安 排 及 还 款 协 议 的 合 作 人 收 取 任 何 款 项 , (iii) 澳 玛 国 际 将 於 其 清 偿其他 债 务 前 向 贵 集 团 偿 还 自 合 作 人 收 取 的 所 有 款 项 , 纵 使 债 权 人 已 就 追 索 澳 玛 国 际 应 付 债 项 而 向 澳 玛 国 际 提 起 法 律 诉讼, 及 (iv) 参 考 应 收 澳 玛 国 际 款 项 的 估 计 收 回 率 。 cre8ir.com | The cash flow projections were made on key assumptions that (i) cash from AMA’s debts will be received in accordance with the Repayment Schedules and Repayment Agreements entered into between AMA and its collaborators, (ii) nil amount will be received from those collaborators with whom no Repayment Schedules have been agreed upon and no Repayment Agreements have been entered into, (iii) AMA will repay all amounts collected from its collaborators to the Group before settling its other liabilities notwithstanding a creditor has taken legal action against AMA for the recovery of debts due by AMA, and (iv) with reference to the estimated recovery rate for the amount due from AMA. cre8ir.com |
该参数用于在调试期间或变压器测试时避免歪曲烧 损度值和碳化值。 highvolt.de | This parameter serves to prevent falsification of the wear and soot values during commissioning or transformer tests. highvolt.de |
我要再次郑重声明,我国代表团完全不接 受以色列政权在这个会议厅对我国的无端指控和歪曲报 道。这些都是在老调重弹,已经成为以色列政权 的惯用伎俩,目的是转移国际社会的注意力,使其不 再关注它的核武库和在本地区实行的犯罪政策和可 憎暴行,包括它最近对加沙的巴勒斯坦人民和在加沙 附近国际水域热爱自由的人们犯下的滔天罪行。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would like to place on record once again that my delegation rejects the baseless allegations and distortions made in this Chamber that have been repeated so frequently that they have become a practice by the Israeli regime to distract the attention of the international community from its nuclear arsenal and its criminal policies and abhorrent atrocities in the region, including its recent heinous crimes against the people of Palestine in Gaza and against freedom-loving people in international waters near Gaza. daccess-ods.un.org |
是项研究是由港大公共卫生学院主办,并联合玛丽医院及卫生署辖下的卫生防护中心协办,经费由香港大学研究基金优秀研究计划和香港传染病控制研究基金提供,并已经获得香港大学及医管局香港西医院联网研究伦理会的审批。 hkupop.hku.hk | It is funded by the Area of Excellence Scheme of the Hong Kong University Grants Committee and the Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases, Hong Kong. hkupop.hku.hk |
阿尔玛穆拉大厦位於交通便利的阿联酋首都阿布达比商业中心南区,您可以快速到达阿布达比国际机场等地,大礼堂、男女两用祷告室、咖啡厅等供您随时使用,Servcorp更为您提供全面的 IT技术和服务支援。 servcorp.com.hk | The Al Mamoura complex is located in the southern CBD of Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. The location offers easy access to the Abu Dhabi International Airport and additional facilities including an auditorium, male and female prayer rooms, a café and Servcorp's extensive IT infrastructure and support services. servcorp.com.hk |
就 投 资 於 澳 玛 国 际 而 言 , 已 发 生 以下事件: (i) 公 司 已 发 掘 澳 玛 国 际 投 资 的 潜 在 买 家 ; (ii) 於 二 零 一一年 三 月 七 日 与 吴 文新先 生 订 立 谅 解 备 忘 录 ; (iii) 经 过 长 期 发 掘 及 磋 商 後 并 无 完 成 交 易 ; (iv) 於 二 零 一一年 六 月 十 五 日 , 董 事 会 同 意 委 聘 华 达 企 业 顾 问 有 限 公 司 , 代 表 本 集 团 处 理 有 关 收 回 澳 玛 国 际 呆 账 的 事 务 。 cre8ir.com | In regards to the investment in AMA, the following events occurred: (i) the company searched for a potential buyer of the AMA investment; (ii) entered into MOU with Mr. Ng Man Sun on 7 March 2011; (iii) deal was not completed after a prolonged search and negotiation period; (iv) on 15 June 2011, the board agreed to appoint Wardell & Associates Ltd to represent the Group on the matter of collecting the doubtful debt in regards to AMA. cre8ir.com |
从很多观点该monophysites是最重要的早期邪说,没有异端或16世纪到集团内相关的歪理邪说产生了如此巨大和重要的文献。 mb-soft.com | From many points of view the Monophysites are the most important of early heresies, and no heresy or related group of heresies until the sixteenth century has produced so vast and important a literature. mb-soft.com |
鉴于上文的陈述,并根据事实和当地局势的现状,我们相信,必须在今后的 [...] 报告中纠正包括秘书长报告在内的联合国报告歪曲包括东耶路撒冷在内巴勒斯 坦被占领土内当地局势的趋势,并纠正在撰写报告时无视“占领”这一背景的做 法。 daccess-ods.un.org | In light of the above and in light of the actual facts and the reality of the situation on [...] the ground, we believe it is imperative that [...] this trend of distorting thesituation [...]on the ground in the Occupied Palestinian [...]Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the failure to place the situation in the context of occupation in reports by the United Nations, including those of the Secretary-General, must be rectified and corrected in future reports. daccess-ods.un.org |
确实没有牲;领先仪式提供的准神圣号码(发酵汁的一种神圣的植物,一个物种的马利) ,准确对应的吠陀索玛牺牲;照顾神圣火,唱的赞美诗和祈祷仪式,并段落的圣书(阿维斯塔) 。 mb-soft.com | There is indeed no animal sacrifice; the leading rites are the offering of the quasi-divine haoma (the fermented juice of the a sacred plant, a species of Asclepias), the exact counterpart of the Vedic soma-sacrifice; the care of the Sacred Fire, the chanting of the ritual hymns and prayers, and passages of the Sacred Books (Avesta). mb-soft.com |
5.3.1 我们不从事或宽容有意欺骗他人的行为,包括但不限于作出误导性或虚假的陈述、作出歪曲部分真实情况的报道、断章取义地提供或隐瞒信息,以致在信息披露后使我们的 陈述具有误导性或不完整性。 pmi.org | 5.3.1 We do not engage in or condone behavior that is designed to deceive others, including but not limited to, making misleading or false statements, stating half-truths, providing information out of context or withholding information that, if known, would render our statements as misleading or incomplete. pmi.org |