单词 | 武器库 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 武器库 noun, plural —arsenals plSee also:武器 n—weapons n • weapon n • arms n • disarmament n • ammunition n • weaponry n 武 n—military n 武—surname Wu 武库—store of arms
此外,如 [...] 上所述,小组委员会关注这些宪兵进 入 武器库 缺 乏 认识和培训,在紧急情况下尤 其如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | Further, as noted above, the SPT is concerned [...] at the lack of awareness and training as [...] to access to the weapons room by those gendarmes, [...]particularly in case of an emergency. daccess-ods.un.org |
制造和维持庞大的常规武器库的国 家有责任控制这些武器,从而可以有效地 削减这些武器的数量,并加强有关区域安全的协议。 daccess-ods.un.org | States which manufacture and [...] maintain large arsenals of conventional arms have [...]a responsibility to control such arms, and [...]can make thereby an effective reduction in their number and strengthen agreements concerning regional security. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 在各种族、民族和各阶层人民之间建立和促进更好的了解和更为友好的 [...] 关系;促进在世界各国实现普遍持久和平的愿望;促进世界裁军、核裁军和削减 各国武器库存的 运动;支持努力制定促进和平关系的经济激励手段;促进采取集 [...] 体做法,解决冲突和安全问题;鼓励提交国际争端,以由联合国或其他多国机构 [...] 采用谈判、仲裁和司法方式加以解决以解决争议 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) To create and promote a better understanding and a more friendly relationship between races, nations and classes of people; to foster a desire for universal perpetual peace on the part of the nations of the world; to promote the movement for world [...] disarmament, nuclear disarmament and a [...] reduction in the stockpiling of weapons by all countries; [...]to support efforts to create economic [...]incentives for peaceful relations; to promote collective approaches to conflict and security problems; to encourage the submission of international disputes to negotiation, arbitration and judicial settlement by the United Nations or other multinational institutions for the settlement of controversies daccess-ods.un.org |
由于杜布罗夫尼克、马赛、巴勒莫和威尼斯 的 武器库 的 加 入,使这 一合作伙伴网扩大了。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The network of partners was broadened through the participation of the dockyards of Dubrovnik, Marseille, Palermo and Venice. unesdoc.unesco.org |
本届大会必须解决包括叙利亚在内的无核武器 国家深感担忧的问题:以往的审议大会及筹备委员 [...] 会未能针对核武器国家制订一份有时限、有约束力、 无条件的计划,用以消除其武器库, 即 呼吁裁军谈 判会议设立一个小组委员会,就这样的一份计划进 [...]行磋商。 daccess-ods.un.org | The current Conference must address the grave concern of non-nuclear-weapon States, including Syria, regarding the failure of past review conferences and preparatory committees to set forth a time-bound, binding, unconditional [...] programme for nuclear-weapon States to [...] eliminate their arsenals, namely, by calling [...]on the Conference on Disarmament to [...]establish a subcommittee to undertake negotiation of such a programme. daccess-ods.un.org |
解决已有武器库存的 问题应采用分阶段的办法,首先规定生产上限; 然后努力确保所有非武器用的裂变材料被用于不可逆转且经核实的非 [...] 爆炸性用途;并且由于同意削减武器而从拆除武器过程中获得的裂变 材料也应当用于上述用途。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the question of pre-existing stocks, a phased [...] approach should be adopted, with the first priority a cap on production; [...]then an effort to ensure that all fissile material other than in weapons becomes subject to irreversible, verified non-explosive use commitments; and with fissile material released through dismantlement being brought under these commitments as weapon reductions are agreed. daccess-ods.un.org |
卡提巴3 [...] 没有统一的指挥,没有国家力量来监 管 武器库 , 因 此冲突后 武器的管理和控制面临很大的挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | The lack of a unified command over the [...] katibas3 and the absence of a national force [...] to oversee the arms stocks represent considerable [...]challenges in terms of post-conflict [...]weapons management and control. daccess-ods.un.org |
黎巴嫩重申并履行其对多边合作的承诺,以此作为重要手段,追求和实现共同目 [...] 标,实现裁军和不扩散,因为此时,以色列正拥有大规模杀伤 性 武器库 , 不 仅继 续直接威胁黎巴嫩,还直接威胁该地区所有国家,甚至危及国际和平与安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | It renews and fulfils its commitments to multilateral cooperation as an important means of pursuing and achieving common objectives in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation [...] at a time when Israel’s maintenance [...] of an enormous arsenal of weapons of mass destruction [...]continues to pose a direct threat [...]not only to Lebanon but to all States in the region, even endangering international peace and security. daccess-ods.un.org |
乌克兰拥有大量武器库存, 其枪支数量与乌克兰 士兵的比例为 54:1,而世界接受的比例为 [...] 2:1 左右; 而且乌克兰拥有大量多余的大型飞机,包括超大型的 安东诺夫和伊留申飞机。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has huge stocks [...] — there are 54 firearms for every Ukrainian [...]soldier, as against the accepted world ratio of around 2:1 [...]— and a large surplus of large planes, including oversized Antonov and Ilyushin models. daccess-ods.un.org |
利比亚境内的冲突和由反对派控制领土的转变过程,已逐渐表明,在利比亚 境内有着极大量的武器库存, 不仅是数量众多,而且其系统和型号繁多,包括: [...] 小武器、轻武器、重型武器和相关弹药,以及地雷和爆炸物。 daccess-ods.un.org | The conflict in Libya and the evolution of control of the territory [...] by the opposition has gradually revealed [...] the very large weapons stocks in Libya, not [...]only in terms of their vast numbers, [...]but also the wide variety of systems and models, including small arms, light weapons, heavy weapons and related ammunition, as well as mines and explosives. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,他们吁 [...] 请相关拥有国采取各项必要措施,加快销毁其化 学 武器库 存 的 速度,以根据 《公约》的规定在最后延长的期限前销毁其化学武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | the relevant possessor States Parties to intensify the rate of destruction of [...] their chemical weapon stockpiles by taking every [...]necessary measure [...]to meet their final extended deadlines for the destruction of their chemical weapons in accordance with the provisions of the Convention. daccess-ods.un.org |
专家组打算确定,恩塔甘达将军和 Makenga 上校能够从刚果(金)武装部队 武器库中获 得哪些武器和弹药用于其他用途,哪些武器一定是通过武器贩运网络 交易获得的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Makenga would have been able to obtain through diversion from FARDC stockpiles and which weapons must have resulted from deals with arms-trafficking networks. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们认为,支持安全部门 改革方案和提供安全部队培训的捐助国应将军备和 武器库存的有效管理纳入它们的方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | We believe that the donors who support security sector reform programmes and training [...] for security forces should incorporate the effective management of [...] stockpiles of arms and weapons into their programmes. daccess-ods.un.org |
相反,以色列保 持着大量核武器库存, 但没受到国际监督,而且尚 未加入《不扩散核武器条约》,并拒绝将其核设施置 [...] 于原子能机构的全面保障监督之下,因而对区域安 全构成了威胁,并损害国际裁军努力的公信力。 daccess-ods.un.org | By contrast, Israel [...] maintained a stock of nuclear weapons yet was not subject [...]to any international monitoring, had not acceded [...]to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and refused to place its nuclear facilities under IAEA comprehensive safeguards, thereby posing a threat to regional security and undermining the credibility of international disarmament efforts. daccess-ods.un.org |
专家组调查的三个主要主题是:跨境贩运、转手风 险和对主要武装团体控制的武器库存 的 估计。 daccess-ods.un.org | The three principal themes for its enquiries [...] are: cross-border trafficking, risks of diversion, and [...] estimates of stocks of arms controlled by the major armed groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
(f) 采取适当措施,禁止任何违反联合国安全理事会武器禁运措施的活动, 并在和平行动框架内实施有效的解除武装、复员和重返社会方案; (g) 在遵守各国宪法和法律制度的前提下,确保各国武装部队、警察或获得 持有小武器和轻武器授权的任何其他机构建立适当和详细的准则和程序,以管理 库存的这类武器,确 保库存安全,并确保明确确认主管国家当局宣布超出需要的 多余库存,确保建立并实施以负责任方式处理、尽可能销毁这 类 武器库 存 的 方案, 确保保护好这类武器库存, 直至库存被处理 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) To ensure, subject to the respective constitutional and legal systems of States, that the armed forces, police or any other body authorized to hold small arms and light weapons establishes adequate and detailed standards and procedures relating to the management [...] and security of [...] their stocks of these weapons, and to ensure that such stocks declared by competent national authorities to be surplus to requirements are clearly identified, that programmes for the responsible disposal, preferably through destruction, of such stocks are established [...]and implemented, [...]and that such stocks are adequately safeguarded until disposal daccess-ods.un.org |
有谣言和最近公 布的报告声称,在利比亚南部发现某些化学物质和化 学武器库存, 这不仅令国际社会感到关切,而且首先 令我们和居住在储存这些物质的地区的利比里亚无 [...] 辜平民感到关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | Rumours and recently published reports of the [...] presence of certain chemical [...] substances and stockpiles of chemical weapons purportedly discovered [...]in the south of the country [...]are a concern not only to the international community but also, first and foremost, to us and to innocent civilians living in areas within Libya where such substances are stockpiled. daccess-ods.un.org |
专家组还建议核查刚果民主共和国武装部队 的 武器 库或弹 药库,以发现地雷和集束弹药等危险库存和装备,并根据特派团监督武器 [...] 禁运的任务规定加强特派团的检查能力(见 S/2009/603)。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also recommended the [...] inspection of the arms or ammunition depots of the Armed Forces of [...]the Democratic Republic of the [...]Congo for dangerous stocks and equipment, such as landmines and cluster munitions, and the strengthening of the Mission’s inspection capacity in connection with its arms embargo monitoring mandate (see S/2009/603). daccess-ods.un.org |
美国新的《核态势评估报 [...] 告》继续强调保持核武器,依赖过时的威慑政策,调拨数十亿美元来实现美 国武 器库的现 代化,将核武器的削减限制为退役,这样做回避消除这些武器的义务, [...] 新的《核态势评估报告》为保持核武器提出了新的借口,这些清楚地表明,美国 [...] 会继续其不遵守第六条规定的义务的政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | The continued emphasis of the new United States Nuclear Posture Review on maintaining nuclear weapons, relying on the obsolete deterrence policy, allocating several billions of dollars to [...] the modernization of the [...] United States arsenals, limiting the reductions of nuclear weapons to [...]decommissioning them and, by [...]doing so, evading the obligation to eliminate them, and raising new excuses for keeping nuclear weapons in the new Nuclear Posture Review, are clear indications of the United States policy to continue its non-compliance with its obligations under article VI. daccess-ods.un.org |
得知 Bulimasu 中校未能控制第 112 团武器库后,Ringo 指挥官离开菲齐,前 [...] 往乌维拉,听取 Byamungu 上校进一步指示。 daccess-ods.un.org | Bulimaso had failed in taking control over the [...] 112th regiment’s weapons depot, Commander [...]Ringo departed from Fizi for Uvira to obtain [...]further instructions from Col. daccess-ods.un.org |
摩洛哥在 1 月初声称已消灭一个距阿尤恩约 220 公里、护堤以西 35 [...] 公里处 由 27 名成员组成的恐怖团伙及其武器库, 并声称来自基地组织马格里布分支的 [...]外国势力可能已经渗透到西撒哈拉。 daccess-ods.un.org | Early in January, Morocco claimed that it had dismantled a 27-member [...] terrorist ring with arms caches some 220 kilometres [...]from Laayoune and 35 kilometres [...]west of the berm, alleging that foreign elements from Al-Qaida in the Maghreb cells might have infiltrated Western Sahara. daccess-ods.un.org |
多米尼加欢迎核武器国家采取的积极步骤,特别是 美国和俄罗斯联邦两国政府达成协议削减其战 略武 器库,并 鼓励加强和逐步扩大这些协定的范围。 daccess-ods.un.org | It welcomed the positive steps taken by the nuclearweapon States, particularly the agreement by the Governments of the United [...] States and the Russian Federation [...] to reduce their arsenals of strategic weapons, and encouraged [...]the strengthening and gradual expansion of such agreements. daccess-ods.un.org |
同一人士表示,恩塔甘达将军会后派 Bulimasu 中校前往南基伍省 Lulimba 的第 112 团,以便夺取该团的武器库。 daccess-ods.un.org | Bulimaso to [...] the 112th regiment to Lulimba in South Kivu with the intent of seizing the regiment’s weapons depot. daccess-ods.un.org |
取得交付这些武器的确凿证据有困难,原因是无法进入据说正义与平等 运动的军事行动比较活跃的地区(主要是利比亚南部和东南部),无法检查达尔 富尔武装反对团体的武器库,该 区域活跃的不同武装行为体之间也没有明确的 划分。 daccess-ods.un.org | Securing definitive evidence of these weapons transfers is difficult because of the impossibility of accessing the areas where JEM was said to be militarily active (mostly southern and south-eastern [...] Libya) or of gaining [...] access to the weapons stores of Darfur armed opposition groups and the lack of clear delineation among the different armed actors active [...]in the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 在本报告所述期间,以总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡、国防部部长埃胡德·巴 [...] 拉克和不管部部长约西·佩莱德为首的以色列高级官员加剧了对黎巴嫩的威胁,这 个控制着中东最大常规武器库及核 武库 的 以 色列甚至威胁要摧毁黎巴嫩的基础设 施。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) During the reporting period, senior Israeli officials, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defence Minister Ehud Barak and Minister without Portfolio Yossi Peled, escalated the level of threats against Lebanon to the point [...] that Israel, which controls [...] the largest arsenal of conventional and nuclear weapons in the Middle [...]East, even threatened to [...]destroy Lebanon’s infrastructure. daccess-ods.un.org |
巴基斯坦在发言中确认,它不愿意参加谈判裂变 [...] 材料禁产条约协定的下一个步骤,尽管整个国际社会 认为,这一步骤是必要的,以便共同朝减 少 武器库的 目标迈进。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its statement, Pakistan confirmed that it did not want to participate in the next step of negotiating an agreement on a fissile material cut-off treaty, despite the fact that such a [...] step is deemed necessary by the entire international community in order to move [...] collectively towards reducing arsenals. daccess-ods.un.org |
有大量文件证明,某些西方 国家、特别是美国和欧洲联盟的两个核武器成员国联 合王国和法国为以色列政权提供援助与合作,就是一 [...] 个生动的例证;以色列政权除了拥有未接受保障监督 的核方案以外,还拥有世界上最大的 核 武器库 存之 一。 daccess-ods.un.org | A living example is the well-documented assistance and cooperation provided by certain Western countries — in particular the United States and the two nuclearweapon States members of the European Union, the United Kingdom and France — to the Israeli regime, which, in [...] addition to having an unsafeguarded nuclear programme, possesses one of the [...] world’s largest stockpiles of nuclear weapons. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们在修订我们的 国家立法和使其与国际规定相适应方面,在建 立 武器 数据 库和检查清单方面,以及在建立管 理 武器库 存和 打击跨界犯罪的国家能力方面都需要帮助。 daccess-ods.un.org | We need help in revising and harmonizing our [...] national legislation to [...] international provisions, in establishing an arms database and checklist, and in national capacity-building [...]to manage stockpiles [...]and combat cross-border crime. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列继续执行其咄咄逼人的军事政策,不断增 加其大规模的常规武器库和非常规 武器库 , 以及大规 模杀伤性武器——尤其是核武器及其运载工具的储 存。 daccess-ods.un.org | Israel is continuing its aggressive military policy of building up its large arsenal of both conventional and non-conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction, in particular nuclear weapons and their means of delivery. daccess-ods.un.org |
我国渴望在全世界实现和平与安全,我们深信,如果核武器和其他致人死 命、散布恐怖和毁灭的大规模毁灭性 武器库 仍 存在,那么这一目标将无法实现。 daccess-ods.un.org | My country yearns for peace and security across the world and is fully convinced [...] that this goal will not be [...] achieved with arsenals of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction [...]that kill and spread fear and destruction. daccess-ods.un.org |