单词 | 歩 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 莹—luster of gemsExamples:绿莹莹—green and lush 晶莹—sparkling and translucent 清莹—limpid glistening
杨森议员﹕主席女士,财政司司长刚公布的 2000-01 年度财政预算案,好像 一个透明玻璃杯内的清水,色泽晶莹透澈。 legco.gov.hk | DR YEUNG SUM (in Cantonese): Madam President, the 2000-01 Budget delivered by the Financial Secretary recently looks like a glass of sparkling and crystal clear water. legco.gov.hk |
全面隔离UVA/UVB紫外线,防止色斑生成,肌肤更显光泽透亮、莹润白皙。 aster.com.hk | Full isolation UVA / UVB, the skin is more translucent gloss and whiten. aster.com.hk |
到目 前为止,看来司法机构政务长戴婉莹小姐正在毫无惧色的处理司法机构内㆒些棘手的 问题。 legco.gov.hk | So far Miss Alice TAI seems to be making some valiant efforts in tackling the intractable problems. legco.gov.hk |
由於可通过UC- win/Road的交通流及统整的歩行者的交通流模拟更容易达到实现,现在考虑在UC-win/Road Ver.6上的对应。 forum8.co.jp | Then from 1:00 pm, the conference was divided into forum8.co.jp |
在外包装上流动着明亮晶莹的蓝蓝流水,恍若在大自然的怀抱里漫游与省思,充分展现了清如水,淡如风的至高境界。 aster.com.hk | In the outer flow of the bright blue crystal clear water. aster.com.hk |
这意味着大部分 林地、灌木地、草地、农地及乡郊住宅等,基本上不受策略性 发展建议影响(这不包括释出禁区土地的建议,该等建议将於 另一项研究中进一歩探讨),有助为下一代着想而继续保护珍 贵的天然栖息地和生态资源。 legco.gov.hk | This will still leave a large proportion of woodland, shrubland, grassland, agricultural land and rural settlements primarily remaining untouched by strategic development proposals (other than proposals for the released land at the Closed Area which will be further examined under a legco.gov.hk |
美白晶莹护理是专门以统一肤色而设计,赋予面部调和的肤色,避免过度色素沉着。 ainhoacosmetics.com.hk | The WHITESS treatment is specially designed to unify the skin colour, give a light tone to the face and avoid over pigmentation. ainhoacosmetics.com.hk |
M2700HD整机外型富含流线光泽,机身的光泽质感从正面边框延伸到机身背面;正面透明材质衔接银色网状音箱设计,显得别致晶莹,M2700HD是您优雅质感的居家陈列。 benq.com.tw | The M2700HD comes with a sleek and stremlined exterior thanks to its sophisticated industrial design. High-gloss surfaces, silver mesh grilles, and transparent materials are judiciously used to create interesting visual counterpoints, while the built-in suspended speakers appear to float mid-air. benq.co.ke |
传媒查询,请联络港大传讯及公共事务处助理总监(传媒)徐佩莹小姐 (电话︰2859 2606/电邮︰pychoy@hku.hk)或港大传讯及公共事务处高级经理(传媒)尹慧筠小姐 (电话︰2859 2600/电邮︰melwkwan@hku.hk)。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | For media enquiries, please contact: Ms Trinni Choy (Assistant Director (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2606 / email: pychoy@hku.hk or Ms Melanie Wan (Senior Manager (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2600 / email: melwkwan@hku.hk. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
澳门美高梅人力资源部副总裁余婉莹小姐(左)代表酒店团队将澳门币 123,000 元善款交予澳门奥比斯代表接收。 mgmmacau.com | Ms. Wendy Yu (left), Vice President of Human Resources of MGM MACAU, presented the donation cheque on behalf of the team members to Ms. Vivian Lo (middle), Senior Development Manager of ORBIS Macau and Ms Anabela Tchang (right), Senior Development Executive of ORBIS Macau. mgmmacau.com |
由女主角医学美容集团独家代理、来自法国的全天然品牌JEUNE,产品采用天然的植物精华,能够轻易被肌肤吸收,重点推介其晶莹焕肤啫喱,其独特成份有效深层洁净肌肤,温和地去除老化角质层及污垢,更可预防油脂积聚,促进新陈代谢细胞更新,使肌肤明显改善,让肌肤回复嫩滑再生。 slady.innovrns.com | S Lady Medical is the sole agency of JEUNE, the all-natural brand from France that its products adopt the natural essence of vegetation which can be absorbed by skin easily. The highlight is JEUNE Sparkling Revitalizing Gel that its unique ingredients are effective to clean the skins deeply and remove the ageing cuticles and dirt gently. slady.innovrns.com |
美白晶莹系列是由天然成份配制而成,以统一肤色而设计,赋予面部调和的肤色,避免过度色素沉着。 ainhoacosmetics.com.hk | The WHITESS range has been especially designed to unify skin color, giving a light tone to the face and avoiding over pigmentation. ainhoacosmetics.com.hk |
蛇年伊始,富达基金 - 中国焦点基金的基金经理Martha Wang (王文莹)在下文分享对中国市场的见解,并剖析市场的风险与机遇。 fidelity.com.hk | As we enter the Chinese year of the snake, Martha Wang, portfolio manager of Fidelity Funds - China Focus Fund gives her views on the Chinese market and highlights where she finds both risk and opportunity. fidelity.com.hk |
今年Givenchy晶莹的黑色则是炼丹术 —「Le Soin Noir Cream」的黑藻精华 — 这种深海藻类赖以维生的汁液,首次应用於护肤品中,能够恢复皮肤内细胞之间的通讯,对抗老化现象。 think-silly.com | The precious cream contains black algae Extract that is found deep in the sea can restore the cellular communication by recreating the link between cells to counter skin aging. think-silly.com |
歩道桥上可以看到建设中的Hikarie和旁边相邻的旧的杂居大楼。 forum8.co.jp | Fromthe top ofthe pedestrian bridge, they [...] paid attention to the old office block adjoining the Hikarie under construction. forum8.co.jp |
BenQ Senseye®真色彩,以水平垂直双相调控技术,大幅提高影像锐利度,让画面更立体, 轮廓更清楚,画面层次更分明,影像细部更栩栩如生,看见更晶莹剔透的色彩。 benq.com.tw | With BenQ Senseye® Human Vision Technology’s Dual-Trace (Horizontal and Vertical) Sharpness calibrating method, colors and shades are more distinct and edges more clearly defined. ap.benq.com |
晶莹的辉玉中带着不同透明度的纹理和结晶处,让人想象高高薄云天、湖冰一望映天光等景观。 e-yaji.com | There are also several veins and mottled areas of more transparent stone which join with the more crystalline patches to create a natural design of clouds or the frozen surface of a lake reflecting a clear blue sky. e-yaji.com |
在集会开始前三小时,我们分成两组,第一组以仪器量度划为集会场区的面积,第二组则在不同场区内,以绳索及莹光咭纸在地上画出一个个3米乘3米的方格,以便在集会开始後点算方格内的人数,再以人数密度平均值,乘以场区面积去推算参加人数。 hkupop.hku.hk | For the other three pitches closer to the stage, we employed the last year data, which averaged 2.81 persons per square meter. hkupop.hku.hk |
本次研习会的两位年轻讲师林伊莹和陈彦伶来自布里斯本,都是当地台湾侨民的第二代,不仅中、英双语根基稳固,且在海外正规教育系统下完成教育专业领域的学位。 hwahsia.org.nz | Not only are they second generations from Taiwan but their bilingual foundations are strong and possess education and a professional degree in their field. hwahsia.org.nz |
SK-II高级美容治疗师展示肌肤晶莹剔透的治疗艺术,其被认为改善皮肤失去朝气,取而代之帮助令肌肤晶莹剔透、活力充沛、身体及心灵全然重生。 sogo.com.hk | SK-II senior beauty therapists reveal the healing art of Crystal Clear Skin, and it is regarded as a efficacious method of treatment for problematic skin, especially those due to modem day stress, tension, emotional trauma and illness, while helping to replace them with crystal clear skin, energy, health and simply a feeling of well-being. sogo.com.hk |
香水瓶的造型采用了简洁的方形,独特之处在于瓶盖上的设计,晶莹剔透的孔雀雕刻栖息于香水上方,华美的异域风情尽现,瓶身背面的银色刻花透射到正面的银色 安娜苏LOGO以及花体字印刻的Flight Of Fancy上,典雅别致又不失甜美可爱,琥珀色的香水如同宝石,打开它,就放飞一个纯真甜美的梦。 hk.eternal.hk | Radiant and embracing, luscious and young, the floral-fresh fragrance leads to a dream world where blossoms sparkle in the sun. hk.eternal.hk |
更多有关高雄义大世界美国月的活动,请联络高雄义大世界施慧莹小姐(电话: 07-656-8501)或美国在台协会高雄分处范俊华小姐 (电话: 07-2387744 分机 620)。 ait.org.tw | For more information about the Kaohsiung E-Da World America Month activities, please contact Ms. Monica Shih at Kaohsiung E-Da World (Tel: 07-656-8501) or Ms. Daphne Fan at AIT Kaohsiung Branch Office (Tel: 07-2387744 ext. 620). ait.org.tw |